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Would you ever want to swim with sharks?

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Watching a nature show and just don't get how people want to do that. Ya sharks are amazing and all that but I would never want to freely swim with them.




Done, it was humbling, not majestic or pleasant, just humbling. A little scary the first time when you are returning to surface and you see the silhouette pass over you.


Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain.


Ehhhhh I'll pass. If I want to see them I'll just go to an aquarium with one of those shark tube things. Those are cool and I get to stay dry and out of danger.
Ive snorkeled with whale sharks, but those are harmless....but if I had the opportunity to do a caged swim with sharks...I would totally do it.


Yep. As long as you're with professionals guiding you it'd be cool.

And for those talking about repellent, harpoons and the like - take the biggest, strongest magnet you can. I'm not sure if it applies to all sharks (and it might be better to have a magnet you can suddenly switch on and off) but I know they hate them. They've got receptors and sensing organs in their snouts to help them hunt and I saw on a documentary that bringing a magnet near their face was a good way to scare them off without permanently hurting them. They reacted as if it had been a short, sharp electric shock.
I always wondered how they get the sharks to appear and swim around you in the ocean? Like, do they feed them or use some odour to raise their bloodlust and hunger and throw you down there? Or do the sharks work for those guys abd they have regular working hours and weekend pay and all that shit.




Ehhh I don't know about that. I've thought about it before, but it seems like one of those things where I'd be psyched about it up until it happened, but then when I got the wet suit on, I'd be like "What the fuck am I doing?!"


Eh sure why not, I've done worse shit with my life. Great incentive to burn some extra calories as well.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I've thought about it, it would depend on what sort of sharks are trying to be attracted/in the area. Tigers/Hammerheads/Great whites I would literally shit myself, other variants I think it would be an awesome experience.

Also, what kind of shark is in the second pic of OP?


Yes, I've done it more times then I can count.

Last dive I did was with Hammer Heads. Wish I could have caught some on camera. Though, I've been on a few dives in various places with them. Did get some videos of the schools of White Tip Reef Sharks though. They are about 1.5m


Edit: Id like to do some cage diving with Great Whites. One day!


Yeah, I've done.
Though I didn't go play with great whites or anything, you can do it in a very safe manner.
And it's fucking awesome.

Speaking of great whites, I really want to see one through cage diving, I'm planning to try this year in South Africa.
Yes, I've done it more times then I can count.

Last dive I did was with Hammer Heads. Wish I could have caught some on camera. Though, I've been on a few dives in various places with them. Did get some videos of the schools of White Tip Reef Sharks though. They are about 1.5m


Edit: Id like to do some cage diving with Great Whites. One day!

Nice video. I know we are not sharks natural food source and if they attack it's because biting is there only way of testing something but I couldn't bring myself to do it.


i won't swim in the ocean or even go past my knees. no water sports, etc. so im missing out.

i have an issue sometimes in a pool where i will scream and spaz out and get the fuck out of there. that has happened in a like as well, i have to wear water shoes, can't have my toes touch icky stuff.

one of those crazy things that i cannot control, even when i know logically there are no sharks.

fuck sharks!


Nice video. I know we are not sharks natural food source and if they attack it's because biting is there only way of testing something but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Yea, its also being aware of what you potentially are diving with. I know they are animals but just like other animals every breed is different. Most hammerheads aren't aggressive so a lot of people will dive with them. I remember the first time I saw one. They hadn't seen one in years and we saw 2 on 2 separate dives. Was really pretty.

But other sharks like Bull Sharks and Tiger Sharks, f' that. Those sharks are known to be aggressive and are the ones likely to attack you. Great Whites have a bad name, but I would rather be in the water with a Great White then those other two.

Thanks on the video comment! I have so many that I've been meaning to upload. Just no time!


I got bit by one in Florida. Thankfully it was a little shark, and it seemingly only bit me because I accidentally kicked it while swimming.
Fucking no, absolutely not. I don't have any shark phobia or anything, and I grew up swimming at the beach all the time, but why the fuck would you ever swim with sharks? They kill people all the time (where I live in Western Australia there's a shark attack story on the news every month or so). Why would you do it? Why? People don't go running with lions or climbing with bears.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Was snorkeling off a pearl farm platform in bora bora and I looked over and ten feet from me was a shark just swimming around being a shark and shit. Just doing shark stuff. Being all sharky. Previous to this incident, I thought that if I saw a shark I'd panic and swim for shore but it turns out my initial reaction was to swim towards it so I could take a better picture of it. It was just so cool to see this creature swimming around in the wild.


I've swam with sharks. Off shore of Brisbane in Spring we get lots of grey nurse around 2 - 2.5 m. They look scary in photos, but are completely docile in person. They'll swim away if you get too close. Going inside WWII wrecks is way scarier and just as cool as the sharks.


I've swam with sharks. Off shore of Brisbane in Spring we get lots of grey nurse around 2 - 2.5 m. They look scary in photos, but are completely docile in person. They'll swim away if you get too close. Going inside WWII wrecks is way scarier and just as cool as the sharks.

Was the wreck in Brisbane too?


Was the wreck in Brisbane too?
The wrecks were in the Phillipines. For getting a sense of the scale of WWII nothing comes close to exploring a 180m ship accessed through holes blown up from planes bombs. The impact holes could fit a family car and penetrate multiple decks. No sharks though. There's a place called Truk Lagoon were most of the divable Japanese wrecks are. There's even a destroyer! There you would get the sharks as well. The Phillipines have been over fished unfortunately. Or at least in the Pallawan Islands where I was. Still beautiful though.


Done it, multiple times. Never actually went looking for sharks, just found them while diving. Once we even went and touched them for a little bit, kind of a dumb move to be honest, but cool as balls.
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