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SCE Japan President teases “various” unannounced PS4 titles / Expansion in Asia

I would say no chance of this happening as Dark Souls 2 is being released and Sony lost their chance when they disregarded the original.

Dark is the natural progression from Demon's anyway...

Several insiders have said Demons Souls 2 is underway and Miyazaki has to be doing something.

I think it will happen seeing how the large portion of the community did prefer demons souls to dark souls.


Japanese centric games are mainly handheld/mobile games. Many big franchises lost their momentum anyway, so its not a big deal if there are no FFs at launch available. I dont think Sony or anybody could develop 20 jrpgs just for launch, they will come in the next one or two years. Japanese devs need to get used to PS4 as well.

If anything the X84 hardware should make it easier for a lot of Japanese devs out there, especially the ones who often did PC ports like Capcom.

Along with FF, but as long as the usual third party franchises like Tales, MGS, Resident Evil and etc are on the system, it shouldn't do too badly. That said, it still needs more.

As I said before, they just need a steady stream of games in order for them not to have a Wii U situation where one worthwhile game gets released on the system every 4-5 months.
Several insiders have said Demons Souls 2 is underway and Miyazaki has to be doing something.

I think it will happen seeing how the large portion of the community did prefer demons souls to dark souls.

I hope you are right - would be nice to see what can be done on Sonys new beast of a machine. I assume it would be PS4 only, right?


Japanese centric games are mainly handheld/mobile games. Many big franchises lost their momentum anyway, so its not a big deal if there are no FFs at launch available. I dont think Sony or anybody could develop 20 jrpgs just for launch, they will come in the next one or two years. Japanese devs need to get used to PS4 as well.

Well, both Tales and Yakuza are still +500k sellers. Final Fantasy is a wild card, we don't know how hurt the brand is in Japan, but at least 1 million sales is a now brainer (Type-0 sold like 800k units, right?). Gran Turismo isn't that big anymore, but there is still a loyal, but smaller, fanbase (the second entry usually sells less, but it's obvious that's not the only factor).

And there are other smaller franchises that still are homeconsole oriented. Like Atelier, musou games, fighting games, Persona (still, we don't know how popular it has become in the last few years) and a bunch more.

And we may see more HD MegaTen games if they repeat their 6th gen strategy. After they released their first PS2 game (Nocturne), they started reusing assets and released Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Persona 3, 3 FES and 4. They can expand to the PS4 even if the games look like a PS3 games. <- This could not happen, obviously. But it could.

Jack cw

As I said before, they just need a steady stream of games in order for them not to have a Wii U situation where one worthwhile game gets released on the system every 4-5 months.
We will see about this. I still dont think that the lack of a steady stream of games was the main reason why WiiU failed and not only in Japan. I cant really predict how PS4 will perform there as its the only console with a serious chance thats going to launch there after 7 years and a somewaht unpredictable market right now. I am not sure if the decade old idea of releasing steady streams of japanese tailored games will work right now, maybe its time for a bit more western flavour.


I would say no chance of this happening as Dark Souls 2 is being released and Sony lost their chance when they disregarded the original.

Dark is the natural progression from Demon's anyway...
Not really. They offer different experience, and you see, some prefer Dark Souls over Demon's Souls and vice versa. What Sony need is to focus on that different element (Hub World as opposed to openworld, inventory weight, and Nexus). Releasing it as PS4 exclusives also helped a lot, but they must did this before Namco decided to release DaS 2 for PS4.
Of course. It might not even be Demons Souls but a Miyazaki PS4 title.

I buy PS4 right away for a new Miyazaki's title


keep your composure gaf

I don't know. I think it would be a lot more surprising if he announced Japan Studio weren't making any games for PS4 and instead just sitting on their arse all day drinking coffee.

Game developers making games is kind of their job.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Well, they have to have something besides the launch and MGS in March. If it weren't for Tecmo Koei, PS4 would have had the same amount of announcements as Wii U since TGS. Which is 0. No, not 0 important games. 0 in general. 2015 will have massive titles for sure, but 2014 could be baaaaaaaaaaad if things don't change soon.


Well, they have to have something besides the launch and MGS in March. If it weren't for Tecmo Koei, PS4 would have had the same amount of announcements as Wii U since TGS. Which is 0. No, not 0 important games. 0 in general. 2015 will have massive titles for sure, but 2014 could be baaaaaaaaaaad if things don't change soon.

March also has Natural Doctrine.


Just like the 360?



Please Sony, stop with the teasing and give us some solid shit. Maybe I am just bitter about the last few hype trains resulting in nothing.


He said announcements, though. And he has a point. Sony's been quiet for a REALLY long time. Is this what dominance leads to? Four months of silence on your schedule for the next 11 months?
Tell us the big announcements of MS and Nintendo for comparison.
He said announcements, though. And he has a point. Sony's been quiet for a REALLY long time. Is this what dominance leads to? Four months of silence on your schedule for the next 11 months?

Their western schedule is looking fine though and thats where they are "dominating" lol.

You forget that the Playstation is where it is due to third parties. Sure Sony may have a few SCEJ titles for PS4 this year like Hot Shots Golf but there barren schedule is due to the lack of third party announced games.

This alludes that they have other titles that they have not announced yet which is good. PS3 had an event in the summer where they announced a lot of games for later that year and next year.

Furthermore some people act like we know the entire 2014 lineup when its only January. Come on, be real.


Well, they have to have something besides the launch and MGS in March. If it weren't for Tecmo Koei, PS4 would have had the same amount of announcements as Wii U since TGS. Which is 0. No, not 0 important games. 0 in general. 2015 will have massive titles for sure, but 2014 could be baaaaaaaaaaad if things don't change soon.

Hopefully there's some game announcements soon. There's hardly any big announcements this time of the year though usually.


They want to make the Asia market bigger? Well, they can start by improving our R3 PS+ deals...Yakuza 1&2 HD in Japanese and Soul Sacrifice Chinese version!? Come on Playstation Asia, we are Asia, not Japan! How about some English titles?
Hell yeahhhhhhhhhhh!! What ive been waiting for! Their asian development team needs to expand immensely to at least match their american brothers.

I don't think they need to 'match' SCEA developers, because the US division is bigger. I think getting Japan Studio running smoothly and efficiently should be their main aim, and probably growing the studio to a point where they could efficiently have, say, four major home console and two major portable games being internally developed at any one time. That's not including quirky digital games or SCEJ produced, externally developed games like Soul Sacrifice, Tokyo Jungle or Rain. And I'm not including Polyphony in any of this.

I would say no chance of this happening as Dark Souls 2 is being released and Sony lost their chance when they disregarded the original.

Dark is the natural progression from Demon's anyway...

I think Yoshida recognises that it was a mistake not to support the original Demon's Souls, and that the brand has become pretty strong over the past few years. Sony could certainly use a premier ARPG of its ilk, and there's probably enough talent at Japan Studio to handle this themselves. I doubt From would be working on it though, as they co-own the Dark Souls brand with Namco and would probably rather focus on their own property.

Several insiders have said Demons Souls 2 is underway and Miyazaki has to be doing something.

I think it will happen seeing how the large portion of the community did prefer demons souls to dark souls.

I think they're both great games but I much preferred Demon's. In my opinion they're different enough to co-exist. Although I think it's been alluded to that Miyazaki is working on another old Namco IP. Do we know how many staff are at From; i.e. to gauge whether they could develop Dark Souls II, Demon's Souls 2 and whatever Armoured Core games are in the works all at the same time? I assume the teams for Souls and Armoured Core are separate?

HassanJamal said:
What, no love for Rouge Galaxy sequel?

I really loved the style and ideas of Rogue Galaxy, but I never played that far into it because the level design did my head in. Going to explore strange new planets is awesome, but when you get there running down literal straight corridors is not fun at all. This bothered me in Dark Chronicle (aka Dark Cloud 2) as well, but it was much more pronounced in RG.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Tell us the big announcements of MS and Nintendo for comparison.

"But mom, a bunch of other kids got Cs!" <--- This didn't work when we were children, why do people use this now? I don't care about MS and Nintendo is lols. (I like them, but counting on them for announcements is silly.)

Their western schedule is looking fine though and thats where they are "dominating" lol.

You forget that the Playstation is where it is due to third parties. Sure Sony may have a few SCEJ titles for PS4 this year like Hot Shots Golf but there barren schedule is due to the lack of third party announced games.

This alludes that they have other titles that they have not announced yet which is good. PS3 had an event in the summer where they announced a lot of games for later that year and next year.

Furthermore some people act like we know the entire 2014 lineup when its only January. Come on, be real.

Eh, it is what it is. I've got a console sitting here collecting dust but I'm not making that big of a deal about it. Slow starts are common.

There's always a reason to get hyped :)

I just know how gaf can turn this into the next big thing with rumoured announcements of Crash, WipeOut PS4 and the return of Eight Days

Fair enough. I know they've got 20 exclusive titles coming this year and we know like...half? There's plenty to come.
Eh, it is what it is. I've got a console sitting here collecting dust but I'm not making that big of a deal about it. Slow starts are common.

Yes it is what it is. We do not know the entire 2014 lineup so stop acting obtuse like we do.

That goes for all consoles.
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