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Cheesy Opinion : Gaming is seen as for children because we still act and operate in an immature manner

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This is just my opinion. It’s how I feel and I hope to start a discussion on this. I don’t expect everyone to either agree or disagree.

So there are 3 main issues I would like to point out as to why I view this topic the way I do.
  • The Gaming Media isn’t professional or on par compared to their counterparts in entertainment, politics, sports.
  • Companies treat their Fanbase/Audience/Consumers like children. Unlike how Companies in other forms of entertainment treat their consumers.
  • Actions of fanbases and interacting with their fellow fans and industry.
Before reading further, understand I am not a professional writer. I have the ability to create threads on NeoGAF and have a keyboard. Keep your expectations in check. This is not a debate for me. Just a conversation… exchanging viewpoints and thoughts.

I am also not trying to insult anyone with this thread. Important to know in advance.

Here we go.

Gaming Media.

This is the start for me personally. The Gaming Media imo is just not anywhere near as professional as other forms. I’m not talking about style or the use of the language, but rather professionalism and knowledge.

I’ll Give you a few examples.

Jason from Kotaku “breaks” news that the next Call Of Duty isn’t Ghosts 2.

Sorry this one sticks in my side pretty good. Simply because this isn’t news worthy imo. It’s not news!



Charlieintel is the website that has been reporting (from it’s sources) that the next Call Of Duty will be Modern Warfare 4 or another Modern Warfare. They had this up since before summer 2018!

Are we so starve for information that we will take any? Even this absolute nothing information? Is it just important for Gaming Websites to have new content? Something up really quick?

How is it that the standards for having an article up on your website is no higher than when someone posts a thread on NeoGAF?

I wonder how deep Jason from Kotaku had to reach in his “inside sources” bag to pull this piece of information out. Did he have to confirm with multiple sources? Did he even need to ask at all? I didn’t! The only time IT’S NOT GHOSTS 2 is news was before they announced Infinite Warfare.

What’s the next gem Jason from Kotaku is gonna grace Gaming with? That Bryce Harper won’t be in the new Madden! Michael J. Fox won’t be a playable character in Mortal Kombat 11! Breaking News smh.

My point is that I expect articles like this to be found on amateur run websites that have no insider information or some nobodies twitter feed. Not Gaming journalist run websites.

But gaming news sites are filled with bullshit articles that are on par with the clickbaity articles you find at the bottom of real news websites. You know the ones that say “you want believe what (insert random person) looks like now.

But most importantly of all… WHERE IS MY ARTICLE ON CALL OF DUTY NEWS!!!

I dropped some info as well. That the Next Call Of Duty isn’t A) Advanced Warfare 2 B) isn’t Big Red One 2 C) isn’t Black Ops IIIII D) isn’t on the PlayStation 2.

Where is my article Charlie Intel? IGN?

And EviLore EviLore and GAF staff, where is my insider status? I’m batting 4 for 4 at 1.000 right now, perfect track record.

I got a perfect name for it. Obvious Insider Information Spreader.

It’s not Ghost 2 isn’t news ffs. If you are gonna drop knowledge on us and write up an article about it, make it about what is and not what isn’t. Tell us what the Next Call Of Duty will be because you have sources. Telling us its not Ghosts 2 is worth less than telling us that their making another Call Of Duty and will release Holiday 2020. Duh!

A recently you have the Ellie and Overwatch story.

I’m not gonna jump too much into this because we have a thread that is current about this. But…



Here’s a great example. Now before I start, I want to make clear that there is NO excuse to harass anyone, dox, threaten to dox anyone.

But the fans didn’t call bullshit because “Ellie” was a woman. That’s a fucking lie. As PC gamer said “but one thing is certain: none of this would have happened if Ellie weren't a woman."

Actually no… that’s not true. And there is a reason people suspect “Ellie” not being a new player. Check out the thread on the topic we have here https://www.neogaf.com/threads/hoax...rassment-and-threats-updated-read-op.1470605/

But there is a reason that the Overwatch community suspected. And none of those things made the articles. Why?

Its incredibly sad that I had to get that information from Gaffers and it wasn’t present in the “news” articles written about the situation.

How can you write a news article on a topic and be so uninformed on it? Were you too busy surfin’ twitter for your next news story?

And how did random NeoGAF users out information you… the supposed professional?

I’m not gonna to keep digging up examples that we already have threads on, except to say this lol.

The Battlefield V controversy was not about Women in Battlefield. Women have been in the last 3 Dice games prior to V. Women were in Battlefield 1, Battlefront, and Battlefront 2. And that’s something I didn’t see brought up in articles covering the supposed story.

Why not? Wouldn’t that be something interesting to investigate? Why the Dice community suddenly decided after having 3 games with Women soldiers they aren’t OK with it?

The concern after reveal from the Dice fans were A) customization and how microtransaction heavy will the game be B) will we be able to tell friend from foe at first glance C) Over the top action vs Serious Tone.

The media reported on it and crafted the gender narrative. You started that.

The Gaming Media imo is largely immature.

The Gaming Companies.

They treat their consumers like children when it suits them. I don’t know another way to put it.

Most had a Mom or Dad that wasn’t ready to give up the mystery of Christmas. You are a growing boy or girl, very aware of no Santa, you have touched yourself and at least one of you had your very own CUM CLOSET! Unwrapped gifts sitting in the basement that you saw. Everything you said you wanted this year, including the new Bike.

“Hey Mom! Can I ride my new Bike early”?

“What Bike”?

“The Bike I got for Christmas”.

“Huh? Whatch you talking bout son”?

“The Bike in the Basement”

“That isn’t yours. I guess you need to wait until Christmas to see want you got”

“OK” smh.

Sounds a lot like E3 to me.

“Activision, you ready to talk about the new Call Of Duty”?


“What about the leaked screens from the game”?


“What about that Billboard you just put up in LA with the cover art and name? You ready to talk about it now”?

Guess you have to wait until E3!!!

Fucking stop lol. Stop with the stupid mystery about things that don’t need it.

Imagine if HBO was hush about whether they were making GOT Season 8 right now. Imagine if Marvel was hush on whether they were making another Avengers movie right now.

It’s silly at this point. Stop operating as if the internet doesn’t exist and we are still in the age of gaming magazines and gaming hotlines.

Don’t mistake me, we are to blame for this too.

“I think Sony won E3 because they had the most surprises”

“I think Microsoft won E3 because they had the best surprises”

Enough of the bullshit. You ain’t getting much by us anymore.

If you are ready to put up a picture on the side of a building, covering the whole building with the name of your game and box art… you should have been ready to talk about your game.

Enough of the teaser trailers for teaser trailers for your game reveal lol. Save the date in order to save another date for another date where we reveal to you our game and pretend that you haven’t had most if not all the information already. What world map that leaked 12 months ago… stop it.

The loot boxes (children’s blind bags) and allowing people to give you money (preorder) for a product you refuse to give information on is scummy af. Its so bad now that they aren’t telling you everything you get as a preorder bonus when you preorder.

Buzzwords that mean nothing good like “Beta” and “infinite possibilities”.

Siege ranked is still in BETA. Now Online releasing after single player releases is a BETA. Stop using this word to excuse your lack of polish and/or planning.

Stop lying to us. Telling us that your Console will be 4K ready thanks to the power of the cloud (Microsoft) and the dangers to children from crossplay when you don’t monitor your online system for harassment anyway (Sony).

For the player

We have to get away from encouraging journalist and companies to act the ways they are. Journalist aren't going to stop their nonsense if we don't stop giving them revenue for it. And companies won't stop their scummy business practices if we don't stop buying into them. The old "fool me once, shame one you. Fool me twice shame on me".

Got to stop participating in harassment of others. Don't mistake playful shit talking in Online Games as harassment. But understand that it is a real issue for people. Harassing and doxxing people aren't reasonable actions to issues you have, regardless of the topic.

Its immature to account suicide with porn images and ruin everyones time because you have anger. Its child like to harass someone because they beat up in TDM. Its immature to try to get a game canceled and unemployed hundreds of people because you don't like a single staff member.

How can you expect a developer to listen to your concerns when you are communicating via hissy fit only?

There needs to be a more of an effort to act in a mature manner from the gaming audience.

TLDR version : Scopa Scopa had a cum closet when he was younger. But he has since grown up. But the industry still acts like Scopa Scopa is a child with a cum closet.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Yup. Gaming culture generally is emotionally and intellectually retarded. It exists in a permanent state of early adolescence.


The nicest person on this forum
You have some good points but in my experience most people find entire act of playing games childish not the social media around it. It basically same way most people find animation "childish".
... 'cum closet'?

When I was a young boy I used to jerk off in my bedroom and never thought about using tissues or anything - I just came straight onto the carpeted floor of the closet each time. Eventually the carpet went all brown and started to smell and caught the attention of my mother. We moved house soon afterward and I wondered if it was because of the cum closet...
From the Gafession thread 2018
Gaming is treated as if it is for children because the people who believe that have little to no experience with gaming. It's the same thing with people who think cartoons are for children. Frankly, I feel like that's their problem to solve, not mine.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I think that the act itself is what the hold up is. It's the fact that it is interactive, and you have to put yourself out there to play a game, and people who don't play games are terrified of doing anything that isn't 100% passive. They can read books. They can watch TV and movies. But when you play a game, your competence in the game is plain to see, because you have to actually do something.

Ask little kids if they can draw and they all say yes. Ask adults if they can draw and 99% say no. Adults abandon many aspects of their personality that they were once adept at, such as play, inventing, creativity, and lack of shame. Gamers typically hold on to these things longer because they consciously hold on to play. By proxy, they are probably slightly more creative, and they don't have as much shame associated with doing interactive things in front of others, and they are more adept at coping with failure in an interactive activity that asks something of you.

Adults who abandon these aspects of their personality may actually be right to imply games are childish, because for them play and interactive creativity were abandoned when they were kids. Children outperform adults in those few narrow areas, and gamers are smart to hold on to those things to keep their creativity alive. Let them call it childish. It doesn't really sound like a put down to me.

Games are objectively more sophisticated than film and TV. It has everything that those mediums offer, plus interactivity. People who have to resort to ad hominem insults that generalize how large groups of people act aren't even discussing games because they have no argument, so they have to focus on insults to misdirect you.


You have some good points but in my experience most people find entire act of playing games childish not the social media around it. It basically same way most people find animation "childish".

Exactly, I know a lot of people who don’t know what ign, twitch, e3, and etc are and still think gaming is childish.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I think non-gaming adults of today actually play less than ever. Even pre-video games, adults played card games or sports, or sang songs and drank. Now they don't do that because that involves being social with real people. Non-gaming adults of today literally don't play anything. They don't play sports either, because those have been phased out because of obesity. The outlier is the people that don't play ANYTHING, and just spend all their leisure time passively. That's unusual.
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The Gaming Media isn’t professional or on par compared to their counterparts in entertainment, politics, sports.

What, you really think the movie, sports and music industry and their respective audience are mature? Every medium has its tabloid aspect, you're just focusing too much on the bottom of the barrel. If gaming were perceived as childish by the majority of people, it wouldn't have become the biggest entertainment industry.
What, you really think the movie, sports and music industry and their respective audience are mature? Every medium has its tabloid aspect, you're just focusing too much on the bottom of the barrel. If gaming were perceived as childish by the majority of people, it wouldn't have become the biggest entertainment industry.
That's entirely possible.

I think that the ratio in comparing media is off tho.

Right now I am heavy into reading Baseball and sports websites with the offseason in full swing. And they have their share of clickbait. But it isn't imo drowning out the legit sites/reporters. I don't feel that way with gaming.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
What, you really think the movie, sports and music industry and their respective audience are mature? Every medium has its tabloid aspect, you're just focusing too much on the bottom of the barrel. If gaming were perceived as childish by the majority of people, it wouldn't have become the biggest entertainment industry.
Gaming media isn't even close to sports media though. Neither are particularly sophisticated, but sports media is just way, way higher quality. In sports media, you can hear ex-coaches, ex-star players at the top levels do commentary regularly. It's the equivalent of if Miyamoto reviewed games or offered critiques for people. The issue is that Magic Johnson and Charles Barkley can make millions doing that, and Miyamoto wouldn't make anything compared to being a developer. There's just way more money invested in sports media because it's centralized around TV.

Music media is the dregs of society though. Reading a music review makes me want to die. Film and TV media is about on par with gaming.
Gaming media isn't even close to sports media though. Neither are particularly sophisticated, but sports media is just way, way higher quality. In sports media, you can hear ex-coaches, ex-star players at the top levels do commentary regularly. It's the equivalent of if Miyamoto reviewed games or offered critiques for people. The issue is that Magic Johnson and Charles Barkley can make millions doing that, and Miyamoto wouldn't make anything compared to being a developer. There's just way more money invested in sports media because it's centralized around TV.

Music media is the dregs of society though. Reading a music review makes me want to die. Film and TV media is about on par with gaming.

Mainstream News however is at least the equivalent of Gaming Media though these days, across the whole spectrum. It's absolute tabloid shit on all the "major" networks, even if they try to cloak it in some official stance. It's a joke.
Right now I am heavy into reading Baseball and sports websites with the offseason in full swing. And they have their share of clickbait. But it isn't imo drowning out the legit sites/reporters. I don't feel that way with gaming.

From the early days (Old Man Murray, Bill Kunkel, IG Gamer, Edge etc...) to the present (Errant Signal, Superbunnyhop, Jospeh Anderson, etc...) there has been plenty of brilliant and knowledgeable in depth commentary on video gaming. As with every medium, the clickbait stands out because people like their silly drama.
From the early days (Old Man Murray, Bill Kunkel, IG Gamer, Edge etc...) to the present (Errant Signal, Superbunnyhop, Jospeh Anderson, etc...) there has been plenty of brilliant and knowledgeable in depth commentary on video gaming. As with every medium, the clickbait stands out because people like their silly drama.
Perhaps it does stand out.

Also I never said gaming only has this type of media.

Sports certainly does. The Price plays too many video games comes to mind. But isn’t the norm.

It is in gaming imo.


I think it's pretty safe to state that videogame enthusiasts are the most immature and childish consumers in the entertainment market.

Silent Duck


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Mainstream News however is at least the equivalent of Gaming Media though these days, across the whole spectrum. It's absolute tabloid shit on all the "major" networks, even if they try to cloak it in some official stance. It's a joke.
I'm no fan of mainstream media, but even then you're getting to see interviews and commentary from relative experts, generals, current politicians, ex-white house staffers. Political media will always have an edge because the top people benefit from participating in it, since that is part of what politics even is.

The closet thing gaming media has to sports media is Digital Foundry. Media commentary from people that know how to make games. The barrier to entry is just so much higher in gaming media, because games themselves are so incredibly sophisticated to make or understand. To get someone with that kind of expertise to spend their time on commentary requires a lot of money.

And even if you do assemble of team of computer engineers to provide commentary, it's doubtful the public would even be able to follow what they're saying. They do this at GDC and most of it is impenetrable to enthusiast gamers.
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I'm no fan of mainstream media, but even then you're getting to see interviews and commentary from relative experts, generals, current politicians, ex-white house staffers. Political media will always have an edge because the top people benefit from participating in it, since that is part of what politics even is.

Most of these people have closet agendas, seats on various boards/companies and personal interests. Their opinion isn't worth shit no matter where you sit on the whatever side. 'Experts' is relative whether it's on CNN or Fox. Most of these people I wouldn't trust to pick up my garbage, they'd probably go through it looking for something to report on anyhow.

All those networks serve is to further one's own confirmation bias. Not unlike gaming outlets.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
This is the most elaborate ruse of a thread I’ve ever seen in order to burn me at the end. Well done Musky_Cheese Musky_Cheese .

We need real cum closet guy to please stand up now. Time to cop it on the chin. Time to own it. I think the new tag and notoriety will overcum any embarrassment.

Yeah, if all you play is shooters. We have plenty games out there thats not about shooting anyone.
Like Nier:Automata? Yes, there are indie games with meaningful stories, but they are normally not the ones non-gamers see, unlike say Schindler's List or Shawshank Redemption. Even action movies dedicate at least half their time to the story and characters.


The nicest person on this forum
Like Nier:Automata? Yes, there are indie games with meaningful stories, but they are normally not the ones non-gamers see, unlike say Schindler's List or Shawshank Redemption. Even action movies dedicate at least half their time to the story and characters.
I would say games like Catherine. That game is less about "shooting" and more about escaping.


Gaming will not be seen as a mature medium on par with film until companies actively holding back the industry step out of it.
I would say games like Catherine. That game is less about "shooting" and more about escaping.
Well, I haven't played Catherine, but I can tell you what it looks like from the outside: A half naked dude jumps on top of boxes and the cover presents a half naked lady. Not exactly Schindler's List.


Gaming won't be seen as mature until all the crybabies get their way and everything is over serious movie garbage like GOW and TLOU.


The nicest person on this forum
Well, I haven't played Catherine, but I can tell you what it looks like from the outside: A half naked dude jumps on top of boxes and the cover presents a half naked lady. Not exactly Schindler's List.
Then nothing I can tell you unless you play the actual game instead of miss-judging it.

I Personally LOVED Catherine.


Maybe gaming is seen as being for children but so what? I enjoy my hobby and don't care about what other people think about it.
Then nothing I can tell you unless you play the actual game instead of miss-judging it.

I Personally LOVED Catherine.

This is not about what I think of any particular game but about what gaming looks like to outsiders. Though, that does get me interested in Catherine and I'll probably check it out when it comes to Steam 😁


The nicest person on this forum
This is not about what I think of any particular game but about what gaming looks like to outsiders. Though, that does get me interested in Catherine and I'll probably check it out when it comes to Steam 😁
Well to outsider who barely plays any game, to them 90% games is made for children. Entire act of playing games is “childish” to them. It same way with hand drawn animation, to outsider movies like Ghost in the Shell or Akira is kids show to them just because it’s hand drawn animation.
Gaming will not be seen as a mature medium on par with film until companies actively holding back the industry step out of it.

I disagree. Movies have straight to TV/DVD/Netflix variety with things like Sharknado. There's a place in gaming for them.

Unless of course you're suggesting some game devs need to be accused of sexually assaulting minors before they're taken seriously.

Maybe if we were talking about movies circa 80's~ (and 90s to a degree) and prior, but now? Lol, most is garbage. TV/streaming options have better offerings than most things 'blockbuster' movies are showing these days.
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I concern myself less with what people think about gaming in general and just enjoy the shit I like without being a toxic asshat and let other people argue about it. I think most people share my sentiment. There are tons of terrible forms of media that could be used to paint a closed minded picture of anything, there is garbage ass rap that could make you think there are nothing but garbage ass rappers out their, there's terrible movies that would make you think all movies must be terrible, etc. Point is, enjoy what you want and don't let other people's opinions stop you from enjoying things.
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Eh, fanatical music and sports fans show no more maturity than gamers if twitter is anything to go by, and the average narratives put forth in movies and books are not any more mature than those offered in games, so I don't think the audience or the content are the core of the problem. I think the perception of games has more to do with history and marketing.

Game systems got their foot in the door as toys for adolescents and teens, hence the stigma, and there has always been a lot of pressure to put away your toys and get down to business as a sign of entering adulthood. When was the last time you saw a line of action figures (not just collectible figurines, but toys designed to be played with) marketed to adults?

Games are, thankfully, more resilient (or at least more addictive) than toys, so fewer and fewer gamers are giving up the hobby every generation, and the median age of gaming continues to rise. In the same way that novels eventually lost their stigma as inherently trashy and sensationalist over time (despite the continued prevalence of trashy, sensationalist novels), I think the kiddie stigma for games will eventually disappear on its own when the last generation that grew up without games ages out of the mainstream.
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Good and interesting points. I feel like people who still believe gaming is intended for little children obviously don’t have much experience with video games or know how the industry has matured or evolved. They are still stuck in the antiquated mindset that kids grew up playing the NES and Atari and even though the games look better, that’s still their core audience. Someone said to me, aren’t games for children? I said play GTA5 or Yakuza and tell me that was created with children in mind. As mentioned, cartoons and animation unfortunately have the same stigma attached to them. Imo, I think most sports and music fans are more immature than gamers yet no one seems to condemn them for enjoying their hobbies. There are a plethora of celebrities and social media stars thst are immature as well and yet people adore and worship them.

A lot of behavior and actions on social media isn’t doing gaming any favors either and it can really expose immaturity that people associate with gaming on a much grander scale.
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I don't think that's the case at all. Gaming is still seen as childish by the older demographic because people still associate the origin of gaming to the NES and games like Super Mario Bros, which were marketed towards children. There is an entire generation of adults who never got into gaming but saw their children grow up with the NES and therefore associate gaming as a child's hobby. This image will absolutely change once the people who grew up with later generations of consoles (when developers really started to aim for a mature audience) become adults with their own families (it's already happening), who will no longer associate gaming as some kind of children's activity, but a hobby, as was the case for them.


I think it's about on par with music and sports coverage, and only slightly worse than political coverage. The movie industry just goes about it's marketing in a completely different way and they usually give more info about the movie than you want in trailers.

Games companies are so precious about every little trickle of news, not that the next Call of Duty not being Ghosts 2 should be considered news in even the worst of times, and I guess they like it because of how cheap it is. Marketing through Kotaku by inviting them for a tour and dropping little hints or giving them a free game to review is such a cheap way to advertise. I think this race to the bottom culture really erodes any chance at a level of maturity that you see in most regular companies. The maximum hype they go for helps drive the harsh turnover rate.

I think we'd be better off without the tit for tat media at all and have the journalists only get the same media as the general public, which is supplied by the Game companies.


I think the biggest issue of gaming right now is not enough developers focusing on improving physics, AI, controls, customization and implement a dynamic story, where players can make many impactful choices in Singleplayer campaigns, this leads to people just watch walkthroughs or get bored then going back playing the same few Multiplayer games. Can’t blame them as those games focus more on gameplay and is more fun to play. I’ve watched so many playthroighs on 2018 but just don’t wanna play them at all, this year would be similar.


If you think gaming is seen as childish now, what did you think in the early 90s when it was actually seen as childish?


After B Brazil - thank God that piece of trash left this website - wrote an article "reporting" that some São Paulo graffiti that were in Pokemon Go gyms were no more simply as means to piss on the then recently elected São Paulo mayor (that won over the far-left Fernando Haddad - who went on years later to lose the presidential) that ordered the cleaning of a bunch of them.

Simply because of politics. Like WTF. The ego of these journalists are so big that they don't realize their primal duty - report. No one really wants you to use gaming as means to convey your political bullshit. Begone witth that

UOl Jogos will soon go under. I wonder where he will - officially piss on - aside from being a joke and do the same shit on ResetERA. The same douche that leaked info on MGSV. I wonder why the snowflake hasn't been banned back then.
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