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Infinity Ward ops to show PS4 footage for COD IGN vids- a series first since MS deal?

Infinity Ward 2.0 (aka minus all the Respawn guys) reminds me of EA-Tiburon now.

-Reusing an already recycled game engine on a new gen of Hardware and still not matching what others have already done on previous gen hardware... (cough Madden vs NFL2K5 cough)

I have ZERO interest in CoD. MW2 was the only one I liked. Everything after that was a waste of time.

Yet, name and name alone is what keeps the CoD/Madden zombies coming back to buy these games and perpetuate the yearly recycling process.

And looking at current Pre-Order numbers for both the XB1 and PS4, CoD:G looks to continue this trend.

I really wish gamers would demand more from developers. $60 ain't chump change, nor is the yearly XBL/PS+ fee needed to play 50% of the game.


MS really does seem to have some freaky 3rd party embargo going on until either they launch or somehow figure out how to eek more out of that ESRAM.

I do think whatever Activision did to their latest CoD engine variant seems bloated as fuck.


I am getting both systems at launch and will still get the XB1 version even if this is true. Most of my friends play on XBL and are getting a XB1 I know 2-3 people IRL getting a PS4 and they never play online anything with me on PS3.

Could care less what native res is. It will be upscaled and I play games not count pixels count.

Have you told your friends it will look worse on XB1? Because I would assume they care about graphics to some extent.


Neo Member
I'm guessing Microsoft is preparing their legal team and social engineers to smoke out and eradicate the mole as we speak/type:

Dude...come on...remove this from your post...this is BS.
I'm guessing Microsoft is preparing their legal team and social engineers to smoke out and eradicate the mole as we speak/type:

Please stop, posting completely unsupported stuff from 4chan and people going insane over random tweets is what closed the last thread and we're running out of threads at this point.


This thread is about to be nuked...

There is some loony stuff on 4chan, but it is so easy to drop bombs on there due to being anonymous. I don't know why we instantly discount it. I mean sure some of the ones in the other thread were bats shit insane, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of what has been said there is true.


Man, Y2Kev ruined an awesome thread. :(

Anyone know when COD reviews hit?

Can't believe that other thread got canned. It was getting good. The 4chan shit doomed the thread.

Banning the person who posted that 4chan stuff would've been better imo. But the thread was starting to go downhill.

it's getting easy to close threads these days, just post some dumb shit and you will get the thread locked,i know that 4chan post was shit but to end the thread because of this rather than delete the post and warn people about it, and guess what people will continue to do that to other thread to get it locked.
We need a stickied "RUMOR" thread so that it's clear that it's all RUMOR and SPECULATION.

The last thread went some 20 pages into a newer topic than was originally posted about.

And then it just got stupid.
to try and get the discussion back on track, my post from the other thread:

here's my 2 cents.

CBOAT is saying that MS is having technical problems with their system, more worrying and potentially damaging than CoD and BF4 being 720p.

Some people are speculating its problems with the OS. And we know that the X1 already allocates 3GB of their ram (+10% GPU) for the OS (and kinect/snap stuff).

What if they are needing more than that 3GB/GPU for the OS and other system stuff, and that's why games have less to work with, hence 720p?

this would mean less hardware for the software to work with, for the entire generation.


how likely is that?


Stop posting 4chan shit in threads. It gets them closed, unless that's your goal.

It's more than that. Stop posting about Gies. Stop turning innocuous twitter conversations into conspiracy theories. That thread went to shit long before the lame 4chan stuff.
It doesn't look as good as the MP footage we saw a few months ago. That could be thanks to IGN's terrible flash player that makes 1080p footage look like poop.

Still, it looks fun so I'm still in for day one.
Gemüsepizza;87625378 said:
Call of Duty is 1080P:


Battlefield still unknown, some think it is 900p or 1080p, but it could also be something inbetween like 1600x1080.

Thanks. Pretty surprising, considering the whole MS/Activision situation from the 360. Sony should make a commercial.

Edit :
Oh, was he asking about BF4? I thought he was asking about CoD.

I was indeed speaking on CoD, good sir.
It's more than that. Stop posting about Gies. Stop turning innocuous twitter conversations into conspiracy theories. That thread went to shit long before the lame 4chan stuff.

True. A bunch of self-serving attention-whores on twitter, who are saying the most cryptically charged shit possible to drive more attention to themselves, have no reason to be quoted here until they say something concrete on the record. Until then, you're doing their bidding w/ the quotes. These guys (Sesler, Geis, et al) make Geoff Keighley seem positively grand by way of comparison.
Was it getting good? It was all so cryptic. I had no idea what was going on.

It started out as pseudo-confirmation about some PS4 multiplats being 1080p while XB1 multiplats (and a couple first party exclusives) were sub-1080p, and even 720p.

Then, we got re-tweets from "insiders" about some ultra-secret they are not allowed to talk about...YET.

Some "insiders" claim it was bad news for the XB1, some claim it was bad news for MS in general and others said it had nothing to do with Microsoft or the XB1.

Hence, original thread was derailed and since no insiders would talk, people started making stuff up and the thread was just hijacked into absurdity.

Now, here we are.

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