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Dear Nintendo, we have to talk…

Dear Nintendo,

In light of recent conversations regarding future Nintendo hardware, and this rampant speculation that the Switch successor may not be Backwards Compatible, combined with my belief that you will indeed talk about Switch 2 this year…2023.

I think I am going to refrain from buying any more Switch games until we have clarification on next gen. I am not saying BC is a deal breaker. Far from it. Yet, I do want to know, before I spend money. So myself and many other consumers can make sound decisions. Because, if there is no BC, everyone realizes you will sell everyone enhanced Switch titles as Deluxe versions on Switch 2. Which is fine. Not at $60-$70, imo. But overall it is fine. But why make us buy twice? Dirty pool.

Hopefully you decide to shed some light at the investor meeting in late April. You can give basic answers without confirming new hardware. I am looking forward to TOTK, but I will wait until we have clarification.

I am curious what other consumers think…not about my decision, but actually about your feelings toward Nintendo and the recent speculation. Regardless of anyones opinion, the whispers and forum speculation is only growing louder. What do YOU think about Nintendo and their lack of communication?

Edit: I apologize for confusion. That was my bad on not clarifying. I am operating under the premise that new Nintendo hardware is coming between mid 2023 and early 2024. *Assuming this premise is correct* (I realize it could be wrong). Assuming it is correct, without BC I 100% expect Nintendo to resell Deluxe versions with upgraded graphics and content of many of the Switch era games. Mario kart 8 Complete Ultra edition for example. I would expect ToTK to be a launch game also.

This is why I would refrain from future Switch purchases until clarification.

Ironically, Nintendo investor meeting is right before ToTK. Nintendo will not be able to evade tougher questions this year. Everything from Switch releases going forward, Saudi investment, next gen questions, to the Microsoft partnership.

I think it is a unique time where some clarifications will have to be made. Will they answer all these questions? Absolutely not. Some of them… Yes, I believe they have too.
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I think Nintendo will announce what is to come when Nintendo is ready to share that information.

You can do whatever you want, enjoy this stance you’ve taken. You’re gonna go far.


Dear Nintendo,

(Know your audience, bro. Am I Nintendo? Do you expect someone of my age to relate agreeably to your cause through digital, wrongly addressed snail-mail? I’m a cynical dickhead on the internet, old enough but not too old, to think it’s still funny to post .gifs. .Gifs that I alone, search up, download, and upload to this site. They’re uploaded because I’m too tired to copy and paste some URL I found on Google Images and have it not be compatible with the site. I figure I’m safe, I only allow access to “select photographs.”)

In light of recent conversations (With me?) regarding future Nintendo hardware, (Oh, my holms Nintendo) and this rampant speculation (by who) that the Switch successor (they’re making one!?!?) may not be Backwards Compatible, (oh shit, what?) combined with my belief that you will indeed talk about Switch 2 this year…2023. (You must know your stuff, I haven’t even heard of a successor to the mighty Nintendo Switch.)

(“In light of recent conversations“ implies that you, personally, have had multiple conversations with the multinational, conglomerate known simply as “Nintendo.” Nintendo is not a singular entity, it is a corporation assembled by a shit load of people (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) who don’t spend their time writing fake letters to the one, youthful side of middle aged GAF (and the other, scarier side) to appease masturbatory rants. I can only assume, by this posting that you are among us somewhere in age. Anyone who pens a “Dear Abby” letter to NeoGAF ain’t no spring chicken.)

I think I am going to refrain from buying any more Switch games until we have clarification on next gen. I am not saying BC is a deal breaker. (I like how threatening you are here. It would have been more entertaining if you called for the public execution of every board member. But, your approximate $180 dollar withdrawal from their coffers is, hilarious as laudable.) Far from it (again, love the drama). Yet, I do want to know, before I spend money. So myself and many other consumers can make sound decisions. (You might not want to think this decision you have made is public hivemind consciousness.)

Hopefully (Haha) you decide to shed some light at the investor meeting in late April. (I want a full and precise count of every single word and breathe spoken/taken at this meeting. I now believe that you are a large investor who can obtain this knowledge themselves. I cannot wait for you to pose them this question. I hope you frame it as you have here.) You can give basic answers without confirming new hardware. I am looking forward to TOTK (being older, it took me some time to figure out what the fuck this acronym is. I thought with your great investor knowledge you had some sort of insight to a new piece of hardware known as the TOTK. I thought the name might have been inspired by the ever popular Tik-Tok. And no, douchebag, not that Ke$ha song.) but I will wait until we have clarification. (Again, I wish you luck at this board meeting, you have them by the short hairs.)

I am curious what other consumers think (Is this market research?)…not about my decision, but actually about your feelings toward Nintendo and the recent speculation. Regardless of anyones opinion, the whispers and forum speculation is only growing louder. What do YOU think about Nintendo and their lack of communication? (No, not market research. It’s a way to sum a rant up by peppering on some sort of appeal to like minded thinkers. Most letters don’t end this way. The use of bold and the full-on capitalization of YOU proves this case like I’m mother fucking Johnnie Cochran.)

I’m not trying to be an asshole; I like that you’re standing up and making an informed decision as a consumer towards a company currently worth forty-eight billion dollars

While I don’t agree with the general principals of your argument due to a basic knowledge of business decisions, I’ll stand with you. If everyone was like you, we would know about the newest Nintendo hardware the second this was posted. It would be a badass utopia where we would know everything in advance so that we, as consumers, could make better, smarter decisions. But alas, we are only consumers, and this is only a video game forum in a time where no one under the age of 24 knows the meaning of the word.

I don’t take issue with the message, it’s the format. But, I stand with you. Two years ago, the wife and I had a flat during hard times. Had to sell the Nintendo Switch for a tire, on a car that said “Just Married.”

FUCK NINTENDO, those fuckers, the bitches who won’t tell me, ME, if I should buy an OLED Switch or wait for new hardware.

Cocksuckers, do you think I want to spend the $350 plus TOTK plus PRO CONTROLLER to only find out tomorrow, because of us, that they are announcing the next console without backwards compatibility? I would feel worse than a fool, worse than an asshole. I’d be a pigeon. Some bitch-ass sucker.

Fuck that, let’s do this. 100%
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Most of the games I had pre-ordered for the Switch, I've since cancelled and re-ordered for PC. The Steam Deck is just superior hardware in almost every way, and getting to play these games on my PC (and TV) negates the Switch's ability to play docked.

But, like you, I'm conflicted. The Switch is my go-to for physical games this generation. The cartridges are more durable than discs, and most games (not all, unfortunately) get released in a playable state. Certainly more than Xbox or PlayStation do. I have a higher confidence that I'll be able to play these games 20 years from now, long after Sony and Microsoft end online services for their existing consoles.

Whether I'll be playing them on the original hardware, or some sort of fancy upgraded box, is up in the air at the moment. But like you, I'm limiting my future purchases pretty significantly in their ecosystem until I know more about the situation.
I’m buying Tears of The Kingdom but I’m holding off on buying anything else, even if there are a few games i want to play I’d rather play them when i know i can play them on better hardware


Lies No GIF


Gold Member
I want the next Nintendo system to be BC but if it's not it won't be the end of the world. I'll just keep my Switch. 🤷‍♂️


I'm going to get in early here, please give me gold!

This is tantamount to account suicide with these mods.


BC has no bearing on games released now. Would you really avoid a critically acclaimed game because you might not be able to play it on the Switch's successor? Nintendo has usually tried for some form of BC. GC games on Wii, Wii on Wii U, GB on GBA, GBA on NDS, and NDS on 3DS. Nintendo's move to an account system also supports efforts towards BC. Wild speculation by those whose business is to generate attention shouldn't lead to an immediate rejection of Nintendo's track record.

Buggy Loop

Yea, i'm not buying Tears of the Kingdom until its all clarified. I don't want to be like the dozen of peoples who bought Breath of the Wild on Wii U.
Regardless of what Nintendo is doing with a future Switch, I absolutely adore my current Switch and I'll be buying games for it. Under no conditions would I be getting rid of my Switch, so that doesn't really have an affect on what I'm doing with the Switch. Obviously I'd love Switch 2 to be fully backwards compatible, software and hardware, but it isn't going to change my decisions for the present Switch. I don't think it would have an impact either way the answer goes, honestly. I still play my Sega Genesis and Sega's long gone.
Yea, i'm not buying Tears of the Kingdom until its all clarified. I don't want to be like the dozen of peoples who bought Breath of the Wild on Wii U.

How is it even comparable really? If new hardware is coming, it's not for a while either way - BotW launched same day on both consoles. That's obviously not going to be the situation. You're saying if it's a year or two out you'll hold out for an "HD" version? I just can't/don't care to commit to that personally. People who bought BotW on Wii U chose to do so when an alternative literally existed on the same day.

Buggy Loop

How is it even comparable really? If new hardware is coming, it's not for a while either way - BotW launched same day on both consoles. That's obviously not going to be the situation. You're saying if it's a year or two out you'll hold out for an "HD" version? I just can't/don't care to commit to that personally. People who bought BotW on Wii U chose to do so when an alternative literally existed on the same day.

I ain't taking the chance even if its 6-8 months later they launch the Switch 2. Late 2023 or early 2024. Bet on it.
I have too many games to play to bother wasting cash on a game that will make the Switch sweat even worse than BOTW did on day 1, that was barely the ceiling of acceptable performances.
I ain't taking the chance even if its 6-8 months later they launch the Switch 2. Late 2023 or early 2024. Bet on it.
I have too many games to play to bother wasting cash on a game that will make the Switch sweat even worse than BOTW did on day 1, that was barely the ceiling of acceptable performances.
Well, it was also designed for the Wii U and not necessarily optimized for the Switch hardware. I think TotK will do better, but time will tell. I'll let you know when I have it day 1. :messenger_sunglasses::messenger_tears_of_joy:

Even if it performs like BotW, I didn't have any real problems with it personally. But I don't blame you if you're willing to wait.


Seriously not 100% backwards compatible? WTF?

It's pure speculation based off a video of what hardware they could use and not an insider report of trouble with BC or anything of the sort. We should pay it no mind until proven otherwise.

And yeah I don't really want to mar Tears with that 8 year old underclocked TX1, the "Nintendo doesn't need power because art" crowd is dead wrong and there's a bunch of that beautiful art hidden under the lacks of AA, AF, and resolution


I will HAPPILY sacrifice BC if it means Nintendo next piece of hardware is actually powerful.
My switch won't instantly disappear because Gen 9 (10??) console exist.
People will complain but will buy the console immediately anyways.
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I doubt there will be any physical BC (a cartridge slot) so I was considering starting to sell some of my physical games.

I think digital BC will be available, it really helps around launch to close gaps in the software lineup.
I think their next console will have backwards compatibility or something to compensate, its necesary and nintendo knows it, this time they wont have games to recycle as they had with wiiu, nintendo is very slow with their games so if they dont have BC they will have to interrupt development and concentrate in the new system which will be a disaster in my opinion, they require to keep developing games as if they were intended for switch even if at the last minute are released for the new system only or have plenty of deals with thir parties to develop nintendo games, switch is a very succesful system but that wont guarantee the success of their next system they should be careful but I think they have this considered and there wont be a problem
I'm continuing on as usual with my purchases. If the next Switch has bc? Great, I'll get it on day one. If not? I will wait until it has enough games to justify getting it.


Marlboro: Other M
People who cared about bc bought Wii u. People who didn't bought a switch.

Nintendo doesn't need to discuss speculation when hard hitting data is already gave them the answer.


I'll still buy what I want to buy for the OG Switch.

Frankly, all the talk from MVG about backwards compatibility is wild speculation at this point. He's a YouTuber, making hyperbolic claims in videos gets clicks, and clicks make him money. Nvidia is more than capable of providing an affordable chip that has a solution to running applications designed for the Tegra X1. Calm the fuck down.
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Astral Dog

I thought Miyamoto himself literally "confirmed" backwards compatibility for the Switch 2 in a previous investors meeting 🤷‍♂️ but i heard it on one of those Youtuber videos so who knows, (im still buying Tears of the Kingdom though 👍) i think its a safe assumption
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If their next system has Switch in the name, of course it’s going to be BC. Unless they are making something completely different, which I doubt considering the success of the Switch.


Some people overreacting. So far we have only (reasonable) speculation over the lack of BC for a Switch successor. But we don't have any kind of leaks to give us this level of fear about Switch 2.
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We don't know. And not 100% could just mean random things like Labo garbage.
Labo is great. It's a unique experience, very toylike with endless little clever touches in the software and experience. My son and I built all the main set and the VR set, had a blast.

I'm tired of this weird hatred of fun experiments like that one. It reminds me of the utter cluelessness on gaming forums as to why the Wii was such a success. Wii Sports for instance fully deserves its place in gaming history.

I'd much rather Nintendo keep up the weird experiences than see them pursue a boring track like trying only to compete with the Steam Deck as a generic platform.


ninny first party is very high quality so ofc gotta understand ppl who buy them, after all its all about games, on the other hand no wonder some ppl wanna put it on hold till new machine is launched so they can get best version and not gimped switch one


Their goal is not to please the consumer, it’s to make money. I fear your words will fall on def eyes.


Dear Nintendo,

In light of recent conversations regarding future Nintendo hardware, and this rampant speculation that the Switch successor may not be Backwards Compatible, combined with my belief that you will indeed talk about Switch 2 this year…2023.

I think I am going to refrain from buying any more Switch games until we have clarification on next gen. I am not saying BC is a deal breaker. Far from it. Yet, I do want to know, before I spend money. So myself and many other consumers can make sound decisions.

Hopefully you decide to shed some light at the investor meeting in late April. You can give basic answers without confirming new hardware. I am looking forward to TOTK, but I will wait until we have clarification.

I am curious what other consumers think…not about my decision, but actually about your feelings toward Nintendo and the recent speculation. Regardless of anyones opinion, the whispers and forum speculation is only growing louder. What do YOU think about Nintendo and their lack of communication?
The whispers and uncertainty in forums are self imposed. I don't care that Nintendo don't communicate based on forum rumours. As long as they have a clear roadmap of games I don't expect anything more than what's been announced and make no assumptions about the future.


I'm gonna be real after everything they've done during the switch generation and the short term memory of gamers in general,they're probably gonna get away with whatever bs they do with the new one,no matter how anti consumer it is.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Nintendo has historically been one of the most anti-consumer when it comes to digital ownership and BC.

They sell tons of games over and over each gen, some of which aren’t really remastered to a great degree. It could play greatly into their business strategy.

So, better to set your expectations low in this regard. It just comes with the territory of owning their platforms.

It’s why I seldom buy remasters of theirs unless they’re greatly improved or I’ve yet to play them before.
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