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Smash is a celebration of gaming! Which characters, stages, details make you happy?


Often when we talk about Smash, there’s a note of anticipation: “Who will they add next?” “What will they change?” “What will they improve?” But after years of agonizing speculation, I think it’s safe to say we can see most of the big picture at this point. The WiiU version has been out for about a year now, and while DLC surprises are inevitable (and hopefully plentiful!), there's already so much to love. I’d like us to take stock of all the ways Smash has delivered so far, and appreciate what we already have... Consider it an early Thanksgiving, for Sakurai!

A big part of Smash is fan service and wish fulfillment, so I want to know what things have brought YOU the most joy — be it a character or stage, certain details or design choices, or even features and functionality. Anything announced up through this point. Let’s take a moment to stop and smell the roses for what was one of our most hyped games!

I’ll start with four items that appealed to me, off the top of my head:


Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings:

I’ve gushed about this many times before, so I’ll keep it brief. A year has passed, and I still can’t believe they’re all in the game! But first, let’s look at the core concept: Bowser Jr. in the Junior Clown Car, complete with Mecha Koopas and a buttload of cartoon weaponry. Utter genius, and they squeezed so much in there: a cannon, buzzsaw, drills, wrecking balls, hammers, a grappling claw, a go-kart. Then you add in the Koopalings, Shadow Mario as a Final Smash, and… Well, I still can’t believe this is actually a thing. It’s like Sakurai reached into Plato’s Realm of Ideal Forms (the only thing I remember from high school philosophy class) and plucked the most delicious bit of fan service imaginable for a Mario nerd like myself (especially one with a soft spot for World — the Clown Car and Mecha Koopa are such iconic designs).



This is a character I wanted SO BADLY but didn’t expect, since past precedent and the Gematsu leak (remember that?) suggested Chrom would be the FE rep.
I still think the Gematsu leak was accurate at some point during development.
Kozaki’s art in Awakening is what drew me into the series, and Lucina is his strongest design, IMO. Every line in the costume guides the eye in a way that feels elegant and dynamic to me, from the stitches in the boots to the gold trim on the jacket and the lines in the bodysuit. I just like looking at her outfit — it feels like some kind of medieval superhero. It was something I wanted to control beyond the turn-based confines of FEA. Those ARE high-tops built into the boots, after all — makes you want to run and jump! And Smash delivered… She even redeemed Marth for me! I never gave him a fair shake in Melee or Brawl since his design didn’t click with me, but Lucina got me past that and opened my eyes to a super-fun play style (even if it’s not entirely the same — Marth being a tipper and all). Also, I like the fact she’s a strong female character humanized by a bit of doubt. I’m just amazed she got into the game.



The omission of Mewtwo was my biggest disappointment in Brawl (after Ridley failed to show up — he was in the clouds, dammit!). He was one of my mains in Melee, along with Bowser and Mr. G&W. Imagine my disappointment, then, when it seemed he had slipped through the cracks again in Smash 4… and then my elation when he was announced as DLC. He was free DLC, too, but I would’ve gladly paid money for him… Like, stupid money. Everything about Mewtwo is badass in a way that tickles my inner child, from his menacing laugh to the BEST MOVE EVER (see screenshot). Also, they changed Confusion so reflected projectiles actually hurt people now. Science be praised! On a side note, I succumbed to filthy amiibo addiction and picked up his amiibo (along with Shulk… and ZSS… and Bowser Jr… and Captain Falcon… and…) I highly recommend the amiibo if you’re a Mewtwo fan, and they don’t seem too hard to find!



The man of the hour. Cloud’s reveal last week was HYPE AS HELL. I was clutching the sides of my laptop and stifling a squeal when they showed him. And unlike many of the live reactions, I wasn’t constantly looking away — my eyes and ears were inhaling every detail as my mind struggled to process what was happening. It was borderline transcendent… Glorious madness.

And here’s the thing: I’m not even a FFVII fan! I played a half-hour of it as a kid when my friend brought over his PSX. I’ve watched Advent Children countless times, mainly for the spectacle (certainly not for the story), and I’ve always liked the look and feel of FFVII, but I wouldn’t call myself a proper fan.

Going back to my childhood for a moment, though, I think that’s why I’m thrilled by Cloud in Smash. It’s not me rooting for the character himself; it’s me rooting for the feels he gives me as I think back to simpler times, when I was a kid and the world was no more complicated than the cosmic battle between good and evil: The N64 and the PSX. Yep, back then I was a console warrior — Link and I vs. my heathen friends and their false idol Cloud. It’s a time I associate with FFVII imagery because it was so ubiquitous — I’d see it on TV commercials, in POP displays, in EGM (and secretly, I’d think it looked cool). I’d enroll in Camp Hyrule (anyone remember Camp Hyrule?) and befriend people who would role-play as FFVII characters. So the exposure was constant, and I came to like the game’s characters and world through osmosis. And now I associate it with a more innocent time.

That, along with the gravity of Cloud in a Nintendo game — a feat Sony couldn’t manage with PSABR, and after the bad blood of Yamauchi swearing off Square — makes this whole reveal the stuff of legend. Anyone who was a gamer in the N64 days can appreciate the magnitude of this move. And I imagine I’m not the only one eager to see Cloud throw down with Link, a matchup we feverishly debated on the playground in middle school but never thought we’d see in a game. It’s perfect, and I really hope we hear a release date soon! I’m also stoked about the Midgar stage, since I’ve always loved the summon designs in Final Fantasy. Did they have that painterly Vanillaware look in the original game? I don’t think so, but it’s gorgeous!


So anyways, those are my first four picks. What elements of Smash 4 really make you happy? What elements impress you with their cleverness or make you feel like a kid again? Remember, they don’t have to be characters. They can be stages, trophies, modes, music — anything!


Right out of the gate, with the boots! Never change, Neiteio.

I think it's all of it. Every character, every stage, every item, every trophy... Even the things that are copy and pasted are brought in with a great amount of care and love (With the exception of some series getting snubbed musically, with Wario, DK, Sonic, Metroid, and Street Fighter being the biggest examples).

However, something about seeing the Duck Hunt Dog in HD really brought a smile to my face, so I guess it's him.


Nothing that originated from Smash 4. The old ones were all pretty special to me though in their various ways. Brawls Roster and Melee's New Content and unlocking.


My favorite detail is the treatment third party characters such as Pac-Man, Sonic, Ryu, Mega Man, and now Cloud get a balanced presentation of looking polished and at their best, while keeping a smell of old tradition with them; especially on their sound effects.

  • Sonic still makes the classic jumping sounds from the Genesis.
  • Ryu's punches sound crunchy as if they were straight out of an arcade cabinet.
  • Mega Man's movements are perfectly accurate to his NES behavior making it somehow even more robotic and ideal.
  • Pac-Man's noises are primal as they were in 1980.
  • And now Cloud seems to keep visuals and sounds from Final Fantasy VII with those midi tunes.

It's a wonderful balance of optimization while keeping the roots, it demonstrates a lot of respect towards them.

You can find the same on the music. SSB4 did a great job on not trying too hard on making it "epic" like in Brawl making it a bit too orchestrated imo.

I think Ryu's theme is a great example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cybAa4_t7Sc


welcome back neiteio

boots boots boots. missed you old bean.

Anyway, yeah. Shulk, fuck yes. Snake. Everything about Snake in Brawl. Nevermind I didn't really like playing Brawl - hell, I barely knew Metal Gear before Brawl. Now that I think about it, I'm kinda certain Brawl got me properly into Metal Gear... SAKURAIIIII!!!!!!!


Melee's trophy section was absurd. I was seven when I first played Melee and I must have read that game's trophy section dozens upon dozens of times. And the care and attention to detail shown with the trophies was second to none. Smash 4 is really good at this too but I'm not seven anymore so my admiration is a bit tempered nowadays.

Smash 4 has really neat touches. Shulk's awkward jumping animation being taken from the game is a really cool touch. A lesser game would have given him a normal animation I feel like.


It's all of it for me.

Smash 4 gives me the feels I had playing 64 with my friends in elementary school. Only now all of our stupid debates about what video game characters could beat each other up are now a reality. I flipped my collective shit with megaman and ryu especially. Now cloud is in the game?! I remember Sakurai saying all dlc will be fan service, but man...talk about the BEST fan service one could ask for.

Whether or not you like smash 4 as competitive or casual or whatever, the roster will go down in history as one of the coolest rosters a fighting game could and will ever had.

I mean mother fucking CLOUD STRIFE is about throw down with mario, ryu, megaman, sonic, captain falcon, rosalina, samus ect. I still can't process how awesome that is to say.



Everything about the Rosalina trailer for some reason left the biggest impression, besides the double fakeout with Air ride music and making it look like Mario kart Smash bros, there was a weird Disney-ish quality to it.


I'm really glad that DK has a roll attack now. I can't believe it took until the 4th game.

I also love everything about Duck Hunt. Every single frame of Duck Hunt's animations are a silly cartoon brought to life (Play online with lag to really appreciate it). It's a graceful retro update that is on the level of Pit in Brawl and I'd say even Falcon in Smash 64.

Cloud is Smash is amazing. It makes me sad that people are so grumpy about it. I always wanted a Black Mage or a Chocobo for a FF rep (and I still do), but Cloud is gonna be great.

Mii fighters are really fun. Way better than I ever would have expected them to be.

The huge number of characters in the game now is amazing. I never would've imagined over 50 characters. I was playing with some friends for about 2 hours over the weekend, just hitting random each time. It was very refreshing.

Thanks for making a positive thread about Smash. The last couple of days in the Cloud thread of shitposts about who deserves to be in and who doesn't have been a huge turn off.
On mobile, but I knew this was as a neiteio thread

Megaman's and Cloud's faithfulness to their source materia makes me smile and I've barely/never played their games, respectively.


Everything about the game makes me happy. Smash in general makes me a happy gamer.

And yeah, welcome back from the shadow realm!
Me and some of my friends from school still get together once a quarter, order in a load of pizza and play Smash to the early hours. I love it.

Hard to pick a single highlight, playing as Ganon is always fun as he is just so freakishly powerful and never got a chance to wield that power in the Zelda games. As a player is a great alternative perspective! The music selection too, it puts other games to shame.
Everything about the game makes me happy.

Except for the part when I play it...I have not been a fan of it since the original, and even then it was just novel because it was new. I wish they would just make this kind of mash up game that plays like something that controls well, and doesn't feel so floaty.
Though not directly tied to the games, I love the dedicated directs for smash 4. Like, everyone comes together to see what is in store, and through it all it reminds me just how special this game is, and how it can bring so much
joy to everyone.


Smash 4 has really neat touches. Shulk's awkward jumping animation being taken from the game is a really cool touch. A lesser game would have given him a normal animation I feel like.

The little details and touches are what separate Smash from the rest. The small details that most people won't noticed at first are what give all of the characters like. Small details like Ryu parrying when he powershields and Pit having his unique dodging sounds from Uprising makes me smile everytime.


There'd be no end to the posts I'd submit if I described all in this series that gives me joy.

But I'm going to mention something. There was a remix in Brawl, Tunnel Scene, based on a song from an extremely obscure Game Boy title named X. Back in the Dojo, Sakurai said:

My song choices for this game were made very carefully after surveying song popularity, using opinions submitted to the Smash Bros. web site and listening to the songs themselves.

But there are also some songs I added based entirely on my own whims. This one song is from a Japan-only Game Boy game called X. If a song is good, that’s enough for me.

It's endlessly endearing to me that Sakurai can put cherished tunes from his personal youth in the game. So, Brawl comes out, and two years later, a freakin' sequel to that game comes out, X-Scape, for the DSi. Which now has its own rendition of the Tunnel theme featured in Smash 4. Crazy timing. I'm just imagining Sakurai going crazy with nostalgia for the sequel, and with childish glee, asking the Smash staff to put that song in this game.


There was a ton of care and effort put into this game (and they still are). Too often we take this game for granted, debating why some characters get in or don't, etc.

BTW, if I remember correctly, was there not an interview with Sakurai last year regarding the dlc where he basically said from this point onwards, it would be nothing but fanservice? Cause I would certainly call Cloud the epitomy of that. Makes you wonder what else is in store. He also said there would only be "several more characters" but that's hardly enough to judge exactly how many more there will actually be.


Just the fact that there's a game with Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man, Mega Man, and now Ryu and Cloud, makes me more happy than I could be with Smash 4.


go finish ff7

Also while Cloud being in Smash is hard to beat, the Pac-Man trailer really hit me in that warm snuggly place being the old arcade fart that I am.


The little details and touches are what separate Smash from the rest. The small details that most people won't noticed at first are what give all of the characters like. Small details like Ryu parrying when he powershields and Pit having his unique dodging sounds from Uprising makes me smile everytime.
My favorite little detail is that the start of Ryu's running animation is done so that if you only do quick dashes repeatedly, it matches up exactly with how he dashes across the screen in Street Fighter III.


Nothing that originated from Smash 4. The old ones were all pretty special to me though in their various ways. Brawls Roster and Melee's New Content and unlocking.

The new single player content is wack, most of the music is reused, and the roster additions dont appeal to me at all some of them I actively hate, not to mention that one of the characters that was a dream addition in Brawl for me Wolf was removed so yes Smash 4 really didnt do it for me.


A number of things made me happy:
-A 3DS Version: Allowed me to experience the game and what pushed me into getting a 2DS last fall. It was either that or nothing (couldn't afford a Wii U and still torn on getting it or a PS4 next year), so I'm very happy that a 3DS version of the game existed (even if it meant that Ice Climbers (and likely Corus Kids) were cut.
-DLC: Love the fact that more characters came after launch. Gave the game new life and pushed me to keep on playing at least once or twice a day.
-Roster: Love the character line up. Sonic felt a lot better then he did in Brawl, Pac-Man & Mega Man became quick favorites, Shulk was really fun to play as and the other newcomers were welcome additions to the line up.
-Ryu and Cloud: Both were characters that surprised me and are great additions to the roster. The former fits very well while the latter is a genuine surprise.
-Stage Line Up & Omega Mode: Like the Omega Mode option as it lets me play great matches all the while enjoying the wide awry of music the game offers.
-Music: Even the 3DS version has a great score due to how much music is in the game. The Wii U version is even more impressive (almost 500+ tracks. Thats ALOT!).

Mory Dunz

- Probably the CG trailers of differing art styles
- and 3rd Party iconic characters

Oh, and the hit effects. The animations for special effects that go into every move are amazing. You don't even notice them until you play an old smash game again and go "what...something is missing every time I attack"


Robin and Lucina's joint reveal followed later by Shulk making it into the game at all were pretty magical.

Pikachu having Gold's hat hits my nostalgia.

Roy and the Great Ocean making their return also panders to me.

By far my favorite trophy, the fact that this game was acknowledged made me happy.



Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own

Everything about the Rosalina trailer for some reason left the biggest impression, besides the double fakeout with Air ride music and making it look like Mario kart Smash bros, there was a weird Disney-ish quality to it.

I believe they purposely didnt include the smash logo strike thing at the beginning too in the stream, so people were really tripping out with the kirby air ride thing.


I will probably never be more pumped about a game as I was when Ike got revealed for Brawl. Seems obvious now, but at the time he was the main character from one of the worst selling entries in a niche franchise, which happened to be my favorite game of all time.

I've always really liked Mac's wireframe alt, a funny tribute to the original PO!! from the arcades.

A lot of nice little touches, like the sound effects on Straight Lunge, Rising Uppercut and and Jolt Haymaker being replaced with 8-bit noises and Doc Louis actually having special lines in the result screens when wearing the costume ("You're lookin' mighty good, son. Just like old times, huh?").


The insane soundtrack. I don't buy DLC levels for play as much, but the extra songs.

As for smaller things, the fact we got Wii Fit trainer of all characters delights me


Also, I really appreciate that DLC characters don't have any presence whatsoever if you haven't bought them. I always hated how most fighting games have them grayed out in the character select as if to constantly shout at you "Hey! Your game isn't complete, give us more money!"
Neiteio's back! :D

Cloud is the stuff of legend. Jaw was on the floor during the whole trailer (which was masterful btw - it had me thinking it was just the FF7 PC port coming to Wii U or something).

It's just crazy how much stuff is packed in there. His limit breaks are represented (with what looks to be a character-specific mechanic?), and the summons on the Midgar stage...I may have passed out when I saw Bahamut. and not just any Bahamut...BAHAMUT FUCKIN' ZERO WITH THE TERA FLARE. That shit got me through Ruby Weapon as a kid (I don't believe he can counter it with an insta-kill Ultima like he can with KotR :p).

Pokemon Trainer was my favourite contribution to Smash by far, but he's gone now :(

I'm really happy that Toon Link made it into the series, since he's my favourite Nintendo character.

I'm grateful for Smash 4 for finally getting me into the Fire Emblem series with Lucina. She has an awesome character design, personality and voice and I'm pretty glad that I have a female character to use in Smash for the first time!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Robin and Lucina's joint reveal followed later by Shulk making it into the game at all were pretty magical.

Pikachu having Gold's hat hits my nostalgia.

Roy and the Great Ocean making their return also panders to me.

By far my favorite trophy, the fact that this game was acknowledged made me happy.


yea, tho I wish they were atleast ATs, im glad the rest of the rainfall games got representation.


Everything...but most importantly being able to beat the crap out of people with my favorite characters and Peach lol.


But to be on topic, I love pretty much everything about Smash, the core gameplay, the care the team puts into the characters, the fact that there's fucking XENOBLADE, in Smash, I love how Ness and Falcon are portrayed, there's Wonderful 101 music in the game!

All the third parties! Snake, Mega Man, Cloud (Kind of amazing that it even happened), Pac-Man, Ryu! Sanic (Except fuck his neutral game, fuck sanic)

There's the legend:


The Hero:


The heropon's sidekick:


But above else, I LOVE

this shit
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