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Chris Pranger, Out-Spoken Nintendo Treehouse Localizer, was Fired


I read the original thread and I don't see where he insulted Nintendo fans at. Are people offended at the nasally voice or something?


It sucks but it doesn't surprise me. Talking inside baseball when it comes to management decisions when you're low on the totem pole will almost always come back to bite you.

I'm sure having the wave of negativity blowing back from the podcast from places like GAF also affected the decision to fire him. When it comes to management decisions, just keep your mouth shut.
The guy said things he shouldn't have. Things he really shouldn't have.

But he didn't deserve to lose his job over it. That sucks to see.

When you say things you shouldn't say, it becomes a big issue especially for any PR/marketing department. He's not really in the PR field so he really stepped out of bounds with some of the things he says. People get fired for less.


Hard to defend this action when the guy essentially insulted Nintendo's fan base. Then again; NOA is just as crappy too. Mixed feelings. We'll never hear from the Treehouse again.
You have mixed feelings, fucking really? He 'insulted' the Nintendo fan base, who cares? Grow a pair and get over yourselves, dude has lost his job and feels like he's failed his family, I'm absolutely gutted for him.
Jesus. I didn't listen to the podcast before but now I kind Of want to. I wonder if it was some blanket "no unapproved media appearances I'd any kind" contract term....

How the hell do you rack up $100,000 in student debt?
There are colleges with 20k+ annual tuition and not all of them have ivy league-level beastly financial aid programs.
Dude still has around 100k in student loan debt from a presumably bachelors in english?
Holy crap.

OT: It's unfortunate this happened, he wasn't the smartest, but its always a shame when someone gives us fans a peek behind the curtain and they pay the price for it.
I pretty much knew this was the outcome as soon as I saw the Podcast getting press.

Treehouse are usually very secret about localization stuff, so it was odd seeing a person talking so freely about it.


And now we will never have another podcast from Nintendo ever again. Thanks Gaf. Thank you so much for your disgusting behavior.

Lol how is it Gaf's fault? He was fired for what he said on the podcast, not for the reaction on Gaf. Nintendo would have found out anyways


Things like this should continue to serve a reminder to all of us and the use of all forms of public facing media and the willingness to speak on behalf of the motives of our employers...


I read the original thread and I don't see where he insulted Nintendo fans at. Are people offended at the nasally voice or something?
Yep I read the original threads and never at all got any bit that he was "insulting" the fans. Certainly nothing to the level of a Phil Fish (which is what I consider to be the standard for insulting behavior)


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I knew something like this was gonna happen when I saw the GAF thread... Why do people have to overreact about every fucking thing online? Same with the 9 days Mario Maker unlock... Damn.

And you guys wonder why companies like Nintendo don't let their employees talk to other outlets.



If you're lucky enough to land your dream job, you've got to do everything you can to keep it.

Nintendo: I'm available if you're watching


I felt really bad when I saw that his comments blew up on GAF this past week. I'm not saying that this could have been prevented by not talking about it, but it should have been obvious to everyone reporting about it that he said too much and that giving his statements exposure will help him getting fired. Of course, it's his own fault for talking about it, but still.


People giving GAF a little too much credit. Not sure they fired him because the Internet got mad.

I wouldn't blame it all on GAF; he mentions in the FB post that it blew up all over the internet, even on Nintendo fansites.

It's a shitty situation and that Facebook post is heartbreaking, but maybe both him and people responsing should have dialed down a bit. I think him getting fired is way too harsh; if you punish your employees for doing bad PR once in their career they will never attempt to do the opposite or grow out of classic positive PR shit.


Damn, that's though. Hopefully he lands on a great job soon.

I know it's easier to blame and point, but I think the situation's really unfortunate here.
Chris could've hold himself back a little bit. The podcast could've respected the guy a little bit. Nintendo could forgive the guy a little bit. But none of that happened and he landed in a really bad position.

Again, my best wishes for Chris Pranger.
And now we will never have another podcast from Nintendo ever again. Thanks Gaf. Thank you so much for your disgusting behavior.

He represented the company he works for poorly in a very public way. While it sucks, he has no one to blame but himself (which he himself said).

GAF didn't get him fired.


That's a shame. I didn't really agree with his podcast comments, and they came off as kinda mean... but man, not deserving of this. At all. Hoping he lands back on his feet.


And now we will never have another podcast from Nintendo ever again. Thanks Gaf. Thank you so much for your disgusting behavior.

Yep, that Thread shouldn't have been created. It made Nintendo look worse then they are right now, and thus it's only naturally that Nintendo will need to get rid of the Guy where all this talk originated from.

He really didn't say anything bad, but yet here we are...


That seems like a huge overreaction. I understand Nintendo is usually very controlling of their outward facing image but this puts a huge red flag on him for future employers. I hope this hasn't soured him on the games industry.

How the hell do you rack up $100,000 in student debt?

Going to an out of province university here in Canada can cost around 20k per year, I imagine there is similar bullshit in the US.
I think firing him was too harsh of a punishment. Then again I don't know how business people higher ups respond and treat this normally.


not really surprised to be honest. it probably violates a lot of ndas that were signed as nintendo is ultra secretive.

still think the dude could have gotten a slap on the wrist instead. pretty shitty on noa's part.
I disagreed with what he said, but NOA firing him for defending their decisions is mind boggling. Especially with the whole Mother 3 skit at E3 that basically did the same thing he did


People giving GAF a little too much credit. Not sure they fired him because the Internet got mad.

From the sound of things, his appearance at the podcast was not authorized by corporate. The negative press he got over the podcast comments (not just on NeoGaf) likely hastened things, but he would've likely got disciplined regardless, as companies take NDA breaches very seriously.

Still, I hope he lands on his feet.
That's pretty extreme, Nintendo seems to be hiring/firing people based on what shows up on Gaf/Kotaku way too often. Hopefully he can make a clay figurine of Bowser smoking a cigar and get hired back.


Can't say I feel for him. It's like he was actively trying to be removed from his dream job.

Nintendo has no issue with podcasts. Bill Trinen (also of the Nintendo treehouse) recently appeared on IGN's Nintendo podcast. Pranger overstepped his boundaries and he knows it.


The exact type of words, like Adam Orth, that will lead to losing your job.

I don't like that he was fired, but I can't exactly deny that his firing was deserved. You can't just go out and do that type of thing while representing a company (especially one as prudent as nintendo).
I feel bad for him, I do, but the Adam Orth lesson applies: if you don't want to get fired for saying things that reflect badly on your employer, don't publicly say things that might reflect badly on your employer.

That said, I do wish NOA had punished him less harshly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He made a mistake by talking about the things he talked about. He did not slight or insult Nintendo fans, he gave them a sobering dose of how companies work and how important fans' voices actually are when it comes down to a bottom line.

I can see why he got the boot, This is why companies do not talk about these things. Because people go fucking bananas over it.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
I'm extremely saddened by this news.

And the bandwagon of insulting Nintendo fans needs to be dropped; he offered insight. There are two sides of medal and if people can't get that, sorry, your hate is misguided.

The insight however, was not his to share and he realized as such. A costly mistake but some users blew it out of proportions.


He was definitely out of line I'd say (his delivery didn't help either; putting on the nasally fake voice to characterize the fans). But losing his job over it? Unless he sucked and they were looking for an excuse to oust him, this seems like major overkill. It's not like he made some sort of embarrassing racist or homophobic remarks for which people were calling for his head. I don't remember seeing a single person here or elsewhere calling for his dismissal.

I have to think there were circumstances involved behind the scenes, and that it wasn't JUST the podcast comments. But then again who knows...


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I really think this is very harsh of Nintendo. I can understand they are not fine with what he said, but he didn't say anything offensive or give away any big secrets. They could and should have just given him a warning instead of outright firing him :(. As a Nintendo fan I'm disappointed in this move.
Also when the Mob Mentality goes bananas. We're not absolved of any of this in my opinion.

What mob mentality? Was any single person here calling for him to be fired?
If you say stuff on the record then you are responsible for what you say. I don't think he deserved to get fired but he made the choice to make those comments.
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