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Assassins's Creed PS4 is now 1080p with AA.


So they upped the res and added AA and it didn't impact the frame rate? Or do we not care about frame rate, we just want 1080p still shots?


I've gotten done playing about two hours of this post 1080p patch and I got to say, it is very noticeable. Everything has a little more crispness and fine details pop a little more. It is especially noticeable when scaling the side of buildings and seeing the cracks all perfect and not jaggy.
Game mode on my 4 year old TV turns on 1:1 pixel mapping, overscan isn't an issue anymore.

I know how to get rid of overscan on most TVs, but it is an issue. I wouldn't be surprised if most GAFers let alone regular peeps, have overscan on their TVs. I'm sure all those TV's that game reviewers used in New York even had overscan enabled.


So they upped the res and added AA and it didn't impact the frame rate? Or do we not care about frame rate, we just want 1080p still shots?

They were able to optimize the game further and gain more performance options on the back end.

The increased resolution and AA did impact the framerate, but thanks to the optimization pass they were able to do that while retaining 30 FPS.


They were able to optimize the game further and gain more performance options on the back end.

The increased resolution and AA did impact the framerate, but thanks to the optimization pass they were able to do that while retaining 30 FPS.

Cool, I'll check it out when I get home.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I was playing on PS4 in 900p for a few days, and I thought even that looked damn good, if a little murky in the cutscenes. I had to double check here to make sure my patch actually did make it 1080, ha.


Meh, FXAA or a similar post processing AA is enough at 1080p, when I play games on my 46'' TV from about 9ft away IMO. 1080p alone is almost enough from a reasonable viewing distance though, I'd agree. Typical monitor viewing distance however, is simply too close for no AA.

I think it's a personal preference thing. Just read reviews of camera phones. I just hate the smeary look that crap AA produces and will also go for performance --> IQ. I play mine about the same as yours 42" from 4 feet away at 1080p - even with my new glasses, I still need to squint at some detail, which is probably why I'm not that fussed over the 720p issue with XB1.


Wait, so what patch version introduced 1080p? 1.02 or 1.03? My game is updated to 1.02, just wanted to make sure.

You have the right patch.

I don't have a PS4 yet, but I think I saw someone say that you can press options on the game in the xmb and you should be able to see patch notes.
All these good impressions, making the wait till Friday week so much harder
1080 looks nice. Sharp. But needs some more AA... Frame rate is solid.

Is it me though, or is the game darker now? Areas like deep jungle and inside ships cabins seem overly dark.

Panasonic plasma.


Not sure if it's the resolution bump or the new AA but the game looks night and day better to me.

Before the edges of all objects (buildings, trees, etc) looked very "gritty" - as if I had the Sharpness setting on my tv cranked up to maximum. Now (most) everything is much smoother.


I thought they were adding a new AA method? Because the game doesn't look like it has AA still.

Looks slightly better and more detailed at 1080p but just as gritty/jaggy as it did at 900p.

But what I'm most glad about is they seem to have added the extra 180p without a performance hit. Tested it in a few areas and still seems locked 30fps.

Good looking game, but some AA and better lighting would make it great looking imo


1080 looks nice. Sharp. But needs some more AA... Frame rate is solid.

Is it me though, or is the game darker now? Areas like deep jungle and inside ships cabins seem overly dark.

Panasonic plasma.
It could be your TV/PS4 settings. Limited or Full Range RGB? Game mode? Etc...
This is why I shake my head when people say there is no difference between 720P/900P and 1080P or its barely noticeable.

Those images clearly show even for those that were doubtful what 1080P can do for Image quality, blurry games are vomit inducing.

Maybe I'm just biased as I'm a PC gamer as well so was hopeful the next-gen consoles would give us 1080P and its looking like PS4 might at least, however time will tell if the XBOX One follows suit.


Do not underestimate the importance of native resolution on LCD's. PS3/360 look better on 720p native displays for this reason.


He is ALMOST right. But you'd have to downscale to 720p, that gives an anti-aliasing effect that is really strong. But then negates his entire point, which was wrong.

I agree with him, AA is hideous when applied in heavy amounts to compensate for lower resolutions - I greatly prefer minimal AA and a high res. If it's a choice between a few jagged diagonals and a soft picture I'm straining to pick detail out on - give me the minimal AA every single time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
PS4 is awesome. I went on Neogaf to check the happenings and found out the patch went out. Turned on my PS4 and it was already downloaded. I love next generation.

Seriously. Background downloading is one of the coolest things about this generation so far. Given how awful the PS3 system was for downloads and updates, I am consistently surprised at how amazingly smooth everything is on the PS4 right from launch day.


Since my current PC couldn't handle AC1 at a locked 60, I haven't gone back to the series until now. Until I put together my new build late next year (planning and saving for these things takes time damn it!) I am very happy to be able to enjoy games like NFS: Rivals and AC4 on PS4 without making any major concessions over what I'm used to from PC land.

This has all worked out quite wonderfully for me, really.

I am in the sameboat as you buddy! Very happy with those two games on the PS4 :)
So, pre launch, everybody was talking about how the initial batch of games and cross-gen games would hit 1080p, but that in a year, devs would inevitably lust after more next-gen effects and such which would drive the resolution down to sub-1080p levels.

Are we still expecting this? Or do you think all the fallout from "resolutiongate" will persuade devs to strive for 1080p at the cost of extra bells and whistles?


It's actually kind of nice that this was patched solely because people can now see the differences. It's so much cleaner now and while the game is still not the best looking game out there, it's impressive in some areas.

Well, for those of us with eyes who aren't trying to downplay resolution as if it's only coming up because of the console war even though it existed all last gen with games like RDR where the difference was noticeable as well and was even mentioned in a lot of reviews...You know, those same reviewers that say there's no differences now? Yea, those guys.
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