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Durante pls: Metal Gear Rising PC won't support higher resolutions than 1080p


Context usually helps... and being rude to another gaffer in a thread here is hazardous to one's account.
I didn't mean to be rude and I apologize, the sarcasm wasn't directed to any particular user. I am referring to the fact that no one is using terms like shitty and embarrassing anymore.


Lots of Steam games themselves don't think of resolutions greater than 1080p, so this is not the best metric to go by..

Good point.

Although I wonder if the survey is based on the hardware plugged in or the resolution you are running you games...

But like I said, gamers with a bigger than 1080p screen probably have more purchasing power seeing it isn't standard yet.


Not bad for their first attempt at a PC game.

The amount of blind hate for a game not even out yet in here is embarrassing.

i think you're misunderstanding

it's not hate first of all, it's disappointment. resolution options are fuckin basic. secondly, it's not blind--there's a very particular thing people are upset about, something that could easily be remedied and should have been seen coming and is a key aspect of PC gaming.

hope that helps


Yeah. I totally get you. I bought the first 1080P TV on the market, and the video unit couldn't accept 1080p inputs as HDMI wasn't mature enough yet. I had to buy a DVDO scaling video processor, which cost more than most gaming PCs at the time. So I know the struggle. I also know that I was in a fringe of a fringe. I need to explain/prove that crazy video options aren't a fringe, but a sizable chunk of the scene. That is what convinces Japanese devs.

Please mention some of us downscale our image aswell.

I run my games above 1080p, but I show up on the Steam survey as 1920x1080 because that's my monitors resolution.


4.17% of people on the Steam hardware survey use single screen resolutions more than 1080p.

I am sure they are very hardcore and we can't really say if they are a big chunk of the sales, but they are still a tiny minority...

But that number will only increase over time, like how 1080p gamers were the minority once.

PC games with legs sell the best on the platform, and not putting restrictions like these helps that.


don't forget, a lot of people still have 1920x1200 monitors as well. They suffer just as much.

Err no, the game will just have tiny black bars on the top and bottom of the screen on a 1920x1200 monitor. It won't have any upscaling artifacts because it's not going to be upscaled.
We aren't going to able to give hard numbers but the steam surveys aren't going to be able to show the numbers for people a game like this would target. Also, you have to take the trend into account. The higher res monitors are only going to be becoming more and more common and this game on PC will potentially sell well for years and years.


But that number will only increase over time, like how 1080p gamers were the minority once.

PC games with legs sell the best on the platform, and not putting restrictions like these helps that.

exactly. I saw many posts trying to downplay or justify the resolution lock because it's an "amazing game"--well, it can be kept enjoyable for literally decades if the resolution is addressed. yeah, it's that important, in case you didn't know.


exactly. I saw many posts trying to downplay or justify the resolution lock because it's an "amazing game"--well, it can be kept enjoyable for literally decades if the resolution is addressed. yeah, it's that important, in case you didn't know.

I'm looking to get a 1440p monitor in 2014, the platform is about progress, not stagnation.

Dario ff

It seems there's a lot of going back and forth about "surveys" and "percentages", so I think some clarification is needed.

I'd honestly take this as the equivalent of someone writing their own joystick support instead of using XInput for a 360 controller. It's about standards in coding, you just don't force display modes in Direct3D without asking which modes are available first. It also takes less time and effort. The positive side-effect is you have proper support for everything because you properly adhered to a standard, that's how backwards compatibility has stayed good for lots of games over the years! There's no need for market analysis on this. None!

I basically linked @PG_narita to the following Wiki section that should make it pretty clear how simple it is to retrieve these resolutions. However, I guess I can understand things like this get messy if documentation in English needs to be translated.

I'm really hoping this is a case of just that and the internal buffer isn't locked or something like that.
Since you guys wanna beat me up, let me simplify.

1) We support 1080p.

I, personally, know some people with rigs that can support higher than that want more than that. I *promise* to share that info with people working on the game. I am not working on it myself. I sit next to the producer though. If only 1080p isn't enough, tell me and I promise to share that. I've been telling you all everything I know about the game, and I will share everything I've learned from you inside PG.

2) Durante is a stud.

I think the guy is awesome and everything right with PC gaming. He doesn't need to fix our game. I think our game is pretty awesome. But he deserves to be praised not only for being an awesome mod maker. If doing that makes me embarrassing, then I'm cool with that. In fact, anyone who does anything cool with our games, whether it be modding or cosplay or just telling a friend, deserved a beer in my book.

I'm not your embarrassment or your enemy. I'm the dude posting pictures from Valve or unboxing a Steam Machine. Your opinions are my ammunition, and I like going into battle fully loaded.

Fair enough, godspeed!


I need to explain/prove that crazy video options aren't a fringe, but a sizable chunk of the scene. That is what convinces Japanese devs.
i mean they are kind of fringe (which doesn't excuse the exclusion), but what's happening here is a vocal minority are creating a negative narrative towards your game

i'm sure you guys will figure something out eventually but you lot at platinum have three weeks before release to turn the narrative around

assess the viability of supporting these resolutions and higher frame rates, and announce it'll get patched in after release, but it's imperative you guys say it's coming before it actually comes out


oh yeah, I forgot to add to my point, there's kind of a dearth of character action games of this calibre on PC, so that makes this all the more significant IMO, because it's a no-brainer recommendation for someone looking into action games, and will remain a solid recommendation for ages.


There's also something to be said about settling on the bleeding edge...

To be fair there is a difference between expecting every game to use occulus rift as opposed to scalable resolution in a PC game which isn't exactly new and difficult.

There's bleeding edge and then there's bleeding edge.



Finished building it today, $18,000 machine.

i7-4960X, 64GB DDR3 2400Mhz RAM, 4 x GTX780 Ti's, 4 x 512GB Samsung 840 EVOs in RAID, 4 x 3TB HDD, etc etc...

My home PC is more than capable(i7-3930k, 2 x MSI Lighting GTX680s) but hopefully there will be a mod in the future to make 4K doable.




We all very much appreciate having you here and it's awesome having a link to one of our favorite devs. Some people might say harsh things but we are all just passionate and want our favorite games running and looking as good as possible, I'm sure PG wants that too.

Just imagine Rising at super high resolutions and butter smooth frame rate, soooo good. Anyway, don't forget to stop by the screenshot thread after release and you are sure to see some amazing stuff in there and we are happy to share the awesome with people that haven't played or seen the game yet!


120 fps feels smoother, is more responsive and it reduces blur on LCD screens.

This was my original post that was being responded to:

I'm wearing my dunce cap already so please don't beat me too severely, but I thought once upon a time I read something about the brain not being able to perceive frame rates above a certain threshold because of limitations of the eye or something like that.

Am I just making this up? Does anyone know what I am talking about?


Can't wait for proper 1440p monitors with 120-144hz and without shitty TN-panels. Loving my U2711 expect for the refresh rate.

OLED fixes all of those issues correct? Maybe I will look into those, potentially waiting another year, and skip shitty LCDs all together.


Err no, the game will just have tiny black bars on the top and bottom of the screen on a 1920x1200 monitor. It won't have any upscaling artifacts because it's not going to be upscaled.

I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I wouldn't want that either. I like to use all the real estate on the screen. I get pissy if I can't scale the HUD down if it's too intrusive.
Perhaps a ceiling was placed on the res to coincide with the cutscene resolution. I'll probably play at 1080p anyway but the restriction seems kind of odd.


Every bit of DLC including console pre-order costumes are included.

The best part is the VR mission DLC that owners of the NA xbox 360 version never got. I held off on playing the other DLC even though it was free just so I have some new content in the PC version as well.
I didn't mean to be rude and I apologize, the sarcasm wasn't directed to any particular user. I am referring to the fact that no one is using terms like shitty and embarrassing anymore.

I didn't mean that you were, I meant that the people you were referring to were being rude until he started posting in here. Continuing that behavior when PG_Jp was in the thread would have been hazardous to their accounts.


Low Poly Gynecologist
This was my original post that was being responded to:

For what it's worth, the idea that the eye can't see above 60fps is a fallacy.

Our eyes don't see in framerates and if the world legitimately did look "60fps" it would be really choppy in comparison to what we actually have now.


OLED fixes all of those issues correct? Maybe I will look into those, potentially waiting another year, and skip shitty LCDs all together.

OLED fixes black levels, contrast ratio, and some motion blur

refresh rate and shitty scaling remain

get a good enough LCD and you'll be fine, OLED still isn't being widely sold in any other form besides smartphones and tablets


oh yeah, I forgot to add to my point, there's kind of a dearth of character action games of this calibre on PC, so that makes this all the more significant IMO, because it's a no-brainer recommendation for someone looking into action games, and will remain a solid recommendation for ages.

That's a good point.

To everyone saying they could add support with very little work. I don't doubt calling the code that presents all available resolutions is trivial, but is it not conceivable that because the game was originally written for fixed platforms and designed to be rendered at a resolution of the developers' choosing, that there might be lots of examples of code or assets that really only work at a fixed resolution?

Perhaps Platinum, given the resource available for this project, have made this decision because the alternative is no PC port?
That's a good point.

To everyone saying they could add support with very little work. I don't doubt calling the code that presents all available resolutions is trivial, but is it not conceivable that because the game was originally written for fixed platforms and designed to be rendered at a resolution of the developers' choosing, that there might be lots of examples of code or assets that really only work at a fixed resolution?

Perhaps Platinum, given the resource available for this project, have made this decision because the alternative is no PC port?

No, because the game already supports multiple resolutions; just not higher than 1080p.
First they came for the people with spotty internet connections,
and I didn't speak out because I didn't have a spotty internet connection.

Then they came for the 120fps gamers,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a 120fps gamer.

Then they came for the over-1080p gamers,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a over-1080p gamer.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.


No, because the game already supports multiple resolutions; just not higher than 1080p.

Do we know what resolutions? Haven't we just been told "up to 1080"? Given that the 360 and PS3 versions run at 1280x720, it's possible that they've done the work necessary to support 1280x720 and 1920x1080 only.
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