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Dead Rising 4 Looks Like an Absolute Mess (Health Regenerates Now)

One day there needs to be a book released about the happenings at Capcom over the last couple years, it seems to be fascinating.


I remember watching a developer video on DR4 and the developer opened up with a description that the Dead Rising series was known most for mass carnage, and DR4 increased the carnage level to 11.

My thoughts were they completely missed what made DR1 compelling and, as a result, DR4 would likely miss the point
It used to be that this game had a thing where you picked up health packs which took up inventory spaces and you had to juggle how much of it you wanted as you went out. Wasn't really a problem because your inventory grew as you leveled up.

Apparently that was too much for casuals? I guess you need the slots for weapons that make you a god.


A Good Citizen
Wow, they really are turning this into Zombie Musou.

....which makes no fucking sense, since Oneechanbara already exists for that purpose.
neither Dead Rising or Oneechanbara are like Musou, though. Musou has the map management stuff that makes it interesting. Oneechanbara is a decent linear action game these days with the Z-series.

Modern Dead Rising is more like cutting grass in Zelda, except the grass is zombie shaped. Unimaginably dull.


Gonna get the remasters of course, but I'm still pretty pumped for it. It just looks like some fun and that's all I could really ask for. The voice isn't a big deal to me, I've always hated the timer so I'm good.


I'm not going to lie, everything you just listed sounds like the answer to a problem I have had with the Dead Rising franchise. The time limit has always been more restrictive than fun, stockpiling items for health was a drag, and escorting survivors was a nightmare.

This series is Zombie Dynasty Warriors, and that is fine by me.

But even in Dynasty Warriors you are under time pressure one way or another, otherwise there would be no tension to the gameplay at all.
I'm fine with this.

The survivor A.I has always been terrible.

The timer is now an option.

And who honestly cares about the VO.

And regenerated health? Awesome.

And complaining that the series isn't what it was 10 years ago.

Call of Duty, GTA, Halo are all different then they were in 2006.


I remember watching a developer video on DR4 and the developer opened up with a description that the Dead Rising series was known most for mass carnage, and DR4 increased the carnage level to 11.

My thoughts were they completely missed what made DR1 compelling and, as a result, DR4 would likely miss the point


It seems like the devs see Dead Rising as "mass carnage + quirky weapons". That's a feature, not a design mission.


Cater to the masses first, not the fans. They're a business so it makes sense.

Seres is fucking dead for me anyway since 2


I had no idea this game was going in such a direction. What the hell happened to Capcom Vancouver/Blue Castle Games?
Wow. From such an amazing first game, DR as a franchise has just gotten worse and worse with every new game. So sad. At least we have DR1 PC


If they wanted to go in such a radically different direction with the series vs Dead Rising 1, why bring back Frank West from Dead Rising 1...

Irritating to those who loved DR1.

Dead Rising is now Saints Row: The Third with zombies.

Nyoro SF

Dead Rising 3 is still the highest selling XBox ONE game, so they have a massive base of awareness for the sequel. And they're launching day-and-date on PC.

Odds are this does better than any previous DR game.


Regardless of game design and character decisions, this game's sales are going to be incredibly high. Invincible godslayer randomly mashing their way through zombies in the open world is the big thing right now, not technical survival and resource management.

If they wanted to go in such a radically different direction with the series vs Dead Rising 1, why bring back Frank West from Dead Rising 1...

Irritating to those who loved DR1.

Capcom has shifted their development policy to mid-budget affairs that attempt to maximize profits off low investment, and Frank is their most recognizable character from a marketing standpoint. Easy decision.
I'd be more disappointed if a seemingly fantastic PC version of the first game wasn't coming out in a few weeks. I'll just play that thanks.
Capcom's mishandling of the DR series is the saddest shit. There's no point in even calling it Dead Rising anymore.

Correction: Capcom's mishandling of the Mega Man series is the saddest s***, then their half-baked fighting game called Street Fighter V, then the box art for the original NES Mega Man NA release, THEN their mishandling of the Dead Rising franchise. :)


As someone who never really played the Dead Rising games, this looks like fun and I'm glad that timers aren't a thing. I always assumed Dead Rising was just an unapologetically wacky zombie beat-em-up and this looks like exactly what I'd expect from a Dead Rising entry as an outsider with limited knowledge of the finer points of the franchise.

Also, isn't the premise for this supposed to be that it's
essentially a Hollywood movie depiction of the events of the first game, so that's why Frank looks and sounds different? He's supposed to be played by an impersonator, right?
Or was that just speculation?
Capcom Vancouver are not a good developer. Every game in the series is worse than the last.

And Capcom jp still don't understand what the west want.


I've been playing this series day one of every release and while I wasn't a big fan of DR3 it still didn't hamper my excitement for any further releases. This news has completely killed my interest in the series though.
Personally I was not a fan of timers, so that change is a welcome one, health regen too. Since it's a game full of the most batshit isnane weapons and abilites when wielding those weps, having fixed health always rubbed me the wrong way. Fixed health isn't too much of a loss, imho.

Ivan 3414

Glad the timer is gone. Best thing they could have done. Also glad escort missions are gone as well. Definitely looking forward to this game now.

it's inherently worse to fans of dead rising. great for all the people that hate difficulty and need to be handheld through games.

Please stop with the hardcore/casual bullshit. Dark Souls this ain't.
Hmmm the combo weapon abundance and regenerating health is kind of a bigger downer for me than the time limit and survivor stuff The big appeal of the series for me is the novelty of being able to rummage through different stores for food, clothes, toys, and tools without having to pay for em. It's the fantasy of living in a mall without having to pay for stuff. If there's regenerating health and readily abundant combo weapons and mech suits then the need to explore and target certain locations for resources seems like it would go out the window.
is there any official footage of inside the mall yet? I watched the leaked stuff awhile ago and that looked great. Im getting tired of the dreary/generic streets that they keep showing in the demos ive seen


I adored DR1, played some of DR2, never touched DR3 (don't have an XB1, didn't care about it either way). Health regeneration is a bad addition. Losing the timer, however, seems smart. I didn't like that aspect of DR1, though I know some do. In any case, what we've seen of DR4 so far isn't drawing me back in.

Regardless of game design and character decisions, this game's sales are going to be incredibly high. Invincible godslayer randomly mashing their way through zombies in the open world is the big thing right now, not technical survival and resource management.

Capcom has shifted their development policy to mid-budget affairs that attempt to maximize profits off low investment, and Frank is their most recognizable character from a marketing standpoint. Easy decision.

The irony is that there is certainly a market for survival based games, I just don't think it overlaps with the mass audience whale that Microsoft is aiming for. That smaller audience is also being pursued by sixty different zombie survival MMOs currently in Steam Greenlight.


This doesn't affect the way I feel about it personally, and I've always been a fan of the series. Sure, there are some differences, but I was expecting there to be. Just like there was with each new sequel. I'm not going to toss it aside just yet, I'd rather wait until there are more details revealed. It looks like the core gameplay (hand to hand, lots of weapons & crafting, lots of zombies) plays like Dead Rising, so that's really all I care about at the moment. Regenerating health is always lame and I'll never be for it in any instance. But that being said, I also don't think it's going to completely turn me off on a game.
glad the timer is gone, I appreciate your oppinion and wish it was an option. also don't really care about the other issues brought up. I hope the game is good.
look at all these overpowered things you can use to smash zombies, don't worry you wont ever die, just kill kill kill happy time..... yeah they completely missed the point what made DR fun


As long as there is an actual story, I'm happy. DR3 came with my Xbox One Day edition and never bothered to finish it. I ended up trading the game for Titanfall. Is it worth playing again?


Not a lot of time left + night time = fun times

Not to mention how brutal some of the psycho fights are before you understand how to best manage your resources, as well as taking advantage of the various ways you can buff weapon damage. That game is no joke.


Glad the timer is gone. Best thing they could have done. Also glad escort missions are gone as well. Definitely looking forward to this game now.

It's yet another example of a game studio taking a franchise known for something, and removing it to try and bring in a bigger audience. Of course, this fails like 9 times out of 10, so look forward to this being the last dead rising game...

Has nothing to do with "hardcore snobbery", and everything about a company removing something about a game people loved about it(and probably the reason it sold like it did in the damn first place).
Wow... that sounds kind of crappy, really out of the spirit of Dead Rising, really just dissolving it into this mass market wank. I guess I'll wait to see the final product, but I'll be damned if I said that didn't sound disappointing right off the bat.
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