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Capcom to announce new Resident Evil title ‘Project Resistance’ for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 9


The characters needs more japanese influence to feel proper RE. The games usually are set in the USA, but the best designs in the series, characters and background were not "north american" but "what a japanese artist thinks is the USA without a proper research". No irony, I love this aspect of the franchise.

These characters seems a little bit too mundane IMO.
Agreed. The more stylized character design of previous RE games was so much better than the boring realistic look they've been doing since RE7...


I'm talking about clothes, fashion, city design

Yea...all the clothes, fashion and city design looks western. Raccoon City doesn't look like Japan soooooo yea.

some japanese architecture influences here and there.

Like what? Can you give a reference to what you are talking about as someone that's played the whole series, I've never seen anything like that in terms of the levels.

"Tatsuya Minami, Senior Manager of Product Planning for Resident Evil, told Maximum News in 1996 that to "create a feeling of horror" the team needed a "solid background" and settled on a "European-style house" because it seemed like the creepiest option: "Personally speaking, I've been to America and England many times, where I visited stately homes in the country, and actually felt quite frightened!" Minami said the developers also took cues from European ghost stories, which, unlike those common to Japanese culture, feature the Devil. "

"The game’s pre-rendered backdrops were also reportedly also inspired by the main setting of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining: the seriously haunted Overlook Hotel (a theory backed up by the fact that, in Resident Evil 2, the word “REDRUM” is scrawled in red in the Hallway area). "

Oh wow, inspired by a American book, of an American film of a AMERICAN hotel....

"If a western studio made the RE1 Jill design, they would probably" You don't know, nor do I. So....until some other studio makes a Resident Evil title that are not Japaneses, you won't really know what they'd make those characters look like, your hypothetical is even more insane as you are basically saying if someone ELSE invented Jill. Well...until you get that time machine, you'd never know and neither would I. If you feel that way fine, but I don't get this obsession with making this weird concept of good = Japanese. Some on here don't like the new RE2 models and those are done by Japanese so clearly that theory isn't that sound. You just subjectively like something, its not rooted in anything objective to be like "if a western studio". Heck, if anyone OTHER THEN THE DAMN ORIGINAL ARTIST made it we might question if they are as good as the artist we are used to. So you might like how they designed her, but you might like how that artist IN GENERAL designs their characters, where as another Japaneses artist might not be able to be as good as that one artist.

So....the Japaneses also made RE2 remakes Clair and Leon and many didn't like how they looked like. Those artist no longer Japanese or ? (seeing how Japaneses= good)


Have you played Outbreak youself on PS2 back when it came out? I didn't,

Yup. I own both File 1 and 2 and both day 1 buys for me. As someone that actually PLAYED IT, this is very much the same concept. Abilities, puzzles, team work, 4 people online fighting zombies.

This is just Capcom chasing for trands

I disagree. I don't think the years of development of this game are based on simply 1 thing from Friday The 13th game, the base concept of this is the Outbreak concept and to suggest 1 feature is why the whole game exist despite it being older then the game you are talking about makes very little sense. The feature makes sense. In the RE series, you have bad guys many times unleashing enemies at you in waves, having someone able to play and be a zombie makes sense as you could already be that in the original outbreak online, when you meter hit 100% on the T-Virus, you turned into a zombie..

So what they are doing makes sense to the series and to say they are doing it for money is moot, where the suppose to do it for free? Make no money? Go poor or something? So yes, Capcom makes games and sells them to make money, that isn't a secret as that is what 99% of the industry does. So I'm fine with this and think its even sound and safe as its already a concept they've done several times, if it fails it fails, but they must try. So as someone that played both, even I'M not going all nuts crying over every last detail. SO I miss this series, I'm not going to start to nit picking all over the place when the thing I wanted is happening.

Online Resident Evil, 4 player co op, abilities, puzzles, team work, zombies, over the shoulder, RE7 engine and all new random civilian characters. Thats what I wanted, anything else extra is simply just extra. From my perspective, I see no reason to then cry over them continuing a series cause it has a feature someone else has.

Other games are online too, they should not make this cause that? Other games got zombies too, should this not exist? Hey, other games have co-op where you fight NPC bad guys, so they should just make this not exist? So its why I never really care about such things and only care about the core features.

That would be like me not buying BF3 cause they had team death match or don't buy BFV cause it has battleroyal or don't buy The Last Of Us cause it has multiplayer, or don't buy Red Dead cause it has MP. I bought all 4 games I told you about yet didn't play the features I just told you. The damn company MUST STILL MAKE MONEY TO EXIST, they must follow some of those trends and if the core game is still good, why on earth would it bother you? Capcom making LESS money helps you how? How can they fund Resident Evil 3 remakes development if this game doesn't exist to make them that money? So I'm ok with the feature and it fits the RE concept extremely well.

Don't let that one feature have you miss out on the Outbreak concept, it would be silly to actually miss such a fun concept JUST cause that. It would be like Not buying Cyberpunk 2077 cause it has MP.
This franchise has an identity crisis and this game is definitely aimed at brain dead Western gamers. If it had a bit more character to it I wouldn't mind the cheap garbage look to it but fucking hell.


Funny as shit how the black dude is named Tyrone.


Tears of Nintendo
Yup. I own both File 1 and 2 and both day 1 buys for me. As someone that actually PLAYED IT, this is very much the same concept. Abilities, puzzles, team work, 4 people online fighting zombies.
See, that's not exactly what I've gathered after watching RE retrospective. I mean, yeah, it's true, there's puzzles, team work, online play and stuff, but even though Outbreak is an online game, it still feels like a RE game just not streamlined in terms of story and character to feel like a true SP story-driven game in online enviroment. There's still more stuff to find and piece it together etc. It's basically RE but with some one else at your side like RE5 just without the stuff I've mentioned. I just don't see anything like RE in this new game, it's just feels and looks like a Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th or Day Z take on RE which far from the best they could've done. Moreover, I'd even go as far as to say that I'll be more willing to play true and next gen Outbreak game cuz of what I've seen in RE Retrispective, it coold work great in this day and age with new tech and stuff. I just don't think RE brand will benifit much (or at all) from the most of the stuff they've showed in gameplay trailer, if anything it'll make it worse, again, just like after Operation Racoon City or Umbrella Corps.

But it's just my opinion man and It's not like true RE experiences are going away, but I personaly and rather prefer nothing than this Project Resistance, cuz I care about this brand and I don't want it to be damaged or get bad rep again all cuz of Capcom's bad business decisions based on trends to just cash in quick. I mean, it's find if there won't new RE games for 2 years and before RE8's release, it's fine, people who care about this brand will be there to support it. You don't have to do anything else before then just to make people not forget about RE and how even can they after amazing RE2 remake? Seriously, if you trully believe in online RE experience, do it right and learn from what you did before, you don't have to reinvent the wheel or copy and do what other devs are doing right now cuz it's "popular", in the end it's you and your brand will suffer. Also and as I've said above - sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something and if it's not RE experience and even if it's online. Outbreak clearly showed that you can do good, but the time was not right for it and tech wasn't there to support this idean in full and you'd think that now they could've look back at it and say - okay, we do have tech now and everything we need to make it work, let's try and do it again. But nope, clearly they didn't even cared about this new game that much and the fact that they've outsourced it and handed over their tech to do it kinda proves my point.

and to suggest 1 feature is why the whole game exist despite it being older then the game you are talking about makes very little sense
There's far more than one feature, there's a lot of stuff from this new game that original Outbreak game simply didn't had at all - 4v1 BS, stupid camera and mastermind shit etc. All of this is new and taken from other games and it makes original Outbreak formula worse imho cuz it's not a fucking RE just online and without SP story and stuff you expect from RE, it's Death by Daylight, Friday the 13th or Day Z type of game with RE name. I can't see anything that reminds me of RE in this game and from what I've seen in this trailer.

That would be like me not buying BF3 cause they had team death match or don't buy BFV cause it has battleroyal or don't buy The Last Of Us cause it has multiplayer, or don't buy Red Dead cause it has MP. I bought all 4 games I told you about yet didn't play the features I just told you. The damn company MUST STILL MAKE MONEY TO EXIST, they must follow some of those trends and if the core game is still good, why on earth would it bother you? Capcom making LESS money helps you how? How can they fund Resident Evil 3 remakes development if this game doesn't exist to make them that money? So I'm ok with the feature and it fits the RE concept extremely well.
I don't have problems with them making money, I do have problems with mediocre games which hurt the brand and your reputation. And why on earth must you follow stupid trends if you clearly committed to your own ideas by making RE7 and RE2 Remake? Again, look at how you did before - Operation Racoon City and Umbrella Corps - miserable POS which flopped hard and for a good reason, learn from it, look at original Outbreak and just make this game today with modern tech, nothing less, nothing more. But they did exactly what Konami did with Metal Gear Survive - chasing trends to chash in quick on a popular brand without caring to much about the game itself and RE identity.

I'm sorry, but nothing in this new game looks even remotely appealing or interesting to me, I couldn't care less about Death by Daylight, Friday the 13th or Day Z, I don't see RE in it and I much rather play original Outbreak game just with modern tech, made by internal Capcom people and just like they did with RE2 Remake - basically the same game as original but modern, with much more expanded and well written story / characters and close enough to original game to stay true to original vision.
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I think its a stretch to assume they would remove what they themselves actually started. Left 4 Dead is copying their concept, not the other way around. What is already confirmed is yes, it has puzzles, yes the players have different features and abilities just like Outbreak.....this pretty much is Outbreak 3.

" how does the Left 4 Dead comparison not make any sense?" Well for starters "I know one came before the other" as in, its a moot point. You are trying to compare them to the people that COPIED THEM....

Soooo Left 4 Dead compares to Outbreak, Outbreak doesn't compare to Left 4 Dead, one copied the other.... thus its a moot point. It would be like saying zombies and team work in this game was copied from Left 4 Dead as if you just forget YOU YOURSELF posted this "I know one came before the other". If you know that, then you know its a moot point consider one clearly deeply influenced the other. So this is as I expected it, like Outbreak series with RE7 and RE2 features, controls, engine etc. I see no reason to worry about anything regarding Left 4 Dead. The new trailer very much shows its very much continuing the Outbreak concept. Co-op, puzzles, abilities etc. So I'm not picky and spoiled about my titles, this game could have never existed so I'm 100% ok with what it is as I'm just asking for base Outbreak features in a new engine and this pretty much is it.

Left 4 Dead is the very base concept of Outbreak, as in 4 folks online fighting stuff and pretty much no puzzles (not talking about mods). It would be like asking if Outbreak will remove all features and just be about nothing but 4 people with no ability and just going to rooms of fighting stuff when nothing really points to them stripping the game of features and having less then what they did 15 years ago. Based on how RE7 and RE2 work, dear god...you'd need to even REMOVE those features to aim for that, so its just very unlikely and I'm not sure why anyone thought such a thing might happen when Outbreak had more features then Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead came out after. So them being like each other again is moot if you consider the very base of Left 4 Dead is killing stuff with 4 people, by default that is what you'd be doing in this game ON TOP of all the other features.

I don't think Left 4 Dead copied Outbreaks concept at all. Yes they both have 4 players shooting zombies but other then that, there game play and pace is completely different. I don't know how your misunderstanding me, when did I ever say the Outbreak series compares to Left 4 Dead? I was judging and comparing the original Project Resistance Teaser to Left 4 dead because that's what it reminded me of, not this new game play trailer that just came out which confirms this is not Outbreak at all which in turn confirms what I was worried Capcom was going to do. Instead of just making a new Outbreak game they went with the "What's popular right now" approach. But hey, I'm just judging the trailer, maybe there will be a traditional story mode that's like Outbreak with no 5th player controlling traps etc etc. Smoke some weed bro/girl or take a shot of tequila, you seem way to worked up about this.


I just don't see anything like RE in this new game

You see what you want to see. The same could be argued about Outbreak.

, it still feels like a RE game

How do you know this new RE online title doesn't? You saw 2 minutes of this yet...I played HUNDREDS of hours of Outbreak 1 and 2 and I'm telling you, you haven't seen enough of this new title to really say that, I'd argue we've seen enough to support its the base concept of Outbreak. Anything else you are arguing is way too subjective like "feel" or your emotions regarding it.

I'd even go as far as to say that I'll be more willing to play true and next gen Outbreak game

What about this title isn't outbreak besides obviously it having a different name? If you go on about "feel", you need to excuse your point, its too bias and emotional for anyone to take into any consideration. It would be like me saying the new DMC5 isn't like the last ones and I'd pay f or a "REAL" DMC titles. (Oh, whats not DMC about it) "OK bro, well I FEEL, it FEELS, THE FEELS" once you go down that road, you are not arguing about any objective feature, you are actually asking for an emotional attachment to the title like you had with another title...something no damn company can even properly convey or even understand, that is just too vague and based on personal want that just can't be measured. Its why you only see me telling you about actual factual features, not my feelings on the title. That is subject to change person by person ie subjective. Thus it has no place in talking about this and the other title. To be on the same page, ignore your feelings about it as there is no point to bringing it up. Stay on objective facts and features that can be measured to make the point.



I just don't think RE brand will benifit much (or at all) from the most of the stuff they've showed in gameplay trailer, if anything it'll make it worse, again, just like after Operation Racoon City or Umbrella Corps.

Funny, could someone not saying this about the Outbreak 3 trailer showing 4 people fighting zombies with different abilities? So you are more obsessed over the name "Outbreak" then you are the actual concept of the game....

I care about this brand and I don't want it to be damaged or get bad rep

?? Gamers are not that dumb though bud, they understand this isn't a main RE title, everything you are arguing can be argued even about OUTBREAK! They have had so many bad RE side games its not even funny, but fans still clearly understand the main RE titles and remakes are go tos, no one is dying over this. So you can't ask for Outbreak and then complain about a online Resident Evil title and then worry about brand, then complain about OTHER MP titles......soooo none of that would apply to Outbreak 3? So as someone that played 1 and 2, you are worrying about lots of dumb things. This is pretty much Outbreak, I didn't just like those games cause the name was "OUTBREAK" I liked it based on what I did.

I liked having many characters that were just civilians and new.
I liked having many puzzles to solve as a team
I liked having online players stop a zombie from biting me
I liked having different abilities
I liked being able to turn into a zombie after I hit 100%.

Those things still exist in this title, so its a day 1 buy for me. Stop getting so hung up on "feel" of something you didn't even play, heck as someone that put so many hours in those 2 games, don't you think its odd I'M not arguing over this existing but supporting it?

So you can't really be this upset over 2 minutes of a trailer of a sequel to a series you never played arguing about something you've never even felt or played. It makes no sense.

if you trully believe in online RE experience, do it right

??? My friend, you never played Outbreak 1 or 2 to know if this is doing it wrong so.... This pretty much is Outbreaks concept in a nutshell. It even has the feature of finding a map to update the team, at 2.12min you can see it on the top right.

sometimes doing nothing is better

Yet...you are asking for something CALLED Outbreak 3? smh. So they need to make money to fund the company, this isn't the first RE online title and this won't be the first time they've had a title flop if it does. They still need to compete in the market and I"m all for this. I've seen enough from that trailer to see its most of Outbreaks features to support a buy.

they didn't even cared about this new game that much and the fact that they've outsourced it and handed over their tech to do it kinda proves my point.

Nope. The tech already exist and Outbreak is simply a different RE concept, everything in RE2 remake that you do can work to make a outbreak title, Outbreak one more time is a CONCEPT, you don't need anyone from the original staff to do it right because if they just have the main core features, they are fine. WHAT you do in Outbreak is the difference, not how it feels or moves or anything like that. So if you can shoot a gun, have zombies, unlock doors etc, you can make a outbreak title. Its why this of all titles makes sense to outsource in the first place. Capcom likely gave them several things that it needed, random characters, turning into zombies, puzzles, finding maps, collecting items etc. All that already exist.

4v1 BS, stupid camera and mastermind shit etc

Oh, having nothing like that would make it better? So just having NPCs spawn randomly like in all other RE titles would be better? So this is something that makes no sense bud, its an option that only adds to the title. It means you are playing against a very, very hard enemy that you can't just trick or game, but must actually work together to beat, but that is the concept of Outbreak, you did that already simply not against a human, but even in outbreak YOU TURNED INTO A ZOMBIE! So the concept of a player attacking another player is not "stupid" its part of the concept.

I can't see anything that reminds me of RE in this game and from what I've seen in this trailer.

Can argue the same about Outbreak 1 and 2 then, make a real argument that doesn't just say "my feelings etc" So this whole "I can't see" stuff has way too much to do with your feelings then anything factual or objective.

I do have problems with mediocre games which hurt the brand and your reputation.

You never played this game to know if it is mediocre, you just saw 2 minutes of trailer... You never even played the original outbreaks to even know if that even applies to those titles.... They've had many flops from the Survivor series or Umbrella Corps to ironically Outbreak....yet they still exist. Folks that know the brand, know it has some misses, but RE2 and RE7 sales very much show the fan base is not so dumb that they don't know what a side game is. Will you not buy RE3 cause this? RE8? Soooooo why did you think everyone else was so slow that they'd apply this game flopping to all RE titles to ever release in the future?

And why on earth must you follow stupid trends

I don't see 4 vs 1 as a stupid trend, it makes 100% sense for a RE title as its rooted in the concept. Its not something brand new to have a bad guy throwing enemies at you. I'd argue this is one of the few IPs that makes complete sense for this.

Again, look at how you did before - Operation Racoon City and Umbrella Corps - miserable POS which flopped hard

But hey, you are asking for Outbreak 3? Could you not just argue not to make it as its online and would be a "miserable POS"? Outbreak 1 and 2 sold poorly as to why you didn't get a sequel for so long, to argue against this is to argue against Outbreak 3 as this is Outbreak all but the actual name itself.

look at original Outbreak and just make this game today with modern tech, nothing less, nothing more

Nothing more? Just no dude, at this point you are arguing for less features of a game you never even played. This is Outbreak with MORE features. I'm ok with a player being the bad guy, all that does is make it harder and more random. I have no clue why that would be unwanted and for all you know, you can simply have a playlist that has that as a NPC. So I don't know why you would argue so hard and claim a game will flop based on a feature that might be turned off as a option.

The saddest part of this whole thing is, you ignored its a co-op RE title, online, team play, puzzle solving, you must find the map, can turn into a zombie and each person has different abilities all just to complain that you are getting a new feature.

I much rather play original Outbreak game just with modern tech

Sure dude, you want to play a game CALLED Outbreak more then you actually want to play a game for its actual features ie the thing you actually do in the game. Might as well slap "Outbreak" a sticker and put it on the box to change your mind as you seem to be in love with that name vs the game itself.

with much more expanded

Oh yes, more expanded, like if they expand the player being an enemy like when you turn into a zombie, but like maybe Mr.X or someone else? Ohhhh but I forget you don't want anything more, but you want....what more? So you are in love with a name at this point.

Never played Outbreak because it was called Outbreak, I played it cause the features and this game has those features.


Yes they both have 4 players shooting zombies but other then that,

How do you know that base concept isn't what you are now comparing this new game with? If L4D and outbreaks comparison is moot and very little, how does that change with this title? So what is MORE like Left 4 Dead with this title then?

Instead of just making a new Outbreak game

Ok...instead of jumping to conclusions list Outbreaks features and look at this game. This game has enough of those features to pretty much be Outbreak simply not in name. So you are basing this whole thing on "its not called Outbreak" and then proceed to ignore the features... They are all random civilian characters, puzzles to solve, maps to find, have abilities etc. That pretty much is Outbreak. I made my choice based on WHAT the game actually is, not what its called. Evil Within 1 and 2 are clearly not called Resident Evil yet made from the father or Resident Evil, don't get so caught up on names bud, just focus on the features themselves. They likely are re-branding it as Outbreak is too old and didn't sell well and don't want to loose sales from new customers who might not buy it thinking they need to know what 1 and 2 are etc.

new game play trailer that just came out which confirms this is not Outbreak at all

All it confirms is thats not its name. I play games for the gameplay, not what the title of the game is. Worry more about the features you see vs coming to huge assumptions over the name alone.


Yea...all the clothes, fashion and city design looks western. Raccoon City doesn't look like Japan soooooo yea.

Like what? Can you give a reference to what you are talking about as someone that's played the whole series, I've never seen anything like that in terms of the levels.

"Tatsuya Minami, Senior Manager of Product Planning for Resident Evil, told Maximum News in 1996 that to "create a feeling of horror" the team needed a "solid background" and settled on a "European-style house" because it seemed like the creepiest option: "Personally speaking, I've been to America and England many times, where I visited stately homes in the country, and actually felt quite frightened!" Minami said the developers also took cues from European ghost stories, which, unlike those common to Japanese culture, feature the Devil. "

"The game’s pre-rendered backdrops were also reportedly also inspired by the main setting of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining: the seriously haunted Overlook Hotel (a theory backed up by the fact that, in Resident Evil 2, the word “REDRUM” is scrawled in red in the Hallway area). "

Oh wow, inspired by a American book, of an American film of a AMERICAN hotel....

"If a western studio made the RE1 Jill design, they would probably" You don't know, nor do I. So....until some other studio makes a Resident Evil title that are not Japaneses, you won't really know what they'd make those characters look like, your hypothetical is even more insane as you are basically saying if someone ELSE invented Jill. Well...until you get that time machine, you'd never know and neither would I. If you feel that way fine, but I don't get this obsession with making this weird concept of good = Japanese. Some on here don't like the new RE2 models and those are done by Japanese so clearly that theory isn't that sound. You just subjectively like something, its not rooted in anything objective to be like "if a western studio". Heck, if anyone OTHER THEN THE DAMN ORIGINAL ARTIST made it we might question if they are as good as the artist we are used to. So you might like how they designed her, but you might like how that artist IN GENERAL designs their characters, where as another Japaneses artist might not be able to be as good as that one artist.

So....the Japaneses also made RE2 remakes Clair and Leon and many didn't like how they looked like. Those artist no longer Japanese or ? (seeing how Japaneses= good)

It is not "japaneses = good", let me repeat what I said earlier: "There is no right or wrong. But I appretiate the japanese sensibilities of the classic RE games."

The thing is, even if this is an unpopular opinion these days, because "cultural apropriation", I like when devs try to emulate another culture and are not shy from be influenced by their own.

Warcraft is about medieval knights and wizards, in other words, european, but with a very north american comic book feel where everything is more cartoonish and more extreme.

Mortal Kombat is about ninjas and shaolin monks, but with an unmistaken USA twist.

Makes the atmosphere more original. I admire a lot of things in the USA culture and the country in general. If I make a thread about it in Off-Topic, it would be a lenghty one, trust me. I wish my own country had, at least half of your passion for freedom and self improvement. But like I said, I appretiate the japanese influences of classic RE games, not only because I love Japan also, but because it is a great mixture.

Here is what I'm talking about:

Raccon City


I'm not saying RE classic is 100% japanese and there isn't anything about USA in them. It obviously isn't the case. There is just a bit of japanese influence in them, but enough to make it unique.

Here is a good Gamasutra article about cultural influences in games:
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It is not "japaneses = good", let me repeat what I said earlier: "There is no right or wrong. But I appretiate the japanese sensibilities of the classic RE games."

The thing is, even if this is an unpopular opinion these days, because "cultural apropriation", I like when devs try to emulate another culture and are not shy from be influenced by their own.

Warcraft is about medieval knights and wizards, in other words, european, but with a very north american comic book feel where everything is more cartoonish and more extreme.

Mortal Kombat is about ninjas and shaolin monks, but with an unmistaken USA twist.

Makes the atmosphere more original. I admire a lot of things in the USA culture and the country in general. If I make a thread about it in Off-Topic, it would be a lenghty one, trust me. I wish my own country had, at least half of your passion for freedom and self improvement. But like I said, I appretiate the japanese influences of classic RE games, not only because I love Japan also, but because it is a great mixture.

Here is what I'm talking about:

Raccon City


I'm not saying RE classic is 100% japanese and there isn't anything about USA in them. It obviously isn't the case. There is just a bit of japanese influence in them, but enough to make it unique.

Here is a good Gamasutra article about cultural influences in games:

yea bud, its an Easter egg vs the developer literally telling you they went to the country to actually emulate those houses.

"There is just a bit of japanese influence in them" Yea, I'm sure that "bit" is still in the titles though.
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Yup. I own both File 1 and 2 and both day 1 buys for me. As someone that actually PLAYED IT, this is very much the same concept. Abilities, puzzles, team work, 4 people online fighting zombies.
As someone who actually played Outbreak I can tell you that it's more than just abilties, puzzles, teamwork and 4 people online fighting zombies. Outbreak has a story...well actually a bunch of them. It's hard as nails. It's also more long form, taking up to an hour to beat a scenario on your first try. I can also tell you that Outbreak is NOT a lazy 4v1 Dead by Daylight reskin. Outbreak was not a blantantly obvious cash grab that would've been more at home as a tacked on multiplayer mode for Resident Evil 2, than a standalone game.


Producer for this Game is Kawata Masachika



I think the japanese influence was super obvious in the character designs.


I much prefered this type of look, sort of trying to be realistic, but with a bit of an almost anime-esque stylization. Since RE7, Capcom seems obsessed with photorealism, and the characters look way more boring as a result IMO.
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I think the japanese influence was super obvious in the character designs.

I much prefered this type of look, sort of trying to be realistic, but with a bit of an almost anime-esque stylization. Since RE7, Capcom seems obsessed with photorealism, and the characters look way more boring as a result IMO.
The series fluctuates between "Japanese influence" and "shitty anime garbage" for many of the games. I'm guessing the more reserved influence is the thing being championed here, RERev's and RE6'S animu cast/character writing, the CG movies, side stories in Umbrella Chronicles and the eel Sephiroth dude from 0 are just some of the dirt worst parts of the series.


The series fluctuates between "Japanese influence" and "shitty anime garbage" for many of the games. I'm guessing the more reserved influence is the thing being championed here, RERev's and RE6'S animu cast/character writing, the CG movies, side stories in Umbrella Chronicles and the eel Sephiroth dude from 0 are just some of the dirt worst parts of the series.
Personally, I'm talking about the visual look of the games, and more specifically about the characters. The stylized look they had before RE7 is much more visually appealing to me.

When it comes to the story I love the more grounded approach of the pre Code Veronica era, but I also love the sheer insanity of RE6, or the self-referential humor of Rev 2 so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tears of Nintendo
@EDMIX , this conversation will lead us nowhere. I've said that this is my opinion and it should be viewed as such. If you don't agree with me, fine, same goes for me, but there's no point in going furter with this cuz you clearly don't mind what they've done and I won't be changing my mind either. Good day to you.


I think the japanese influence was super obvious in the character designs.


I much prefered this type of look, sort of trying to be realistic, but with a bit of an almost anime-esque stylization. Since RE7, Capcom seems obsessed with photorealism, and the characters look way more boring as a result IMO.
The Toy's R' Us giraffe getting a BJ will never leave my mind.


Outbreak has a story

We've been given no info to say this doesn't either.

It's hard as nails

Very, but its also mostly humans against NPCs, going against any real life player will be hard too. I don't see this game being easy.

taking up to an hour to beat a scenario on your first try

True, but I don't see any info on how long it takes to beat a level to say otherwise.

Outbreak was not a blantantly obvious cash grab

Yea, they grabbed no cash, it was completely for free and they didn't want anything in return. /s

So...I see no reason to be saying whats in Outbreak without even know what isn't going to be in this title. So I gave Capcom money for RE2 remake as the game came at a cost, thats how theses things work, its called business.
We've been given no info to say this doesn't either.
Very, but its also mostly humans against NPCs, going against any real life player will be hard too. I don't see this game being easy.
True, but I don't see any info on how long it takes to beat a level to say otherwise.
Yea, they grabbed no cash, it was completely for free and they didn't want anything in return. /s
So...I see no reason to be saying whats in Outbreak without even know what isn't going to be in this title. So I gave Capcom money for RE2 remake as the game came at a cost, thats how theses things work, its called business.
Did you even watch the gameplay trailer? They told us exactly what to expect. It's basically Dead by Daylight. If that's what you want then that's cool...but don't play ignorant for the sake of it.
Though I personally think you just like being contrarian. I'm pretty sure if people were in here extolling PR's virtue you'd be shitting on it mercilessly.


I hope we see some city environments. Right now the whole mastermind, escape the warehouse setting reminds me too much of the Saw series.


Did you even watch the gameplay trailer? They told us exactly what to expect. It's basically Dead by Daylight. If that's what you want then that's cool...but don't play ignorant for the sake of it.
Though I personally think you just like being contrarian. I'm pretty sure if people were in here extolling PR's virtue you'd be shitting on it mercilessly.

Seen it and it has many of the features I like in the series. co-op, different abilities, puzzles, finding the map etc. We'll hear more later, but so far I'm ok with it. So no, its not "basically Dead by Daylight" as thats like trying to say if they remade Goldeneye in 2020 and it had MP and a single player, that its trying to be like Call Of Duty.... The series is established, new features added doesn't mean the whole concept is from another title that ironically came out AFTER Outbreak 1 and 2.

Geki-D Geki-D That also could be one of the modes, Capcom is known for having lots of them in RE series... Outbreak had Infinity and Nightmare mode too so.....yea.
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The fact that you're actually fighting enemies makes it nothing like Dead by Daylight. Comparing it to Friday the 13th would be slightly more accurate but even then there's clearly a ton of differences.


I hope we see some city environments. Right now the whole mastermind, escape the warehouse setting reminds me too much of the Saw series.

That would be amazing but it would go against the core concept of this cheap cash in. The survivors are captured and placed in a "warehouse" modified by Umbrella to serve as a test area. Once they escape, they supposedly go into the streets, but that is not part of the game.


Having played RE 2 Remake for months on end and long after the platinum I have to say this doesn't interest me much at all.
Finally saw the gameplay trailer. Playing as the villain seems like fun. Playing as the survivors seems.. meh.

Pretty funny how similar the gameplay concept is to Fable Legends, though.


I think the japanese influence was super obvious in the character designs.

I much prefered this type of look, sort of trying to be realistic, but with a bit of an almost anime-esque stylization. Since RE7, Capcom seems obsessed with photorealism, and the characters look way more boring as a result IMO.

I also prefer this style. Unfortunately Capcom will stick with the photo realism for a while which rather ugly imo. It's a shame really as i'm afraid that in the future most games will adopt such style and this one will be left behind.


Unconfirmed Member
A lot of this reminds me of the Fable 4 vs 1 concept back in the day. Doesn't seem that bad from the initial footage but I want to see more and what the environments will be like than anything - it all just looks liked reused assets. Will keep an eye on this of course as always a sucker for anything more Resident Evil.


Unconfirmed Member
still surprised we never got a revelations 3 especially with the ending of 2.

The revelations team somewhat become the second focused RE team within Division 1 and worked on RE2. I'm not suprised to see Capcom focusing on REmakes than side games considering reception and potential sales out of it :)

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Oh yeah, I really can't wait for more little girl having Wesker's sister's split personality in her, you can never not get enough shoehorned in Wesker stuff.

Totally on the edge of my seat for the next part of that riveting story telling.


? I didn't say this was the mode, I'm saying they have many modes...... Nice strawman though
What? You said it was possibly another mode:
Geki-D Geki-D Geki-D Geki-D That also could be one of the modes, Capcom is known for having lots of them in RE series... Outbreak had Infinity and Nightmare mode too so.....yea.
In response to the 5 min timer at the top of the screen and that was in response to you saying we don't know how long each match will be.
True, but I don't see any info on how long it takes to beat a level to say otherwise.
The giant 5min timer at the top of the screen in the trailer might be a good clue...
So which is it?; They're either showing off a 5 min bonus mode rather than the much longer, Outbreak-like main game, or matches only last 5 mins, unlike in Outbreak.

You're clearly trying to have your cake and eat it too, here.
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What? You said it was possibly another mode:

? My god, did you just make up what I said to argue? You can see what I stated very clearly.

"That also could be one of the modes" As in, 1 of many, as in they have many modes. Never stayed anything about it being "another" as some special mode outside of the main mode or anything like that, simply that they have many modes and the one you are talking about very much could actually be in the game.

So which is it?

Never said it was either or, simply stated they likely have many modes.

You don't need to argue over everything bud. Having other modes doesn't dispute the main mode having a 5 min timer, it simply states they likely have other modes, one of which could be a classic Outbreak style mode. Stop seeking to make it an either or to argue. What I'm saying is sound and they've done with MOST RE titles as in having many modes with different features.

No need to even debate what is being stated. This has nothing to do if you like it or I like it etc.

MOST RE titles have many modes, that doesn't need to be something to try to argue over to win some battle or something. smh


Having other modes doesn't dispute the main mode having a 5 min timer, it simply states they likely have other modes, one of which could be a classic Outbreak style mode.
So that brings us back to the original point:
Outbreak has a story...well actually a bunch of them. It's hard as nails. It's also more long form, taking up to an hour to beat a scenario on your first try.
If the main mode, the one they're showing off in the trailer has a time limit of 5mins, then it clearly lacks all of those elements from Outbreak. So it's not like Outbreak.


If the main mode, the one they're showing off in the trailer has a time limit of 5mins, then it clearly lacks

Nope. It means the trailer simply isn't telling you every last mode in the game....

No RE title has ever shown every mode in the game in the first trailer.... For all you know, later on they show other modes, one of which doesn't have a time limit like Outbreak or they add it post launch like they added other modes to RE2 remake and many other RE titles post launch as updates.

Zero reason to be trying to dispute RE titles having many modes to argue...
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rather than the story mode?

Isn't an either or and you are asking for a specific thing to argue. Again, no RE title has ever shown every mode in the first trailer. You love strawmans too much. Simply saying it likely has many modes, for all we know it has a unlimited mode that has no timer.


Isn't an either or and you are asking for a specific thing to argue. Again, no RE title has ever shown every mode in the first trailer. You love strawmans too much. Simply saying it likely has many modes, for all we know it has a unlimited mode that has no timer.
Why aren't you answering the question? If the game is like Outbreak and does have a mode with story scenarios that take time to beat and would obviously be considered the game's main story mode, why aren't they revealing that but rather a 5min limit mode and has any RE game in the past been revealed with anything other than the main story mode first?

I'd like to remind you that all of this stems from someone saying that Outbreak's missions took anywhere up to an hour to beat to which you replied that we don't know how long missions in this game will take. When I pointed out that the gameplay has a clear 5min timer you said "That also could be one of the modes" then pointed out that Outbreak had extra modes. So please, defend your position because as far as I'm aware, Outbreak wasn't revealed to the public with footage of Infinity or Nightmare mode but the main story mode. Why wouldn't that be the case here?

So stop stating "strawman" when you clearly don't know what it means.


Not only that , having that supposedly amazing "single player mode with bigger maps", like it was said in the leak, would go against everything they are showing so far.

The first thing that wouldn't make sense is the mastermind 's role. If you are exploring the city like you did in Oubreak, then what is the mastermind doing? Do they have traps and cams in every building in the city?

Then why would they need to trap the characters in a small warehouse in the first place?

What probably happened was that at first Capcom was going to make a new Outbreak inspired game, but the outsourced dev team probably "advised" Capcom to make an asymmetric game instead, since those are cheaper to make.

It basically looks like a 2015 cellphone game from what they have shown so far. Arcadey timer and sounds included. Operation Raccoon City looks like a masterpiece compared to this.


Why aren't you answering the question?

Why are you asking strawmans to argue? They likely have other modes, we can wait to hear more on that. RE series has many modes. Leave it at that vs how many RE called Project Resistance came out, How many RE's revealed on Sep 9th, How many RE's trailers been 1.33 min etc Its seeking a specific ridiculous answer to try to sound right about something. The "story" in RE Outbreak is basically a cut scene in the beginning and ending with each character. We've seen nothing to suggest that gone because even in the first Outbreak trailer that was actually never shown, it was shown later on. The "story" in those games is a cut scene with each character at start and ending. For all you know, that is still actually in the title. As you see, this trailer in terms of "story" simply shows Mark eating in the bar before it get overrun.... thats it. So you don't know that such cutscenes for each characters are no longer in the actual game, you simply saw a 2 min trailer. Even from the original outbreak trailer it would be hard to tell. So lets maybe wait til they talk about more modes, features etc vs strawmans. Relax, its just a 2 min trailer, we've never been giving 100% of the info of any RE in the first trailer. No reason to get mad and argue. RE's have many modes. Stop arguing it.

I'll have to add you on the ignore list bud. You are looking to argue waaaaaay too much.

Not everything is a fight bud.


All I can say about this game is that there is nothing in it that appeals to me as an obsessively hardcore RE nut, which is some feat on Capcom's part.

To be honest, I'd argue most RE fans only like certain concepts in the series. I only liked the main RE titles and Revelations and Outbreak. Didn't care for Operation Raccoon City or umbrella corps or those light gun titles they had or Mercenaries on 3DS etc I don't see that as odd, I see that as Capcom being Capcom. We've always had that main RE concept on top of that experimental RE stuff either light gun, or online or something weird lol

I don't mind it. As long as it funds the other RE titles like they've done in the past, I don't care. It would be like thinking Survivor on PS1 is going to kill RE2002 remake or Zero etc So as a huge RE fan myself, I don't play everything that they put out, but I'm not arguing against it either. Someone got to pay the bills to keep the lights on and the new REs still need funding so I have no issue with this. Same as any other generation where Capcom has their odd RE side stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
To be honest, I'd argue most RE fans only like certain concepts in the series. I only liked the main RE titles and Revelations and Outbreak. Didn't care for Operation Raccoon City or umbrella corps or those light gun titles they had or Mercenaries on 3DS etc I don't see that as odd, I see that as Capcom being Capcom. We've always had that main RE concept on top of that experimental RE stuff either light gun, or online or something weird lol

I don't mind it. As long as it funds the other RE titles like they've done in the past, I don't care. It would be like thinking Survivor on PS1 is going to kill RE2002 remake or Zero etc So as a huge RE fan myself, I don't play everything that they put out, but I'm not arguing against it either. Someone got to pay the bills to keep the lights on and the new REs still need funding so I have no issue with this. Same as any other generation where Capcom has their odd RE side stuff.

There's always the long-running fans who love the series just for its lore and world and have roughed it out through some of the wilder parts over the years (RE0 to 4 jump especially and how much of a fuckery that ushred to some of the core back in the day) to the point we can appreciate the experiences provided and willing to be suprised, myself at least with how I feel with Resident Evil today. I've come to appreciate some of the talent still wanting to keep its core DNA on the survival horror aspects however (because that is the true DNA at the end of the day) and I was very pleased how REmake 2 turned out.

The future definitley excited me more than ever since Resident Evil 7's release and I do love the fact that I can't have a full image where 8's direction will go and what any of its potential scenario will bring. I do wish for a REmake on Code Veronica to be made though, as well a remaster on the outbreak series <3

These days now I love to be suprised when Capcom's ready to reveal their cards and continue their clever edited trailers for that big blow out punch.
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There's always the long-running fans who love the series just for its lore and world and have roughed it out through some of the wilder parts over the years (RE0 to 4 jump especially and how much of a fuckery that ushred to some of the core back in the day) to the point we can appreciate the experiences provided and willing to be suprised, myself at least with how I feel with Resident Evil today. I've come to appreciate some of the talent still wanting to keep its core DNA on the survival horror aspects however (because that is the true DNA at the end of the day) and I was very pleased how REmake 2 turned out.

The future definitley excited me more than ever since Resident Evil 7's release and I do love the fact that I can't have a full image where 8's direction will go and what any of its potential scenario will bring. I do wish for a REmake on Code Veronica to be made though, as well a remaster on the outbreak series <3

These days now I love to be suprised when Capcom's ready to reveal their cards and continue their clever edited trailers for that big blow out punch.

Same. I really like RE7, brings it back to roots of RE. Limited ammo, limited weapons, health, puzzles, locked doors, exploring a big mansion etc. So I'm ok either direction they go with RE8 so long as it has those grounded features, first or 3rd person doesn't matter to me so long as I have those core classic concepts. So help me after RE3 remake they better make Code Veronica, might easily be the best RE of the old school ones. Would also love a remaster of Outbreak 1 and 2, maybe this same team doing this title can do it or Bluepoint games.
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