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A black man went undercover online as a white supremacist. This is what he learned


As soon as Theo Wilson started making YouTube videos about culture and race, trolls using racial slurs started flocking to his page.

After engaging in endless sparring matches in the comments section, Wilson began to notice something curious: His trolls seemed to speak a language unto themselves, one replete with the same twisted facts and false history. It was as if they had all passed through some “dimensional doorway,” arriving from an alternative universe where history, politics and commonly accepted facts had been turned inside out.

There was the idea that slavery was a form of charity that benefited enslaved Africans; that freed blacks owned more slaves than whites before the Civil War; that people of color make up the majority of those receiving aid from America's safety-net programs; and that investor and philanthropist George Soros is funding protest movements like Black Lives Matter.

“To be honest, it was kind of exhilarating,” Wilson told an audience during a recent TEDx talk about his experience. “I would literally spend days clicking through my new racist profile, goofing off at work in Aryan land.”

During his eight months as a racist troll, Wilson never revealed his true identity. When it was all over, Wilson said, he came to appreciate the way in which the far-right media bubble disables its participants — offering an endless stream of scapegoats for their problems but no credible solutions.

Interview Part

As you became more familiar with the alt-right online, what shocked you most about their views?

That there are still people who think black people are not fully human and that we are lagging in terms of evolution. The comments I'd read about our facial features being monkey-like and dark skin being proof of primitiveness were shocking. The fact is that there are people who believe that the difference between us is the difference between two species, not a race. I was raised with so many examples of black excellence and nothing about inferiority. Meanwhile, the folks on these forums are still discussing phrenology. Who uses phrenology anymore? We mapped the human genome!

You talk about racists with something approaching compassion. Does that suggest you're hopeful about our chances of defeating racism?

Just because this experience made me more compassionate doesn't mean I'm more hopeful. My compassion comes from knowing these people are still so vulnerable to social programming. But the social forces that make racism commonplace aren't necessarily going away. Look at what happened in Charlottesville, for example. How did a brand-new generation of white guys get that hateful? They never joined their dad in a lynch mob. They never smelled the burning flesh of a Negro in a town square or lived in Jim Crow America. And yet, they still adopted those hateful attitudes. That doesn't make me hopeful at all.


Ted Talk Link
Posting in this to find this later after work. Really interesting stuff. Sad to hear how dumb the people are and why they justify their racism.

On topic yeah, nothing all that revelatory here sadly.
Racism is founded in ignorance and stupidity, what a discovery.

Thank God we have a terrorist organization running this country ensuring these same people never get proper education as they work to bring education levels lower and lower to ensure this organization keeps it's power.
Nothing new to be honest.

Just because this experience made me more compassionate doesn't mean I'm more hopeful. My compassion comes from knowing these people are still so vulnerable to social programming. But the social forces that make racism commonplace aren't necessarily going away. Look at what happened in Charlottesville, for example. How did a brand-new generation of white guys get that hateful? They never joined their dad in a lynch mob. They never smelled the burning flesh of a Negro in a town square or lived in Jim Crow America. And yet, they still adopted those hateful attitudes. That doesn't make me hopeful at all.

During his eight months as a racist troll, Wilson never revealed his true identity. When it was all over, Wilson said, he came to appreciate the way in which the far-right media bubble disables its participants — offering an endless stream of scapegoats for their problems but no credible solutions.

But it's always so interesting to see a bunch of bigots get mentally played by misinformation and hate while claiming that they are superior.

People with low IQ, EQ, and confidence are fond of bigotry because it helps them live through their miserable life day in and day out. I know some successful and well traveled people that joke about geotagging their vacation and lifestyle in places known for their racist populations (like a small town that made sure to talk down on BLM)--I don't have the energy but I laugh along since the punchline is that seeing a person of color enjoying a better life would make them incredibly upset.
That seemed like a monumental waste of time just to find out how fucked up humanity is to become incredibly depressed and void of hope.

Welcome to the club!


Racism is founded in ignorance and stupidity, what a discovery.

I actually wanna push back against statements like this as I find it bit reductionist and adds nothing here. Racism is a system that's willfully perpetuated and racist are socially programmed to be racist.
I actually wanna push back against statements like this as I find it bit reductionist and adds nothing here. Racism is a system that's willfully perpetuated and racist are socially programmed to be racist.

Or they could just be fucking waste of space and life, bigoted idiots man.

There doesn't have to always be a higher cause or reasoning behind dipshit fascists and what they do.


That seemed like a monumental waste of time just to find out how fucked up humanity is to become incredibly depressed and void of hope.

Welcome to the club!

Yeah, it's not like it's hard to find these racists. They're on youtube comments, news comments sections, various forums etc.

It's sometimes hard not to see the racist shit they say.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I did this once. built a whole story about my white self and why i sought out these hate organizations.

where's my TED talk?


Thank God we have a terrorist organization running this country ensuring these same people never get proper education as they work to bring education levels lower and lower to ensure this organization keeps it's power.

I'm a Canuck but I am a firm believer the most important issue in America is eduction. It's a tough hill to climb, I can't believe the movement in the US against being educated.


Running out of ideas for Ted talks already?

This is a TEDx talk, not a TED talk.

TEDx is a program which is run under the TED brand to bring a TED-like experience to as many people as possible. TED events are organised by the TED organisation themselves while TEDx events can be organised by anyone for their community after gaining a license from TED, hence "independently organised". TED provides a support system and very specific guidelines which need to be followed by the organisers.

There're just a couple of TED events which take place every year while over 10,000 TEDx events have taken place in all sorts of places since the program started in 2009. TEDx also has a global community of volunteer organisers and ambassadors who meet occasionally at special organiser events, the most recent of which was at TEDSalon Berlin.



On topic yeah, nothing all that revelatory here sadly.

Even 10+ years later classic Chappelle skits still make me laugh. God bless that man.

I don't understand the Soros conspiracy. Is that an Alex Jones thing? It seems like something he'd come up with.


Or they could just be fucking waste of space and life, bigoted idiots man.

There doesn't have to always be a higher cause or reasoning behind dipshit fascists and what they do.

the bold doesn't run counter to my post. I'm saying as the man himself said that there's still underlying social issues were not addressing that are at the worst breeding and radicalizing these racist. Saying "well these guys are just ignorant pieces of shit" is not at all insightful to what was raised there.


I thought it was going to be more about the insight in the specific tactics of groups like Stormfront. The reason a lot of the alt-right sounds the same is because they use coded language to infiltrate areas that are not explicitly Neo-Nazi, and the dog whistles allow them to find people from those places to groom into their community.

There's a whole informal operation there to create a pipeline to VOAT and Stormfront from places like 4Chan and Reddit (or during the height of gamergate, any gamer-friendly space).


Racist & Bigots are the biggest snowflakes, complete with all the alternative facts they can use to make themselves feel better about themselves, reality be damned.


Aftershock LA
Nothing new or revelatory here, but it's still an interesting, if depressing read.

The image of the elderly out of touch white man screaming at the nigras on his lawn have been disproven ages ago. This hate is from young, privileged, and entitled people who, despite an era in which the knowledge of the entire earth is literally in the palm of our hands thanks to cell phones, or the click of a few keys at our computers/laptops, still wallow in ignorance. And are proud of it, to boot.

Personally, I no longer find it in me to feel compassion/empathy for that level of ignorance. There's no excuse for it. These people literally see me as sub-human. They don't see me as a part of their species at all. The days of extending an olive branch for a "teaching moment" are long behind me. If they can't find it in themselves to do the google-fu necessary to come to the conclusion that, yes, black people and other marginalized minorities are deserving of basic human rights, then I don't know what I can tell them that will suddenly make them see the light.

I used to engage all of the time. Try to guide them to reason. It always fell on deaf ears, and I ran out of patience. Shrugs. I don't even feel bad for feeling this way anymore. There's only so many times I can yell at the top of my lungs "I'm a human being too!" before I lose my voice. It feels like black people will never be given that same benefit of the doubt/compassion that we're expected to give to those that refuse to see us as people.

It's no surprise that police can walk after executing us in the streets. In the minds of our "peers," they just put down a rabid animal, not a man or woman.
Those guys must be easy to fool, years ago there was a black police police investigator who was so good at fooling the Klan over the phone they offered him a leadership position:

Black sergeant was 'loyal Klansman'

About 25 years ago, Ron Stallworth was asked to lead the Ku Klux Klan chapter in Colorado Springs.

Problem was, the outgoing Klan leader didn't know that Stallworth is black.

"He asked me to take over the lead because I was a good, loyal Klansman," said Stallworth, who had been in constant phone contact with the Klan leader while leading a yearlong Colorado Springs police investigation into the Klan.

Stallworth later moved to Utah, where he recently retired after nearly 20 years as an investigator for the Utah Department of Public Safety. He says he's amazed that no one ever caught on to the investigation he led starting in 1979. After he was offered Klan leadership, he quietly disappeared.

As a memento Stallworth still carries his Klan membership card — signed by David Duke.

"It was one of the most fun" investigations, he said. "Everybody said it couldn't be done."


It still hits me hard that not only in my generation, but in 2017 there is still a huge presence of this type of hate in the United States. I didn't even realize how big this was until a few years after gamer gate when people on the internet started siding with this movement. I never thought they would gather though in real life and start protest either until Charlottesville. Sadly, I don't think this is the end and I am worried about the future of the country with this resurgence of thought and action.
Yeah, it's not like it's hard to find these racists. They're on all the youtube comments section, news comments sections, various forums etc.

It's sometimes hard not to see the comments they make.

I had pie for my birthday at the village inn and there were not one but at least two vehicles with Confederate flags, the people that owned the vehicles also had KKK tattoos. The second one was a huge oversized truck that looked like it destroyed part of the Ozone everytime it fired up, and the couple that drove it were literally caricatures for fat, white, rural Americans.

They also lost their shit and interrupted my conversation with my mother about the state of the united states and the fact that these idiots and their dear leader were leading us into A;A world war B: A thermonuclear war C: civil War or D: all of the above and more because it's the russian planted donald fucking trump administration shitshow.

You can't escape this shit because most people don't want to admit how much the Internet, specifically places like the chan sites and reddit, have fostered and championed the causes of white supremacy, nazism, pedophilia, and dangerous anarchy like tendencies. Most people don't realize 4chan has been around since 2003 or 4. In that time they've done untold amounts of damage and drastically helped normalize all of this shit.

When people don't care about fact, and fact is now simply opinion or outright falsehood, when people choose the language of the fascists, or choose nothing except maybe anarchy, this is what happens. When you start the Orwellian machine it doesn't just stop.

I tried to tell people when I was younger but no one listened and yet, here we are.

Stoop Man

During his eight months as a racist troll, Wilson never revealed his true identity. When it was all over, Wilson said, he came to appreciate the way in which the far-right media bubble disables its participants — offering an endless stream of scapegoats for their problems but no credible solutions.]

I think this is an interesting point. It help explain why they advocate political violence; they've built up their perceived enemies as untouchable by any other means.


You can not be properly educated and racist. That is like saying I understand math but I believe 1+1=3.
You sure can. Hate is emotional, not logical. I know plenty of people that know there's no genetic reason to feel superior over another... But they choose to act that way because they enjoy lording privilege over another.
That is 100% a choice to look at humanity like that. Have fun in the shit world view club...

A choice based in fact, is more than just a choice. It is acknowledgement.

Wow what a hot take.

There are plenty of educated racists.

That doesn't mean a goddamned thing because of the amount of stupidity and cognitive dissonance required to be a hateful piece of shit that blames your problems on minorities is so far and away from being intellectual.

Goddamn, I swear the centrist crowd shows up every time "w-wait just give them a chance!"

No because when you give them a chance, an innocent girl dies, a man is beaten to death with no one charged, another man is practically lynched(beaten nearly to death) on video with no one caught.

When you "give them a chance" Kaiser Wilhelm leads his country to a future that will horrify the world several times over.

When people gave Hitler a chance, he killed so many fucking people.

People gave Trump a chance, and now we're completely fucked.

You don't give fascists a platform, you don't give them a chance for anything.


Gold Member
offering an endless stream of scapegoats for their problems but no credible solutions.
It always comes down to this.

There is something inherit to the human condition that constantly is trying to shift responsibilities on to something else. All major human institutions do this to some extent. Religion, government, demigods, sex, race, etc...the list goes on and on. Im not saying one is justified over another. It just means that all humans are susceptible to the message.


You sure can. Hate is emotional, not logical. I know plenty of people that know there's no genetic reason to feel superior over another... But they choose to act that way because they enjoy lording privilege over another.

I hate to break it to but these people are not properly educated, they are in fact ignorant. Also being educated has fuck all to do with exposure to "proper" learning.


I mean, I feel like I already knew most of those things just from scrolling through youtube comments, and using reddit and twitter. All without contributing to even more racist trolling on the internet.


Meanwhile, the folks on these forums are still discussing phrenology. Who uses phrenology anymore? We mapped the human genome!

Honestly the guy seems naive... We had humans walk on the moon, several nations send probes to the moon and even mars, have a space station showing 4K footage from space, and people still believe the earth is flat.

You don't need to go undercover, nor should you be surprised a new generation of nationalism has existed. If it isn't race, humans segregate themselves around religion, language, food, culture, hell even skin darkness even if you are the same 'race'.

Couple our tribalist nature with the increased echo chambers of communities that rarely get permeated by outside sources and you see how it forms.
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