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Anyone seen any good movies lately?

Watched Skyscraper recently...taller than the Trump Towers in NYC!


Don't Breathe was the last okay movie I saw. How it Ends was the last one I watched, and it sucked. Any of you fools use Letterboxd?


The last movie I saw that I really liked was the Death of Stalin like 3 months ago.
I normally don't like it when english speaking actors play non english speaking characters (specially if it's historical characters) but I'll let this one slide because it's one of the first comedies I've seen in years that was a actually, at least IMO, consistently funny
The last movie I saw that I really liked was the Death of Stalin like 3 months ago.
I normally don't like it when english speaking actors play non english speaking characters (specially if it's historical characters) but I'll let this one slide because it's one of the first comedies I've seen in years that was a actually, at least IMO, consistently funny
Ever seen The Thick of It or In the Loop?
Antman and the Wasp was fun! I really enjoyed all the acting, action sets and dialogue. The Quantum realm was interesting albeit confusing. I hope it does well enough to warrant another sequel.
I have to wait until next week for that because of the World Cup.


An oldie but goodie is Sling Blade

That movie is so fucking funny, you could get 100 memes from that movie alone
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I finally saw a bunch of movies in the last couple of weeks that I missed otherwise..

Blade Runner 2049.. I never saw the original (I tried, it was so slow) but I thought this was good.. beautiful.. a bit long, and I wish there was a better conclusion but I think I liked it.

Get Out.. really pretty pretty good. I kind of wish the opening scene hadn't been there so you were really blind sided by the whole thing.. but otherwise I thought it was really good.

Jack Reacher.. WOW! This was an awesome movie. I loved everything about this movie. It looked terrible to me (I think) when it came out, but wow it was great.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back.. Ehh. This was OKAY. I watched it right after the 1st and was let down that it wasn't nearly as good. Still entertaining but not nearly as good as the 1st.

47 Meters Down.. I love shark movies.. and I didn't like this movie. It had a few cool scenes.. but I dunno, it just felt very very so-so. I think The Shallows was much better for what its worth.

Pixels.. you know what? Not bad. Not bad at all. Not great, of course, but not bad. I enjoyed it, laughed a bit too.

Super Troopers 2.. Not as good as the 1st movie, but still funny on its own accord. A lot of jokes are rehashes of the original.. but if you really enjoyed the first one, you'll probably like this one.

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation.. really enjoyable. I couldn't remember which ones I'd seen vs not seen.. and ended up this was the one I missed. Very fun, love the gadgets and spy stuff. I think the MI series has been better than the Bond movies for the last decade for sure. Can't wait to see Fallout.

It Follows.. really interesting twist on some typical horror tropes. It left me with more questions than answers, but I enjoyed the ride all the same.

Wind River.. this was a good movie. A bit of a slow burn, but it was really well acted and the Wyoming scenery was great.

Hell or High Water.. I watched this due to Wind River, and I thought this was really good as well. Nice kind of modern Western duo.

It was a busy couple of weeks off.. I tried to watch a movie a day to get caught up.. scoured Netflix/Amazon Prime/Cable/Vudu/etc..

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Finally got a chance to watch It Comes At Night. Best episode of The Walking Dead that you will ever see. Seriously, though, any fan of TWD should give this movie a shot. There aren't any zombies (sorry), but it is a well made post-apocalyptic survivor horror flick. Joel Edgerton keeps things moving along with a nice performance. The guy is just really good in everything he's in.

Watched wind river

This is next on my list. Sicario and Hell Or High Water are a couple of my favorites from the past years. Hoping Wind River is just as good.


What kind of movies you interested in TC?

Some great movies

The Wrestler
Black Swan
Gone Girl


Gold Member
Saw a screener for Mission Impossible on Wednesday. It's pretty great. Absolutely worth a trip to the theater.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Watched Annihilation the other night. It's not Ex Machina tier, and I wasn't quite sure if I was sold on it for the first two acts and thought the flashback narrative framing was superfluous, but it came together for me overall. Alex Garland respects his audience, deftly avoids expository dialogue, and goes in bold directions. Hopefully he gets more opportunities to write/direct ambitious projects.
What kind of movies you interested in TC?

Some great movies

The Wrestler
Black Swan
Gone Girl
I'm interested in anything that's not a really gory horror or a shitty comedy. I've seen all the ones you mentioned there and enjoyed them all.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
What did ya think of them?
Ready Player One starts so cheesy I almost gave up, but it actually turned up to be a really good film. Also... more pop references than any other movie in history. :p

A Quiet Place has a few plot holes here and there but overall I thought it was an awesome movie. Not the kind we're used to seeing.


Darkness no more
I haven’t seen too much lately. For awhile I was going to the theater with Movie Pass regularly. They added a $6 surcharge to every weekend movie so I canceled my subscription.

I did watch Mother! and Jumanji at my place recently and enjoyed both.
Ready Player One starts so cheesy I almost gave up, but it actually turned up to be a really good film. Also... more pop references than any other movie in history. :p

A Quiet Place has a few plot holes here and there but overall I thought it was an awesome movie. Not the kind we're used to seeing.
What if ya have to cough or sneeze?

I haven’t seen too much lately. For awhile I was going to the theater with Movie Pass regularly. They added a $6 surcharge to every weekend movie so I canceled my subscription.

I did watch Mother! and Jumanji at my place recently and enjoyed both.
What theatres do ya normally go to?


There needs to be a class action lawsuit against movie pass it was scam to begin with. They let me use it then told me unless I upgrade my phone I can't use it anymore. I'm like what changed.? Nothing we just want you to do this.
Just got back from Mission Impossible. Good film but I don't know why people are raving about it. 3, 4 and 5 were all better IMO.


I watched Ghost Stories. It's a British horror story, one larger story that ties together 3 smaller stories. There was a thread on here about it, I loved it, probably the best film I've seen this year, but some others in the thread weren't as keen, so maybe it's not for everyone. It's not especially jump scare heavy, but it is well written and well acted

Same with Hereditary. I kind of reluctantly went to watch it because it looked like a standard modern horror, but it's slower and more old fashioned than that. It's got some shots that are slightly Kubrick, and some of the turns it takes are like the old Hammer Horror's or like a less weird Kill List


I watched Ghost Stories. It's a British horror story, one larger story that ties together 3 smaller stories. There was a thread on here about it, I loved it, probably the best film I've seen this year, but some others in the thread weren't as keen, so maybe it's not for everyone. It's not especially jump scare heavy, but it is well written and well acted

Same with Hereditary. I kind of reluctantly went to watch it because it looked like a standard modern horror, but it's slower and more old fashioned than that. It's got some shots that are slightly Kubrick, and some of the turns it takes are like the old Hammer Horror's or like a less weird Kill List

...Yeah I made that Ghost Stories OT. It was decent, but maybe hyped a bit too much, with all the glowing reviews in the trailer etc. Worth a watch if you like those slow burn, with a twist movies. Some of the acting was pretty damn good I will admit. The young boy that was in the Netflix show (where he wants to murder his GF) was quite good.
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