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Final Trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Wheres the whimsy? Wheres the fun? The space adventure.

The trailer was highlited by 3P0 dying and Rey crying.

The 2nd movie is supposed to be the dark one and the 3rd one should be uplifting.

Whole thing feels like its going to be all dark and seriouse and a real slog to sit through, just to get to Rey kicking everyones ass again. I guess we can look forward to force ghosts of every character from the past because gotta member amrite.
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that this movie is going to be even darker than Revenge of the Sith?


Don't sit out because you're mad at TLJ
that's not entirely the case. i've heard all about the movie, it sounds dreadful. the movie itself. social justice droid. Han getting his name from an imperial soldier (which he then passes down to his son???). the bad actor from GOT, on whom i've already wasted money watching ruin Terminator. the movie has that greyed washed out low saturation prestigue tv look that i despise. on top of all that it is too dark, every clip i've seen has been absurdly dark. none of these are reasons to see the movie. if it didn't have SW i wouldn't even be pressured into watching it. so no, i won't see that movie. i have no desire to. TLJ doing a shitty job of cramming in an ad for Solo was the least of it's problems.
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that's not entirely the case. i've heard all about the movie, it sounds dreadful. the movie itself. social justice droid. Han getting his name from an imperial soldier (which he then passes down to his son???). the bad actor from GOT, on whom i've already wasted money watching ruin Terminator. the movie has that greyed washed out low saturation prestigue tv look that i despise. on top of all that it is too dark, every clip i've seen has been absurdly dark. none of these are reasons to see the movie. if it didn't have SW i wouldn't even be pressured into watching it. so no, i won't see that movie. i have no desire to. TLJ doing a shitty job of cramming in an ad for Solo was the least of it's problems.
Well, if that's all the baggage you're taking into it, sure, you probably won't enjoy it.


Well, if that's all the baggage you're taking into it, sure, you probably won't enjoy it.

I mean...none of that's wrong though. Didn't even mention the thing about how Lando probably fucked the robot, hahah.

Solo probably didn't deserve to bomb as hard as it did but it wasn't exactly great.


I mean...none of that's wrong though. Didn't even mention the thing about how Lando probably fucked the robot, hahah.

Solo probably didn't deserve to bomb as hard as it did but it wasn't exactly great.
No, none of that is exactly false. But if you go in intent on having those things ruin the movie for you, then it probably will. And I agree, it was not great. It was only "good" imo. Which is still a hell of a lot better than TLJ, and no, it didn't deserve to bomb as hard as it did.

All that said, I still do believe that it was a wholly unnecessary film, its resources better spent elsewhere.


Well, if that's all the baggage you're taking into it, sure, you probably won't enjoy it.
Baggage? The film does not look visually interesting to me. This is reason #1. Why is this “baggage”? Are you trying to consumer shame me lol?

If Solo was a no name sci fi movie I would skip it. The fact that it has a popular license attached to it doesn’t change the fact that it looks like a dull, drab, mediocre sci fi movie about a train robbery in the snow. No baggage here I am going from what I see in the trailer.

It’s so weird that people insist you must see every piece of media. Or you are somewhat a lesser fan (or “fan”). The consumer shaming is strong.


Baggage? The film does not look visually interesting to me. This is reason #1. Why is this “baggage”? Are you trying to consumer shame me lol?

"Social justice droid", the presence of Emilia Clarke, a silly throwaway scene on his name. I was talking about stuff like that as 'baggage' or bias you're coming in with beyond it looking "drab" or whatever. But no shaming here. Agree to disagree is fine with me. For what it's worth, Donald Glover was good, Woody Harrelson was good, and the adventure was fun. Again wouldn't say it's a "great" movie, but exponentially better than TLJ.
Solo was alright. Nothing crazy, just a decent Star Wars distraction that was still miles better than TLJ.

That said, I have seen Rogue One three times but Solo only once. Guess which one I like more.


I watched The Phantom Menace last night, it's still fine in that it's entertaining.
The acting is wooden as fuck with no emotion. Kid Anakin is still annoying. CGI looks terrible. R2D2 and C3PO showhorned in for no reason. Still annoyed that they kill Darth Maul and Qui Gonn so early. Queen Amidala has perfect aim with her blaster with zero training.
Solo was alright. Nothing crazy, just a decent Star Wars distraction that was still miles better than TLJ.

That said, I have seen Rogue One three times but Solo only once. Guess which one I like more.

I ended up seeing [SOLO] 3 times in theaters.. I just loved the hell out of that movie. Not sure why, but it just "felt" like Star Wars again, and helped get the bad TLJ taste out of my mouth. I think I like Rogue One better, but they were both good/entertaining/etc in my eyes.
Plus it had Woody Harrelson.

Always a welcome presence.

He was really good! When I heard the casting I feared for the worst.. but he was super good. I usually don't care for Emilia whatever.. but she was fine too. After Han escapes Corellia, I wasn't even thinking about the actor "being wrong" or anything.

Meh. Maybe I'm just easy to please, but whatever they did was just so much better than TLJ.


Watched Attack of the Clones last night.
I really enjoy the first half of the film where Obi-Wan is investigating the attempted assassination, love the "detective" style of the story.
The Anakin love plot can fuck right off though, it's so damn cringe. Also, the sub plot to Tatooine is completely pointless if you ask me, you could remove it entirely and nothing would be lost in the prequel trilogy. It actually feels very weird that Ani never went to see his mum in a whole 10 years, if he really cared about her, wouldn't he have tried to go back earlier to save her from slavery, maybe bring her to Corruscant?

Lucas still has no idea how to direct and motivate people, acting comes across as either very wooden and stiff or overdone and childish. Like when Padme puts him in his place after talking to the Naboo queen or when Padme says they shouldn't have kissed, Ani's reactions are hilarious. There are weird awkward shots at peoples faces to get their "reactions" to circumstances, especially with Obi-Wan when he is at the clone factory. Christopjer Lee comes across as the only competent actor which is crazy.

The CGI is god awful again of course.

And can someone confirm for me, when Count Dooku is surprised by the arrival of the clone army on Geonosis, is he just pretending that he wasn't aware of them?
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Not sure why, but it just "felt" like Star Wars again, and helped get the bad TLJ taste out of my mouth. I think I like Rogue One better, but they were both good/entertaining/etc in my eyes.
Rogue One definitely felt more like SW to me, but it was like watching a big budget fan film. kinda cool, with several really good scenes and lots of filler. it's def better than the ST films. i've seen it several times now, rented by friends and family, and tbh it gets worse every time i see it. Cassian's character annoys me so much and the scene where he shoots an unknown guy constantly getting held up as this great western style storytelling is a little annoying bc his characterization is not that strong. they play up "he's extreme and even the good guys kill" and yet he goes on a mission to kill Mads and he... doesn't do it, for some reason, it is never explained. and then their friends swoop in and kill the guy anyways! like, huh? what? what was the plan here? then he never betrays or kills anyone, he's a good guy the rest of the film. why even bring that up? its a bit of a mess.

but the new characters were fun, i like the force guys, it was a non Jedi approach, which still builds on the lore of the force. IMO that's the best path they have going forward. Jyn and Mads both had great acting & looked cool & stuff but the story & much of the dialog was just so dumb i couldn't start to think about it. deadpan robot ruled. Vader's lines were weak af tho, even if the fan service scenes (both, ive wanted that castle for a long time, tho there were no golden gargoyles) was a lot of fun. on the Vader hallway scene, i kinda can go both ways, it feels different than the Vader of ANH, yet it is so cool and pulp, and that shot of him on the ramp in space w his cape floating behind him, that is some classic iconography, i'm glad they did it. i'm even fine with CGI Young Leia, it's like the movie suddenly turned into a SW comic book in all the right ways. tbh they should just get the hacks who shot the last 20 mins of RO (entirely wo the main director LOL) to make a movie and ditch these bad auteurs.

OG SW has simple, archetypal stories, the new stuff really feels like they are trying all these things, they don't have a clear direction to go in, and this is by design. the ST directors in particular have all this pressure placed on them, they feel like they have something to prove, it ends up harming the end product. you get a bunch of egos all saying different stuff. they need a new Lucas.
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I’ll go see it in theater if there is a surprise cameo with Luke Leia and Han they shot in secret and everyone has kept secret for years and years.

The fact that a reunion between the OT3 never happened really sucks. Mark and Carrie and Harrison never really got that second chance to work with their friends. Now Carrie is dead. Expectations subverted.

That it was sacrificed for “the story” (AKA marking driven storytelling (the decision to give each OT3 their own film was purely mercenary)) by these self important hacks makes it all the more disgusting.

But if JJ pulls a rabbit out of a hat I’m willing to give it a second chance.
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I am guessing this is the clip you were telling people not to watch on Twitter if they were avoiding spoilers?

Too late now! Shoulda put that here too!

Oh well, badass clip. Really trying not to get hyped about this, but it's getting hard (giggity). Bought my ticket for 9AM Friday @ Dolby Cinema. Going to skip a few hours of work...
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Rage Bait Youtuber
I am guessing this is the clip you were telling people not to watch on Twitter if they were avoiding spoilers?

Too late now! Shoulda put that here too!

Oh well, badass clip. Really trying not to get hyped about this, but it's getting hard (giggity). Bought my ticket for 9AM Friday @ Dolby Cinema. Going to skip a few hours of work...

It's not a huge spoiler, but people on Twitter think EVERYTHING is a spoiler so. That's literally the beginning of the movie.
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Revenge of the Sith

Definitely my favourite of the prequels. The acting is finally at a decent level, still spots where it is poor though. It really is the script that makes it cringe, Lucas really needed someone to go over it and edit/improve it.

My wife came home half way through it and she couldn't remember a lot of the prequel films so I had explain the whole absurd plot thought up by Palpatine, explain the trade federation in the first film, the clone army, the separatists, how Palpatine manipulated Anakin i n the 3rd film. We both agreed that the plot by Palpatine is absurd as it's 20+ years in the making or so. She also said that there a rumours that people in power in the Philippines did similar things, (I think his name was Marcos) paying off rebels (seperatists) to force a conflict and enforce control. I'm sure similar things have happened in other nations.

Chewie showing up is stupid and simple fan service, the Kashyyyk scenes honestly didn't even need to be there. C3PO and R2D2 ended up being pointless for the prequel trilogy as they really didn't do anything. You can tell Ian McDiarmd is having a blast playing the Emperor, can't wait to see him in the new film, I'm assuming the Twitter clip above involves him? If it doesn't PLEASE don't say who it relates to.
The action is all well shot and choreographed, lots of fun in this film. I still get angry at Anakin's sudden change and betrayal of Windu.

Only 8 films to go.


I still get angry at Anakin's sudden change and betrayal of Windu.
They really needed like one more scene, or at least extend the existing scene. We need to see a little more of a struggle. All we get is, "What have I done?" And then it's immediately off to go slaughter children, including toddlers. Come on. Otherwise RoTS is great. Best opening in a Star Wars film, better effects than the previous two, better plot, better acting. All in all I only have it behind ANH and Empire, edging juuuust head of Jedi. If RotJ hadn't spent so much time on ewoks..
that's not entirely the case. i've heard all about the movie, it sounds dreadful. the movie itself. social justice droid.
The droid is more like making fun of social justice people, imo.
Han getting his name from an imperial soldier (which he then passes down to his son???).
That's a weird one, right.
the bad actor from GOT, on whom i've already wasted money watching ruin Terminator.
You don't see that much of her in this movie.
the movie has that greyed washed out low saturation prestigue tv look that i despise. on top of all that it is too dark, every clip i've seen has been absurdly dark.
Yep, it's an ugly movie. No idea why they went for that yellow piss filter look.
TLJ doing a shitty job of cramming in an ad for Solo was the least of it's problems.
That's true.

Solo is a nice movie, with all its faults.
If they made it about another smuggler in the SW universe, it would have been genuinely one of the best SW movies, imo.
It's that kind of fun adventure romp I want Star Wars to be.


Such a fun fun film, really good adventure/heist type of story.
Elden Ehrenreich is pretty good as Solo and Donald Glover is great as Lando. Woody Harrelson is excellent of course and I like Emilia Clarkes acting and character in this. L3-37 is frickin hilarious!!!
When I first saw this, quite a few of the elements of the film were completely unexpected and nice little twists. The whole mine heist/Millenium Falcon dog fight/Kessel Run scene/s is/are brilliant. The train heist was also put together well. It truly breaks my heart that we most likely won't get a sequel, I know most fans didn't ask for this movie but it sure as heck was made well.

Just in case someone here hasn't seen it.
I would love to see Qi-Ra and Darth Maul in another film.


Not that impressive to me. Where is the set design? I can’t see anything. Just dark shapes. The movie does not look like something I want to watch. Visually it is not interesting.

Them pulling a new Vader VO is not wowing me either considering they pimped his mask to zero effect in every ST. Also The Emperor throwing his voice to imitate Palps and Vader, that's kind of lame. If the whole reason Ben fell was an undead Palpatine brainwashed him then that's supremely dumb as well. Guess SW now has brainwashing.

Whole thing smacks of more desperation. “Here’s another old thing u like”. They are releasing too much footage IMO.
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Rogue One
It's funny how watching these first 5 movies in chronological order, they just get better and better. Rogue One is easily the best to watch even if the characters aren't all that great or memorable. The story, journey and by god the visuals are more than enough. I totally forgot how vibrant and colourful this film was, especially in comparison to the Solo film. I do wish that Mads character had more screen time or the father/daugter relationship was more fleshed out as it would have had a greater impact when Jyne saw the recording of her father. It's already 2+ hours long though so what can ya do.
Yeah, I need to get this on blu ray.


Kind of OT, but I adore this scene. Lucas pulled no punches. It’s kind of heartbreaking that the lovable little kid in Episode 1, that just wanted to see the universe, and be free, ended up like this.

Man, if that prequel trilogy was handled competently, it could have been so fucking good.


Man, if that prequel trilogy was handled competently, it could have been so fucking good.

For me, it was competent enough, especially with a forgiving mind towards some of the excesses and mistakes. The high points are so, so good, and the movies fun and lovable in totality.

I do have to agree, though. The ideas powering the trilogy are absolutely superb. In a parallel universe where the execution always matched, the PT probably would have been held up there with the OT.


For me, it was competent enough, especially with a forgiving mind towards some of the excesses and mistakes. The high points are so, so good, and the movies fun and lovable in totality.

I do have to agree, though. The ideas powering the trilogy are absolutely superb. In a parallel universe where the execution always matched, the PT probably would have been held up there with the OT.
I just feel like the mistakes that were made (worst child actor of all time, Jar Jar, various story issues, ect) held it back in an irreparable way. And when I read what you wrote, it just made it sting more because as you say, the ideas behind it are sound.



Oscar Isaac will take any work he can get. Give Daisy a few years and she will too. JB is the only under deman actor of the 3 who might stay away.
More than likely they weren’t asked to return. None of them really stand out in a Star Wars film. Adam Driver is the only one I found good out of the new characters.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Oscar Isaac will take any work he can get. Give Daisy a few years and she will too. JB is the only under deman actor of the 3 who might stay away.
More than likely they weren’t asked to return. None of them really stand out in a Star Wars film. Adam Driver is the only one I found good out of the new characters.

Originally I thought they might bring them back in 2027 for a movie for the 50th anniversary, but then Disney dated a SW movie for December 2026.


Originally I thought they might bring them back in 2027 for a movie for the 50th anniversary, but then Disney dated a SW movie for December 2026.
Daisy seems afraid to be stuck in Star Wars. Oscar is just small time imo and hasn’t really done a great job. I doubt either of them will be back and that’s assuming they survive. I feel like Daisy could be back after a few years of realizing she’s not going to be some amazing huge actor and SW will be big money if they want her to come back. I’m sure she’s salty about her relatively small payday for these movies compared to the OG actors.


I never once though any of the characters would be back after this trilogy was finished. I'm not sure why this is a hot topic now. Once these movies are completed they can move on to other stories, I'm sure there are many other stories they can tell.
Disney is not a dumb company. They know they have fucked up pretty bad with their stewardship of Star Wars so far. They have already said they want to let Star Wars rest for awhile after this, and it reminds me of how Toho realized that Godzilla was dramatically played out and it ended up being a decade until Hollywood made Godzilla 2014 and resurrected that franchise. Let's hope Disney takes a decade to think about things too and possibly reboot Star Wars 10 years down the road after the bad taste of this trilogy has been largely forgotten.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Disney is not a dumb company. They know they have fucked up pretty bad with their stewardship of Star Wars so far. They have already said they want to let Star Wars rest for awhile after this, and it reminds me of how Toho realized that Godzilla was dramatically played out and it ended up being a decade until Hollywood made Godzilla 2014 and resurrected that franchise. Let's hope Disney takes a decade to think about things too and possibly reboot Star Wars 10 years down the road after the bad taste of this trilogy has been largely forgotten.

It’s only resting on the big screen for three years, which is how long it was between each OT and PT movie. The next movie is out in 2022 and they’re announcing the director next month and between now and 2022 there are five TV series (live action and animated).


Rage Bait Youtuber

Kennedy said she plans to make key decisions about the direction of the franchise in the coming weeks. But some things she already knows. While the “Skywalker” saga is ending, the company won’t abandon the characters created in the most recent trilogy. Additionally, she said, the plan is to move beyond trilogies, which can be restricting.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
It’s only resting on the big screen for three years, which is how long it was between each OT and PT movie. The next movie is out in 2022 and they’re announcing the director next month and between now and 2022 there are five TV series (live action and animated).
I love the movies (I'm watching ESB right now) but ffs let it rest a bit.
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