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Han Solo and Greedo scene has been changed again in Disney+ version (also 4K versions)


Han Solo’s scene with Greedo in Star Wars: A New Hope may be edited differently on Disney+:

Disney+ arrived with seven chapters of the Skywalker saga, but people have started to notice something strange about the first Star Wars film, A New Hope: it appears to have an entirely different edit than the ones fans have seen before.

The new edit, spotted by the Star Wars Visual Comparisons Twitter account, reportedly features an entirely new insert of the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo saying something while talking to Han Solo in the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine. A Disney representative told The Verge they’re investigating.

The famous scene, which depicted the two characters having a tense conversation about the money Solo owned, was originally filmed and edited to feature Solo shooting Greedo first. The Special Edition release of A New Hope in 1997 was edited to feature Greedo shooting first. The edit became one of the most controversial moments in Star Wars history.

Now Greedo gets the last word. I wonder why they changed it? Maybe they just thought it would be funny. Also people are saying that the original trilogy is in 4K.
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THE Prey 2 fanatic
If you want the OT in 4K please watch the 4K77/4K83 film scans (4K80 WIP) instead of the unholy Special Editions.
Future versions of the Despecialized editions will likely use those scans as a source too.

think Disney will ever release an official HD theatrical Star Wars?
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The edited scene (added in Special Edition) is so jarring. It almost completely cuts off the Yes from "Yes, I bet you have", to say nothing of the muppety manipulation of Harrison Ford's head.


Eh it’s really hard to care about this anymore. Special Edition changes were over 20 years ago. If u want the originals there are many places to get them.

Just wait til they reboot the OT they will change everything.
Eh it’s really hard to care about this anymore. Special Edition changes were over 20 years ago. If u want the originals there are many places to get them.

Just wait til they reboot the OT they will change everything.
Luke will be a drag queen, the clone wars will be replaced with the pronoun wars, Han (now Hannah) will be flying the Millenial Falcon, the Sarlacc pit will actually be played by Kathleen Kennedy's vagina.


Luke will be a drag queen, the clone wars will be replaced with the pronoun wars, Han (now Hannah) will be flying the Millenial Falcon, the Sarlacc pit will actually be played by Kathleen Kennedy's vagina.

You topped my post, this is way better than my idea.

Do you work at Disney? Is that you Rian?
The legend continues. I cant wait to see what the scene looks like 10 years from now.

They'll be changed to pictures of CIS gendered white males with one having a T-shirt saying "Gender Assuming iz not kool" and the other saying "White people? I am Literally Shaking RN!"

Greedo's name will be changed to "White" and Han Solo's name will be changed to "Manpon."

The guns will go from shooting lasers to shooting streams of white guilt.


So just found out via Pablo that this was done by Lucas years ago. He did a new 4K restoration (with the new changes) in anticipation of a 3D theater re-release that never happened.
He made the mistake of doing release order, I think if he started with A New Hope 3D it would have worked. Prequel hate was sort of at an all time high back then.

The failure of the 3D re-release combined with his bitchy California neighbours shutting down his next development project (which would have included a new studio for making the ST entirely in house) are I believe the final reasons he sold it off.
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The tortured history of this scene is stupid. He wasn't stopping a cop from arresting him for trial. We all saw what Han had waiting for him. Shooting the guy first to stop him from bringing Han there was a perfectly plausible, intelligent, and understandable thing to do. They should put it back to the original scene and leave it alone.
Update (November 12th, 1:10pm ET): The story and headline have been updated to note that George Lucas edited the scene.

The change was “made by George made prior to the Disney acquisition,” a Disney representative told The Verge.

lol I guess he needed one final FU to everyone that disagreed with the original alteration.
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Their constant messing with this scene winds me up so much. Out of all of the changes in the Special Editions; this, Vader's "Noooo" and Hayden Christensen replacing Sebastian Shaw aggravate me the most. Thankfully Empire was spared any further harmful tampering although I was always perplexed why a scream was added to Luke falling in Cloud City for the SEs and then removed again for the 2004 DVD release. Saner heads prevailed with that one.
4K77, 4K80 (Work In Progress), 4K83

They're not perfect (4K77 has some unfixed white tears from the theatrical film print source in some of the space scenes), but at least they're untainted. Download the latest versions (v1.4 for 4K77 & v1.1 for 4K83) if you can. I think once 4K80 is actually finished they'll make an HDR version.

Their constant messing with this scene winds me up so much. Out of all of the changes in the Special Editions; this, Vader's "Noooo" and Hayden Christensen replacing Sebastian Shaw aggravate me the most. Thankfully Empire was spared any further harmful tampering although I was always perplexed why a scream was added to Luke falling in Cloud City for the SEs and then removed again for the 2004 DVD release. Saner heads prevailed with that one.

That's why I'm not too pissed 4K80 isn't done in time for my pre-Episode IX Saga rewatch since I actually like a lot of the changes for Empire.
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The ANH stuff and ROTJ Vader scream are the only ones that really bother me. Everything else I'm indifferent to or actually like.

Including Anakin Christensen in ROTJ?

I had a bit of a deep dive into the changes and it turns out that they used Sebastian Shaw’s body and just plonked Hayden Christensen’s head on top. Talk about a lack of respect for Shaw. It makes that shitty scene just a little more shittier.


Rodent Whores
Including Anakin Christensen in ROTJ?

I had a bit of a deep dive into the changes and it turns out that they used Sebastian Shaw’s body and just plonked Hayden Christensen’s head on top. Talk about a lack of respect for Shaw. It makes that shitty scene just a little more shittier.
I wonder why they didn't replace Alec with Ewan, and old Yoda with young Yoda. That would be more consistent. Unless, Jedi can choose to depict their force ghost at whatever age or form they want. My force ghost will be a talking stroopwaffle.


Gold Member
what about monkey face emperor in 2?

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I completely understand being bothered by the alterations. For me so much time has passed that I guess I just accept it
yeah if these were the only versions, i would get the outrage. but they aren't. and i don't. if you want to see the original then watch it. VHS tapes fill thrift stores and are about $1 a piece. or go with torrents/slsk/usenet.
what about monkey face emperor in 2?

rewatching the OG Empire last year, when he showed up it was so spooky! i love the early Emperor, such a weird mysterious dude.
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More than any other director George Lucas bitched about studios mucking around with his films - well, his two major films before Star Wars. He described what the studio did to THX like "cutting the fingers off my baby". And here we are, what director has dicked around with his own films after release more than George Lucas, oh the irony.

George, you are making them worse, just leave it!

BTW, I like monkey face Emperor, makes way more sense than the one in his special editions. That conversation makes no sense. I also think George's ST would've been worse that the crap we are getting now.
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Their constant messing with this scene winds me up so much. Out of all of the changes in the Special Editions; this, Vader's "Noooo" and Hayden Christensen replacing Sebastian Shaw aggravate me the most. Thankfully Empire was spared any further harmful tampering although I was always perplexed why a scream was added to Luke falling in Cloud City for the SEs and then removed again for the 2004 DVD release. Saner heads prevailed with that one.
Sebastian Shaw was too old looking. Anakin/Vader was around 45 when he died. Aside form a little Grey he'd still look like Hayden at that age.


Sebastian Shaw was too old looking. Anakin/Vader was around 45 when he died. Aside form a little Grey he'd still look like Hayden at that age.

Not at the time that they filmed it, I’m sure George didn’t have the timeline of the prequels planned out at that point so for all we knew Anakin was around about the same age as Obi-Wan.

Plus they never aged Hayden appropriately, he just looked the same as he did in Sith. Apparently according to George it was his force ghost choosing his “inner persona”. Pffft, piffle.

Still Shaw was about 78 in 1983, I guess they just wanted a regal older figure for Luke to look up to. It just looks strange having Luke see his father for the first time not being that much older than he is.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Sebastian Shaw was too old looking. Anakin/Vader was around 45 when he died. Aside form a little Grey he'd still look like Hayden at that age.

The whole thing makes no sense lets be honest.

Obiwon got too old between prequels and original trilogy. Dont give me BS about the "Tatooine suns".

Edit - it also was cool if you think that Obi Won and Anakin/Vader were older during the original trilogy. Makes their skills with teh force and their physical abilties seem even more badass considering their age, even if Vader was aided by his suit.
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I think I finally realized why this scene has become such a 'redo' hot point for Lucas.

In the original cut of the film, this was really our only pseudo encounter with the Hutt faction. As such, given the dialog, our general media and RL impressions of gangsters, and mystery of this nefarious faction, it was easy to assume as a movie goer that Han was about to be taken off for a bit of the space age concrete overshoes.

However, with the addition of the Jabba scene in later cuts, this completely changes. Now Han encounters and walks away from Jabba just fine. So, taking the unmodified original Greedo scene, one really wonders what was the point of shooting Greedo was? It actually does seem an awful lot like a cold blooded killing because Han now just could have gone with him, talked it out with Jabba and been fine. I think this is why Lucas got so set on changing it. While he didn't mind Han seeming rough, that's beyond rough. He felt he had to up the threat of Greedo substantially to justify Han blasting him.

So I think these two scenes are deeply linked. That said, I actually think as interesting as the Jabba scene is... ultimately I think it was better left on the cutting room floor. The CGI effect tweaks have never worked for it, it repeats stuff already gone over with Greedo's scene, and compromised the impression of Han's character, and to a lesser extent Jabba too. But, that horse has already left the barn so not sure what the best approach would be to fix the scene. My first thought was to alter Greedo's dialog (easy as it is all subtitled from gibberish) to imply Greedo is going to take the 'dead' option from a 'dead or alive' bounty, but then you get the issue that Greedo should have just shot him immediately if that was the case. Of course, that is what the current versions kinda have him do weirdly, so regardless it would seem odd.


Greedo does imply to Han that he is going to kill him though, the dialogue spells out self defence but Solo does appear smug about it though. I likened that to him being bigged up as a scoundrel and possibly untrustworthy. At this point you don’t know who Han Solo is, he could very well be this cold blooded killer with Obi-Wan and Luke are putting their trust in this suspicious individual.

It starts his arc beautifully as by the end of the film he has become the hero that he never knew he could be. Lucas taking that pivotal moment away at the start dilutes his journey somewhat.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Still waiting for those unedited cuts...

You're never going to get an official release of that. At least as long as you're alive.

Hell, Lucas probably has it in his will to release a newly altered version of the OT on the day of his funeral.



So I think these two scenes are deeply linked. That said, I actually think as interesting as the Jabba scene is... ultimately I think it was better left on the cutting room floor.
yeah Jabba being introduced was a big deal in the 90s. the idea of seeing ANY lost footage from the new movie was a thrill. it was also interesting to learn that Jabba was actually going to be in the first film, something I didn't know at the time. it goes with the themes of "this was all planned out years ago" which was important in the lead up to the prequels (of which a great deal was planned out years ago). it's also a bit of unexpected fan service to someone who only knew the pre-SE films. seeing it in the theater, i loved it. now i'd personally prefer watching the original cut of the film tho.

yeah we can debate if any of these changes are good or not, but i think it's a fascinating new way of filmmaking. the series almost receives updates or patches. it's a futuristic way of movie making. no wonder that George was on the forefront of digital video and CGI. granted, had he waited, maybe the CGI would have been better, but it's a bit hard to imagine that, since it was largely his investment in heavy CGI which helped kick off that revolution in the first place.

the Secret History of Star Wars is probably the single best source for info on how exactly he put these movies together. yes a lot of things were invented early on but they also changed as the filming went on. IIRC Obi Wan wasn't even supposed to die, that was something they came up with halfway through shooting the movie.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I read a news article, I think it was on Vox, that said George Lucas had altered this scene prior to selling LucasArts to Disney. That would make sense seeing as he couldn't seem to help himself with the constant alterations to the OT.


it takes a special mind to make SW in the first place. the endless tweaking is fully in line with the meticulous worldbuilding. i don't think you can really separate one from another.

Rian Johnson has too big an ego to ever admit he did the wrong thing and should have changed it. just as well his film is a barren and empty shell. JJ doesn't need to go back and redo anything, cos his entire film is a house of cards, if he pulled a single one the whole thing would come crashing down.

these two seem to look back with rose colored glasses and the affirmation of flowing money. whereas Lucas is eternally tortured to tweak his creation to match this unseen perfect vision somewhere in his head.

George's problem is he is too big a nerd. that is why we have SW at all.
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Greedo does imply to Han that he is going to kill him though, the dialogue spells out self defence but Solo does appear smug about it though. I likened that to him being bigged up as a scoundrel and possibly untrustworthy. At this point you don’t know who Han Solo is, he could very well be this cold blooded killer with Obi-Wan and Luke are putting their trust in this suspicious individual.

It starts his arc beautifully as by the end of the film he has become the hero that he never knew he could be. Lucas taking that pivotal moment away at the start dilutes his journey somewhat.

There is some implication that Greedo expects him to die, but not any direct threat. The important lines are.

Han: Even I get boarded sometimes. Did you think I had a choice?
Greedo: You can tell that to Jabba. He may only take your ship.
Han: Over my dead body.
Greedo: That's the idea.

So Greedo's 2nd line here is the implication of direct threat, but with his 1st line it is no longer a simple direct threat as clearly Greedo expects him to be able to talk to Jabba and it seems much more like Greedo thinks Jabba is going to off him. So we're actually left with mixed messages.

Again, I think if we didn't have the later added cut Jabba scene, Han's reaction of taking this as a real threat to his life would seem warranted. But with the Jabba scene where Han walks all over Jabba (literally and figuratively) it seems instead like an excessive response to Greedo, or at least that is how Lucas saw it and why he has been so dead set on changing the encounter.

Fox Mulder

solo shooting greedo first was a great way to establish his character early on and make his later change a big deal. But Lucas wanted to dilute it years ago so hard to care anymore.

I don’t hate all the changes as some were great and others were shit. But these were iconic award winning effects that stood for decades. Slapping in years of now quickly aging CGI shit on top of old movies is stupid. I hate the original Star Trek series remaster too because the new effects already look like shit now and clash.

Still waiting for those unedited cuts...

That has to be an in case of emergency break glass thing. The older long time fans will still probably buy those even if they are writing off the franchise under Disney. Maybe they’ll make them Disney+ exclusive or something.
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There is some implication that Greedo expects him to die, but not any direct threat. The important lines are.

Han: Even I get boarded sometimes. Did you think I had a choice?
Greedo: You can tell that to Jabba. He may only take your ship.
Han: Over my dead body.
Greedo: That's the idea.

So Greedo's 2nd line here is the implication of direct threat, but with his 1st line it is no longer a simple direct threat as clearly Greedo expects him to be able to talk to Jabba and it seems much more like Greedo thinks Jabba is going to off him. So we're actually left with mixed messages.

Again, I think if we didn't have the later added cut Jabba scene, Han's reaction of taking this as a real threat to his life would seem warranted. But with the Jabba scene where Han walks all over Jabba (literally and figuratively) it seems instead like an excessive response to Greedo, or at least that is how Lucas saw it and why he has been so dead set on changing the encounter.

You cut off probably the most important part of the dialogue:

Greedo: That’s the idea. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.

This implies that Greedo is indeed about to take the shot. Han lets his blaster reply in, arguably, self defence and he is very sorry about the mess. In fact the updated scene shows Han and Greedo firing at the same time so Greedo did intend to take the shot, but boy was he a lousy aim.

I agree that the scene with Jabba undermines the threat he is against Han, there was a reason it was deleted in the first place. However the clamouring for new material was overwhelming back then. Yes, there was a time when new Star Wars footage was rare. How times have changed.
You cut off probably the most important part of the dialogue:

Greedo: That’s the idea. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.

This implies that Greedo is indeed about to take the shot. Han lets his blaster reply in, arguably, self defence and he is very sorry about the mess. In fact the updated scene shows Han and Greedo firing at the same time so Greedo did intend to take the shot, but boy was he a lousy aim.

I agree that the scene with Jabba undermines the threat he is against Han, there was a reason it was deleted in the first place. However the clamouring for new material was overwhelming back then. Yes, there was a time when new Star Wars footage was rare. How times have changed.

I see where you're coming from, but I don't think that extra line changes the implications at all. It just carries the previous muddy impressions along, and that's why I think Lucas felt he needed to cleaned up the impression by having him take the shot, where before it can still be read as Greedo going to cart him off to Jabba, alive, for a pay day. The implications just aren't clear with just the dialog.
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