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H3H3Productions |OT| Reppin' the Naysh \//\

drudge_siren.gif White Male Alert! White Male Alert! drudge_siren.gif

Ethan Klein said:
You know the only person who can get away with talking to someone like that? A privileged fucking female who knows they're not going to get punched in the face for being a fucking rude, obnoxious person.
Well, I can see why this video didn't go over well here.


Pretty fed up of all of these now. Alt-right in particular purely because I'm sick of seeing the term EVERYWHERE at the moment.

I'm particularly done with people calling things 'gross', 'toxic' or 'disgusting'.

It just sounds so overblown and preachy. I can't help it.


It's not ethan's job to make videos exclusively promoting your specific world-view or political stance. The fact that some of you call him out for "pandering" says more about you than his videos. There is no pandering going on, he's just making fun of crazy people. He's a fairly progressive guy, so it doesn't even make sense that he would be making videos specifically to attract people who feel the opposite to his channel. Also, he clearly doesn't care about throwing words like "sjw" or "crazy feminist" around, so there's no reason to get offended by this (since your definition and his probably differ).

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Words that are definitely used too damn much in today's vernacular:


It's time to stop. That includes you, H3H3.

Put triggered in there too.

Oh, you had a small reaction to something someone said?


alt-right went from relevant phrase to catch all word for people i don't agree with in record breaking time.



For you.
It's not ethan's job to make videos exclusively promoting your specific world-view or political stance. The fact that some of you call him out for "pandering" says more about you than his videos. There is no pandering going on, he's just making fun of crazy people. He's a fairly progressive guy, so it doesn't even make sense that he would be making videos specifically to attract people who feel the opposite to his channel. Also, he clearly doesn't care about throwing words like "sjw" or "crazy feminist" around, so there's no reason to get offended by this (since your definition and his probably differ).

Of course there's pandering going on. It's click baity title to begin with. A click baity title that literally every single other video in youtube about things like this has. The title is geared into attracting the kind of viewership that loves to go to those kinds of videos.


I hate hate hate hate this "sjw" "triggered" thing Ethan has gotten into.

Yes, the people in the videos deserve ridicule. But he only seems willing to do it under the lens of "SJW" and "OMG TRIGGERED". Do something unique, have an original funny point to make.

I don't know or care what his political view is. And I don't care if it isn't mine. But I simply can not support someone who uses the "SJW" terminology. People who do that are universally assholes.

Ethan needs to know that by using these terms he is associating himself with real shitholes. So he should not use them if he doesn't want the rest of us assuming he is a shithole


Of course there's pandering going on. It's click baity title to begin with. A click baity title that literally every single other video in youtube about things like this has. The title is geared into attracting the kind of viewership that loves to go to those kinds of videos.

What I wrote was about the content of his videos, not the titles. I can agree that the titles are overly clickbaity, but this doesn't really seem to be restricted to just these "crazy feminist" videos. It seems more like a channelwide thing that has happened over a longer period of time, so "pandering" doesn't really mean anything, as every video is trying to pander to a different audience in that case (since he doesn't actively try to promote any political agenda with his videos).

I do wish the titles were more descriptive and less hyperbolic.


I hate hate hate hate this "sjw" "triggered" thing Ethan has gotten into.

Yes, the people in the videos deserve ridicule. But he only seems willing to do it under the lens of "SJW" and "OMG TRIGGERED". Do something unique, have an original funny point to make.

I don't know or care what his political view is. And I don't care if it isn't mine. But I simply can not support someone who uses the "SJW" terminology. People who do that are universally assholes.

Ethan needs to know that by using these terms he is associating himself with real shitholes. So he should not use them if he doesn't want the rest of us assuming he is a shithole
Triggered is old.
He used it way before.
And afair he didn't use sjw in this one. Did he?


If anything else, I live in an echo-chamber of people doing nothing but bitching about skeletons and everyone being triggered, Gaf is the only site where it's not invested by that shit.

Did TM not prime you enough for that environment?
It was basically that at times.


This discussion would be a lot different if their quality was more consistent recently, but their output has been not great outside of these lame videos.
It's not ethan's job to make videos exclusively promoting your specific world-view or political stance. The fact that some of you call him out for "pandering" says more about you than his videos. There is no pandering going on, he's just making fun of crazy people. He's a fairly progressive guy, so it doesn't even make sense that he would be making videos specifically to attract people who feel the opposite to his channel. Also, he clearly doesn't care about throwing words like "sjw" or "crazy feminist" around, so there's no reason to get offended by this (since your definition and his probably differ).

The idea that H3H3 is "pandering" at all is ridiculous. Especially to the "alt right" of all demographics. The most popular alt right channels have like 15k subs. H3H3 has millions and any video they do gets over 1m views without exception. They probobly have the best retention rate of any channel I watch. They're not pandering for those sweet sweet alt right views. They're just making fun of weirdos like they always do and outside GAF saying "SJW" to describe the type of person riding the lyft isn't a taboo.

They didn't "start pandering" or "become jerks." They've been making this type of video since the start and there's like 5 of them out of 180+. Not even counting E&H vids.


The video is fine, and quite funny and massively cringe of course. Ethan even says these two women aren't feminists but are part of a "cult". I don't see how anyone can think he's making fun of feminists because these women don't come across as feminists at all, just crazy as fuck people.

I swear crazy people have the most annoying voices too, the first women was bad, but this Lyft womens voice is horrendous. I wouldn't be able to talk to her for more than a couple of minutes before I'd want to rip my ears off.
There is definitely an overlap.

Of course there is. Anti-feminists are a huge group. MRAs are a smaller group still and the alt-right is an even smaller fringe group of white nationalists.

The alt-right are white nationalists. Visit one of their forums or websites some time. If some of you here really think everyone who says cuck, sjw, triggered etc are the alt-right, then the alt-right have long since won the culture war. Visit /pol/ sometimes if you want to see the real alt right base.


Man, ANOTHER anti-feminist video?

I defended Ethan on his use of SJW in the other video but I'm out if this is what H3H3 is going to become. I get enough of this alt-right bullshit on Reddit and Twitch, I don't need it on a channel that I love because it brought the goofs and gaffs.

Anti-feminism? These delusional morons he's made videos about recently (hugh-mungus lady, lyft lady) should not be seen as representatives of feminism. people like them are what give feminism a bad name. How people are overlooking their actions and trying to turn this into Ethan being a bad guy for reacting to their insane behavior is crazy to me.


What's all this drama in the thread?

Ethan has been making this sort of content since day one. I don't see how you'd be okay with his old stuff but be against his more recent videos.

Can't we all get back to what really matters: dank memes and rippin' fat vapes?


What I learned in the past couple of days is some people don't realize that the below can be mutually exclusive:

Reacting to extreme, non-representative outliers


Pandering to alt-right, MRA, anti-feminist, misogynist viewers

I've seen the disdain for the term SJW, and throwing around the word "alt-right" over and over again. You have a good guy like Ethan that by all accounts respects women, but because he's made two consecutive videos reacting to psychopaths that happen to be feminist, we are now liberally throwing around terms like alt-right to describe both Ethan and the perceived group he is pandering to...


Of course there is. Anti-feminists are a huge group. MRAs are a smaller group still and the alt-right is an even smaller fringe group of white nationalists.

The alt-right are white nationalists. Visit one of their forums or websites some time. If some of you here really think everyone who says cuck, sjw, triggered etc are the alt-right, then the alt-right have long since won the culture war. Visit /pol/ sometimes if you want to see the real alt right base.

More than just white nationalists (I would say more often white supremacists, although I don't suppose there's much of a difference), antisemitism plays a huge role in what makes an alt-righter actually alt-right. There's the the belief in a distinctly Jewish influence that's destroying traditional values, encouraging interracial and gay marriage, etc, with a lot of carryover from the older antisemitism of Europe. "The jew is the one behind it" is more or less the mantra of the alt-right, it's number one meme. This is the most alienating factor about them from far-right conservatives ("cuckservatives"), let alone the general right or centrists who have a bone to pick with feminism. Granted, you can make an argument that now seeing itself a political force of increasing power (which may just be perceptual), the alt-right may have soften its narrow focus on a Jewish conspiracy (e.g., this influence was Jewish in origin and popular with the Jewish, but it's not tied to their race) in order to be more openly acceptable either by older Trump voters or younger meme kids who want to fight the SJWs. There are jewish alt-righters, so I guess Ethan is not automatically disqualified.

The whole inflated use of alt-right really comes down to people wanting neat and easy targets to attack, where you take the worst of the worst and apply it to a larger base (i.e., everyone who disagrees with you). This is an extremely common tactic that is not unique to any side or conflict. With humor, people really struggle with conservative-leaning jokes or mockeries of otherwise acceptable targets because on one hand they may find it funny in a vacuum, but they can't dismiss the thought this is hurting them in some way by empowering their enemies. So if there's this fear that this joke appeals to the alt-right, then it becomes alt-right humor. "Guys, please don't pander to the alt-righters!" Whether it's actually funny is besides the point, since it's a sobering thought that makes laughing uncomfortable.
What's all this drama in the thread?

Ethan has been making this sort of content since day one. I don't see how you'd be okay with his old stuff but be against his more recent videos.

Can't we all get back to what really matters: dank memes and rippin' fat vapes?

I wish we could get more videos about dank memes and fat vapes :(

My dislike of the clickbaity titles aside the content they've been making recently just hasn't been very fun to watch


semen stains the mountaintops
Anti-feminism? These delusional morons he's made videos about recently (hugh-mungus lady, lyft lady) should not be seen as representatives of feminism. people like them are what give feminism a bad name. How people are overlooking their actions and trying to turn this into Ethan being a bad guy for reacting to their insane behavior is crazy to me.

Thank you for not reading the thread at all.

Can't we all get back to what really matters: dank memes and rippin' fat vapes?

I think that's what everyone wants.


However crazy you guys think these girls are, Ethan should not be making fun of them as 'feminists'. Yeah, maybe Ethan is not an MRA douchebag (and I'm sure he's not), but he is nonetheless pandering to a public who is eager to shit on anything and everything regarding feminism. I don't think Ethan himself has any problem with feminism, although I highly doubt he knows much about the topic, and that's okay. However videos like these don't do any good for anyone, they just perpetuate this stupid image that many people have that feminism equals crazy behavior. I think he's been fighting the wrong fights lately and continues to do so because his first video about feminism was too succesful.

Also I don't think any of you guys here, and definetly not Ethan, have the right to say if a woman should call herself a feminist or not, no matter how 'crazy' she may seem.


I wish we could get more videos about dank memes and fat vapes :(

My dislike of the clickbaity titles aside the content they've been making recently just hasn't been very fun to watch

I think that's what everyone wants.

I agree! I haven't enjoyed his more recent videos as much. I get that.

I just feel the thread is getting a bit derailed in the drama of it. I mean, we've gotten to the point were we are trying to precisely define what the alt-right is. We have people complaining about the drama in the videos, only to come in here and start a political discussion.

It's not ruining my day or anything, just makes the thread less enjoyable in my opinion.


However crazy you guys think these girls are, Ethan should not be making fun of them as 'feminists'. Yeah, maybe Ethan is not an MRA douchebag (and I'm sure he's not), but he is nonetheless pandering to a public who is eager to shit on anything and everything regarding feminism. I don't think Ethan himself has any problem with feminism, although I highly doubt he knows much about the topic, and that's okay. However videos like these don't do any good for anyone, they just perpetuate this stupid image that many people have that feminism equals crazy behavior. I think he's been fighting the wrong fights lately and continues to do so because his first video about feminism was too succesful.

Also I don't think any of you guys here, and definetly not Ethan, have the right to say if a woman should call herself a feminist or not, no matter how 'crazy' she may seem.

The bolded seems inconsistent with the preceding part of your post. Ethan should not be making fun of those girls as "feminists" and at the same time people don't have a right to say if a woman should call herself a feminist or not?


However crazy you guys think these girls are, Ethan should not be making fun of them as 'feminists'. Yeah, maybe Ethan is not an MRA douchebag (and I'm sure he's not), but he is nonetheless pandering to a public who is eager to shit on anything and everything regarding feminism. I don't think Ethan himself has any problem with feminism, although I highly doubt he knows much about the topic, and that's okay. However videos like these don't do any good for anyone, they just perpetuate this stupid image that many people have that feminism equals crazy behavior. I think he's been fighting the wrong fights lately and continues to do so because his first video about feminism was too succesful.

Also I don't think any of you guys here, and definetly not Ethan, have the right to say if a woman should call herself a feminist or not, no matter how 'crazy' she may seem.

i think in this case the woman's ideology is what she uses as an excuse to bully people so i think its totally appropriate to name what the ideology is even if it isnt representative of the movement as a whole.
Words that are definitely used too damn much in today's vernacular:


It's time to stop. That includes you, H3H3.

And don't forget the worst one of them all:


I'm getting so fucking sick of that word.

That being said, while I think the lot of you are crazy for having even a mild assumption that Ethan is one of "those" kind of people (Not gonna fucking say that word), it would be great for Ethan to make a legit video about it just to set things straight.

And maybe change the video titles to stop the unintentional pandering to "that" group of people.
More than just white nationalists (I would say more often white supremacists, although I don't suppose there's much of a difference), antisemitism plays a huge role in what makes an alt-righter actually alt-right. There's the the belief in a distinctly Jewish influence that's destroying traditional values, encouraging interracial and gay marriage, etc, with a lot of carryover from the older antisemitism of Europe. "The jew is the one behind it" is more or less the mantra of the alt-right, it's number one meme. This is the most alienating factor about them from far-right conservatives ("cuckservatives"), let alone the general right or centrists who have a bone to pick with feminism. Granted, you can make an argument that now seeing itself a political force of increasing power (which may just be perceptual), the alt-right may have soften its narrow focus on a Jewish conspiracy (e.g., this influence was Jewish in origin and popular with the Jewish, but it's not tied to their race) in order to be more openly acceptable either by older Trump voters or younger meme kids who want to fight the SJWs. There are jewish alt-righters, so I guess Ethan is not automatically disqualified.

The whole inflated use of alt-right really comes down to people wanting neat and easy targets to attack, where you take the worst of the worst and apply it to a larger base (i.e., everyone who disagrees with you). This is an extremely common tactic that is not unique to any side or conflict. With humor, people really struggle with conservative-leaning jokes or mockeries of otherwise acceptable targets because on one hand they may find it funny in a vacuum, but they can't dismiss the thought this is hurting them in some way by empowering their enemies. So if there's this fear that this joke appeals to the alt-right, then it becomes alt-right humor. "Guys, please don't pander to the alt-righters!" Whether it's actually funny is besides the point, since it's a sobering thought that makes laughing uncomfortable.



This thread has turned into such a joke.

"It's not that I think h3h3 is alt-right or anything now, I'm just concern trolling that they may be influencing alt-right people."

If calling moronic people out causes that reaction in you I'm not sure what to think other than you should reevaluate your thinking.


For you.
This thread has turned into such a joke.

"It's not that I think h3h3 is alt-right or anything now, I'm just concern trolling that they may be influencing alt-right people."

If calling moronic people out causes that reaction in you I'm not sure what to think other than you should reevaluate your thinking.

But calling moronic people out is not what people have an issue with. Is reading that hard? This over-defensiveness where you don't read what people actually said or have an actual discussion is hilariously ironic, to say the least.


But calling moronic people out is not what people have an issue with. Is reading that hard? This over-defensiveness where you don't read what people actually said or have an actual discussion is hilariously ironic, to say the least.

Oh, please. I've read plenty of this thread. The majority of the negative posts relate to how a few videos they've made about extreme feminists means they're appealing to alt-right bros and they're suddenly about click bait now.


Let's break down this "clickbait" title.

Crazy Feminist Gets Triggered by Lyft Driver

I think we all agree that lady was crazy. Does she identify herself as a feminist? She probably does, but she's one of the bad apples that is looking for trouble. I would say she got triggered by a Lyft driver over a dashboard doll disrespecting a whole CONTINENT of people.

I don't see what's so click baity about it. Now if it's a matter of not liking the current content then that's fine, but I think a lot of projection is simply being sensitive to the subject.


For you.
Oh, please. I've read plenty of this thread. The majority of the negative posts relate to how a few videos they've made about extreme feminists means they're appealing to alt-right bros and they're suddenly about click bait now.

That's the thing, it is a clickbait title. It has the exact same title that it would have on LeafyIsHere channel which thrives on content like that. There's no real question about this: it's titled this way to attract clicks because these kinds of videos attract a audience. See how the other two videos on similar situation didn't need to use the dumb clickbaity titles that are associated with every channel that does the exact same thing on this subject.


For you.
At least we're focusing on important things, then.

Considering such titles will make the community around it worse, well, yeah, it is at the least a little bit important. Check the youtube comments for those videos or how the subreddit is full of the_donald posters.
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