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Activision: Destiny potential for $1B+ franchise; Ghosts preorders "well below" BO2

I know some people that are going to buy both Battlefield 4 and Ghosts on both next gen systems and previous gen systems, me being one of them

i'm part of the problem :p

sales will be good though.


I think I remember seeing in the video where they first showed the dog game play that they basically said they weren't trying to do that. I think they said something along the lines of "we have a good formula and people like that, why try to change it" etc. From what they've shown so far I pretty much expect the status quo in a shiny next gen package for PS4/Xbone.

Yea, I figured as much for Ghosts but I'm curious about Treyarch's COD game since they've been the ones to actually at least try to modify the formula a bit. I just think ONE bad selling COD game would actually do the series some good as they're willing to take more risks to keep the series going. I think Ghosts will sell well of course but I do think it's inevitable that COD will decline throughout this generation unless they switch it up.

And I can't really call it "a shiny next gen package" considering how it looks right now. I just hope the 60FPS competition finally convinces them to spend the time and money on a new engine or at least major enhancements instead of sticking with the same archaic engine since their excuse is gone now that BF4 is that good looking AND 60FPS too. It's one thing for the game to play exactly the same in the next generation, but it's another for it to look exactly the same as well.

Ghosts is the first COD I won't be getting at launch for sure and it's just time for them to spend the money to give what the fans deserve instead of keeping the cash cow going with marginal improvements each game.

Maybe Treyarch can blow me away as I have more faith in them now.


I don't buy that next gen excuse at all.

The prime majority of the CoD audience are the same people who will NOT buy a new console at launch, the enthusiasts do that and that group is sick of CoD.

The franchise is in decline, this is just PR and misdirection from ATVI. And there is no point in comparing it to sub brands, it's CoD that sells games nothing else. How else did BlOps1 become the best selling CoD but BlOps2 hasn't came close to that?

I'd imagine Battlefield 4 will outsell Ghosts on next gen systems.

On next gen systems? I agree.


Wow, a thread filled with people who cannot be analysts. This thread is filled with more blind hate than common sense. Those who know the history of both COD and BF understand that both these franchises aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, those that wish for COD to die are merely wasting their breath. Cod has captured the audience that lives by instant gratification and they fail to analyze things objectively. This is not changing because 8-18 year olds are just like that. I have said it and will continue to say it, unless battlefield fundamentally changes it's design principles, they are not getting CODs market. The only game that can do that is Titanfall because it looks like call of duty with mechs. Graphics will not make people switch, it didn't happen with killzone, crysis or bf3 and nothing will change with BF4
(should be an expansion pack to 3)
. This is the reason COD is still $60 and BF3 is $20 and was just on plus. What is the most popular map on bf3? Metro, why? It is the closest map to COD gameplay. COD will continue to make a billion dollars and if it sees a decline, it will be minor.


Wow, a thread filled with people who cannot be analysts. This thread is filled with more blind hate than common sense. Those who know the history of both COD and BF understand that both these franchises aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, those that wish for COD to die are merely wasting their breath. Cod has captured the audience that lives by instant gratification and they fail to analyze things objectively. This is not changing because 8-18 year olds are just like that. I have said it and will continue to say it, unless battlefield fundamentally changes it's design principles, they are not getting CODs market. The only game that can do that is Titanfall because it looks like call of duty with mechs. Graphics will not make people switch, it didn't happen with killzone, crysis or bf3 and nothing will change with BF4
(should be an expansion pack to 3)
. This is the reason COD is still $60 and BF3 is $20 and was just on plus. What is the most popular map on bf3? Metro, why? It is the closest map to COD gameplay. COD will continue to make a billion dollars and if it sees a decline, it will be minor.

This, every single word.


Wow, a thread filled with people who cannot be analysts. This thread is filled with more blind hate than common sense. Those who know the history of both COD and BF understand that both these franchises aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, those that wish for COD to die are merely wasting their breath. Cod has captured the audience that lives by instant gratification and they fail to analyze things objectively. This is not changing because 8-18 year olds are just like that. I have said it and will continue to say it, unless battlefield fundamentally changes it's design principles, they are not getting CODs market. The only game that can do that is Titanfall because it looks like call of duty with mechs. Graphics will not make people switch, it didn't happen with killzone, crysis or bf3 and nothing will change with BF4
(should be an expansion pack to 3)
. This is the reason COD is still $60 and BF3 is $20 and was just on plus. What is the most popular map on bf3? Metro, why? It is the closest map to COD gameplay. COD will continue to make a billion dollars and if it sees a decline, it will be minor.

Battlefield 3 has shipped probably more than 20 million copies now.

Also, no franchise is infallible. Look at Guitar Hero.


Maybe it's because black ops 2 sucks so much (at least compared to BO1).

No it doesn't.

Anyways, I tried to preorder Ghosts for PS4 at Best Buy, but they were only taking preorders for PS3 and 360 versions!

If this is the situation at retailers other than Gamestop, then yeah, I can see preorder numbers being affected when someone who wants Ghosts for PS4, Xbone, or Wii U is unabe to preorder the game.


What is the most popular map on bf3? Metro, why? It is the closest map to COD gameplay.

I'd say the entire Close Quarters map pack is the closest thing to a CoD style experience in Battlefield. All that's missing is the quickscopers, Liberace diamond camo, and mustache target finder.


Apart from Halo 2, I think this might be the only time I have preordered a game (Destiny) more than a year from release.
Activision is certainly rational to be hedging its bets with Ghosts will regard to not making a full-blown next gen version that is significantly improved from the current gen, but I wonder about the long-term momentum of the franchise going forward. I wonder if they will be too late to the party will a full-on next gen CoD while Battlefield, TitanFall and who knows what else is building that key multiplayer early adopter support through 2014. I know CoD 4 was the true breakout title for them this gen, but building that early brand share with a next-gen version of CoD2 that was unlike anything on PS2/Xbox was important as well.


I don't buy that next gen excuse at all.

The prime majority of the CoD audience are the same people who will NOT buy a new console at launch, the enthusiasts do that and that group is sick of CoD.

The franchise is in decline, this is just PR and misdirection from ATVI. And there is no point in comparing it to sub brands, it's CoD that sells games nothing else. How else did BlOps1 become the best selling CoD but BlOps2 hasn't came close to that?

I tend to agree with this. I'd wager that the bulk of the CoD base are not the early hardware adopter types.

It's more like fatigue is setting in. I thought MW3 outsold BO, but no matter, either way the series seems to be past its peak on the current trajectory. Fragmenting the community with two extra platforms probably won't help either.

All the rhetoric regarding Ghosts; I'll believe it when I see it. "We didn't play it safe." "innovation", "blah blah blah". We'll see, Hirschberg.

I'm in day 1 only because I'm a sucker for pointer controls for FPSs (Wii U version) otherwise I probably wouldn't touch this. BO2 was lacking in so many areas.
Just for clarity regarding Destiny, for those who don't know:

Over the next decade there will be a full Destiny instalment every two years, and in the intervening years there will be an expansion pack. So basically, there will be an annual Destiny release. This all leaked from Activision during their case against West & Zampella.


Persecution Complex
CoD will go the way of Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero etc. They were all spectacularly successful on a yearly basis for about 5 years but going into next gen CoD will fade away after Ghosts.
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