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Customs And Border Protection Outlines Border Wall Requirements

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection is asking for design proposals and prototypes of President Trump's proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Late Friday, the agency released specifics for the first time on how tough the barrier must be. CBP posted online two different options for contractors: one proposal must be for a solid concrete wall, another is for a wall with "a see-through component/capability" that is "operationally advantageous."

"The wall design shall be physically imposing in height," the CBP outlines say. The government says its "nominal concept" is for a 30-foot-high wall, but adds that designs as low as 18 feet "may be acceptable."

More than 400 companies have told the Department of Homeland Security they're interested in the project, NPR's Richard Gonzales reported last week. Cost estimates of the wall vary widely: President Trump said it would cost $12 billion; an MIT study said $38 billion.

The deadline for contractors to submit their proposals for the first phase is March 29.




$40 billion for a wall that isn't going to stop shit.

Nah, it is a fallacy to think it won't stop anything. If they actually complete and fi ish the wall, you will have directly blunted maybe 90% of easy access especially if backed up with increased patrols and watches and sensors and towers. Just look at Israel, India's border with Bangladesh and many others to see how it blunts low level travel.

Granted anyone determined to come will still come. Cartels have billions of dollars and already employ things like drones and submarines. They would tunnel or hell even blow parts of the wall away. But a 30 foot wall will be extremely difficult for low level smugglers to cross, even more so for the father or mother crossing with kids now.

You can debate the humanitarian aspects, the economic costs, but if your goal is to prevent mass migration, this would work, if it is a structurally sound, imposing and actually completed.


Nah, it is a fallacy to think it won't stop anything. If they actually complete and fi ish the wall, you will have directly blunted maybe 90% of easy access especially if backed up with increased patrols and watches and sensors and towers. Just look at Israel, India's border with Bangladesh and many others to see how it blunts low level travel.

Granted anyone determined to come will still come. Cartels have billions of dollars and already employ things like drones and submarines. They would tunnel or hell even blow parts of the wall away. But a 30 foot wall will be extremely difficult for low level smugglers to cross, even more so for the father or mother crossing with kids now.

You can debate the humanitarian aspects, the economic costs, but if your goal is to prevent mass migration, this would work, if it is a structurally sound, imposing and actually completed.

The border is 2000 miles long. A wall is literally going to do nothing because we could never ever watch all of it.


It won't be built in 8 years. And it'll get cancelled by the next administration if Trump isn't re-elected.
Probably and most definitely the easiest idea to strike off.


The wall has got to be one of the most pointless priorities of any president.

absolutely, this is going to end up an unfinished financial disaster.. it wont be completed by the time trump leaves office and the next president would have to be insane as he is to continue building it; which is highly unlikely

i expect the next prez to swallow the losses and spend $ to tear it down and clean it up


Mexico should just blow up the wall when it's built. It would be a great way to piss off Trump and he could do nothing about it.


I've asked this before and I will ask this again.

Is this wall going to go in front of or behind the walls that people already cross over?


The positive of this stupidity is that a lot of homes this side of the border are going to have a new story or two.


Trump is failing to deliver on his promises.

I heard him say "the wall just got 10 feet higher" at least a dozen times in the campaign, but they are now accepting tenders for an 18 foot wall...

Impeach pls.


Just to put some sort of opportunity cost on that figure, that could build and fully equip 32 new state of the art hospitals equivalent to the 862 bed Dallas Parkland Memorial Hospital.


...which would immediately get filled by illegals stealing taxpayer money through socialist obamacare. Duh.


38 billion dollars is also the equivalent of giving every school student in America a 250 dollar laptop computer or tablet and a three 150 dollar vouchers each for schoolbooks and supplies to be used over three years.`And that's including the wealthy students. Imagine if you did it by need.


Mexico should just blow up the wall when it's built. It would be a great way to piss off Trump and he could do nothing about it.

There would be nothing to stop people throwing explosives at the wall from the Mexican side. Could become a nation passtime.


Mexico should just blow up the wall when it's built. It would be a great way to piss off Trump and he could do nothing about it.

What makes you think the US could do nothing about it? The way the relationship has deteriorated, this would probably be seen as an act of war. Plus, most build walls precisely for this reason behind the actual boundary demarcation. So that the other side, citizens, will have to cross into territory, and easier to do repairs and fixes etc.

The border is 2000 miles long. A wall is literally going to do nothing because we could never ever watch all of it.

Again, we can discuss the humanitarian and economic costs of a barrier/wall/fence, but the photos are a recent construction of a barrier in Hungary/Serbia to keep migrants out. One is the barrier India erected to keep out Bangladeshis and the other is the wall dividing Israel and parts of Palestine. Obviously this will will be unprecedented in its cost and whether it will ever be built, but it will blunt force stop 90% of migration. Right now there is literally nothing. It really depends on how it is built. But unless you are a professional smuggler, cartels, you will simply prevent the ease of crossing across.

Again, you can discuss the humanitarian cost, economic cost as this will probably be $35 billion dollars or more, the ecological cost of dividing wilderness etc.


What makes you think the US could do nothing about it? The way the relationship has deteriorated, this would probably be seen as an act of war. Plus, most build walls precisely for this reason behind the actual boundary demarcation. So that the other side, citizens, will have to cross into territory, and easier to do repairs and fixes etc.

Again, we can discuss the humanitarian and economic costs of a barrier/wall/fence, but the photos are a recent construction of a barrier in Hungary/Serbia to keep migrants out. One is the barrier India erected to keep out Bangladeshis and the other is the wall dividing Israel and parts of Palestine. Obviously this will will be unprecedented in its cost and whether it will ever be built, but it will blunt force stop 90% of migration. Right now there is literally nothing. It really depends on how it is built. But unless you are a professional smuggler, cartels, you will simply prevent the ease of crossing across.

Again, you can discuss the humanitarian cost, economic cost as this will probably be $35 billion dollars or more, the ecological cost of dividing wilderness etc.

Where are you getting 90% from?

Ignoring the stupidity of the whole project, and its exorbitant costs, and extremely high likelihood of failure/never coming close to finishing, people who want to go into the states will still have plenty of avenues to do so.

How many are actually physically going up to the border, and then walking across? How many are taking flights into the U.S., or boat trips, or crossing at regular checkpoints, and just overstaying whatever period they were supposed to be allowed for?


Don't worry you'll make the money back once you tear it down and sell the pieces to tourists, like they do in Berlin.


What makes you think the US could do nothing about it? The way the relationship has deteriorated, this would probably be seen as an act of war. Plus, most build walls precisely for this reason behind the actual boundary demarcation. So that the other side, citizens, will have to cross into territory, and easier to do repairs and fixes etc.

The US isn't going to declare war on a country because some of their citizens randomly decides to lob explosives as a massive border wall.


Where are you getting 90% from?

Ignoring the stupidity of the whole project, and its exorbitant costs, and extremely high likelihood of failure/never coming close to finishing, people who want to go into the states will still have plenty of avenues to do so.

How many are actually physically going up to the border, and then walking across? How many are taking flights into the U.S., or boat trips, or crossing at regular checkpoints, and just overstaying whatever period they were supposed to be allowed for?



15% increase in illegal border crossings in 2016 with the majority coming from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala etc. Most of it is that once they crossed, before Trump came into power, applying for asylum, they would be detained and held and then processed and let go with a promise to appear, which many don't do. It is not so much Mexicans anymore but other central and latin american groups fleeing violence and gangs and poverty etc. Now think about it, you have a 30 foot tall barrier where nothing is now, where are the people going to go so easily? Those articles show the difficulties faced by both US authorities and then migrants/refugees etc.

The US isn't going to declare war on a country because some of their citizens randomly decides to lob explosives as a massive border wall.

Re-read what you just wrote. You honestly think customs and border protection and US authorities would do nothing if people are throwing explosives and blowing up the wall they would spend billions building? They may not declare war, but again, depending on how the wall is built, they may authorize deadly force. You just wouldn't see it happen.


A wall half the lenght of the great wall isn't going to get built, for many reasons.

As soon as the government comes in talking about seizing land from ranchers, all hell is going to break lose.


What makes you think the US could do nothing about it? The way the relationship has deteriorated, this would probably be seen as an act of war. Plus, most build walls precisely for this reason behind the actual boundary demarcation. So that the other side, citizens, will have to cross into territory, and easier to do repairs and fixes etc.

The wall is just a series of concrete resting on land between two countries. As long as no one gets killed, Trump would have to justify invading a country over rubble being periodically blown up.


Some contractor has already laundered the money in his mind

What? Do you understand what you're saying?

That's not how money laundering works. If the contractor wins the bid and the govt pays them, it's legally obtained money... no laundering needed.


$38 billion?

That shit is going to inflate to probably closer to $50 billion.

I saw closer to 80 bill

What? Do you understand what you're saying?

That's not how money laundering works. If the contractor wins the bid and the govt pays them, it's legally obtained money... no laundering needed.

Sweet summer child

Invoice the government for some gold tier cement, get cheap Chinese knockoff instead. Pocket the difference.
Not to mention the bullshit you can pull with labor costs


What makes you think the US could do nothing about it? The way the relationship has deteriorated, this would probably be seen as an act of war. Plus, most build walls precisely for this reason behind the actual boundary demarcation. So that the other side, citizens, will have to cross into territory, and easier to do repairs and fixes etc.

Again, we can discuss the humanitarian and economic costs of a barrier/wall/fence, but the photos are a recent construction of a barrier in Hungary/Serbia to keep migrants out. One is the barrier India erected to keep out Bangladeshis and the other is the wall dividing Israel and parts of Palestine. Obviously this will will be unprecedented in its cost and whether it will ever be built, but it will blunt force stop 90% of migration. Right now there is literally nothing. It really depends on how it is built. But unless you are a professional smuggler, cartels, you will simply prevent the ease of crossing across.

Again, you can discuss the humanitarian cost, economic cost as this will probably be $35 billion dollars or more, the ecological cost of dividing wilderness etc.
90%? How do most undocumented immigrants get into this country? (Hint: it's not crossing that border illegally).


Just to put some sort of opportunity cost on that figure, that could build and fully equip 32 new state of the art hospitals equivalent to the 862 bed Dallas Parkland Memorial Hospital.


38 billion dollars is also the equivalent of giving every school student in America a 250 dollar laptop computer or tablet and a three 150 dollar vouchers each for schoolbooks and supplies to be used over three years.`And that's including the wealthy students. Imagine if you did it by need.
But Mexicans and bad hombres and and those other people and her emails!!! Would nobody think of the Americans?!

I agree, waste of money which is better spent elsewhere but it never would even if the wall was never being built.
A lot of the current society is "duck you got mine".
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