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Did You Go To Prom?

Didn't go Junior year, probably not gonna go this time. Don't care for school too much or any of the people outside of some friends and acquaintances.


Nope, I didn't even graduate from high school. Before I get dogpiled I am almost finished my Master's degree, so it was high school I gave up on, not education.


I didn't want to go, but my mother was so obnoxiously insistent that I do that I went just to get her to stop bothering me. It was boring and a reminder that I don't do well in that kind of setting.


I went and I had a good time. I actually planned the prom so it was nice to see all of my hardwork pay off and it was a nice fuck you to everyone else that complained about the process.


Black Canada Mafia
Yeah. I got too into it and this girl (not my date, went stag) decided to steal my shirt. I danced in a tank top for a while, it was pretty chill but my teachers didn't know what to do about it.


Fuck, being a teen is haaaaaaard. That was like 14 years ago. I think I started GAF around then.
Eh, the only difference would be the attached sentimentality to it, which is very YMMV for people in high school. These days high school is becoming less and less of a major "thing" in life in favor of college, so less people seem to have any real sense of attachment to their high school years.
5 years in a school and it's not a thing.



Went to four. Guy I crushed on invited me cause his girlfriend was out of town when he was a junior and I was a freshman. Dressed up all pretty and wore heels, and then she showed up like a drama queen and I got ditched and had to walk home barefoot lol. Second time I got invited by a guy friend because he didn't have a date, third time was my junior prom and I invited my best friend (a girl) and they were sooooo pissed about that, and the last, my senior prom, I invited my now husband and we stayed for the dinner and left.

Damn, I have no fucking clue how my mom managed to pay for four fucking prom dresses.


Gold Member
Yup and my girlfriend at the time was pregnant. It was a bad time. Everyone kept asking me if she was and we didn't talk much for the rest of the night. She ended up getting an abortion and we broke up a month later.

Homecomings were better.


Gold Member
They kicked me out because i was to drunk (the supper part) so i ended up in a bush pucking and people were taking pictures of me


I was on holiday abroad, so no. Probably wouldn't have gone if given the opportunity anyway. All seems a bit garish, and frankly redundant in the UK honestly. I was a fucking fiend at primary school discos, though.
Negative. Kinda wish I went but it was 21 years ago now and I’ve been married for 13 since. Eh. It was a high school time I missed out on I guess.
I went up to a cottage with my buddy and our girlfriend's where we proceeded to get insanely drunk and smoke a bunch of pot.

Prom is dumb and we suspected it was going to suck, this was confirmed as everyone texted us saying they were having a shitty evening and they should have went up North with us. Don't think I'll ever regret not going.


Mom made me go my senior year
Did I regret going? No
Would I do it again if I didn't have to go? No
Enjoyed eating out with my friends and taking pictures (which is weird BC I hate taking group pictures generally) but the actual prom was lame since all the cool kids went to boat prom and I was stuck at a lame manor with no date and a half charged phone


Nope. Didn't want to waste my parents' money. Very much didn't want to deal with the LGBT thing in an all male highschool either. Zero regrets whatsoever.


No, why would I want to celebrate the end of high school with a bunch of people I mostly didn't like. Went to an after party with people I did like though.

Not that I was being edgy, it's that at the start of high school my friends, and thus myself, were among the popular kids. Only, I had terrible acne and so had no dating life, as time went on I realized I didn't like the friends I had at the start of high school and made new friends. New friends also didn't care for most of our classmates. Couple that with bad acne and that's a recipe for no prom and not really caring.

Seems like most of my early friends are still stuck in our 100k home town and most of my later friends moved out of that town. Not a bad town, just very small. No bigger towns within almost 200 miles (it was Bismarck, ND).
Na I didn't go. I almost did. A girl asked me to go about a week before and I said yeah, but as I was waiting in line for tickets she texts me saying nevermind someone she asked before me said yes so bye. Didn't even tell me in person.

Don't really care that I missed it though. Wasn't planning to go before I was asked. But that happening to me sucked.

So basically:


Nah, we went to Homecoming and it sucked, so for senior prom our group decided to spend the day at Disneyland instead.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Well I was never a Jr or a Sr so my prom was never in play. I left for the service and never looked back.

Also when did "THE" get dropped from Prom? Maybe its a regional thing or I'm old as shit but it was always The Prom when o was a kid.


Junior year was one of the worst experiences of my life, all around. Some bright spots, but it mostly sucked. Going in a group with kids more well-adjusted than me was one of them. Made an ass of myself, so awkward.

The year after that I had a girlfriend and a little more confidence, so it went better.

Man, being Christian and boring and sheltered was my whole identity. I didn't get drunk until I was 20 or have sex until I was 22.
I went for junior prom. Didn't have a sweetheart, but went with a friend, and we went with a group of our mutual friends. I got to feel like a cool adult driving us all downtown. We ate at Benihanas. The venue was a brand new building. We stayed briefly and then left to hang out together for the rest of the evening. It was basically a fancier version of what I did with friends on an average weekend, mixed with a thankfully brief social encounter with everyone else, so I enjoyed it a lot.

Treated prom how I treated most dances, minimize time spent at venue, spend majority of time with friends at someone's house, a park, a fast food place or a parking lot. I basically always did group dates for school dances, so the shittiness of dances was always greatly mitigated by the company of friends.

Didn't attend senior prom, I was out of town. Didn't regret missing it. Once was enough for me.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it was alright.
I LOVED going to dances in middle school, but in HS I didn’t go to any of them until prom. IDK, prom is a funny thing. I got breathalyzed at my prom!

PInk Tape

No because I was still pretty depressed at the time and didn't have any friends, lol.

I think the bad experiences I had with people in school really soured me on the idea of prom tbh. Tbf, I don't think it's my type of setting in the first place but being the target of bullying doesn't really help the situation either.
I was on holiday abroad, so no. Probably wouldn't have gone if given the opportunity anyway. All seems a bit garish, and frankly redundant in the UK honestly. I was a fucking fiend at primary school discos, though.

I'm a really ancient guy so I remember seeing proms become a big deal in Hollywood films, then in the UK. They're a bit of fun.

My father used to say he saw the same thing happen with Halloween. I was a member of that awkward generation in Britain that carried hollowed-out turnip lanterns that felt like they weighed a tonne. Trick or treat came much later.


Didn't go in my Junior year, but went to my Senior Prom with a bunch of friends. Had a blast, everyone was impressed with how much weight I'd lost over the past year or so and I danced my ass, grinded with a couple of girls for the first time ever in my life lol. Then went to super awesome afterparty at a friend of friend's house who lived in a mansion, complete with elevators, movie theater & the works. One of the best nights & experiences of my life for sure.


Yeah, twice. I was dating a Senior when I was a Junior and went to her prom, and I went to my Senior prom with a female friend. It was okay, it's just one of those things you do because if you don't do it, you might regret it later on in life.


No, I didn't.
Was a real surprise when I moved to a way more diverse city and guys actually found me attractive
Yep. I was asked by a friend, bought tickets and everything, then she bailed last minute. My friends encouraged me to go anyway, and I ended up having a really great time. People must have felt bad with me because I spent the whole night dancing with ex-girlfriends and future girlfriends and girlfriends of friends and the friends themselves. The flexibility of going alone really opened up a lot of opportunities that I can't imagine I would have had a better time with my original date. Went to a few parties and then spent the rest of the morning entertaining a couple of girls whose dates left them to get drunk. Very good memories.
I went both my junior and senior years back in high school, dateless. Just hung out with my friends and their dates. It was fine, but other than seeing the bunch of us dressed up nicely, nothing memorable.


Yup. In the UK here and in our school it wasn't that big of a deal but I went. Was a nice last time to see all your non-friend classmates.

I went to the one at the end of our sixth form (end of school so I guess senior prom? Sixth form was optional and I skipped the one before because everyone I knew was just staying on anyway) and the Christmas dance thing. Never went to any of the others because I didn't care and friends never went but we went to those as they were the last ones so why not.

Didn't really have a date to prom, me and my friend Pei went with two girls who were sort of friends. Had a tux and everything. It was nice. Glad I went. Had fun just dancing with friends and everyone was just super nice to each other, even the people you never talk to but knew of, even the people who were dicks to you, everyone was just jolly and friendly because there was just no need to be like they were before. No one cared anymore.

I actually stumbled upon a bunch of old photos last night because of a friend adding me on facebook and me looking at all the shit I've put up there. I looked terrible, just really ugly. But it was fun.

Definitely recommended even to the shy nerdy pieces of shit who hate themselves, go with friends if you can't get a date. Have fun.
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