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Halo 5: Guardians |OT5| Is HaloGAF irrelevant now?

Alright it's 2018. 343 you're allowed to start dropping Halo 6 bombs now. I'm ready for some news, and that's not meaning specifically on Neogaf, but in general from anywhere, any site, even from the comfort and privacy of your toilet, just not youtube please if reporting from the porcelain throne is your thing. Now get to it.
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Is there a max rank or level as far as MP?

Only request is just stick to the standard 1-50 rank, maybe revolutionize if possible.
Is there a max rank or level as far as MP?

Only request is just stick to the standard 1-50 rank, maybe revolutionize if possible.
I'm still confused by the ranking system in Halo. I believe Halo 5 has hidden rankings as well as visible ratings. The highest rating you can achieve is Champion. When a season starts and you play 10 matches of a playlist, it rates your play and dumps you into a competitive skill rating which is your CSR. Then the game pits you against other players in the same CSR group with maybe similar rank? Your hidden rank never goes away or resets, but goes up and down while you win/lose games. But after a season is over, your CSR resets and you play 10 matches again. But I believe the game is always trying to match you against similarly ranked players even though you can't see the actual rank.

I enjoyed the 1-50 ranks from previous halo games. The hidden rank system in Halo 5 is kind of annoying. I never feel like it's honest or that I'm being grouped correctly. The game continually rewards groups that play together all the time while punishing solo players. Some players still manage to rank up through perseverance while playing solo, but I don't have that kind of tolerance for pain. Which is why I've been begging for a solo playlist for the longest time, one where you cannot join as a party, only solo, but the playlist still does team matches of slayer and objective (only with a bunch of other players playing solo as well). It's ridiculous that that hasn't been implemented into Halo.

Someone can feel free to correct my interpretation of the ranking system in Halo 5. I miss the standard hat system of Halo 2.


I am replaying all the mainline halos... H5 is funner than H4 but I so preferred H4 because I was playing as the MC throughout. Wished I can mix and match parts of each Halo together to make an uber SP experience.

Stuff like:
- play 100% as MC
- dual wielding
- space battles
- SP co-op
- length of campaign like in H2
- 60fps
Would like to see a return of dual wielding if done properly.
You know I might actually be okay with dual-wielding making a return. As long as it doesn't morph into some weird ADS style method of shooting and as long as it doesn't trump precision weapons at mid to long range. Favorite combo in Halo 2 was using two pistols. Very satisfying way to get kills in the game.
I'm actually ok with it. While I want into the shorter cycle between info and playing the better imo.
The thing with Halo 6 is that we already know it's coming out, if not in 2018, then definitely in 2019. At this point, I'd rather start getting some tidbits on the game. Though I totally understand where you're coming from too. I do think it would be pretty sweet if they didn't reveal anything until E3 and then said it's releasing this Fall. I think the longer they wait to reveal anything the more likely it is that 343 is pushing Halo 6 to 2019, sadly.
Halo 6 couldn't possibly be in the works yet considering I'm still not working at 343i. Sorry to burst bubbles dudes.
There's a blast from the past! I've been patiently waiting for 343 to hire you lol. This thread is a slow mover nowadays. Would really like some halo 6 news to re-inject some life into it. The competitive scene for halo 5 is nice and all, but Im getting burned out of watching the same maps being played.
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Gold Member
It'd be sweet to see 343 break the ice at E3 with a beta announcement for this fall (or heck, this summer even). Hopefully with proper BTB maps.

The real question is whether or not the Falcon will return. Do you have what it takes 343?
Well i think it's highly probable that 343 will go all out this E3 with Halo 6. No way we go two E3's in a row with no news. A beta though would be fantastic. Its about the ony thing that could possibly appease me if halo 6 doesnt release this year.


Gold Member
Yeah I doubt they would miss the opportunity to put out a beta this year if they plan on releasing a beta. At least assuming it's not just a stress test.


The Community Wish List


I like that they're at least addressing Halo Reach.. would help in an MCC re-launch to include it.


Neo Member
Hmm I expect (demand?) nothing else than an extraordinary campaign (a longer one too).... because they have a lot of recovering to do, after Halo 5's weak, weak campaign! And no misleading marketing, please!


I am very excited to hopefully start hearing some more at E3. I like the traditional Campaigns with a start and finish but would like them to add more Story driven stuff, like Spartan Ops but Good/Better. lol
The Community Wish List


I like that they're at least addressing Halo Reach.. would help in an MCC re-launch to include it.
Well they weren't too specific about what they could implement, but a lot of things on that list 343 intimated just aren't possible. Not the biggest fan of Reach, but I'd be happy for everyone that wants it to return.

Also, if we're talking about a wish list for Halo 6, I'd like less squad based stuff in the next campaign. If cortana is not coming back or is gonna be corrupted forever, the master chief needs to get a new construct, preferably with Jennifer Lawrence's voice :cool:


Gold Member
Man I hope they keep the abilities in Halo 6. It feels great to properly string things like slides, thrusters and hovers together. Ground pound is cool but they gotta give it more of a shockwave. Direct hits could net a kill but instead of damage, perhaps anyone inside the radius just get a massive shockwave that could send them flying.

Basically what I'm asking for is the ability to ground pound a warthog halfway across the map.

Also, if we're talking about a wish list for Halo 6, I'd like less squad based stuff in the next campaign. If cortana is not coming back or is gonna be corrupted forever, the master chief needs to get a new construct, preferably with Jennifer Lawrence's voice :cool:
Having blue team around on the occasional mission would've been a better way to handle that imo. Maybe reserve them for a few really difficult or heavy action missions so they can have an actual impact on gameplay. Having them around all the time means you need to really power them down which sucks because why even have them then?

My bet is on Roland being Chief helmet helper though. Unless Locke is gonna be prominent again (please no) I doubt they wouldn't pair Chief with him.
I'm depressed. It really looks like we aren't getting any halo 6 news until E3... I suppose at this point in time there isn't a reason to say anything now with E3 just around the corner. I just wanted to be hyped up about Halo again. Also #HireJuices :cool:

Codes 208

As much as I want invasion back, I pretty much expect that it'd require forge maps or too much time to dedicate maps to. Which means it'd likely be as rushed as 5's BTB.

Unless we're specifically talking Reach. Because if Reach is added to MCC I wouldnt be too surprised if it was just the campaign.
Or 343 could remaster Reach as a separate title, I would personally prefer this option.
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Man I hope they keep the abilities in Halo 6. It feels great to properly string things like slides, thrusters and hovers together. Ground pound is cool but they gotta give it more of a shockwave. Direct hits could net a kill but instead of damage, perhaps anyone inside the radius just get a massive shockwave that could send them flying.

Basically what I'm asking for is the ability to ground pound a warthog halfway across the map.
I think it's almost guaranteed that the Halo 5 mechanics will carry over into Halo 6 with minimal changes. I'd still like at least one or two less abilities to manage on the controller, but I have no idea what 343 could remove or how they'd balance the changes. Sprint would be my first choice of abilities to be removed. 343 though would have to figure out how to have thrusters without sprint, and that seems highly unlikely. Maybe if sprint was activated in a different way. A fast double click of a button/bumper/trigger? Or how about simultaneously pressing both triggers or both bumpers and it would only work if you're already moving? That would take away 1 input. When I play Halo 5, which has been a while, I put sprint and crouch to the paddles, which makes sliding easier for me.


I'm depressed. It really looks like we aren't getting any halo 6 news until E3... I suppose at this point in time there isn't a reason to say anything now with E3 just around the corner. I just wanted to be hyped up about Halo again. Also #HireJuices :cool:
Well if nothing else it has me really anxious for E3. Can't wait to see any and all Halo news.
Well if nothing else it has me really anxious for E3. Can't wait to see any and all Halo news.
I'm actually thinking Halo 6 could win best game of e3 this year. Nintendo has cleaned house the last two years with Zelda and Mario, but I don't think they'll have anything that can compete this year. Unless Metroid is really far along in development and just looks absolutely amazing. We should get a massive blowout on Halo 6 and I can't wait either. Not sure what Sony will bring to the table, but can't count them out. Maybe Bloodborne 2? Spider Man was their big hitter last year I think. We haven't heard as much as a peep about halo 6. For a game that could still potentially come out at the end of 2018, that's crazy. Most people think we will get a beta at the end of the year and then halo 6 will release next year. Regardless, 343 can let loose everything about halo 6 at e3 and I think it could/should go over very well.
One major aspect that 343 needs to get away from is worrying about what is in the books. Scrap that and move on with their own stories. It's hard to be creative when you're trying to follow cannon, which there is far too much of at this point.

Switching gears and talking about matchmaking, 343 needs a renewed focus on both BTB and Warzone. They shouldn't slouch on either, and they definitely better come out of the park swinging with regard to quality maps and number of quality maps. Don't rely on forge maps for any such competitive play. Their system for inserting forge maps into the game is far too slow and disappointing. They need to set out a timeline and have a proper plan of updating the pool of matchmaking maps with 3-4 new additional maps every 6 months or so. Free maps is better, but if the only way to do it was by charging for map packs again, I'm down.

I know people are clamoring for more halo on pc, but if 343 focuses a bunch on that i'm going to be severely disappointed this e3. I want to know about Halo 6, and a spin-off halo game to parallel the main series ;)


I think it's almost guaranteed that the Halo 5 mechanics will carry over into Halo 6 with minimal changes. I'd still like at least one or two less abilities to manage on the controller, but I have no idea what 343 could remove or how they'd balance the changes. Sprint would be my first choice of abilities to be removed. 343 though would have to figure out how to have thrusters without sprint, and that seems highly unlikely. Maybe if sprint was activated in a different way. A fast double click of a button/bumper/trigger? Or how about simultaneously pressing both triggers or both bumpers and it would only work if you're already moving? That would take away 1 input. When I play Halo 5, which has been a while, I put sprint and crouch to the paddles, which makes sliding easier for me.

That Halo 3/2 crossover online dewrito thing was the closest thing I have ever seen to perfect Halo. When I see this paragraph I just thing "convoluted mess".


The hole 343 has dug is already a mile deep.
They've removed spartan charge and ground pound from the HCS playlist and HCS FFA playlist. It'll be interesting to see how matches play and what people think of the changes. That's two abilities at least.
That Halo 3/2 crossover online dewrito thing was the closest thing I have ever seen to perfect Halo. When I see this paragraph I just thing "convoluted mess".


The hole 343 has dug is already a mile deep.
You can be thankful that 343 doesn't listen to my ideas lol. I was just thinking out loud. With the positive feedback that 343 has received regarding halo 5 matchmaking, it's hard for me to see them changing much going into Halo 6, but I can still hope. My best idea is still splitting Halo into two games. :cool:
You can be thankful that 343 doesn't listen to my ideas lol. I was just thinking out loud. With the positive feedback that 343 has received regarding halo 5 matchmaking, it's hard for me to see them changing much going into Halo 6, but I can still hope. My best idea is still splitting Halo into two games. :cool:

How so? If anything with what is being seen with removals, the trend of shooters rn, and the clear desire from fans for classic halo mechanics, it seems very likely something is gonna be done with Halo 6

Sprint is the only thing that really needs to fuck off in my mind, the rest works well
How so? If anything with what is being seen with removals, the trend of shooters rn, and the clear desire from fans for classic halo mechanics, it seems very likely something is gonna be done with Halo 6

Sprint is the only thing that really needs to fuck off in my mind, the rest works well
Yes and no. Halo 5's matchmaking was really well received. The game is surprisingly well balanced and, despite the abundance of abilities, the movement and mechanics flow well together. There are definitely parts of the game that people would prefer changed or removed, but 5 plays really well as is. In my mind, and I'm sure many others too, 5 is the best Halo since 3. The pros are obviously making suggestions on what to change, and 343 seems to be listening to their feedback. I have no idea if and what 343 will change with 6, but it seems like a safer play not to change much. If 343 does change anything, I hope it's to bring it back to a more traditional halo. I'm with you regarding sprint. I'd love for that to be tossed or at least made into a power up like overshield and invis.
Yes and no. Halo 5's matchmaking was really well received. The game is surprisingly well balanced and, despite the abundance of abilities, the movement and mechanics flow well together. There are definitely parts of the game that people would prefer changed or removed, but 5 plays really well as is. In my mind, and I'm sure many others too, 5 is the best Halo since 3. The pros are obviously making suggestions on what to change, and 343 seems to be listening to their feedback. I have no idea if and what 343 will change with 6, but it seems like a safer play not to change much. If 343 does change anything, I hope it's to bring it back to a more traditional halo. I'm with you regarding sprint. I'd love for that to be tossed or at least made into a power up like overshield and invis.

Although I agree with the general sentiment of what you’re saying, and thought as an overall package Halo 5 was quite balanced, tight, and well made. It had a lot of issues which took too long, or still hasn’t been resolved

It’s just too much at times, too many weapons, too many choices, too many things to think about

I wasn’t a fan at all of how they dealt with autos. I thought they were way too overpowered, and I’m not sure what the point of having 4 of them was.

BR also felt stupid in BTB and warzone. People could honestly pick you off with ease cross map.

BTB was just plain stupid come to think of it. Vehicles were weak, starting BRs was too much individual power, and the fact that they couldn’t even at least reuse warzone assets to make proper maps was sad to see

Most of what I mentioned doesn’t seem to have been resolved.

And on the note of pros, I just don’t see many of them commending the sort of gameplay we saw. Watched a video of ninja talking about it the other day, and he seems to agree that the direction of combat is not good and they need to re evaluate their ideals.

I just can’t see how this sort of gameplay can be appealing to the masses. Because honestly I had a lot of fun in year 1, but the honeymoon has ended and I’m starting to really see how complicated the gameplay was.

I’d like them to take some aspects forwards, but it seems like too much work for them, they are seriously struggling with all their man power and money, to create good maps, a good foundation, and good variation. There’s no inbetween
It's true the game is overly complicated. I've always thought and still think that the game's over-abundance of abilities/controls is detrimental to the fan-base, and especially to new players. And BTB was an afterthought in Halo 5 sadly. No dev-made maps, minimal post-launch changes to the sandbox settings, despite numerous fans requesting things as simple as making it AR/Pistol starts. Despite all the problems, Halo 5 is still a lot of fun to play. I still think what hurt the game more than anything else was a complete lack of new, quality maps in matchmaking. We got a bunch of re-imagined maps and I think that hurt the quality of those maps. New maps, especially good new maps, really keep the game fresh. Halo 2 did it so well. Halo 5 never had the good new maps to keep people coming back for more, and 343 never was willing to implement good forge maps into ranked playlists. So it was a double whammy in my mind. I think i agree with everything you feel, but felt like 5 was a breath of fresh air after Reach and halo 4.

What my true dream announcement at e3 would be is that they split the game in two. Break 343 into two teams, one making a traditional halo game which follows the master chief. The other team sticks to making a halo that follows 343's vision. Only it doesn't have the master chief and explores other parts and back stories of the halo universe. To me, that's a perfect solution to the complicated mess of split fans wanting different things.

EDIT: Wouldn't it be fun to have a side-story game where you get to be a grunt? You have AI teammates that are all cowards and run away at the first hint of danger.

EDIT 2: I forgot to mention that I too have a strong disdain for autos in halo. Halo 5 has many, though i think the fast-paced nature of the game actually supports the automatic weapons in halo 5 better than in past games. Still, I'd gladly take a game with sprint and strong automatic weapons tossed out the window.
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I really hope we get a ton of news. Hopefully we get the game this year but if we do I'll be surprised by their ability to keep leaks so low this time around.
I really hope we get a ton of news. Hopefully we get the game this year but if we do I'll be surprised by their ability to keep leaks so low this time around.
anything is possible but i would be absolutely shocked if they dont do a blowout on halo 6. As far as leaks go, im not a fan. I wish we could go into e3 knowing absolutely nothing. Itd be one thing if something leaked 6 months before, but the stuff that leaks literally 1-2 weeks before is plain selfish and annoying of the people who do it. Then we get threads that pop up with spoilers in the title and there is no way not to see it.
Welp i got myself excited for nothing. What a waste. My guess is that halo 6 will be a cross gen launch title. So i probably wont be posting as much in this thread. Halo 6 probably wont be until 2020 and we wont get anything until e3 of next year. Maybe... sigh
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