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While CDPR should certainly be taken to task for releasing a game in such a horrible state. It's blown up into an even bigger story than that since then.

While releasing broken games isn't common. It's not like this hasn't happened before. Every so often a game gets released that's an absolute shit show, and that should've been delayed. It happens.

If you remove CDPR from this equation, and replace them with a blank dev and game. The results would be different, but not by much. Most differences being in social media statements post release.

However, if you remove Sony from the equation. The difference is night and day. This is evident because while the game was just as broken on Xbox... MS's return policies made the whole thing a problem that could be easily worked through. It's only Sony's anti consumer return policy that makes this whole thing become the huge ordeal it has become.

That being said. Sony's crap return policy has been well known by the vast amount of it's users for quite awhile now. It's not as if Sony suddenly made it up. There's been plenty of fans who've attempted to defend it for years now.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
That's cute.

MS's return policy had people being denied refunds as well and they too had to slap up a policy EXCEPTION for refunding this game, but sure, let's try to shift all the blame.

Some of you guys are so transparent as to warrant pity.
Sony did not delist the game because they have a good heart and the state of the game is unacceptable. They did because they hate refunds, have 0 desire to improve their policies and CDPR gave them no other choice so as revenge they took the game out.

I imagine sony costume service HQ being like
"OMG, we can't ban people asking for chargeback, the studio said their game is faulty and that people should get a refund. What should we do boss???"

"What? We cant ban users this time (for legal reasons)?

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Why are people turning this thing of Sony delisting CP 2077 into console wars bullshit? Since when did CDPR become a MIcrosoft Studios company? Stop cappin’ for a piece of shit company like CDPR that intentionally released a broken game to their customers and are crying like they are suddenly the victims. Yea, Sony’s refund policy sucks but that’s not the main issue here. The real reason CP 2077 is a mess is because CDPR and CDPR alone lied. All of this would have been avoided if they delayed their game till next year for the next gen consoles and cancelled the last gen versions but they lied to Sony/MS/investors/gamers that they would have working PS4/XB1 versions of their game when they knew they wouldn’t.

Sony delisted their stupid asses because they started promising refunds to all the angry customers without consulting Sony first. Obviously this move hurt Sony’s bottom line because they weren’t prepared to deal with a huge wave of refunds like that under their current crappy policy. MS would have probably delisted CDPR too if they didn’t already have a strong marketing deal with them. This whole shit storm is 100% CDPR’s fault. Sony should obviously work on their refund policy so that future mishaps like this can be dealt with more easily but that’s a subject for another thread.


Sony needed to update their refund policy and service capabilities. The timing of this and the PR fallout just makes it worse for this CP2077 launch.
Oh the drama.... THis is simple: You have decent PC? Buy the game. You have XSX/PS5? Buy the game. You have old consoles because why switch to new ones instead let's bitch about why last gen was so long? Then don't buy it. Regardless of platform, if you are alergic to bugs and glitches (which are common in like 90% of games nowdays) then also don't buy and wait.
No one is bitching about PC and next gen console versions. The issue is last gen base consoles and how the game runs on that. The issue is also the fact the performance of these machines running this game was hidden from public view until release and also that some people bought the game on the premise that it should run fine on base consoles because CDPR plastered PC only footage all over in the media.

Understand that base console players were kept in the dark until the last minute and seeing how horrible the game runs on those consoles, is it the average gamer's fault that they can't pick this game up on next gen consoles or run it on PC? People just want to sit down and play. If base consoles is incapable of running this game then why did CDPR develop for it and why did they release it in such a state?

Also see a lot of people coming with the 'but base console's are xxx years old'. No shit. Do we then excuse the developer for creating games for this hardware if the hardware is incapable of running it?

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Again, it's been explained to you why public companies cannot disclose plans willy-nilly. It's potentially illegal . Do you really need to be reminded that devs learned about the last delay shortly before CDPR went public with the announcement, probably because of legal considerations? What if devs own stocks and get wind of plans first-hand and start selling or make a discrete phone call to their auntie, who does own stocks?

As for the public, I'd lie to see evidence the "public" at large is asking for a head. Media and forum posts don't strike me as the right sample. Regardless, the "public" is not owed anything because the "public" doesn't own the company. if the "public" has lost trust in CDPR, the public can stop pre-ordering - which was the original and repeated advice from CDPR themselves - or stop buying CDPR games altogether. That's it. That's how the public, the real public, communicates with companies. Then it'll be up to CDPR to follow suit or not.

In the case of developers, the door is always open. Developers work for CDPR. They do not own CDPR and so they do not manage CDPR. This will remain true even if the board screws-up yet again. The board will still have the legitimacy and the mandate to manage the company. If developers hate it there so much - and Jason's sources just might - they should leave. It's not management who has to change in order to mould itself to the vision of this or that individual employee. It's exactly the other way around. If CDPR starts haemorrhaging top talent, they will have a problem and be forced to adapt.

Does this mean upper management never screws-up? No. Does this mean upper management hasn't screwed-up? No, definitely not. They did screw up. Who, why, when, and how they screwed-up remains to be cleared-up. So far all I've read are wild guesses and hot takes from people who sometimes don't even know the head of whom they're asking. Still nothing of that legitimizes an inversion of the proper roles: who manages and who is managed by.

About shareholders. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, you know? Formal mechanisms are in place. Publicly traded companies have formal mechanisms shareholders can appeal to if they want to change leadership. I would trust shareholders with expertise and access to confidential knowledge you and I don't have to be in a better position to assess whether the current leadership is the right one than me and you. You have zero knowledge about the inner workings of the company.

One last word. Just who the flying truck do you think is going to replace the founders, who are in it for the love of games and of the business, hey? Who do you think those International Funds would put in charge of CDPR if Iwinski (but maybe no Kiicinski), for example, weren't there? You really think those pension funds would put a passionate gamer in charge? Care to comment on the probability of them recruiting a high-profile exec from Ubisoft or EA with the chief mission of increasing profitability? Do you think those funds are in it for the love of videogames?

Be careful what you wish for.

Regrettably, you give me the impression you have no clue what you're talking about.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Another bootlicker response. You completely miss the mark on everything. The bottom line is, what the company did was 1) unethical 2) hurt the company 3) hurt their employees 4) hurt the shareholders 5) hurt their trust with industry partners 6) likely significantly and perhaps irreparably tarnished their reputation with consumers

If this isn't a scenario where heads should roll, I don't know what is. What went down was pretty unheard of for a game of this profile. You'd be foolish to think the person that greenlit the release (or allowed it to get to the point of no return where there wasn't a better option given how firm they had held on a holiday release), should ABSOLUTELY be shit canned.

And yeah, there are plenty of people in senior management that likely DIDN'T AGREE with the decision that should probably step up for the good of the studio.

But you're right - we don't know the EXACT specifics. That's kind of irrelevant. What happened, happened, and the decision to greenlight a release comes from the very top. It's not that complicated.
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No one is bitching about PC and next gen console versions. The issue is last gen base consoles and how the game runs on that. The issue is also the fact the performance of these machines running this game was hidden from public view until release and also that some people bought the game on the premise that it should run fine on base consoles because CDPR plastered PC only footage all over in the media.

Understand that base console players were kept in the dark until the last minute and seeing how horrible the game runs on those consoles, is it the average gamer's fault that they can't pick this game up on next gen consoles or run it on PC? People just want to sit down and play. If base consoles is incapable of running this game then why did CDPR develop for it and why did they release it in such a state?

Also see a lot of people coming with the 'but base console's are xxx years old'. No shit. Do we then excuse the developer for creating games for this hardware if the hardware is incapable of running it?

Which developer does not plaster its gameplay with pc footage? Nearly everyone does it. And from what i hear, the problems with base consoles were a bit exagerated. People like to bitch about anything all the time, especially here on gaf. I for one, was day one going to play it on next gen, sold my last gen consoles and awaited next gen. Why no one makes such drama about ea making cross gen fifa on old hardware virtually a dlc to the previous years? And no story mode etc? I agree with you that overall, cdp should drop last gen and focus on next gen and pc. Did they fucked up? Yes but it did not affect me much. And surely they did not fucked THAT much like skyrim, fallout 76, no man's sky... I hear that people are dissapointed with how the game actually plays, the story, gameplay, bugs aside. Thats fine with me, tlou2 did dissapoint a lot of people also, yet it was fine for me. However people hyped themselves through the fucking roof and whatever cdp showed us via gameplays, they delivered exactly same game in terms of gameplay. I"m just tired of all this bitching on cdp. People should stop buying microtransactions, people should stop buying ea games, people should stop preordering games and consoles, people should tear apart gearbox for colonial marines... yet nothing of this happens. I still would gave my money to fucked up cdp rather than to ea or activision. Just saying...


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Not defending the state of the game on base consoles but lets be honest the only reason Sony delisted the game is because they still don't have a functional refund policy or system to allow people to refund games they've played at all. They had to delist the game as faulty to allow refunds or change their policy to let people refund games that have been played which they didn't want to do. I think that's worth criticism.
Some people here act like Sony is a benevolent god here for letting players to refund with unlimited play time😂
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AAA Gaming topics are almost as bad as american politics when it comes to cognitive dissonance.

How bout this, fuck Sony AND CDPR.

Is it really all that hard?
How about not drawing a false equivalency to absolve CPDR of being an awful piece of shit company?
Which developer does not plaster its gameplay with pc footage? Nearly everyone does it. And from what i hear, the problems with base consoles were a bit exagerated. People like to bitch about anything all the time, especially here on gaf. I for one, was day one going to play it on next gen, sold my last gen consoles and awaited next gen. Why no one makes such drama about ea making cross gen fifa on old hardware virtually a dlc to the previous years? And no story mode etc? I agree with you that overall, cdp should drop last gen and focus on next gen and pc. Did they fucked up? Yes but it did not affect me much. And surely they did not fucked THAT much like skyrim, fallout 76, no man's sky... I hear that people are dissapointed with how the game actually plays, the story, gameplay, bugs aside. Thats fine with me, tlou2 did dissapoint a lot of people also, yet it was fine for me. However people hyped themselves through the fucking roof and whatever cdp showed us via gameplays, they delivered exactly same game in terms of gameplay. I"m just tired of all this bitching on cdp. People should stop buying microtransactions, people should stop buying ea games, people should stop preordering games and consoles, people should tear apart gearbox for colonial marines... yet nothing of this happens. I still would gave my money to fucked up cdp rather than to ea or activision. Just saying...
CDPR is scummy in that they had reviewers only show PC footage and PC footage they approved of. Scummy act #1
Deliberately hiding console footage in said reviews. Scummy act #2

Did the developers of Skyrim, No Man Sky and those other games you mention deliberately hide console footage to the masses prior to launch? Genuine question. Also have no idea why this is also always brought up. The whataboutism regarding Cyberpunk is astounding.

You mention microtransactions, EA and Fifa, gearbox and I see The Last of Us 2 in there somewhere. Mate, I have no idea what all that has to do with the topic at hand which is CDPR and how they handled Cyberpunk's launch. My initial response to you was around last gen base consoles and how the developers fucked up development on that hardware and still saw it fit to launch a clearly broken game.
Digital Foundry and damn near every other technical performance analyst outlets have panned this game's performance on last gen consoles. People who bought it on Xbox One and PS4 were clearly misled.
Do you think there would be so many millions of pre-orders on base consoles if the footage of the game (on base consoles) had been released prior to launch? Do you think people will buy a game that drops to sub 10FPS and sub 720p resolution accompanied by a myriad of bugs and glitches?

CDPR openly apologized to gamers for misleading them and now these guys are now staring down the barrel of a class action lawsuit but yeah we are all just overreacting and bitching for no reason.
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Is this really news worthy?

I understand slamming anything CDPR is the "in thing" right now and while they keep getting criticism for thier actions (rightfully so) this seems a bit much...

You're pissy over likes? The equivalent of nodding in agreement with an opinion (controversial or not)

It just feels like this has become a sad circle jerk at this point...
Is this really news worthy?

I understand slamming anything CDPR is the "in thing" right now and while they keep getting criticism for thier actions (rightfully so) this seems a bit much...

You're pissy over likes? The equivalent of nodding in agreement with an opinion (controversial or not)

It just feels like this has become a sad circle jerk at this point...
Don't be foolish and exaggerate.

The criticism of this game is warranted based on the avalanche of shit that metastasizes each day since launch with the 'game save' bug being the latest pile of fresh cow dung to be dumped in public view.
More reasons for gamers to avoid the game if the myriad of game breaking bugs/glitches wasn't enough.

There's no vendetta against CDPR here. There are certain things the game and management are being criticized for and rightly so.


The criticism of this game is warranted based on the avalanche of shit that metastasizes each day since launch with the 'game save' bug being the latest pile of fresh cow dung to be dumped in public view.
More reasons for gamers to avoid the game if the myriad of game breaking bugs/glitches wasn't enough.

Haven't bought the game, nor kept up with the news...
What is wrong with the game?


Hawking Radiation Hawking Radiation

Firstly, yeah they DO deserve criticism even stated that in the quote above..

Secondly, foolish and exaggerate???

The title of the thread (same as the article its based on) is complaining that the CDPR boss thumbs upped (liked) comments that were critical of Sony's removal of their game from PSN...

Now CDPR deserves some ire AND blowback, but you can't honestly argue that the CDPR boss "liking" something is worthy of such anger can you?
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Gold Member
It's as simple as... you can't be giving digitally refunds to everyone that owns the game and keep selling said game...

Ppl could just knowingly download the game... disconnect the console from the net to get the full game and ask for a refund cheating the refund for all to get a free game... even if it has bugs and crashes.
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Haven't bought the game, nor kept up with the news...
What is wrong with the game?
On Xbox One: Everything. Sub 720p resolution. Framerate going down as low as 10FPS and the game even seizing/freezing up in places and taking more than a minute to recover.
On PS4: Everything but doing slightly better than Xbox One. Still framerates are in the low teens. Sub 720p. On top of this all the open world bugs/glitches (check YouTube, there are heaps of different bugs/glitches. Some even affect missions).

On PC and next gen consoles: Runs great but with some bigs/glitches.

Also game saving bug and CDPR advised not to loot or craft too many items as it will break your save. Some shit like that.

Makes me wonder when i wake up tomorrow what other shit will be made public about this game or developer.
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I wouldn't say it runs great. It's adequate. There are also still a lot ot of bugs and glitches. It runs much better than on consoles though.

Fun game though.

It runs barely OK on my PS4 Pro. Still get sub 30FPS easily just driving around and have run into glitches and bugs during missions which forced me to reload saves but underneath all the jank is a promising game. It's a pity simple things like the NPC AI and other open world stuff lets this game down.
It's insane how Sony keeps pushing anti consumerism like no refunds and plenty of other shitty practices, yet CD projekt red is the only villain in all this.
It's pretty amazing how you guys CONSTANTLY seek to shift blame.

Sony isn't a villain in this. Sony is not responsible for the game releasing in this state. Sony did not tell Microsoft to not approve refunds that didn't align with their own policies for Xbox. MS did not slap-up refunds for that game out of the goodness of their hearts as well, and even now continue to sell a broken mess with a tiny text warning that it's broken, and even that was following Sony's lead. Same with retailer refunds.

No action Sony took in their blanket refund, nor in delisting the game, is anti-consumer. Their alleged motive is irrelevant to that fact. If you want to discuss those crappier policies, make a thread on it, absolutely, but those are irrelevant to the state of this game. Stop wanking CDPR and hold them accountable ffs.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
It's insane how Sony keeps pushing anti consumerism like no refunds and plenty of other shitty practices, yet CD projekt red is the only villain in all this.

Because fanboys doesn't want Sony to share the blame here.

Sony isn't entirely innocent, considering they were telling consumers to wait for the next few major patches instead of make do and allow refund.


There is no defending Sony. They suck dog balls with their lack of consumer protection. I requested a refund once as my boy used his gift card on my account but couldn’t play the content on his. It was a process not worth the money, finally got it but was told it’s a one time thing and not to bother again, how pleasant.

In the meantime I’m still waiting for the mythical PSVR adapter that never showed up, leaving me high and dry with hardware and content I cannot use.

Good games, good console. Shit company.


Gold Member
Yeah, having a two hour refund grace period could have benefit everyone in this situation.
Everyone but Sony and CDPR.

True accountability is obtained by having a more stringent certification process for developers and/or Sony having a safety net for it's customers of having a reasonable refund policy.

But, this benefits no one except the customer.

The interesting thing is that it most likely took lawyers for Sony to advise them (Sony) to offer refunds, due to CDPR making the refund claims they did. Hence the strained relationship. Sony did not do this on their own for the protection of their customers. It wouldn't be consistent with past refund policy.

It's an interesting chain of events:

- A poor decision to filter reviews by controlling the message to the extreme by CDPR.
-A poor decision to allow this through certification.
- A poor much sought after release build and day one patch that didn't allow a large percentage of players on the platform to actually play it.
-A poor decision by CDPR to offer refunds on a platform they are most likely not legally allowed to do so without Sony's permission.
- A poor refund policy by Sony with refunds being forced by CDPR going public, thereby potentially setting a precedent.

It's a clusterfuck with many fuck ups and blame to go around. Game quality fault lies with CDPR. Quality control on Sony's platform lies with Sony alone.
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Basically, yah. Sony should learn from CDPR on how to implement a refund system.

Also, I guess their next titles (The Witcher 4?) are probably going to skip Playstation now
Yes they're going to cut their nose to spite their face and skip PS5.

This is business. Their greed is why Cyberpunk was released in this state on current-gen consoles in the first place, so no chance they will skip the dominant next gen console. It's all about the bottom line.

Just have to hope they learn their lesson next time.
Yes they're going to cut their nose to spite their face and skip PS5.

This is business. Their greed is why Cyberpunk was released in this state on current-gen consoles in the first place, so no chance they will skip the dominant next gen console. It's all about the bottom line.

Just have to hope they learn their lesson next time.
Yea I keep seeing people say dumb shit like “The Witcher 4 will skip PS5” lol. Fanboys really think multibillion dollar companies hold grudges. Looking at the platform sales for TW3 the PS4 accounted for almost 40% of it sales...

PS5 is looking to be an even bigger sales monster than the PS4. CDPR would have to be complete idiots to skip out on all that money and abandon approximately 40% of their potential Witcher 4 sales. These companies don’t get rich by making decisions like fanboys. It’s all about the money for them.
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CDPR is scummy in that they had reviewers only show PC footage and PC footage they approved of. Scummy act #1
Deliberately hiding console footage in said reviews. Scummy act #2

Did the developers of Skyrim, No Man Sky and those other games you mention deliberately hide console footage to the masses prior to launch? Genuine question. Also have no idea why this is also always brought up. The whataboutism regarding Cyberpunk is astounding.

You mention microtransactions, EA and Fifa, gearbox and I see The Last of Us 2 in there somewhere. Mate, I have no idea what all that has to do with the topic at hand which is CDPR and how they handled Cyberpunk's launch. My initial response to you was around last gen base consoles and how the developers fucked up development on that hardware and still saw it fit to launch a clearly broken game.
Digital Foundry and damn near every other technical performance analyst outlets have panned this game's performance on last gen consoles. People who bought it on Xbox One and PS4 were clearly misled.
Do you think there would be so many millions of pre-orders on base consoles if the footage of the game (on base consoles) had been released prior to launch? Do you think people will buy a game that drops to sub 10FPS and sub 720p resolution accompanied by a myriad of bugs and glitches?

CDPR openly apologized to gamers for misleading them and now these guys are now staring down the barrel of a class action lawsuit but yeah we are all just overreacting and bitching for no reason.

Most Skyrim PS3 glowing reviews were not of that version(PC and Xbox360). That version was clearly far inferior and in many cases broken at launch but was pretty much kept secret.

no Man's Sky was more about Sean Murray lying about what was in the game at launch than performance issues(although I did have game crashes on PS4). To their credit, they improved the game significantly since launch, but doesn't change the deceptive marketing in the beginning.
Most Skyrim PS3 glowing reviews were not of that version(PC and Xbox360). That version was clearly far inferior and in many cases broken at launch but was pretty much kept secret.

no Man's Sky was more about Sean Murray lying about what was in the game at launch than performance issues(although I did have game crashes on PS4). To their credit, they improved the game significantly since launch, but doesn't change the deceptive marketing in the beginning.
Agreed on that.
Murray shot himself in the foot when it came to the features of the game. He promised so many things and under delivered though it must be said he didn't hide footage of the game prior to launch.
Why are people turning this thing of Sony delisting CP 2077 into console wars bullshit? Since when did CDPR become a MIcrosoft Studios company?

MS spent a ton to get exclusive advertising rights and console features. Not to mention a stupid looking One X custom console. Xbox fanboys suffered great humiliation when the game became a joke and an embarrassment.


Gold Member
It's pretty amazing how you guys CONSTANTLY seek to shift blame.

Sony isn't a villain in this. Sony is not responsible for the game releasing in this state. Sony did not tell Microsoft to not approve refunds that didn't align with their own policies for Xbox. MS did not slap-up refunds for that game out of the goodness of their hearts as well, and even now continue to sell a broken mess with a tiny text warning that it's broken, and even that was following Sony's lead. Same with retailer refunds.

No action Sony took in their blanket refund, nor in delisting the game, is anti-consumer. Their alleged motive is irrelevant to that fact. If you want to discuss those crappier policies, make a thread on it, absolutely, but those are irrelevant to the state of this game. Stop wanking CDPR and hold them accountable ffs.
Its puzzling to me at why people are so intent on making it a Sony issue. CDPR fucks up, hurr durr Sony refunds. Got push that anti agenda at all costs, it would seem. Those issues are not analogous at all.
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Oh the drama.... THis is simple: You have decent PC? Buy the game. You have XSX/PS5? Buy the game. You have old consoles because why switch to new ones instead let's bitch about why last gen was so long? Then don't buy it. Regardless of platform, if you are alergic to bugs and glitches (which are common in like 90% of games nowdays) then also don't buy and wait.
I've got a more-than-decent PC and I'm not buying it for at least six months.

Actually read/watch some reviews and you'll see the game still has tons of bugs and glitches on PC.
For a fanbase that mostly talks about how exclusives don't matter, they are certainly wishing for games to go Xbox only.
I see a trend here in this thread that seeks to shift blame of this bungled game launch onto Sony. Imagine that. Cyberpunk ships broken = Sony's fault.

I've got a more-than-decent PC and I'm not buying it for at least six months.

Actually read/watch some reviews and you'll see the game still has tons of bugs and glitches on PC.
Nah he knows that. He even sought to bring up Skyrim, Fallout 76, EA and fucking microtransactions in a thread about Cyberpunk and it's owners. That just came out of left field and have no idea what in the fuck that has to do with this topic.
Dude is incapable of pissing straight.
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