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52 Games. 1 Year. 2017.

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Neo Member
1-3. Gears Trilogy
I have never played the Gears series and figured I'd start off the year by going through the original trilogy with a friend. I typically don't like cover shooters but gave it a chance. It was a blast and much more fun than I expected. Played 1 and 3 on Insane but my friend didn't have it unlocked for 2 so we just beat it on normal. The controls and gameplay continually improved over the course of the series. I also thought the story wasn't too bad. I would say I enjoyed Gears 3 the most.

4-5. halo 4-5
Big Halo fan since the glory days of 2-3, so I won't even start on what I like about this series. I played back through these a couple times over while on an achievement hunt. Beaten them on Solo Legendary before but figured I should still include them since I spent the better part of a day or two on them.

6. Gears Judgment
After a weekend break me and my friend continued our Gears adventure. Unfortunately it was more or less a disaster. I thought it was by far the worst in the series and obviously handed off to a B team of devs. I guess it wasn't one of the worst games I've ever played but it did make me throw up in my mouth a bit.

7. Titanfall 2
Where do I begin? For a franchise that's first installment didn't even have an actual campaign, they totally knocked it out of the park with this one. Amazing level design, beautiful environments, gameplay variety, amazing soundtrack and cast of characters, and the dynamic between pilot and titan is awesome. I actually cared about BT and the dialogue options and responses were a nice touch while not being forced on you. The story and characters like enemy Bosses were very well done. Gave me vibes of Halo 2, Half Life 2, and other great Golden Era FPS campaigns. Love the multiplayer even though it isn't as good as the original.

8. Dark Souls + Artorias of the Abyss
Always heard of the Souls games but never got the chance to try them. I even owned Demon Souls at one point but traded my PS3 in before ever getting around to play it. I finally came around after the big sale on Xbox Live for the holidays where I snagged DS2 SotFS for 16 bucks and DS3 plus the season pass for around 40. I already owned DS1 since it was a free GwG in the past. I looked into the dlc and even though it was still 15$ I went ahead and bought it after hearing how amazing, even though technically unnecessary, it is. All I can say is WOW! Amazing atmosphere and art design. Immediately fell in love with the combat. Spent the first session in the graveyard getting owned by skeletons and honing my swordsmanship. Then, I detoured to New Lando and fought ghosts for another few hours before finally realizing the futility. I even killed the Miracle guy with the bowl cut after he smarted off to me. By the time I found the right path to Undead Berg I was already a man. The enemy and boss design are top notch. The difficulty is not artificial and feels authentic. I love that it doesn't hold your hand and makes you explore and investigate and use trial and error to figure out what to do, how to fight, or where to go next. I only played a melee style and barely used any magic and had very low intellect. I didn't use ANY summons the entire playthrough or ever use a guide or video for help. I beat all dlc bosses including the black dragon. I loved the nods to Berserk like the skeleton wheels and Artorias. I could go on all day. I put this series right up there with Ninja Gaiden, one of my all time favorite series.

9. Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
I'll keep it short. Love this game but not as much as the first. Bosses were way easier on average. Spent a lot of time lost not knowing where to go. Still awesome world, story, and enemy design. Beat all the dlc and after getting all 3 crowns, relit the bonfire in Drangelic castle and refought both throne room bosses to fight the First Scholar.

10. Saban’s MMPR Mega Battle
Fun old school game, reminded me of TMNT Turtles in Time. Beat game and hit MAX level.

Currently playing Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and For Honor.


Full list.

10. Resident Evil: Revelations - ★★★
A safe, unambitious Resident Evil game that strikes a nice balance of horror and action. The cruise ship Queen Zenobia is one of the series' creepier settings, but the story does a bit of a disservice to the game's vibe. It's not so bad that it's good (RE1), and it doesn't seem to be knowingly cheesy (RE4). It's just bad. There's a character named Morgan and I swear at one point, someone calls him Morton.

11. Resident Evil 2 - ★★★★★
Probably my new favourite PS1 game. There's something really satisfying about thoroughly exploring and unraveling a video game environment, especially when you're left to your own devices. And there aren't many games that do it as well as Resident Evil (just Metroid Prime, Dark Souls, and some Zelda dungeons off the top of my head). I think the thing that puts Resident Evil 2 above 1 for me is that there are just more "moments" in RE2 like
the licker and the one-sided mirror, Mr. X bursting through walls, and the alligator
. It's such a tight experience from start to finish, basically a flawless game.

12. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - ★★★★
I didn't love the environments as much as I did in 1 and 2, and I don't think the level design is quite as strong since the backtracking is a bit lengthier and more linear. Otherwise, it's another excellent Resident Evil game. It introduced the quick turn to the series and the ability to walk on stairs freely, both great additions.

13. Furi - ★★
Furi felt so thoroughly up my alley, I'm surprised I didn't like it. It's a boss rush twin-stick shooter and melee combat game. Between each fight you watch a 3-5 minute cutscene in which your character slowly walks to the next boss. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure spouts some cryptic exposition about the world or your next opponent. The story's pretty bad, but it's presented as something cool and meaningful. There's some depth to the combat mechanics, but the fights are so scripted that there's basically no room for experimentation or creativity. It's also a very difficult game which I enjoyed for the most part, but when you're forced to repeat a 10 minute fight because you died to a boss's bullet hell finishing move, it becomes tedious.

14. Unravel - ★★★
Unravel doesn't have much to offer in terms of platforming and its puzzle solutions quickly become repetitive. There's only so many times you can create a yarn bridge to push an object across a gap before it stops being interesting (once). Most of the levels drag on a little too long and they're usually awkwardly paced. You'll get to a cool moment that seems like a good ending point, but then the level will go on a little longer before ending abruptly. I think there's still quite a bit of value in just marveling at the game's environments though. It looks amazing.


Game #18: DJMax Portable 3 (PSP) - ★★★★★★★★★★

Whoof, what a fun game. I bought it on a sale, and I am definitely glad that I did. Rhythm/music games are perhaps my favorite kinds of games, and DJMax Portable 3 plays very well and very intelligently. That I can adjust the speed so quickly and easily is great, and I love the options available for controls, with all of them being great.
Welcome to the club! Such a great series. Definitely keep an eye out for DJMAX Respect coming to PS4 this summer if you haven't played the earlier releases, the soundtracks are even better.
original post


Game 11: Nioh (PS4) - 50 hours

The comparisons have been made more often than necessary. But apart from its inspiration, Nioh still finds its own ways compared to Dark Souls. The weapons and their agility will remind you of Ninja Gaiden just as much as the addition of combos to the tactical real time fighting system. Considering that this game doesn't have a connected overworld, it's clear that the priority lies within its fighting, not within exploring like Dark Souls. And it does just that successfully. The abundance of options paired with micro-management can feel both satisfying and addictive if it works out the way you imagine. It does bring down the controls though, which don't feel as natural or smooth as in similar games. That's why the game is a little more frustrating than From's alternative, alongside an uneven difficulty. Other than that, the presentation lacks the elegance and budget of Bloodborne. Nioh tries a bit too hard to be spooky like From's games, which leads to a incoherent atmosphere between its story and levels. It really comes to together in the end though, when it goes fullblown Tecmo/Ninja Gaiden, and hopefully that's where a sequel builds upon. In relation to that, one must also commend that Nioh keeps getting better and a often criticized lack of enemy variety doesn't hurt in the face of its overall diversity of ideas.



Neo Geo game I have ever played.
Dear lord, take the worst aspects of Konami arcade beat'em-ups and multiply it by 11 and you get this game. Much like its successor, Ninja Commando, you don't have enough space to maneuver around to avoid enemy attacks. It doesn't help that you only have 4 friggin' hit points and consume one HP to perform an ultimate attack.
I have died and continued in this game so much that nothing short of a miraculous remake or remaster that fixes 99% of its problems would make me want to play this game ever again.



Best image I could find :p.
I actually played the Neo Geo ver. that is available in the ADK Damashi Compilation.
Lovely shmup game where the goal is to destroy enemies and have them turn into projectiles that fly at the opponent that is on the other half of the screen.
This is more of a competitive shmup style game than the regular fare but I really enjoyed my time with it. ADK teaming up with SNK lead to this cute little masterpiece and I recommend more people to give it a try.



GAME #12 - Hollow Knight - 15 Hours - 10/10 - 3/1/17

I bought Hollow Knight without looking that much into it. I only really saw the launch trailer for it, and I knew that it was a dark yet somewhat cute Metroidvania game, and that was about it. I figured I'd get through this in about 5-6 hours or so, and that'd be the end of it.

Boy, was I wrong.

The thing that drew me into Hollow Knight to begin with were the visuals. It's an unbelievably gorgeous game. Every thing oozes with flavor, with areas being foreboding and beautiful and enemies being creepy and cute. The sheer variety on display in Hollow Knight is astounding, with the game taking the player though lush gardens, fungus infested caves, dark and brooding Gothic architecture, unsettling mazes of caves filled with horrific bugs, crystal coated mines, and more. And each local is filled with unique enemies to kill and be killed by. For a Kickstarter funded game, Hollow Knight is utterly massive.

The gameplay is no slouch either though. Platforming is tight and traversal feels fun and rewarding once you get some abilities such as wall-jumping, air-dashing, a shinespark-like dash move, and more. Combat is engaging even with only a basic attack button and a handful of spells, with the player juggling getting hits in on enemies with their short range sword while still trying to stay far enough away to avoid getting hit. Death is punishing, with all of your money being left where you die and lost forever if you fail to get it back before dying again, in classic Souls fashion. But, unlike in the Souls games, the loot you lose isn't nearly as important as your souls are, for it's only uses in a handful of shops and unlocking some save points and fast travel locations (which aren't terribly expensive).

That's not to say the game is easy though, far from it. I didn't even attempt some of the hardest areas of the game, and I ended them game with only a 73% completion rating, but I was really struggling with a handful of the late game bosses and areas. Perhaps I'll go back to Hollow Knight and see the rest of it later on, but with Zelda approaching rapidly I have it put that on hold for now.

Still, this is a marvelous game that popped out of nowhere for me, and ended up being one of the best Metroidvanias I've ever played.



Game 13: Moirai (PC) 21/02/17 - 21/02/17 8 Minutes
I'm not sure if this even counts as a game completed but still a game on Steam which is free to play. I can't say anything about the game but to play it, it is worth the 10 minutes to play it.

Game 14: Dandy Dungeon: Legend of Brave Yamada (Android) 16/02/17 - 24/02/17
My mobile GOTY for this year. I've finished the main part of the game but now I'm just doing the extra special dungeons for extra loot and gear to change or upgrade my main character. I just can't stop playing it because it is so simple to play on the go but it can also be so challenging at the same time. It is free2play with IAP options and has an energy system to limit you from playing all the time until you purchase "ducks" to remove the energy system to allow you to freely play it. Just playing this until I get my Nintendo Switch and my copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Second update for February.

Main post|Backlog Blitz main post


Game Four
FIFA 17 [The Journey mode] (Xbox One) - February 4

★★★ 1/4 (3.25)

Until now, you could never really complete a FIFA game. It's continuous. And while that's for the most part the same with 17, I'm counting it here because of The Journey. And as first-time story inclusions go for FIFA, it was surprisingly good. Strung out a bit in the middle and towards the end, albeit less so than in the middle, but really good. You can tell EA were inspired by what 2K had done with NBA2K.

Thankfully, it paid off in spades and now it'll be interesting to see where they take this for FIFA 18 this September. Either way, interested to see what happens.


Game Five
Gears of War (Xbox One) - February 7

★★★ 1/4 (3.25)

The first time I've completed a Gears game since 2 (couldn't be arsed trying to finish 3 and didn't touch Judgment) so decided to catch up on the last two games story before playing 4 on YouTube and Wiki.

It was silly fun. Definitely the most I enjoyed a Gears of War game since 2 (had to be, I finished it for one). Didn't quite get the ending at first, but reading on it afterwards, it's interesting to see where they'll take the series from there.

But as a first game from The Coalition, it's not too bad. But man am I still tinged with a slight sense of regret we won't ever see them doing that Shanghai heist game teased at E3 a few years ago. Shame.


Game Six
Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox One) - February 9

★★★★1/2 (4.5)

Without doubt, the Forza Horizon series is, for me, the best racing series in gaming today. The past two games were genuinely incredible games and 3 is no different (the fact it came lower than the past two games did in my GOTY rankings last year - seventh in comparison to fourth and second respectively for FH1 and 2 - was merely an indicator of how good last year was for games).

Incredible cars. Incredible open-world. Incredible soundtrack. I am all ready for Forza Horizon 4 next year. Bring it on.



This is a short PnC Adventure game where Brexit has gone off the far end so much that the British Empire decides to expand into OUTER SPACE.
Unfortunately much of the humor is very on the nose, but I'd welcome a sequel if the humor is better.
Got my platinum trophy on Final Fantasy XV. Game was a blast and there's still stuff to do on it.

And seeing threads on GAF about the game are always a ride, some members seems to hold this game as the worst thing ever or something.

Anyway, onto Transformers: Devastation.
Main post


9. GamersGoMakers - 8 hours
Another G̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶D̶e̶v̶ ̶T̶y̶c̶o̶o̶n̶ Game Dev Story clone, played it through full timeline, from 80s to 2025, and managed to become an owner of multibillion dollar corporation. Main fun in this kind of games is to create your own story of success while using real game titles. I spent first ten in-game years trying to figure right combinations of game parts (like gameplay, graphics, sound, story, etc.) for each genre. You can also buyout rival studios, create your own console and become a publisher. Unfortunately, game have some major flaws, like clunky UI and wrong calculation of profits in stats pages. I think, that's a main problem of all game dev simulators - they are not perfect and have flaws in some fields, even Game Dev Tycoon, which is probably most polished game in this sub-genre, did some things even worse than GamersGoMakers. But they still fun to play for the first time, before you'll figure out right combinations for creating games with perfect scores. I spent 8 hours on this game and regret nothing, but i'll probably never come back and play it again.


Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series - PC - Completed Feb 24
This is the worst game I've ever finished. It's a technical mess! Yes, even by Telltale standards. I don't get how it can be so bad. Stuff and people appear and disappear randomly, everything is "jumpy" and the sound quality is terrible. Add to that a cast of people you wish would be killed by a dragon and a bad story that is slower than a snail. There is a slight hint of a good idea in here somewhere, but it just drowns in... shit.​

Just finished this too. Didn't know how well clandestine politicking would translate to this kind of adventure game, but I felt it was in keeping with the source material.

Played on PS4, and performance was okay, I've recently gone though their Batman game and this was loads better in performance terms.

I for one will applaud you and gladly agree! Did you play the K levels? They are brutal but sublime...

Yes, I did all the K levels. Was only really the fifith one (Platform Problems) that I had trouble with, the final K level I finished on my third attempt, bit disappointing really...


My February update - a slower month in terms of the raw number of games, but some that have had a fair amount of time sunk into them. I also made a start on FFXV, but haven't felt inn the right frame of mind to spend long enough with the game to see it through right now (I'll come back to it) and, most recently, am trying to finish up Dragon Quest Builders before Zelda (having failed to do so before Horizon: Zero Dawn).


11. Picross 3D Round 2 (3DS) - 5 February 2017
Platinum status (all puzzles completed on hard with rainbow jewels). Well, this was an impressive little time sink! Coming from playing through the original Picross 3D a while ago I knew pretty much what to expect, but the use of two colours now adds a good level of complexity. Very satisfying finally to complete the game!


12. Titanfall 2 (PS4) - 8 February 2017
Campaign completed on Master, with all collectibles... but sadly, I'm not going after the platinum trophy here - "...Becomes the Master" just isn't worth throwing myself against when I may never manage it. Regardless, this has been a standout FPS experience, which I've loved all the way through. It's a long time since I've played a game that made movement feel quite so good.


13. Kirby: Planet Robobot (3DS) - 15 February 2017
98% in-game completion rating - that's everything done, except for True Arena, which I'm not in the right mindset to throw myself against. A fairly easy, but fun game, as usual for the Kirby series, and building upon the already good Triple Deluxe. The robobot armour brings some enjoyable variety, while seeking out some of the well-hidden stickers makes exploring the levels fully nicely satisfying.


14. LIT (Steam) - 27 February 2017
All levels complete, within par time and step count. This is a decent enough little puzzle game, an iOS port, though rather short with only 16 levels. Having received this essentially for free in the aftermath of Gamepump's aborted launch, I can't complain about the price, though probably wouldn't have paid for it.



1941: Counter Attack is a 2D Shoot'em-up developed by Capcom. The game is available among the Capcom Classic Collections on PSP.
I really enjoyed this shmup, it's not a bullet hell and for the most part it is easy to dodge and avoid enemy bullets if one is careful enough. I fired up my Vita to play this and I had a blast.



Finally finished Lost Odyssey after chipping away at it over the past 3 months; I needed to knock it out before I start Zelda tomorrow.
The blah story and the lack of interesting character development made the whole experience forgettable.




The game is available via Humble Bundle. This game has some really amazing visuals for a Neo Geo game, but as the later levels rolled in it became more difficult to dodge bullets. Non the less I still enjoyed playing through it.



#30 Crysis 2 ★★★ Xbox 360 - March 3rd - 6 hours
Killed a few hours, and a few brain cells. Not as good as the first one but the aliens fights are better at least. Just pretty boring whenever you're not shooting something.


Main Post - Part 1

#14: de Blob: 14.3 hours
After being MIA for 3 weeks I return having finally played de Blob, a game that was not at all what I was expecting it to be. A bunch of grayscale jerks from space having stolen all the colour from your city and you have to 3D platform your way across 10 levels, leaving a trail of colour in your wake, to save it.

Each level is broken up into a fews sections that are gated (literally) based on your score. You score points by painting objects in the world and killing enemies. Taking on challenges is another good way to both score points and give yourself some direction. They're broken up into four types, race, combat, painting, and landmarks. The paint challenges require you to paint a set of buildings in set colours, and the landmark challenges require you to gather up a certain amount of a given colour and dump it into a building to transform it from a drab base for The Man back into a party pad for the residents of the city.

Paint is acquired from paint bots scattered around the level and comes in the RBY primary colours (red, blue, yellow). If Blob is already coloured then absorbing paint of a different colour will cause him to turn into the RBY secondary colours (orange, green, purple). If you're a secondary colour and you pick up one of the constituent primary colours you turn that colour, and if you pick up the third primary colour you turn brown. Interestingly, the game treats brown the same as any other colour, but I always felt punished for it. The system obviously isn't very deep, but it's just complex enough to give the level designers something to work with. There are parts of the game where you have to be very careful to dodge paint bots to maintain the right colour on the way to an objective and that was pretty cool.

I have two major sticking points with de Blob: the controls and the size of the levels. Two of the most important actions, jump and homing attack, are bound to a flick of the Wii Remote. While this can work even if it's suboptimal here it just doesn't, the game feels unresponsive and sluggish a lot of the time and in a few levels that can and will get you killed. The main impediment to me finishing this game in a timely manner though was the levels. They're not really that big, but if you want to paint a bunch of things and do all the challenges, or rack up enough points to get a gold medal each level takes about 50 minutes. A lot of nights I just didn't feel like committing a block of time that big to play a level and so it took a lot longer than it should have.

I mentioned at the beginning that the game wasn't what I expected. That's mostly because in a post-Splatoon world the theme of platforming and painting makes my mind immediately go to a frenetic and visually engaging game. de Blob is not that game, but it is worth checking out.

Currently playing: Picross 3D. Guys... fucking Picross 3D
Master Post

16. Resident Evil 4 (~19 hours)
Resident Evil 4 is a game that is perhaps most famous for popularizing the ”over the shoulder" camera angle later most famously used in Gears of War. Some consider it to be one of the greatest games ever made. The game did come out twelve years ago, and a lot has changed in the game industry since then. So does Resident Evil 4 still hold up after all this time? Well, RE4 has some weak points to be sure, but it absolutely holds up as a game worth playing today.

You play the role of Leon Kennedy, a U.S. government agent on task to save the president's daughter from captivity in a strange town in Spain. Yeah, saving the president's daughter isn't the most original game plot, but uncovering the story behind this Spanish town is what keeps the game's story so interesting. The villagers here come at you with hostility from the get go, throwing torches and waving pitchforks at you. Put simply, there's no way to get through to these villagers in a friendly way. If you don't act, they will kill you. They speak a foreign tongue, vaguely Spanish sounding but different. You later learn these people are part of a religious cult, the ”Los Illuminatos". The story is delivered in cutscenes, but also in notes left in obvious places throughout the game. The notes are most informative, and often give you hints about what's going to happen next. I really enjoyed learning about the story this way. I thought the story in general was handled very well, both in terms of writing and pacing. There are surprises along the way, and I was never disappointed to be at a cutscene. Even the voice acting is well done, which is rare for a Japanese game from 2005.

The action of the game revolves around attacking the hostile religious followers. You start out with just a pistol, but you encounter an arms dealer frequently throughout the game (the famous ”What are you buying?" and ”What are you selling?" guy) who can sell you things like a shotgun and a submachine gun. Rather than relying on monster closet cheap thrills like in past Resident Evil's, you pretty much see your attackers right from the start. If not, you need to scan your surroundings, but they'll let out a noise well in advance instead of sneaking up on you.

Combat is often about using the right tool at the right time, for example using a grenade to take out a group, or using the pistol if you're facing a few enemies up close. You can't go guns blazing, as there is limited ammo, so lining up shots is key. There's also limited health that doesn't regenerate, so taking a hit is serious. I found each set of enemies was sort of like a puzzle, and you might get a game over until you get it right. This can be a weakness, as you're likely to get frequent game over's in the trickier parts. Still, combat is undoubtedly a highlight, and likely a big part of why RE4 is so fondly remembered. There's real tension in having to switch between weapons because you're low on ammo. There's real strategy in knowing when to throw a grenade. There are times you just barely make it through to the next room with the enemies absorbing all your ammo and sapping all your health. It's really exciting to get through these spots, and you're left with a sense of reward for doing so.

There are boss fights, but it's not what RE4 does best. Typically boss fights are just hitting the boss until it dies, or hitting the boss until it exposes its weak point which you attack until it dies. You're going to use a lot of ammo with bosses, but the game does a good job of making more ammo available to you after a boss fight is over. If nothing else, bosses break up the monotony of going around attacking folks, but in my mind the time could have been filled with something different, like clever platforming puzzles.

The game is divided into three acts, the hostile village, a castle, and *spoiler alert*
a secluded island
. The second act is the longest, which is sort of nice because at times, it resembles the mansion from the first Resident Evil. The castle is filled with puzzle solving, getting a two pieces of a crest (or something like that) to fit in a slot in a door to unlock the door, not unlike a puzzle from RE1. The village sets up the game nicely, while also having it's own town-gone-way-wrong charm. The last act is a satisfying conclusion. No act is bad, and they all have their own unique appeal.

I played on PC, and for a game from 2005, it looks great. With anti-aliasing up to 8x and a locked framerate of 60fps, the game is quite a sight to behold. I understand (as of early 2017) there's a group of dedicated modders working to increase the texture quality of the game by redrawing texture art. I can only imagine how great it will look then. I played with a Steam Controller, and have no complaints. Truth be told, you rarely use the right analog stick or, with the Steam Controller, the right haptic pad, so you're mostly using all the standard buttons the Steam Controller already has: a left analog stick, face buttons, and the triggers.

The PC port isn't without it's flaws though. There were multiple times when the game glitched on me with the same glitch. It consistently wasn't registering a button press each time I pressed it which was required to progress through the game. I had to do some Google-fu to find a workaround that let me get past that point. It was a major letdown that it happened, and also a letdown was the amount of time I spent trying to press that stupid button. It would be nice if Capcom could patch the game, but it's so old I don't think they care.

I feel better for having played Resident Evil 4. It's filled a gap in my video game knowledge, where I now know why so many people talk about and like this game so much. Though combat has it's frustrating moments and the boss fights can be lame, the game still belongs on a Top 100 Games of All Time list. It really changed survival horror in a way no one could have predicted. I'd like to finally finish the first RE, but I know I'm not going to have as much fun. In the meantime, Resident Evil 4 is in my Steam account, ready for the next time I feel an itch to play it.


Original post

17. Jackal (NES)
The last game completed in February. A classic from my adolescence. I didn't think of this as a shooter back then but since learned it certainly is! Not much I can say about this. It's quick, it's fun, controls are good and the game presents a bit of challenge requiring careful traversal of the stages. You can't recklessly charge into some areas and sometimes you get a branching path to work around some problems. I think this is an accessible, must-play for the people who don't think NES games hold up nowadays.


This game is available among the Capcom Classic Collections on PSP. I felt it was rather longer than it had any right to be but I quite enjoyed it. This is another game I felt would benefit from a Twin Stick control scheme.
This game also has a hilarious translation, even mistranslating Fuujin and Raijin/Raiden
My reviews are getting long, so it makes more sense to do a "Master Post" like this one, than to put full reviews all in back-to-back posts.


I really enjoyed participating in 2016's challenge. I just beat my first game of the new year (Halo 4), and I'm going to start posting games today, January 1st, 2017 (as opposed to in March of the 2016 thread). I'm optimistic I'll finish this year as well.

I hope it's OK to link to my Wordpress where I'm cross-posting all the reviews (mods, please stop me if this isn't allowed).

1. Halo 4 (~7 hours) - Review (WP)
2-6. The Walking Dead: Season 1 (~10 hours) - Review (WP)
7. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag[ (~20 hours) - Review (WP)
8. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (~15 hours) - Review (WP)
9. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (~12 hours) - Review (WP)
10. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (~12 hours) - Review (WP)
11. Klonoa (Wii) (~9 hours) - Review (WP)
12. Donkey Kong Country Returns (~20 hours) - Review (WP)
13. Shadowrun Returns (~16 hours) - Review (WP)
14. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (~20 hours) - Review (WP)
15. Fable Anniversary (~24 hours) - Review (WP)
16. Resident Evil 4 (~19 hours) - Review (WP)
17. EarthBound (~35 hours) - Review (WP)
18. Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition (~25 hours) - Review (WP)
19. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (~6 hours) - Review (WP)
20. Wario Land II (~5 hours) - Review (WP)
21. Wario Land 3 (~10 hours) - Review (WP)
22. Wario Land 4 (~6 hours) - Review (WP)
23. Super Mario Land (~2 1/2 - 3 hours) - Review (WP)
24. Dead Space (~23 hours) - Review (WP)
25. Speedy Gonzales (Game Boy, ~5 hours) - Review (WP)
26. Skies of Arcadia: Legends (~38 hours, in-game clock) - Review (WP)
27. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (~50 minutes) / 28. The Simpsons (~40 minutes) - Joint Review (WP)
29. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers (Game Boy, ~1 hour) - Review (WP)
30. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (~3 1/2 hours) - Review (WP)
31. Sonic & Knuckles (~4 1/2 hours) - Review (WP)
32. Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut (~23 hours) - Review (WP)
i think im gonna get into this, albeit a bit late! planning to play some classic games ive never fully completed so it wont be too hard to catch up (hopefully). first game i'll be finished however is dark souls 3! will be done soon and i can't wait to start up again in NG+ or with a different build


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

Game #38 - The Bug Butcher
Time: 3 hours

This was a big disapointment because you look at pictures and it looks like a cool sidescrolling shooter in the vein of a Contra or Metal Slug, but what it actually is, is a arena based shooter where you are stuck in a small room and have to beat all the enemies in time before the clock runs out. There are several upgrades a powerups you can get, and its not bad for what it is, but after clearing the 30 arcade mdoe levels I had no desire to go back and get better scores or even play the Panic mode which is a survival style mode where enemies drop coins that increase your timer, but it just recycles the arcade mode levels. Looks pretty at least tho.


Game #39 - Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered
Time: 9 hours

Super fun word adventure game where you have to spell words to attack enemies. Various upgrades and equipment to buy and a lenghty campaign with lots of optional objectives in each level to do makes this a great little time waster. I played most of it at work, and got about 2/3 of the stars (you can replay levels with different goals like have a set time limit or only use certain letters), I was actually getting all of them until halfway through when I just decided to go ahead and finish the campaign because, well, as fun as it was, I had gotten all I was going to get out of the game by that point. Still, I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected, and I might go back for some more challenges one day.

Main Post



Game is available through Humblebundle.com. I've heard mixed impressions about this game, some liked it others didn't. The Neo Geo wasn't the beat'm-up arcade go to for me, Capcom were the better beat'em-up developers during the 90s IMO.
...but man is Sengoku 3 a bore. For one thing, the hit detectiion is very strict. In any other Beat'em-up if you were close to the enemy, mashing attack will have it connect, however in this game you have to position your sprite or character properly for your attacks to hit.
Furthermore, enemies that are knocked down, do a wake up attack if you are close to them. Speaking of enemies there are about a dozen or so enemy types and you fight them over and over and in the final stage which is a long ass corridor. I swear if it wasn't for the fact that I mainly wanted to BEAT this game I would've quit it then and there.
These design choices really soured my playthrough as I didn't enjoy this game that much.
I'd really like it if Sengoku 1 and 2 got released on HB so I can try it out.


Fired up my Vita to play this ye olde Beat'em-up from Capcom.
There isn't anything majorly significant about this game; it's based on Arthur and his Knights and you play as one of 3 characters- Arthur, Lancelot and Percival. Percival is the heavy guy of the group, the Haggar if you will.
I found the game to be a little longer than it had any right to be but I still managed to enjoy it. I did find it weird though that the leader of a group of Norse-like barbarians is a freakin' Samurai. Final boss was a cheap son of a bitch too.
Can't remember if this was on the PS3 collection but I wish Capcom's beat'em-ups would get poretd to modern systems already. Me and my brothers loved playing this genre most at the arcade.
12. Game of Thrones : I loved season 1 of the walking dead and I'm a fan of the GoT books and TV show. This however is not a good game. It is more of an interactive TV episode. Even more so than the walking dead. It also highlights how bad telltales engine is. If it wasn't for the story I would have given up on this.


Fired up my Vita to play this ye olde Beat'em-up from Capcom.
There isn't anything majorly significant about this game; it's based on Arthur and his Knights and you play as one of 3 characters- Arthur, Lancelot and Percival. Percival is the heavy guy of the group, the Haggar if you will.
I found the game to be a little longer than it had any right to be but I still managed to enjoy it. I did find it weird though that the leader of a group of Norse-like barbarians is a freakin' Samurai. Final boss was a cheap son of a bitch too.
Can't remember if this was on the PS3 collection but I wish Capcom's beat'em-ups would get poretd to modern systems already. Me and my brothers loved playing this genre most at the arcade.

You on game 45 already? XD


Original Post

This game was released alongside Final Fight 1 on the PS3 and 360.
This is a 2D action game where you must reach the 50th floor and defeat the demon overlord whatever. Various enemies get re-used including bosses and you can free prisoners who help you out in battle and each with their own unique abilities.
This felt like a rather long game and would've been better played 2 player to make things easier. Regardless I felt this game has some interesting potentiel if it were re-imagined keeping the 50 floor castle/tower aspect but reworking the gameplay for example.


You on game 45 already? XD

Ah I should start linking my main post heh
Most of the games I played were PnCs and arcade games which are pretty short. A Capcom beat'em-up takes around 30 minutes to beat, if you got any of the console releases that feature them, thanks to infinite continues ;P
I've dropped maybe 6 or so games by now but I wouldn't count them towards my 50/52 games.
EDIT: Speaking of PnC games, here's my current list of titles that I plan to go through over the coming weeks

  • 1979 Revolution
  • The Abbey of Crime Extensum
  • Armikrog
  • A Bird Story
  • Blues & Bullets
  • Botanicula
  • The Charnel House Trilogy
  • Cibele
  • Contradiction
  • DoTT
  • Detective Case & Clown Bot
  • Detective Grimoire 1+2
  • Desire
  • Goosebumps
  • Grim Fandango
  • Hamlet
  • Heroien's Quest
  • Indiana Jones
  • Jacob Jones 1+2
  • Journey Down 1+2
  • King's Quest 2015
  • Loom
  • Nikopol
  • The Order of the Throne
  • Post Mortem
  • Puzzle Bots
  • Quest for Infamy
  • realMyst
  • Samorost 1-3
  • Silver Case
  • Superbrothers
  • Tesla Effect
  • Tiny Theif
  • Violett
  • Void & Meddler

EDIT: Aside from that I have these games on my plate
Hollow Knight, Dragon Quest Heroes 1, Berserk Musou and ICEY


Gold Member
09: Call of Duty: Ghosts [PS4] - 6? Hrs - 03/04/2017 - ★☆☆☆☆

Aside from playing some CoD2 multiplayer at a friends house, this was my first true COD experience. I know it's not known for it's SP, but by god this game was absolute shit. between the graphics, the levels, the story, the gameplay. i cant name one thing i enjoyed. the sole reason I played it was because I was gifted it when I got the ps4 and dont have any other game to play while a few new ones are being delivered. god damnit. first and last COD. why is this popular?!

on to tearaway and doom to wash the taste of this shit out of my mouth eyes ears and hands.
09: Call of Duty: Ghosts [PS4] - 6? Hrs - 03/04/2017 - ★☆☆☆☆

Aside from playing some CoD2 multiplayer at a friends house, this was my first true COD experience. I know it's not known for it's SP, but by god this game was absolute shit. between the graphics, the levels, the story, the gameplay. i cant name one thing i enjoyed. the sole reason I played it was because I was gifted it when I got the ps4 and dont have any other game to play while a few new ones are being delivered. god damnit. first and last COD. why is this popular?!

on to tearaway and doom to wash the taste of this shit out of my mouth eyes ears and hands.
I'm just as confused about this series' success. I don't dislike shooters (I think Battlefield: Bad Company is great) but CoD just bores me.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I mean, picking one of the worst single player CODs in recent memory and using it as an indictment on the whole series is kinda weird but ok.


09: Call of Duty: Ghosts [PS4] - 6? Hrs - 03/04/2017 - ★☆☆☆☆

Aside from playing some CoD2 multiplayer at a friends house, this was my first true COD experience. I know it's not known for it's SP, but by god this game was absolute shit. between the graphics, the levels, the story, the gameplay. i cant name one thing i enjoyed. the sole reason I played it was because I was gifted it when I got the ps4 and dont have any other game to play while a few new ones are being delivered. god damnit. first and last COD. why is this popular?!

on to tearaway and doom to wash the taste of this shit out of my mouth eyes ears and hands.

You've already answered your question :p CoD is popular for its multiplayer. When I had BlOps 3 my nephews mainly played the multiplayer modes. Current CoD games have 2 player mode for the campaign so even if it is short and straightforward, it can be fun to play with another person.


Original Post


I put off defeating the final boss for little over a month. I really shouldn't complain about the final boss being super tough considering this is a jRPG but the negative status effects were something I wish I could've been able to avoid all together to make it a less tedious battle :V
Non the less I still enjoyed 7th Dragon 3, and recommend it to any fan of jRPGs. Fair word of warning if you are playing on Normal: The early game WILL be tough, so rely on pre-emptive attack agains the Dragon enemies to get the upper hand.


Original Post

7. Titanfall 2(campaign only) - 8/10. 6-8 hours
Word of mouth has been very positive on this game, especially when it comes to the campaign. I redboxed it and played it over a two day period. And yes, everyone was right. The campaign is one of the best shooter campaigns I've played in a while. Along with DOOM. The level design is fantastic. They get very creative in this one. Traversal is as fun as ever and the shooting feels great. I didn't expect it, but they did a good job when it comes to creating a bond with BT. You gain each others trust through the game, and every time you help each other, its awesome. Another thing I didn't expect were the boss encounters. These are great. Some are a little cheap, but for the most part, they are great. The story isn't particularly special, but the game never takes itself too seriously. So, it works. The game has a variety of locales on display, and they all look great. The music didn't stand out to me really. It was just kind of there. Overall, very positive on this one.

Next Games - The Walking Dead: Season One, Skyrim: Special Edition, A World of Keflings
13. Unravel : A fun little platformer that has some gorgeous visuals. It can be massively frustrating at times but it is a fairly short game. I finished it in about 5-6 hours. I am missing a lot of the secrets but I have had my fill of it. A decent game but the levels are a little too long. There is a story in there if you look hard enough but it's easy enough to ignore.


13. Unravel : A fun little platformer that has some gorgeous visuals. It can be massively frustrating at times but it is a fairly short game. I finished it in about 5-6 hours. I am missing a lot of the secrets but I have had my fill of it. A decent game but the levels are a little too long. There is a story in there if you look hard enough but it's easy enough to ignore.

You just reminded me that I have Unravel and BF: Bad Company 2 on Origin and should play them soon.
I may start them by may though since April and March have lots of PC games I want to play.
Original post


Platinumed in 12 hours (one trophy was a bitch to get since it’s a random drop)
Having only really put time into TMN, and having only briefly touched this when it came out, I had a little trepidation about what to expect from one of Platinum’s recent stint of smaller licenced games. However, since both this and Transformers sit in my backlog, and given Nier Automata is right around the corner, it was more than time to try out another one of their games. Overall, I’m glad I did, but only out of love for both the devs and the source material.

However, said source material was bare bones at best, with little to no interaction with the cast outside a brief cameo or two, and the use of only 4 settings, one being Republic city itself. If Platinum wanted to vary it up with the level design, Korra had a whole lot of backdrops for different parts of the city, whereas here there is no distinction between what they deemed “back alleys” and “city streets”. I know, given the games small budget that larger and more complex level designs would be a lot lower on the billing than combat itself, so I won’t see it as too damning, just a missed opportunity. The show’s score, thankfully was present, and Janet Varney voicing her was only fitting, even if the dialogue here made her a lot more wooden than Korra is known to be in the show. As a nothing ‘filler’ plot between the woeful second season and the fantastic third, I was expecting very little, and in that respect wasn’t disappointed. I get the feeling however, in the final parts, that Platinum had the makings to go bombastic with this had they more time and money.

As for Platinum’s end of the game, it feels like them through and through, combat is fast and responsive, what I and anyone else would come to expect from them. I struggled the first couple of levels since a) Korra [the player] wasn’t built to string attacks together in her state
you spend the best part of 4 levels re-unlocking each of the 4 elements, thus you begin with no bending, and dishing out short, chip damage combos
and b) the game is unforgiving and generous at different aspects of combat. I found the parrying – something I LOVED in Revengence – present here but, I believe, not even alluded to during combat. The L2 is assigned to block, which given how it was described mid combat would make me believe it is a hold button to reduce damage, and only in the third level did I see Korra do a blocking animation for two seconds. Another thing that irked me a bit was also the mixing of the 4 elements, that are triggered by the L1/R1 in a rotation – From minute one Korra is allowed to use all 4 elements in the opening battle, and the desire to rotated mid light/heavy was too much not to try – it looked stylish, but didn’t really add up to any major combo you could build. All for elements are animated beautifully in the martial style used in the series, so you could argue mashing them together may not be the most fluid form of combat, still, again a little irked.

As a whole, the short length and Platinum’s charm helped me get through this, but I did have fun.
Overall: 6/10

Joe Boy 1986

Neo Member


Xbox 360

This is actually the first DiRT game I gave actually played, and this game gives me mixed feelings. It feels like the spiritual successor to destruction derby in some parts, but then try to add on stock car racing, which just doesn't play well.


#6 Hearts Of Iron 4 campaign. - 10 hours


Played a HoI4 campaign as the US. I want to like this game, it pushes all my right buttons as a grand strategy gamer, but the game isn't quite there yet despite the patching it has got since last year.

Aside from general AI issues, Germany had naval invaded and occupied the UK mainland by late 1940 (hello phoney war/air war for britain, operation sealion shouldn't be succeeding by that point due to the Royal Navy) while I still had the great depression modifier, and was still trying to get my military industrial capacity up and running.
Couldn't field any serious amount of troops at that point to help defend Britain, and the Reich then proceeded to crumble to an absolutely overwhelming soviet wave just flowing in from the east without any American material lend-lease.

The pacific theatre of war never happened, and by the time I joined the European front in late 1941 we kicked the axis out of Africa in about 6 months with about 100 divisions, launched an "operation overlord" of sorts onto Gibraltar from Morocco in early 1942 with most of those 100, Spain had flipped fascist per civil war and was in the Axis. I didn't yet have the industry to be fielding any serious amounts of armoured divisions either.

WW2 was over by about mid 1942, and France was liberated early due to the failure of the Germans to fight the soviets anywhere near as long as in real life (no doubt due to the amount of resources the AI devoted to invading the UK), ending with Germany and Spain becoming soviet puppets as communist states, with Italy becoming democratic. Peace conferences are still a mess.

I may play a German campaign too for an actual operation barbarosa to happen, but I'll count each as a separate game for the purpose of this.
Main post


10. Far Cry: Primal - 31 hours
Also known as Ubisoft's Wallpaper Generator. Took me almost 30 hours to complete it, mainly because i was trying to grab every single collectible and visit every place that was marked with ? signs on the map. I knew it was not necessary, but main reason why i was collecting all this stuff - unexpectedly gorgeous world and graphics. It so much better than FC4, more bright colors and overall lightning was significantly improved. I can't say Primal is perfect in therms of graphics, it's amazing in close distance but long range LODs are still shitty sometimes, but on the other side game is very well optimized, it holds stable 60FPS on my 5 year old GPU with Ultra settings, which is surprising for Ubisoft+Denuvo game. Gameplay is typical Ubisoft openworld game, but usual elements like crafting and sidequests are finally doesn't feel out of place, it's perfect match for Primal setting. Story is not something special, 2 main antagonists doesn't have such memorable personality like villains in FC3-4, but at least Batari final fight was well directed and feels like ending. Also, all Urki missions is very funny, and shaman visions was brilliant, especially that one
where you need to shoot moon with your bow and moon explodes, holy shit!
. Yeah, this is still Far Cry game and many old issues are still here, but it was fun to wander around and explore Primal's world, which is never happened to me in previous FC games. I recommend to give it a chance even if you don't like previous Far Cry games, it was definitely worth it. And don't forget to disable as much HUD elements as possible, it's much more enjoyable and immersive game without minimap and markers all over screen. if you still don't believe that this game is gorgeous, check out screenshots i made during my playthrough.


Taking a Zelda break to update here...

February 2017

#2. Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)
Completion Level: Beat the game with draft ruleset.

So, in the Fire Emblem Community Discord (see here for details) we are doing draft runs of FE games. Essentially, a draft run is one where instead of using whatever unit you want, you draft a set of units from the available unit pool and use those during the whole game. This, of course, raises the challenge of the game quite a bit since you have a smaller team with less variety (depending on how you drafted of course). There's also a competitive element since at the end all players compare how many turns they used to clear the game.

In Awakening's case, every player can use Chrom, Robin, Frederick, Olivia and Lucina regardless of their draft so there's already a good base. Characters I drafted were Virion, Nowi, Gaius, Gregor, Sumia and Cherche, a team that turned out to work pretty well!

Overall, draft runs are a nice way to try different strategies and characters so if you join us at the Discord then give it a shot!


#3. Triple Triad (iOS)
Completion Level: Beat all "stages" in Hard.

Triple Triad is a card game that originated as a mini game in Final Fantasy VIII and is now playable on mobile through the Final Fantasy Portal app (for free!). It's quite a barebones game, with a single player mode that has you battling some Final Fantasy characters and a multiplayer mode that works both locally and online. Sadly, I tried playing online but didn't find a match.

The gameplay of Triple Triad is simple. Essentially, you put cards on a 3x3 grid and if one of your cards has a higher number than an enemy adjacent one, then you turn the opponent's card into yours. There are more rules introduced later but that's the basic gist of it.

Overall, the game is fun but there's not much to do. Since it's F2P it also has a stamina timer which is a bit annoying.


#4. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Wii U)
Completion Level: Did pretty much everything there's to do, so 20 hearts, all poes, all bugs and even the amiibo dungeon!

Twilight Princess HD is a remaster of the GCN/Wii original that, honestly, doesn't change very much beyond the resolution bump and the huge amount of redone textures. Gameplay is practically the same from the original without many noticeable upgrades besides some QoL stuff thanks to the Wii U Gamepad.

Twilight Princess (TP) is a very standard 3D Zelda, taking a lot of cues from Ocarina of Time. The game is set in a very traditional version of Hyrule and features the usual races like Gorons and Zora. In terms of gameplay, it's also very standard, featuring the same 3rd person camera from other 3D Zeldas and combat focused on Z-Targeting. There are some new items in the game but the most important ones are the returning mainstays from previous games. However, most items receive new twists and uses which are pretty cool. Like most Zelda games, TP introduces a new mechanic: transforming into a wolf. This allows you to enter twilight infested zones, digging on the ground and using a sense ability that lets you see ghosts and other stuff. Honestly, the wolf doesn't do much but it has a cool design at least!

TP is often criticized for having a large but empty overworld, which is kinda true. Hyrule Field is quite big and there's not much population or stuff to do beyond finding caves or holes with treasure. On the other hand, the game is praised for its dungeons which are large in number and scope, although quite linear. Personally, I love the dungeons since they have many interesting puzzles and enemy encounters.

In terms of presentation, TP looks fine. The low poly look and outdated lightning are quite noticeable but the redone textures are really good. The music is pretty good but sadly underrated by the fanbase. One thing I noticed is that TP introduced more of a "cutscene" style to Zelda, featuring several cool small setpieces like battling a Bokoblin on a bridge.

Overall, TP is a fine Zelda game. The story isn't particularly strong but it's enjoyable and some of the new characters are great. Gameplay is fun although combat and puzzles are mostly very easy. Recommended for Zelda fans!


Currently Playing:
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch): Somewhat close to the beggining. I get sidetracked all the time...
- Advance Wars (GBA VC): Still stuck.
- Fire Emblem 7 (GBA VC): Another draft!
- Pokémon Moon (3DS): Still on the last island.
- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (iOS): Probably will play it for the whole year.
- Final Fantasy Record Keeper (iOS): Another gacha! This one is less grindy though.


Original Post


The 2nd Shock Troopers game wasn't as well received as the first from what I've read online, but I found it a decent 2D shooter. While the 3D-like sprites are divisive I didn't think they were that bad and gave off a PSOne era vibe.
I still think the first game is better but this one is a decent game on its own.
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