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Battlefield 2042 Already on Steam All-Time Worst Reviewed Games List


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

At the time of writing on November 19, Steam reviews for Battlefield 2042 are listed as "Mostly Negative." Over 10,600 users have left reviews, of which only 21 percent are positive. As such, once the Steam 250 page receives an update, Battlefield 2042 may very well count as the sixth worst-rated game on the PC storefront, sandwiched between Spacebase DF-9, whose positive ratings count for a mere 19 percent of its reviews, and Identity, which boasts 22 percent positive scores. Some confirmed Battlefield 2042 buyers wrote reviews lamenting the absence of features like a story campaign and individual player scoreboards. Others remain convinced that replacing Battlefield's traditional Class system with Specialists was a poor decision. Additionally, the military shooter continues to come under fire for lag issues, subpar optimization, and numerous glitches.

In some respects, this may also warrant recognition as a review bombing. Quite a few of the complaints on Steam revolve around the notion that Battlefield 2042 is not what players want out of the series. Other reviews didn't go into much depth at all, simply telling fellow Steam users to avoid the latest entry at all costs. As of now, there's no telling how Electronic Arts and DICE plan to respond.


Tag, you're it.
This isn't really shocking. It's a new game, and the review-bombers come out in full force for new games. If it's still that way in a month or so that would be interesting.
Or maybe the game is filled with bugs, operators that seem straight out of R6 Siege, a wallhack (!!), and other things that are completely out of touch for a Battlefield game.

Literally the first review I see:

It's not really "muh me not happy because it's new"

For now, it is in my library and I am waiting a few weeks (months?) to try it again because in its state, the game is a disaster (I put this for future people thinking I didn't try it):

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Gold Member
This isn't really shocking. It's a new game, and the review-bombers come out in full force for new games. If it's still that way in a month or so that would be interesting.

All that one has to do, is look at the huge amount of technical issues, gameplay problems, UI design, terrible sound and voice acting, etc, to see that you are just talking out of your arse.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I wasnt able to play much because the damn controllers dont work in the EA Play App. Its a known bug that they still havent resolved.
I got it on PC and went ahead and double dipped on the Series X version for my gameshare partner since it was 'my turn' to buy a game and he wanted to play it.

We got a refund a few days ago and hes moved on, I uninstalled it on PC for now, might revisit it in the spring after some patches. I been playing Battlefield since the 'big case' 1942 physical copy on PC and this one came in a bit hotter than expected. I hope they get it right, but we'll see

It has parts I seriously did enjoy, but the bad just keeps creeping up and the negatives far outweigh the positives. Trying to play the other day and seeing the invisibility bug and rubber banding happening for like 10 straight matches just put me off.
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Gold Member
Friendly reminder that you'll get 10 hours trough EA Access on PC of you don't want to waste your money.


This game is so much better optimized on console it's unreal lol. You'd think it's a completely different game.


Or maybe the game is filled with bugs, operators that seem straight out of R6 Siege, a wallhack (!!), and other things that are completely out of touch for a Battlefield game.

Literally the first review I see:

It's not really "muh me not happy because it's new"

For now, it is in my library and I am waiting a few weeks (months?) to try it again because in its state, the game is a disaster (I put this for future people thinking I didn't try it):

But nevertheless you already gave them your money. Why buy the bad game to wait for improvements when you can always buy it WHEN (and if) improvements happen? Cause right now you are a success in EA/Dice's books, they got your business.


Tag, you're it.
But nevertheless you already gave them your money. Why buy the bad game to wait for improvements when you can always buy it WHEN (and if) improvements happen? Cause right now you are a success in EA/Dice's books, they got your business.
Nop, I bought a year of EA Play on Steam to do Fallen Order & It Takes Two in other things. In fact I've been also playing BF3 and BFV for quite some time but played BF 2042 for 2 hours then left, so in their stats I'm a player who left 2042 for previous title in the franchise.


Nop, I bought a year of EA Play on Steam to do Fallen Order & It Takes Two in other things. In fact I've been also playing BF3 and BFV for quite some time but played BF 2042 for 2 hours then left, so in their stats I'm a player who left 2042 for previous title in the franchise.
My bad. Fair enough. Right away sir.


Been playing on PS5 for a couple hours and it's running great.

Haven't touched Portal yet. The game is awesome and will be my shooter for a while.

The beta had me nervous but it's running fantastic. Crossplay off
Right? I had performance issues on PC, but the last Nvidia drivers definitely helped with that. The other issue I had aside from that were the constant error issues, which are also better now. I've actually been able to play quite a few games since both issues have been resolved, and honestly I've had quite a bit of fun.

Is it perfect? No, of course not, but no DICE release has ever been. Closest to that were the games before Bad Company IMO, but even then they had their own issues.

I've warmed up to specialists more than I thought I would, though I will admit it's still really strange. The the quips at the end of the round, the special abilities, etc. It really doesn't feel like the Battlefield the community knows and loves.

Aside from some minor bugs and balance issues, the only real big issue I have now is that the minimap doesn't inform the player if tracked enemies are above or below them. They just appear as a red dot which can be annoying at times when you go around a corner expecting to ambush someone, and then they get you as they come down a set of stairs behind you.

Of course the whole scoreboard thing is pretty stupid too.

But aside from that, there are still those very Battlefield feeling moments, and they're plentiful. Not to mention there are vibes in this game that I personally haven't felt in a BF game in what feels like a VERY long time.

I have no doubt that the game will get better with time, just like all recent DICE games. It's just a shame that they took the series in the direction they did, and released it with the issues it had and still has.

Edit: I wanted to add that I've been excited lately because I'm looking forward to the holiday season so I can put more time into Battlefield, COD, and Halo. Halo Infinite is certainly my favorite of the three, but all three games are fun and stand on their own to differentiate one another. I feel like I haven't felt this feeling in several, several years.
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I believe the correct name is Hoverfield 2042 currently.

LOL confirms everything I predicted. Its not built around gameplay, but how can we build a game so we can make YT / Twitch OMG videos from our paid for "creators"

Well, We are running out of AAA pubs. EA and Ubsioft have nothing to offer and this trend is growing ....and will not end

Back To Black Dirt GIF by Amy Winehouse


Gold Member
Or maybe the game is filled with bugs, operators that seem straight out of R6 Siege, a wallhack (!!), and other things that are completely out of touch for a Battlefield game.

Literally the first review I see:

It's not really "muh me not happy because it's new"

For now, it is in my library and I am waiting a few weeks (months?) to try it again because in its state, the game is a disaster (I put this for future people thinking I didn't try it):

All that one has to do, is look at the huge amount of technical issues, gameplay problems, UI design, terrible sound and voice acting, etc, to see that you are just talking out of your arse.
Yeh they do… particularly if the game is shit….

Get a grip dude, 2042 is a disaster and to ignore its faults is pure ignorance
That would make sense on Metacritic, but not on Steam where you need to own the game to review it. What, do you think people buy the game just to review bomb it? lol
No the game is garbage. Quit making excuses like this, you're why we have shit like this.
Don't be daft. BF2042 is getting review bombed because it has been released in a terrible state and stripped of its identity, not because it's a new game.

I know absolutely nothing about this game. All I said is that review-bombs for new big title games like this are not uncommon, and that this would be more interesting to me if the game still had mostly negative reviews a month or two into its release (which would be when review bombs should be cleared up or balanced out if that's what actually happened).

It's very possible this game is hot garbage. I never said otherwise. Everyone one of you responded like an over-sensitive teenage girl.


The game isn't garbage...Stop the BS. Alot of games launch and need patches.
"No, game is great! They just need to fix the bugs. All this hivemind hate." Except that this whole game disregards the entirety of BF's identity. Even if they fix all the bugs, this one isn't salvageable. They would need to scrap it all and start over. They're not going to do that.
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Gold Member
Does this game have a lot of issues..Yes
Is this pathetic for a "AAA" game?..yes
Is this game disappointing for some BF Fans..yes
This a game worthy of being on this list...no

I think a lot of 'bugs' and 'issues' are cases where the developers didn't let enough real players actually play the game. This is what happens when several studios work on a project. Really a legit alpha should have been released. Then a real Beta..and then next year the final game.

Seriously there are some really bad 'games' on Steam. I do think Dice and EA need to feel some repercussions for releasing such a mess of a game...but I am having way more fun with this game than Cyberpunk and several other games i played and requested a refund.


Gold Member
Like I said, the first review you can see on the Steam page list a LOT of issues, so next time do a little research before posting, especially when you call out for "review bombing".

I didn't call it out for review-bombing. I only said that review-bombing was a possibility. Also, I'm a grown man and I will do whatever I please. I didn't say you can't have alternate opinion. I merely gave my thoughts on the matter. I did not need to handle this any other way than how I did. My comment wasn't insulting. It wasn't rude. It wasn't aggressive. You, on the other hand, got more butt-hurt over my comment than you should have. Welcome to the internet, bud. You might want to pop a Xanax if you're going to be around here for a while.
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Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I know absolutely nothing about this game. All I said is that review-bombs for new big title games like this are not uncommon, and that this would be more interesting to me if the game still had mostly negative reviews a month or two into its release (which would be when review bombs should be cleared up or balanced out if that's what actually happened).

It's very possible this game is hot garbage. I never said otherwise. Everyone one of you responded like an over-sensitive teenage girl.

That's definitely not common on Steam. Bunch of new AAA titles like Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Guardians of the Galaxy etc have mostly positive reviews on Steam at launch.
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