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Bayonetta: The Shadow Remains Cast.....On All Other Action Hack n' Slash Games! (10th Anniversary Edition)

Bayonetta is an Action-Adventure Hack and Slash video game developed by the legendary Platinum Games. I’ll be honest: I didn’t care much about Bayonetta when it first came out back in 2010 because of my taste in games at the time were limited to Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, and Call of Duty. Japanese games never really appealed to me when I was younger, but surprisingly enough, I became more interested in them during the past couple of years. I found out about Bayonetta from a friend of mine who talked about how crazy some of the boss battles were in this game. Dare I say, this game has boss battles that rival the Dark Souls and Metal Gear Solid series, but I digress (for now). I started playing Bayonetta for the first time on November 8th, which was its 10th Anniversary. It took me until December 23rd to complete the game (a new record for me to complete a brand new game on a home console in such a short span of time!) and what an experience it was. Now, let's get right to the reviewing, shall we?

Gameplay [9.75/10]
In terms of gameplay, Bayonetta is meticulously designed to maximize the ‘action’ in any gameplay scenario. I could tell that the masters of hack & slash worked on this game because the gameplay is executed to near perfection (nothing is perfect, ofcourse!) Never have I ever played an action hack & slash game quite like this, even when I've played the God of War franchise. The sheer amount of combos, weapons, items, and gameplay mechanics given to the player is intoxication and overwhelming to say the least. However, I would say Bayonetta's greatest achievement in terms of gameplay is the fact that you cannot block in this game. At first, I was confused as to how I can evade my enemies successfully. That’s when the game introduced the Dodge mechanic which triggers “Witch Time”, a phase where time is slowed down temporarily. I’ve read about this design choice from the devs which talked about how they wanted players to never stop attacking and always be on their toes when it comes to playing Bayonetta (they called it “The Flowing Combo Attacks” design philosophy). The flexibility of movement in Bayonetta is one of the best in any game that I’ve ever played in a video game. The intense moments of the game arise not from close encounters with NPCs but rather when trying to evade them in terms of dodging their attacks. I’ve struggled at first when it came to understanding the basics but as time passed, I saw myself becoming more skilled and adept to the enemies, especially when timing my dodging correctly. The weapons given in this game are well-balanced and fun to use. At the same time, it requires a level of skill to properly handle them, which adds to the overall difficulty of Bayonetta. With that being said, this game does not hold your hand, but it respects your intelligence. Slightly frustrating checkpoint issues aside, Bayonetta is a masterful action hack & slash game when it comes to gameplay, especially if you’re a fan of the genre.

Story [9.25/10]
Bayonetta is a surprisingly deep story when considering the lore and mythology in the game. The fact that you can hear Angels speaking Enochian tells me how much attention to detail this game possesses (Occultists would understand what I mean). Playing Bayonetta for the first time made me realize why she is so beloved among fans of the genre: she has amazing charisma, incredibly alluring, and an empowering personality that makes her character easily loved and respected (tips fedora). The dialogue in the game is well-written, witty, and cheesy all at the same time. The game’s localization is incredible and brought out the best of the voice actors and in-game text. The antagonists in the game are well-rounded, not one-dimensional in their motives. I loved the story of the Two Clans that represent the Light and Dark of the world (READ THE IN-GAME BOOKS!). The locations that take place in the story are memorable to say the least, not just in terms of how they appear visually, but the tone and art direction for each location truly made me feel like I was in another world, metaphysically speaking. While there was some backtracking in terms of locations used, I felt like those locations warranted another visit from how well they were realized in the game. The story has a great mystery that continued to tease and amp up the tension and thankfully, the reveal at the end was worth the wait. Some nice plot twists sprinkled here and there too, but the ending of the game was the highlight of the story. The end credits is truly memorable, to say the least. Overall, the story was executed very well and I can safely say it’s a story and a lore/mythology that I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.

Atmosphere (Graphics/World Design/Art Direction/Music/Sound Design) [9.75/10]
From all of the PlayStation 3 games that I’ve played over the past 17 years, never have I been so stunned by a game’s art direction than Bayonetta. Some of the best art direction in terms of location design I've seen in years. I honestly want to visit some of these locations now after playing the game. My favorite area to visit in Bayonetta is the Gates of Hell Bar (the music in this area is so jazzy in a really good way) Not only this, but the attention to detail in this game is noteworthy, to say the least. The character design of Bayonetta and the details on her body and costume is a sight to see! The enemies are very unique when it comes to their designs as well. The atmosphere evoked in this game is first-rate; you truly feel like you’re in another realm of your world and the music that accompanies you along the way does a great job of maintaining that ethereal atmosphere throughout the game. The sound design really impressed me with the way it balanced the music with the sound effects when engaging in combat. Overall, the presentation was outstanding and I love seeing developers push the envelope when it comes to art direction, character design, sound design, and music.

Final Remarks
All in all, I had an amazing and memorable time with Bayonetta. It has great replay value due to the sheer depth of the gameplay and overall, It was a great start to a legendary franchise. I hope this series never ends as there are so many possibilities to achieve with it, both narratively and gameplay-wise. I highly recommend this game for those who love action hack & slash and those who love old school game design tendencies. I would not recommend this game to those who get frustrated easily because this game does not play around; it will never hold your hand. Now, I have to really start saving up money and buy myself a Nintendo Switch to play the second (and possibly third!) Bayonetta.

Score: 9.5/10 (Outstanding/Editor’s Choice)
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Gold Member
No surprise at all for that 9.25 for the story from the master of mumbo jumbo stories :ROFLMAO:

Now go and try dmc5, i fully expect a 12 out of 10 for the story of that game...
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PS3 ? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Second game certainly is not better in my opinion. It did a good job at removing a few annoying things, but it toned down the hidden challenges, the story is not great at all and Bayonetta is a shadow of her former self (you can see that Kamiya was not the director). Bosses are inconsistent as well, the game is a bit short and recycles too much content from the first game.

Bayonetta 3 should be much better.
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Loved it and will buy the new edition for PS from SEGA. But in my opinion save your money right now for something else, the 2nd is not as morable/crazy/fun as the 1st... it's "just" a good game.
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Wait, did you actually play the PS3 version of this game? o_O

From all of the PlayStation 3 games that I’ve played over the past 17 years
Time Paradox man, you've probably skipped enough years to have played Bayo 3 already.

Very nice and well thought out review and that gif of Bayonetta on Enzo's car is her best facial expression IMO so great job on using that.

And yea, Kamiya doesn't put blocking in his games...he puts all that blocking into Twitter instead XD


Bayonetta is one of my favorite games ever, but man do yourself a favor and play literally any version other than the PS3. One of the worst ports ever.
Many people played on PS3, they were fine......As a matter of fact, some of the biggest combos I've seen are from PS3 players....

Not denying there are better versions out there of course, but I guess that will soon be remedied by the 4k 60fps entry coming soon to consoles...
Bayonetta is very good maybe Platinum's best game, and it seems they can't get out of it's shadow, every game they've made since especially the licenced ones were basically Bayonetta Lite and no where Near as fun, they are in desperate need of variety.
It can't touch DMC IMO.
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Unconfirmed Member
Man I can't even count Bayo as sexy since the bitch is a walking ladder...like a proto Slenderman. But I enjoyed the first game plenty when it dropped.

Final score. 7/10
- Not enough water +It plays well enough, actually it plays really fucking good
- too short lenght wise yet legs too long +Witch protagonist
- Not enough hot angel bdsm finishers +The bosses outside one are fun to take appart
- Seriously Sarah Palin is not hot +Fuck you heaven I summon my hair stands
- Megane is degenerate


I wholeheartedly disagree.

The in-game books add layers and nuance to the story and lore of the game. You just have to dig deep to find them and read them.

Mate, it’s a game, not a pdf viewer. I’m not reading any in game books, that’s at best lazy story telling. The game should communicate the story without me having to read through mountains of boring exposition.


Yeah, I liked it a lot and I don't typically like these games much. Had good fluidity and great s-s-s-style.

Good write-up too. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron should you be interested in playing it. The game is clearly nowhere near as good as Bayonetta but the actual story and lore (based on aspects of the Book of Job) are very interesting.
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Many people played on PS3, they were fine......As a matter of fact, some of the biggest combos I've seen are from PS3 players....

Not denying there are better versions out there of course, but I guess that will soon be remedied by the 4k 60fps entry coming soon to consoles...

I'm not a huge stickler for FPS, but PS3 is the only version that's 30fps as opposed to the 60fps of every other version; that's just objectively worse.

Bayonetta was originally going to be only on the 360 due to Platinum being more of an upstart dev at the time and so they had to be more budget conscious (and they chose the 360 because it was easier to develop for).

Then Sega or themselves (can't remember which) decided a PS3 version should be made, but P* didn't have the time/resources to do it, so some (obviously underqualified) team at SEGA did it, resulting in the messy conversion where it ran at sub 30fps and had long load times for item pickups. Some of that got smoothed out after a patch but it's still the worst way to play the game.

At least Platinum made up for it with Vanquish, which was pretty much the same on both platforms.

Anyways can't wait for the 10th Anniversary bundle and that sweet sweet steelbook. It'll be the 3rd time I buy Bayonetta, but that 60fps Vanquish will be worth it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Guess you can write for Kotaku. Please name your threads properly and not with clickbait, this has zero to do with the anniversary edition, it's just a lttp to a shit version of a solid game or something. 9.25, 9.75, lmao. Bye.
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Bayonetta was originally going to be only on the 360 due to Platinum being more of an upstart dev at the time and so they had to be more budget conscious (and they chose the 360 because it was easier to develop for).

Then Sega or themselves (can't remember which) decided a PS3 version should be made, but P* didn't have the time/resources to do it, so some (obviously underqualified) team at SEGA did it, resulting in the messy conversion where it ran at sub 30fps and had long load times for item pickups. Some of that got smoothed out after a patch but it's still the worst way to play the game.

At least Platinum made up for it with Vanquish, which was pretty much the same on both platforms.

Anyways can't wait for the 10th Anniversary bundle and that sweet sweet steelbook. It'll be the 3rd time I buy Bayonetta, but that 60fps Vanquish will be worth it.
I think it was also because they tailored Bayonetta to the strengths of the 360, I believe it was to do with handling transparencies.

And yes it was Sega who ported it themselves, PG handed them whatever was necessary to do so and the end result was one of the worst cross platform ports of that generation.

I like to think that it was that port which flashed the bat signal that made most third party developers change their approach: develop for PS3 first then port to 360.

Truth be told even Vanquish was somewhat better on 360 because it allowed for screen tearing, some devs would make it so that it occurs near the top or bottom of the screen.

The general pattern for that generation was that 360 games were allowed to tear whilst PS3 had forced Vsync for almost every title, resulting in lower framerates whenever shit got intense. It also meant that 360 generally had better input response, making it the preferred platform for almost every fighting game at the time.
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Wait, did you actually play the PS3 version of this game? o_O

Time Paradox man, you've probably skipped enough years to have played Bayo 3 already.

Very nice and well thought out review and that gif of Bayonetta on Enzo's car is her best facial expression IMO so great job on using that.

And yea, Kamiya doesn't put blocking in his games...he puts all that blocking into Twitter instead XD
The best post reply on this thread so far :messenger_heart: :messenger_smiling:

Thank you everyone for replying and reading my LTTP!

My favourite chapter in Bayonetta is Chapter 15 with the EPIC Boss Battle between Bayonetta and Jeanne :messenger_fire:


I finally finished it this week. Game was pretty long. I loved the Oddness of it but towards the end I was asking for it to be over. Combat was good but not my favorite.
The best post reply on this thread so far :messenger_heart: :messenger_smiling:

Thank you everyone for replying and reading my LTTP!

My favourite chapter in Bayonetta is Chapter 15 with the EPIC Boss Battle between Bayonetta and Jeanne :messenger_fire:
Hope you enjoyed the references haha.

And thanks for your review, always a pleasure to read posts that clearly had thought and care put into them. You could remove the scores and gifs and it'd still be a good read.

Looking forward to the day when you finally get a Switch and play Bayo 2 and perhaps 3.

Here's something that I've never bothered to try and learn, maybe you'll put it to better use than I:


Bayonetta has a great battle system... too bad it's brought down by tonnes of crap QTE shit and minigames. Because of all the trash filler content I never want to replay the game.


I finally finished it this week. Game was pretty long. I loved the Oddness of it but towards the end I was asking for it to be over. Combat was good but not my favorite.

I've beaten the game like 5 times. That's a lot for me, as about 90% of the non-fighting games I've played, I've only went through the whole game once. Then there's Bayonetta 2, which I like even more than the first one, but just slightly.


I've beaten the game like 5 times. That's a lot for me, as about 90% of the non-fighting games I've played, I've only went through the whole game once. Then there's Bayonetta 2, which I like even more than the first one, but just slightly.

I am very interested to try Bayo 2. I have it on the switch but I’m wanting to finish up Astral Chain before I do another Bayonetta game. I hear its a bit different. Hopefully it’s just as campy.


I wish I had this love affair with the game the rest of you do but I just can't.

Bayonetta is a meme game and you know EXACTLY what I mean. After the first 1/3 of the game it becomes embarassingly "lolrandom!!!" for the rest of it.

The vehicle levels went on for to long, the space harrier stage is garbage, and eventually the level design becomes horrible along with the stage long bosses that aren't well designed and exist only because the games under-budgeted. Then Bayonetta 2 only amplified these problems because it became a straight up boss rush after the first quarter.

I have a hard time with Bayo/Bayo 2 considering you hardly ever have much of a chance to really put your skills to work like DMC 4/5 or even DmC, which I found to be infinitely more enjoyable than Bayonetta.
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I wish I had this love affair with the game the rest of you do but I just can't.

Bayonetta is a meme game and you know EXACTLY what I mean. After the first 1/3 of the game it becomes embarassingly "lolrandom!!!" for the rest of it.

The vehicle levels went on for to long, the space harrier stage is garbage, and eventually the level design becomes horrible along with the stage long bosses that aren't well designed and exist only because the games under-budgeted. Then Bayonetta 2 only amplified these problems because it became a straight up boss rush after the first quarter.

I have a hard time with Bayo/Bayo 2 considering you hardly ever have much of a chance to really put your skills to work like DMC 4/5 or even DmC, which I found to be infinitely more enjoyable than Bayonetta.
Whose Alt is this?
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