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9th Circuit Court - No right to carry concealed weapons in public

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Wow. Appeals coming, but...wow.


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — In a victory for gun control advocates, a federal appeals court said Thursday people do not have a right to carry concealed weapons in public under the 2nd Amendment.

An 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said law enforcement officials can require applicants for a concealed weapons permit to show they are in immediate danger or have another good reason for a permit beyond self-defense.

The decision overturned a 2014 ruling by a smaller 9th Circuit panel and came in a lawsuit over the denial of concealed weapons permits by a sheriff in San Diego County.

California generally prohibits people from carrying handguns in public without such a permit. State law requires applicants to show good moral character, have good cause and take a training course.

In San Diego County, the sheriff required applicants to show supporting documents such as restraining orders against possible attackers to show good cause for a permit. The requirement prompted a lawsuit by residents who were denied a permit.

During oral arguments before the 11-judge 9th Circuit panel, Paul Clement, an attorney for the residents, argued that the self-defense standard should be sufficient and asking for more violates the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.

California Solicitor General Edward DuMont countered that there was a long and rich tradition of restricting concealed weapons in cities and towns. California officials sought to intervene in the case after the San Diego sheriff declined to appeal.

California officials said loosening concealed weapons permitting standards and allowing more people to carry guns threatens law enforcement officials and endangers the public.

Clement countered that there was no evidence that crime went up in counties such as Fresno and Sacramento that had more permissive "good cause" standards.


Hmm. This is going to be interesting to watch. No doubt this is going to go all the way to the supreme court. Neither side will be giving up in this fight.
I know someone who isn't going to be pleased with this. I can't say I completely agree with the ruling either. If you're going to give out a conceal carry license, then you should be allowed to carry based on that license. If you don't want them to conceal carry, don't give them the license to begin with. This will be interesting because we know this is going to go all the way up to SCOTUS.


Gold Member
Perfect storm would be this not making it to the SCOTUS till after the election.... \

EDIT:Actually STRIKE that, a tie in the SCOTUS means that the lower courts ruling is upheld!
Bad timing with an election coming. There are people that will vote for Trump just because he sides on one side of this issue.




listen to the mad man
The 9th Circuit upholding a restriction on gun ownership?!?! Damn!!! There's no way the Supreme Court would ever reverse this ruling!


I know someone who isn't going to be pleased with this. I can't say I completely agree with the ruling either. If you're going to give out a conceal carry license, then you should be allowed to carry based on that license. If you don't want them to conceal carry, don't give them the license to begin with. This will be interesting because we know this is going to go all the way up to SCOTUS.

right, so... thats exactly what this ruling says. The lawsuit came up from requiring reasons to be granted a concealed carry permit... its not ruling that permits are invalid, its saying that you have no right to just carry if the state requires a permit


This will most likely be on the Supreme Court docket for next year. I imagine the vacancy will be filled by then.

Unless someone is pushed through before then, whoever wins between Clinton and Trump will likely decide the justice who is the deciding vote in this case. Will certainly be interesting to see.


Unconfirmed Member
I know someone who isn't going to be pleased with this. I can't say I completely agree with the ruling either. If you're going to give out a conceal carry license, then you should be allowed to carry based on that license. If you don't want them to conceal carry, don't give them the license to begin with. This will be interesting because we know this is going to go all the way up to SCOTUS.

...California already doesn't give permits without good cause beyond "I have Second Amendment rights!". The lawsuit and the subsequent ruling and article is about certain residents disagreeing with that policy.
right, so... thats exactly what this ruling says. The lawsuit came up from requiring reasons to be granted a concealed carry permit... its not ruling that permits are invalid, its saying that you have no right to just carry if the state requires a permit

Oops, misread it. I thought it was saying that even though you had a license to conceal carry, you would only be allowed to do so if you could provide reasonable evidence at the time you were carrying that you needed to.

I think I'm okay with that being a requirement to obtain the license.


i think people are reading a bit too much into the topic. Some states require permitting, this is challenging that fact that either a)you dont need permitting or b)you basically need nothing to obtain said permit.


yay. so I imagine this is getting appealed to the supreme court? a 4/4 there would actually be good...

With the way the process works for getting a court to be heard by the Supreme Court, and how far ahead the current calendar is in relation to this case, it is extremely unlikely that the Supreme Court will still only have 8 justices.

The calendar goes from October to April with a break in between, and I believe its already been set for the next session.


Gold Member
I'll be that guy. This won't stop people with ill intent from concealing a weapon. It only deters law abiding citizens.


Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

I thought this was already settled in 2009 during DC vs. Heller.
I'll be that guy. This won't stop people with ill intent from concealing a weapon. It only deters law abiding citizens.

I'm more Second Amendment than most on this forum but this reasoning has always bothered me. When has that been the litmus test for any law at any time ever in the history of law making? Try applying that reasoning to any sort of regulation and law. Why make any laws at all if criminals will break them anyways?


DC v Heller was 5-4. There's a good chance that the a Obama/Clinton court would uphold this

Heller basically already stated in passing that the 2nd Amendment was limited, and that concealed weapons permits was an application of the limited nature of the Amendment. I think even given the courts current make up, the ruling would be affirmed. Only Thomas and maybe Alito would rule against.


Yes, people with ill intent like George Zimmerman will still be carrying, someone who doesn't may not be.

Zimmerman didn't have ill intent. He thought himself a righteous citizen protecting his community. Also he was a law abiding citizen, as him being declared innocent proves.

I bet he even considered himself a responsible gun owner.

Turns out being "without ill intent and a law abiding citizen" is not the minimum standard to not be considered a trash person.

No Love

Stupid San Diego County sheriff is a total douchebag that doesn't believe in following the law and just likes to be a control freak. Just give people their permits instead of making up bullshit reasons not to.


Gold Member
I'm more Second Amendment than most on this forum but this reasoning has always bothered me. When has that been the litmus test for any law at any time ever in the history of law making? Try applying that reasoning to any sort of regulation and law. Why make any laws at all if criminals will break them anyways?

Because owning a gun is not illegal. You're going along the lines of why is murder illegal if people do it anyways kind of thought if I am following your reasoning.


I'm more Second Amendment than most on this forum but this reasoning has always bothered me. When has that been the litmus test for any law at any time ever in the history of law making? Try applying that reasoning to any sort of regulation and law. Why make any laws at all if criminals will break them anyways?

I believe the argument is these laws make people who would follow them "unsafe" since it may prevent them from having a gun to protect themselves or others from a criminal who will use a gun for something like armed robbery or a mass shooting, since said individual will likely not be deterred from committing such crimes just because concealing a handgun is illegal where he or she is. This mentality wouldn't apply to many of our most basic laws, like murder: "They've made murder illegal? Now how will us law-abiding citizens silence our enemies?"
So I guess the response would be: the effect of many other laws aren't comparable.
Isn't it quick to assume how the SC judges would vote on this? Given precedent, I kind of assume they would not uphold this ban.
Living in NY this is nothing new to me. Can't carry guns here. This is an issue that should be decided on the county/state level.

Conceal carry may work in Nebraska but not NYC. Just too crowded here. I'm about to walk through Times Square shit just not realistic.

I'm ok with this.
Isn't it quick to assume how the SC judges would vote on this? Given precedent, I kind of assume they would not uphold this ban.

This is within DC v Heller. The 9th circuit is already bound by that case

Living in NY this is nothing new to me. Can't carry guns here. This is an issue that should be decided on the county/state level.

Conceal carry may work in Nebraska but not NYC. Just too crowded here. I'm about to walk through Times Square shit just not realistic.

I'm ok with this.

That's exactly what this case is, its not overruling looser rules
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