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Are you ashamed to be a "gamer"?

I don't go around telling people im a gamer. I just play games every now and then.

I would, however, label myself as someone very interested in the arts. Though I'm hesitant to call myself an artist as of yet.

That is fine, people who you imagine would be a gamer you think are enthusiasts. Same thing with buffs or philes.

Artists have a different moniker. If you describe yourself as an Artist people think you are one who practices art. A craftsman/woman yourself.

For a fan of art terms such as aficionado, aesthete, or connoisseur usually applies.
I would never use the word "gamer" to describe myself and wouldn't like it if someone were to call me that. The reason is that playing video games is one of several hobbies I have, not something I identify with or feel the need to be associated with. People who call themselves gamers tend to take the entire hobby far too serious, at least in my experience


"Gamer" is a benign term that has been transformed to a strawman used to signal to yourself and others you are not like the other boys *blush*. I don't care enough to be ashamed or advertise the fact.



Every single day with this forum.

Sorry you can't enjoy your hobby because of some external internet drama that has nothing to do with the game you are sitting down and playing.

Today I played FF12, while playing I didn't think about the apparent rampant sexism/racism/trans-phobia/alt-right/white supremacy/homophobia/cis-normative doctrine or whatever else supposedly plaguing the industry. I thought about which party members should wear the golden amulet to double their LP gain and whether I should participate in hunts or continue with the story.

The game I'm playing has nothing to do with the toxic actions of others who may also happen to enjoy it.

(unless you play like Call of Duty, League of Legends or any game with a chat/voice feature, then I suppose it does.)


Every single day with this forum.

Sorry you can't enjoy your hobby because of some external internet drama that has nothing to do with the game you are sitting down and playing.

Today I played FF12, while playing I didn't think about the apparent rampant sexism/racism/trans-phobia/alt-right/white supremacy/homophobia/cis-normative doctrine or whatever else supposedly plaguing the industry. I thought about which party members should wear the golden amulet to double their LP gain and whether I should participate in hunts or continue with the story.

The game I'm playing has nothing to do with the toxic actions of others who may also happen to enjoy it.



I am a gamer.
Not ashamed. But I'm also not proud of it. As I get older my desire to play games has decreased and my want to accomplish real world challenges has increased. I still play every now and then, but I would almost always wish I was doing something more constructive.

Having said that, I still bought an Oculus during this recent sale. Very excited to get my 1060 on Monday and try it all out.


So if you'd played golf on and off for 35 years and someone asked if you were a golfer you'd say "DONT DEFINE ME MAN!"?

Seems like you might be in the ashamed category amigo.

People are waaayyyy too worried about labels these days. Do what you like. A spade is a spade.

I don't see that as equivalent, tbh.

If someone asked me if I were a gamer I'd say yes as I play games. That doesn't mean I define myself as a gamer, feel the need to embrace gamer culture, wear gamer t-shirts, embrace gamer jargon, consume gamer podcasts, etc...

I think a lot of people jump all in on video gaming as if it's a way of life rather than a fun diversion from real life.

There are about 20 titles I'd apply to myself before gamer, and I think it would be healthy for a lot of people to recognize that gaming is not the most important aspect of who they are.
Not at all, there are many wonderful people and communities throughout the hobby. I think it would be silly to allow a hobby or an identity be defined by a minority of toxic people.


I don't openly advertise it, but anyone who is prejudiced enough to apply negative connotations to me immediately is probably an ass


No, it's just a small part of me, a form of entertainment. I'm glad I can sort of share that interest with the gf, she just bought cod: infinity warfare, it was only 10€ but still, some interest in the medium.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Why would I be ashamed to be associated with people that nobody's ever heard of that have done shameful things that nobody knows about? Nobody in real life has ever even heard of this shit.

It makes no sense to be ashamed of drama that only people in the community know or care about in the first place.

In the end, it just means video game enthusiast.

I usually just say "I like video games" when asked about my hobbies though. It's by far my biggest hobby, but I don't want to come off as a shut in so I list other things too.


People are very self conscience about gaming. They say noobish things to hide their gaming desires. I am the only person at my work who takes handhelds out on break. People will say things in the lunch room like, "I don't play often. I have to work a lot. My kids are the ones that have the Xbox." Dude it's your Xbox. Twitch & Youtube views say otherwise. You are a diehard closest gamer. Just admit the truth.
I own a PS4 Pro and Switch, have beaten Dark Souls 2 at least 8 times (and every other Souls game), I got pretty competitive with Destiny PVP and made it to Mercury a lot (good teammates), hell I even streamed some Division PVP ... but if I EVER call myself a "gamer," please dunk my face in turpentine and light me.


I hate that word.


I really don't know who these toxic people are. None of my friends could imagine going online and insulting people or hurl racist/sexist/anti-gay, anti-emtic, etc. comments. Maybe it's because we're all in our 30s but my online gaming self is pretty much my real world self when it comes to interpersonal interactions.

I don't go around telling people they're shit, definitely don't wish they get AIDS, or to go kill themselve, and certainly wouldn't intentionally make prejudice comments to anyone.

Problem is they're no real consequences. Reporting people does nothing. Devs allow people to do and say anything in online games except cheat. I think half the fun of online games for the toxic people is being able to be a complete POS and get away with it.
I'm not ashamed to tell people I play games, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I say I'm a gamer. Especially after Gamergate.

I own a PS4 Pro and Switch, have beaten Dark Souls 2 at least 8 times (and every other Souls game), I got pretty competitive with Destiny PVP and made it to Mercury a lot (good teammates), hell I even streamed some Division PVP ... but if I EVER call myself a "gamer," please dunk my face in turpentine and light me.

I play video games.

Lots of people play video games. Some play video games more than others. But just playing video games doesn't mean you need to wrap your life up in some status as a "gamer".


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I've never really categorized myself in any way, much less in regards to playing games.

I like to play video games.

No shame, no baggage..

I'm aware of the surrounding connotations but that's just water off a duck's back.
Gamergate? Hahaha

Tell me more ...

Not sure if this is serious, but yeah, GG was such a disgusting display of sexism and harassment that I don't feel like I'll ever connect with gaming as a hobby. Gaming is like picking up fast food for me now; it's just a thing I do, not a community I want to involve myself in.


Neo Member
Interesting, I see it as the opposite - the term seems intent to put up a wall between those who meet an arbitrary set of pre-requisites and those who don't. Is a 55 year old administrative assistant who exclusively plays angry birds on his or her phone a "gamer"? Solitaire/minesweeper? Words with Friends? If you've said no to any of the above - which you probably have given part of your definition includes the word "significant" - I would say you are the one creating"in" and "out" crowds, and which is which becomes increasingly unclear.

Do you give that much scrutiny to the definition of "bibliophile" or "cinema snob" for people who might casually read a magazine now and then or occasionally watch a movie on netflix? Those terms aren't made to exude people any more than "gamer" is, they're just a description of the person's interests.


A bit I guess. Or more like embarrassed...I don't know

For me gaming is in a tier above watching movies or watching TV. It's more like reading.
I'll watch TV when I'm bored and there is nothing better to do, but reading and playing videogames is something I actually make time for.

But at least where I live I still feel like an adult being really into gaming isn't that accepted.
Like my dad has a rich friend that loves movies and he actually built himself a small cinema in his house and everyone thinks it's really cool.
Or a co worker has a room in his house that's basically dedicated to watching football and most people think that's great.
But showing the same level of enthusiasm for gaming tends to just raise eyebrows.

So when asked about hobbies and what I like to do in my free time I tend to downplay the gaming aspect and focus on my other hobbies.

Not sure if this is serious, but yeah, GG was such a disgusting display of sexism and harassment that I don't feel like I'll ever connect with gaming as a hobby. Gaming is like picking up fast food for me now; it's just a thing I do, not a community I want to involve myself in.

That's a weird thing to say on a post on Neogaf.... One of the biggest online communities of gaming enthusiasts. Do you also spend your free time posting on fast food forums?


Not sure if this is serious, but yeah, GG was such a disgusting display of sexism and harassment that I don't feel like I'll ever connect with gaming as a hobby. Gaming is like picking up fast food for me now; it's just a thing I do, not a community I want to involve myself in.

That's extreme generalisation.
That'd be like me saying I'm misanthropic because some people are evil.

Sure, say you don't want to because of the perceived stigma you might think is attached, but to go and say it as a whole is wrong.


How do you know these people only identify as what you stated? This is a weird way too take someone saying they have a hobby/activity they like/love.

It's just been my experience that people who label themselves don't really have much going on besides their specific hobby and tend to have the most extreme attitudes.
Being a "gamer"? No.

Ashamed that I play WoW? Yes.

The amount of negatively that surrounds WoW is astonishing. The stigma it STILL carries is something that makes me not want to admit I still play it.


It's just been my experience that people who label themselves don't really have much going on besides their specific hobby and tend to have the most extreme attitudes.

You shouldn't apply your experience onto others that takes their words and spins them in negative way.

I label myself a lot of things, categorizing people is normal. If I say I am a something-er it doesn't in any way mean I only do that something.


No but i dislike how toxic some gamers are or behave.

I even have a couple of game tattoo's so i would be a hypocrite if i said i am no gamer at all lol.

I avoid the crazy part of the gaming community tho i am a bit crazy irl too but eh.... No i don't want to indentify myself with the dark part of our community (the toxic, gamergate, antiwomen, racist, etc parts you get the drift:p).
Lol no. I also think calling being gamers is stupid though. I'm a person that plays video games, but I also do other things like play sports, watch movies etc.
Not sure if this is serious, but yeah, GG was such a disgusting display of sexism and harassment that I don't feel like I'll ever connect with gaming as a hobby. Gaming is like picking up fast food for me now; it's just a thing I do, not a community I want to involve myself in.

Serious. Never heard of it. Googling now ...
Nah. But I am ashamed that no one nearby wants to game with me.

Though some of y'all should stop being so toxic when it comes to video game things that you don't like.
Well whenever I'm asked what games I play I don't really tell them what I actually play because then I have to explain what non-Call of Duty Fifa games I play.

So yes maybe.

I don't really care, I try and not let my hobby be the identity of me.


It doesn't really affect me, I only play single-player games or at most I'll play some Rocket League/Halo online with a friend in the same room. I haven't been into playing online for years now.

Although now University's done forever and I've got more free time, I am awfully tempted to (finally) build myself a decent gaming PC and delve deeper than I've ever delved before. Only so much real life I can take.
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