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FLICK THE SWITCH: the secret TRUTH about performance gains corrupt mods hide from YOU


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

All this information is from a spanish website:http://soloxboxone.com/llego-la-hora-este-es-el-rendimiento-real-de-xbox-one-con-directx-12/

They claim this information is from an insider developer who works for this site occasionally.This information is "official" from documents of ms to the developers like the picture you can see.(they say)

The information more relevant via google translator:

Recently, Microsoft has released a new full manual on DirectX 12 for developers where finally puts us real examples of numbers and performance.

According to the documents we have been able to access the new Direct3D API will be the heart of DirectX 12. So far nothing we did not know already, but what is interesting is how does this new API to the console and allowing up to 50% extra CPU performance and up to 20% extra GPU.

In addition, Microsoft has continued to work on the tools to work with eSRAM console so it will be a new review which will optimize even more making it much easier in certain developments 1080p standard resolution is reached.
In addition, there is more data to extract the SDK provided by ID @ Xbox game developers such as the release of part of the memory stored in the NAND Flash 8GB chip we already knew its existence. These SDK confirm what many predicted. And this memory is currently used to record clips in Game DVR and DirectX 12 may use part of it for games but can not be used for the same functions as the DDR3 memory as this is rather slow.

Although not the only information we will share with you, if we wanted to mention improved multi-engine. With DirectX 12 This can be put to work in parallel with the 3D motor, computer and copy-latency engine speeding up the creation of each frame.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
That insider must be the same one talking to misterxmedia.


We'll see about that, but I am betting we will get at least decent improvements. I got pretty great improvements to my AMD PC when switching to DX12.


That is good news.
Now the US military can finally buy American Made consoles to create their hybrid supercomputer cluster instead of using the inferior Sony technology.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Surprised at all the posters nit believing. This is just fancy buzzwords for console optimization, which weve seen every generation. Im sure PS4 is getting better as well.


If it were anything other than DX12, I'd dismiss it in an instant. But DX12 is kinda cray, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if MS went with lower specs on the XB1 because they were planning for it to really shine when DX12 hits.

I'm not expecting a super machine--my GTX 970 could take on an army of duck-sized Xbox Ones--but I wouldn't be at all surprised to see these numbers with DX12 either. They're not that massive.


That screen cap has some weird mistakes, starting with "esRAM" instead of "eSRAM" down to the spelling errors ("frecuently", "september") and weird syntax.


Why hasn't MS allowed developers to tap into the second GPU? Only explanation is that they are waiting for DX12 to be adopted by developers so they can take full advantage of their SLI setup and leave the PS4 in the dust.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Why hasn't MS allowed developers to tap into the second GPU? Only explanation is that they are waiting for DX12 to be adopted by developers so they can take full advantage of their SLI setup and leave the PS4 in the dust.

Let me tell you something about NDAs. So there...




I'd be in the dick
If this was true, I don't think people like Phil Spencer would have said multiple times that DX12 isn't a big deal for XBO. Those are some serious gains and MS isn't one for modesty.


That screen cap has some weird mistakes, starting with "esRAM" instead of "eSRAM" down to the spelling errors ("frecuently", "september") and weird syntax.

Probable a spanish speaking person that wrote the text.

Frecuente (spanish for frequently)


Look at it again:

First couple of sentences sound like English, all the sentences following, starting with "For example...", sound like broken English with spelling mistakes.

Conclusion: Bullshit.


Hey, I fell for this before and even made a thread about it, although the information I got was based on someone relaying it (incorrectly) live on a blog during some Windows 10 conference. :p


This is just talking about improvements in the Xbone's API so I don't get where the skepticism is coming from. Actually, I do - Microsoft is invested into calling this the magical DX12 and ascribing all sorts of wonderful improvements because of that. The reality is a lot more mundane, and we should expect that PS4 and Wii U APIs have improved to similar degrees by now. In fact, the Wii U should have seen the greatest improvement because their development tools were pretty horrible at launch.

First couple of sentences sound like English, all the sentences following, starting with "For example...", sound like broken English with spelling mistakes.

Conclusion: Bullshit.
They're basically couching the language because the stated gains are only achievable using certain metrics. Again, there's nothing shady or even particularly noteworthy going on, but there's no reason to think that Microsoft is lying either.


If this was true, I don't think people like Phil Spencer would have said multiple times that DX12 isn't a big deal for XBO. Those are some serious gains and MS isn't one for modesty.
Yeah, the XB1 dev environment would have to be pretty terrible for them to gain that much. Considering the difference in multi-plats overall have performed as expected given the hardware difference, that would mean Sony's dev environment is equally terrible.


Look at it again:

First couple of sentences sound like English, all the sentences following, starting with "For example...", sound like broken English with spelling mistakes.

Conclusion: Bullshit.


Also, watermark. Legit as legit can be.
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