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Digital Foundry: Hands-On with Project Cars

PS4 looks like it is using hardware jitter sampling for shadows, while xb1 is just filtering.

Hence the stipled look on PS4 and the... welll. pixelly look on xb1

Surely you mean "Under 60fps? Bleh!"

It is a racer!

If everything breaks, I'm "okay" with 30fps.
I can live with that.
But under 30fps is horrible -_-



I dont know if it's a matter of rendering it properly or not, just saying that a screen display being affected by shadows just like every other material is weird.

....I'm not talking about the screen display. I'm talking about the buttons

They can probably do weather... just without reflections or any other weather effect :p Slippery road mode I guess.

I mean, their decision not to have weather so far makes sense if this is the kind of hit it has on performance, but at the same time, they can't really keep ignoring it either.

I'm thinking they'll probably use the weather effects from Horizon 2. Those are decent, but don't really compare to what we're seeing in PC.

Indicates frame tears.

EDIT: I think...

Jesus Christ if that's what they indicate.

This might have worse tearing than Borderlands/Sniper Elite if those lines are anything to go by. Fuck.


This is not getting Project Morpheus support, quite clearly.


Both Oculus and Valve think that 90 frames per second is enough to alleviate any sense of motion sickness, but Sony isn’t taking any chances — they’re pushing for a steady 120 fps at all times. And they’ll achieve this with reprojection and a very low latency (under 18ms).

Reprojection creates an additional frame between the first and second frame, this way, 60 fps becomes smoother 120 fps. In fact, Sony has confirmed that reprojection will always be on, even if the game runs at 120 fps natively. This is to ensure that it’s always 120 fps no matter what.

Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida said that reporjection won’t require too much from the system to run. As he puts it, “It runs right at the very end, just before the frame is going to be displayed. It interrupts the GPU and does this little bit of work.”

Sony’s reprojection software takes data from the first and second frame, and creates an average of the two, putting it in between. Since the images are moving so fast — 120 times per second — it’s hard to tell the difference. It would be more pronounced if reprojection was used to bump a 30 fps game to 60 fps.

The main benefit of reprojection is that developers don’t have to scale down on image quality in order to hunt higher frame rates.


They can probably do weather... just without reflections or any other weather effect :p Slippery road mode I guess.

In projects cars, it's the simulation and tire model that affects the performance in these situations. It wasn't that long ago when in PC alpha the fps halved when it started raining. They didn't even have most of the current weather effects implemented yet.


Ouch, I saw a couple sub-30 fps drops on Xbox One during the rain footage. On PS4, the framerate is also wildly unstable in the rain, but consistently higher than Xbox One.

In dry weather, PS4 seems like a nice almost locked 60 fps, with Xbox One seeing more frequent dips below 60.

Not good when it's only 900p compared to 1080p on PS4.


I don't know if it's an agenda necessarily, but I'm pretty sure the people arguing that 30fps is fine for a sim racer(or that it doesn't hurt it more than it would an arcade racer) aren't sim racers themselves. Probably more ignorance than agenda.

I'm not a sim racer. But I can do some reasoning.
A racing sim is not a high-reflexes game. Is about knowing the physics and behaviour of your car and be able to control it.

And you can do it at 30 fps perfectly.

There are no high-speed moving traps on the road you have to dodge, there are no walls that suddently appears in front of you.
You can be conscious of everything around you at 30 fps and if you are not high of anything, you should be able to react and control your car fine.

Yes, at 60 fps is obviously better, but is really far from a 'requeriment'.

....I'm not talking about the screen display. I'm talking about the buttons

Oh well. That's weird too. Yeah they may be being lit incoirrectly.


I wonder who at Bandai Namco thought it was a good idea to let this hands-on happen on unfinished code.

I don't know if it's an agenda necessarily, but I'm pretty sure the people arguing that 30fps is fine for a sim racer(or that it doesn't hurt it more than it would an arcade racer) aren't sim racers themselves. Probably more ignorance than agenda.

I never had the money to guarantee 60FPS on my PC during all my years of simracing, I managed just fine.


Reprojection. Or how to give Asynchronous Time Warp a more friendly name and turn it into a marketing thing that makes people believe they are gonna play in VR with the graphics quality they see in their PS4 games because fps don't matter anymore.


It still needs to hit a constant 60fps first. With barrel distortion and 3d stereoscopy as well...

That's not going to be any short order for this game by the looks of it.

well, by the time Morpheus releases (1st QTR 2016)..SMS might have Project Cars running more consistently after a few patches and sacrifices.


If get this it'll likely be on PC. Will wait to see how final code lands on PS4 before making final choice as this is clearly still not final hence useless for making any decision now.

It does feel like they just took a PC centric title with options and put it on console. I kind of like that even if it might screw up those experiencing a console title to always been tuned for performance preventing you upsetting the applecart with options but I'm kind of curious to see how it turns out when released into the wild.
I'm thinking that MS should have sent over some help like they did with Destiny, because goddamn.



There's a near constant double digit difference in frame-rate when it really drops.


Good grief...


The performance shown here is around what I was expecting. Some comments on what I saw and read:

1. This is not the final build, so an analysis doesn't make much sense to me at this stage?
2. All tests seem to be done with max cars, which is a bit misleading. I mean, most races are not against 43 AIs. In fact, a little amount of them are. Yes, you can create them, but I doubt many people will want to race 43 AIs every single time.
3. This is something that hasn't been commented, but it's also important: It's not only that there're 44 cars, but there're a lot of different types of cars. This means that the stress put on the hardware is even bigger because the hardware needs to deal with more different models.
4. Performance seems to be pretty solid in all conditions. I mean, there're no sudden drops from what I've seen. There're relative drops, which is far better than sudden drops.
5. Performance on PS4 seems to be quite good. 45 fps in rain conditionss with so many cars sounds right to me. XO performance ranges from okay to ugly.
6. 35fps at night with thunderstorm conditions is something people shouldn't take much into account. I have the game since 2011, have clocked more than 570h (not counting the time spent on builds before the game was Steamworks) and probably have raced one or two times in those conditions. As exciting as it may sound, this is a sim, racing in thunderstorm conditions is not fun.
7. DF should have recorded these with the AI controlling their car. :lol, I know this is an analysis and all, but do you a favor and get a new set of hands :D

All in all, I think the PS4 versions is very, very solid. The XO not so much.
Ouch, I saw a couple sub-30 fps drops on Xbox One during the rain footage. On PS4, the framerate is also wildly unstable in the rain, but consistently higher than Xbox One.

In dry weather, PS4 seems like a nice almost locked 60 fps, with Xbox One seeing more frequent dips below 60.

Not good when it's only 900p compared to 1080p on PS4.

I think it would have been fairer of DF to include a more realistic situation as well - lets say a field of 20 F1 cars at Hockenheim or Spa rain on and then rain off.


Hmm, I just read in the comments of this article that the build is from February and that SMS are not happy that Digital Foundry made this analysis on an old build.


But that part in the OP is referring to gameplay options. The rest of the paragraph provides the context:

Not sure why people are calling my post out like it's not relevant here. The examples are gameplay options with performance tradeoffs. I don't want that in console games. Give me gameplay options that work equally well. Keep the rest on PC, where choice is essential. People use these systems with very different mindsets. I want to think about all this when I'm playing on my PC. I just want to pick up and play when I'm on my console. It's fixed hardware. I shouldn't be made to worry about this shit.


I don't quite understand, are you saying the buttons themselves have LEDs in them and PS4 is rendering that properly?

....I'm not talking about the screen display. I'm talking about the buttons


Yes the buttons have lights in them and the PS4 is rendering it properly.


The XB1 version is missing the lights in that shot but whether that is a graphical issue on the XB1 remains to be seen.
The performance shown here is around what I was expecting. Some comments on what I saw and read:

1. This is not the final build, so an analysis doesn't make much sense to me at this stage?
2. All tests seem to be done with max cars, which is a bit misleading. I mean, most races are not against 43 AIs. In fact, a little amount of them are. Yes, you can create them, but I doubt many people will want to race 43 AIs every single time.
3. This is something that hasn't been commented, but it's also important: It's not only that there're 44 cars, but there're a lot of different types of cars. This means that the stress put on the hardware is even bigger because the hardware needs to deal with more different models.
4. Performance seems to be pretty solid in all conditions. I mean, there're no sudden drops from what I've seen. There're relative drops, which is far better than sudden drops.
5. Performance on PS4 seems to be quite good. 45 fps in rain conditionss with so many cars sounds right to me. XO performance ranges from okay to ugly.
6. 35fps at night with thunderstorm conditions is something people shouldn't take much into account. I have the game since 2011, have clocked more than 570h (not counting the time spent on builds before the game was Steamworks) and probably have raced one or two times in those conditions. As exciting as it may sound, this is a sim, racing in thunderstorm conditions is not fun.

All in all, I think the PS4 versions is very, very solid. The XO not so much.

This is a good analysis of what we are seeing here!


Hmm, I just read in the comments of this article that the build is from February and that SMS are not happy that Digital Foundry made this analysis on an old build.

I would be annoyed too. I think the comment was they were more annoyed at the publisher for allowing it to happen than Eurogamer for making the article as it is unfinished code that has had performance improvements put in place since then.

I think it is potentially damaging to the developer for this to be put out there without making sure the code is at least representative of final code (even if not 100% like for like) but in this case it does not seem to be.


Yes the buttons have lights in them and the PS4 is rendering it properly.


The XB1 version is missing the lights in that shot but whether that is a graphical issue on the XB1 remains to be seen.

Ooooh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up.


Be happy to drop PS4 to 900p to help frame rate. Sod the 1080p

No thanks!

The PS4 version has no problems with 60 fps in dry weather, and on top of that it's an old build from February, so the rain gameplay should be much closer to 60 fps in the final build.


SMS are the ones making this claim?

Is there a source?

I just saw the two top voted comments.

Quote from SMS dev: "It's an old build. I'm disappointed (and that's putting it very mildly) that this has happened, not so much with Eurogamer, but more that they were allowed to do this "analysis" at this stage with an old build."

Well I've been informed by some WMD members that the SMS devs are not happy at all with this "analysis". The build they had was from February and was still in a period of optimization. Maybe wait until you have release versions before posting your "analysis"

Mr E.

No thanks!

The PS4 version has no problems with 60 fps in dry weather, and on top of that it's an old build from February, so the rain gameplay should be much closer to 60 fps in the final build.
I'll just race in the dry then. 900p is acceptable to me if it improves performance.


.Is still a racing game with hot laps and leaderboards, and they work.
DC proves 30 fps can work, doesnt matter how angry the elitists gets at that.

The point is answered in the following statement from the developers (Andy Tudor), taken from an article in Sept 2014.

"For a racing game, 60fps is hugely important," Tudor continued. "What people don't know is that the physics underneath runs at 600 times a second. We measure the input you're doing on the controller 250 times per second. Project Cars does that way more than any other game - they're all doing that significantly lower. The screen refreshes 60 times per second - we're measuring the tires, the physics, the suspension, all that stuff, 600 times."


The only surprise there for me is the lack if an option to lock the frame-rate, would really prefer a locked 30fps to a higher but variable frame-rate.
No thanks!

The PS4 version has no problems with 60 fps in dry weather, and on top of that it's an old build from February, so the rain gameplay should be much closer to 60 fps in the final build.

I'm not an expert but woudn't a dynamic resolution be the way to go here?
I remember Wipeout altering the resolution dynamicly to keep a steady framerate.
SO we can have 1080p during untaxing condistions and once the framerate would start to tank the resulution goes down a bit, to keep it steady.


So the game drops some frames under the most intensive settings and it's a terrible disaster somehow... with 44 cars racing and the rain effects. TERRIBLE INDEED

Yes, sub 30 is definitely crap, but come on, it's not like the game runs constantly at that framerate, not at all.
No thanks!

The PS4 version has no problems with 60 fps in dry weather, and on top of that it's an old build from February, so the rain gameplay should be much closer to 60 fps in the final build.

The problem is if they have gotten rid of constant screan tearing in rainy weather. Thats the main problem i see here.


I'm not an expert but woudn't a dynamic resolution be the way to go here?
I remember Wipeout altering the resolution dynamicly to keep a steady framerate.
SO we can have 1080p during untaxing condistions and once the framerate would start to tank the resulution goes down a bit, to keep it steady.

That's dependent on whether the game is CPU or GPU bound.

If it's CPU bound, it will not help.


The Birthday Skeleton
Should be mentioned that it was not the gold build tested there, but an older one according to the development director at SMS.

Does he also says that there is no screen tearing and there is a steady 60 fps in the gold build at list in one configuration of the settings? Because if not, it's not relevant.

Edit: ok, I saw the additional comments. I think since they teamed up with B-N their PR and communication is so much worse. Communicating in an echo chamber (WMD forums) is not the best way to do it.
Here's what Andy Garton, Development Director on pCars had to say about this on the members forum (link for those with access)

To be up front - even in the latest version, there are occasional framerate drops in worst case scenarios. The vast majority of the time though it's a smooth 60fps. The article neatly ignores that and focuses hard on those worst case scenarios. The recent camera and render bridge changes (which aren't in the EG build of course) make a significant difference to perceived smoothness, as well as improving control/gameplay when FPS does drop.


It's sad that this should even be considered.

I don't think they should do it. The game will still feel a ton better when you're not in more extreme conditions with huge grids. A racing sim should not be played at 30fps.
Considering the fact that the game doesn't run at 60 unless you meet certain criteria, I don't think it's sad to have a frame limiter. I don't want my game to yoyo up and down. If the game can't fucking handle 60 fps, at least offer opportunity for a consistent experience.
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