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First on CNN: Mueller briefed on secret Comey memos, source says


Robert Mueller -- the former FBI director now overseeing the Department of Justice's investigation into Russia's election-year meddling and contact with the Trump campaign -- has been briefed on the contents of some of the memos that former FBI Director James Comey kept to document his conversations with President Donald Trump, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Additionally, he has already visited FBI headquarters, where he met with the counterintelligence agents who have been working on the case since last July, according to two people familiar with the matter.

In one memo, Comey wrote that Trump asked him to end the FBI probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a person familiar with the matter.

One source added that part of Mueller's investigation is expected to focus on obstruction of justice. In that case, Comey would be a witness and Mueller will likely interview him as part of the probe.

Potentially complicating that effort is Comey's acceptance to testify on Capitol Hill after Memorial Day. The source says Comey likely will be limited with what he will be able to say now that the Russia probe is in the hands of Mueller.

"There's no way in the world Mueller wants his witness testifying," the source said. "He wants to question him before anyone else does but before that he'll have to go through tons of documents."


The source says Mueller is likely going to want to talk to people involved in the House and Senate investigations to make sure that he has the lead on everything involved with this investigation.

Source and some more at http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/22/politics/mueller-comey-russia-investigation/index.html


Like I posted in original Mueller thread this surfaced today.


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
It's going to be hard for this to be anything other than obstruction of justice. Mueller knows Comey and friendship aside, Comey has the power of integrity on his side. He has no reason to lie while Trump and others have plenty.


They both seem to be straight arrows so it's all good. Dig deep and wide which will probably make a lot of people uneasy. Going to be interesting but unfortunately take ages.
Yep. Comey wanted to go public with it but Obama stopped him.

Isn't it a little more complicated than that? I thought I read that Comey wanted to write an op-ed in a major newspaper about Russian electoral influence, but Obama nixed that, because he wanted the response to be an official government communication. Then, by the time the Obama administration was ready to make an announcement, Comey declined to have the FBI sign off on it because it was "too close to the election."


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Isn't it a little more complicated than that? I thought I read that Comey wanted to write an op-ed in a major newspaper about Russian electoral influence, but Obama nixed that, because he wanted the response to be an official government communication. Then, by the time the Obama administration was ready to make an announcement, Comey declined to have the FBI sign off on it because it was "too close to the election."
Yeah, Comey wanted to write an op-ed about general Russian interference, and Obama rightfully said no, because that's a dumb idea. If I have it right, the administration wanted the message to come with support from Congressional leaders, and McConnell stomped on any attempt to go public.
Everytime I see that Mueller picture. It is hard to believe that is a regular photo and not some hollywood movie shot. Just shows how badass the guy is. And you can tell he's seen everything.


That's what I like to hear, Meuller seems to be approaching this straight forward an professional. Just wish people would understand that any actual criminal case takes time. Gather and review documents, interview witnesses, and so on. So many either are completely defeatest from the beginning, or get super hyped when someone like Mensch starts tweeting about indictments and arrests.

Now congress can impeach Trump on other grounds, but that's unlikely to happen soon unless the most damning video imaginable comes out of him comitting a crime.


That's what I like to hear, Meuller seems to be approaching this straight forward an professional. Just wish people would understand that any actual criminal case takes time. Gather and review documents, interview witnesses, and so on. So many either are completely defeatest from the beginning, or get super hyped when someone like Mensch starts tweeting about indictments and arrests.

Now congress can impeach Trump on other grounds, but that's unlikely to happen soon unless the most damning video imaginable comes out of him comitting a crime.

He'll resign long before impeachment becomes a possibility.


I don't even understand how this is news. Obviously Mueller will be talking to his bro Comey about the memos, and obviously Mueller will talk with him before he testifies.

That said, Mueller is just about the most badass man I've ever heard of. Reading this deep dive on him and Comey from Politico from last week damn near brought tears to my eyes. The dude is essentially Justice incarnate - it's unbelievable humans like this even exist.

Whatever the truth is behind Trump's madness, I have no doubts Mueller will find it. He's an even bigger badass than Batman, if you account for the untold thousands of lives he's saved through restructuring the FBI to prevent basically every foreign terror attack on US soil since 9/11.

Read the article and have your faith in justice restored
Potentially complicating that effort is Comey's acceptance to testify on Capitol Hill after Memorial Day. The source says Comey likely will be limited with what he will be able to say now that the Russia probe is in the hands of Mueller.
Darn, disappointing that it's that far away
I'm glad he is, the Russia angle is huge and far reaching and I can only imagine the amount of paperwork, investigating, evidence collecting and attention to detail it requires.

Plus it'll most likely be easier to prove this then links to Russia.

It's also important that Mueller is the one looking into it. The GOP-majority Congress cared to some extent, but it didn't seem like they were taking the possible crime of obstruction of justice seriously.

Mueller, though, was an FBI Director. He understands this stuff, and I'd bet he'd be pretty pissed if he was asked by the President to stop an investigation. He'll take this possible (and likely) crime seriously, which is great news.


He'll resign long before impeachment becomes a possibility.

Drumpf is going to end up resigning to avoid being impeached. Pence will pardon him.

I think (just a gut feeling) that they already have enough to take down Trump and a few others, such as Flynn. However, they're seeing how far reaching this collusion goes into the GOP and they need to keep digging until they get all the info and take down the whole ring at once.


Good. I hope he gets to the bottom of this function king mess, whatever it may be. My trust is in Mueller, and he's the only person keeping me having any trust in government transparency. No pressure tho : p

Doesn't need to be said, but if Trump gets rid of him, there are going to be fucking riots, as there should be. A month ago I would've said that would never happen. Now? Anything is fair game.


Great. Sure hope this doesn't take years to complete. I want Trump gone like yesterday. Do what you can to do this fast Mueller!
Don't get your hopes up. Investigations of this scale always take eons, and Mueller in particular is methodical to a fault.

A long investigation doesn't mean some indictments won't happen early on. Mueller can't let compromised individuals inside the White House keep their security clearances for years.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It's going to be hard for this to be anything other than obstruction of justice.

Only until Trump is out of office. Then the wolves are coming out.
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