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Injustice: Gods Among Us Sequel in Development

Whoever NR has as art director needs to be fired and replaced. Injustice had some of the ugliest character designs I've ever seen in a video game. Female characters in particular looked manly. Wonder Woman is supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the DCU but you sure wouldn't know it from playing the game.

When you compare it to the art of games like TLOU, the characters in Injustice look barely human.
His time is now!


Whoever NR has as art director needs to be fired and replaced. Injustice had some of the ugliest character designs I've ever seen in a video game. Female characters in particular looked manly. Wonder Woman is supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the DCU but you sure wouldn't know it from playing the game.

When you compare it to the art of games like TLOU, the characters in Injustice look barely human.
As noted, the "problem" is mostly about the 3D modeling rather than the art per se.

This goes back for years, even with Deadly Alliance you had art like this:
But the character models looked...off.

Who knows. Maybe it's tied to the original team not having much experience in 3D. Maybe other factors. Who knows. I for one didn't had a problem with the female characters.

Wonder Woman looks quite good in her #600 look.

Though, they should make and could make them prettier. Maybe there are other factors or something. :p


Hopefully they change the art style, Injustice looked awful.

I hope that they mine more of the DC Universe too- Etrigan, Blue Beetle, Swamp Thing, Jonah Hex, Booster Gold, ect. But we'll probably just get a bunch of Batman characters because it's the only thing DC wants to acknowledge.


Ugh. Forget Power Girl.


Really excited for the sequel. I'm not much for fighters but I was hooked on Injustice.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Needs more Batman characters. Get some Penguin, Riddler, Commissioner Gordon, maybe Oracle...

Preferably some more Jokers too. Like Heath Ledger Joker and the first Batman movie Joker could be separate characters from the original, just replace... like, Black Adam or Lex Luthor.
Needs more Batman characters. Get some Penguin, Riddler, Commissioner Gordon, maybe Oracle...

Preferably some more Jokers too. Like Heath Ledger Joker and the first Batman movie Joker could be separate characters from the original, just replace like, Black Adam or Lex Luthor.

There's already enough Batman-related characters; they take up a 6th of the roster.

Need Static and Swamp Thing


Whoever NR has as art director needs to be fired and replaced. Injustice had some of the ugliest character designs I've ever seen in a video game. Female characters in particular looked manly. Wonder Woman is supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the DCU but you sure wouldn't know it from playing the game.

When you compare it to the art of games like TLOU, the characters in Injustice look barely human.

Oh come on , TLOU? Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Nice. But i'm still hoping the next gen MK gets released first since its been out longer, which hopefully means that development started on the next one already. I wanna see:

Prof. Zoom
As someone who actually really loves the way MK9 looks, Injustice was just off to me.

I thought MK9 with its 90's edgy comic book look straddled a very fine line between cool and gaudy.
With Injustice I feel like they went over the line more often then not, and a lot of characters look silly and over designed.

I still think it was a mistake for NRS to design both costumes for every character, they should have just designed the Injustice universe costumes, then the normal universe should have just had everyone wearing their new52 look.

as much as I like MK9 I tend to agree. The art and gfx were sort of ugly in a lot of places. In general, I've been disappointed with the MK games artstyle choices since they went 3D. The series' claim to fame was 2D digitized "real" graphics, and when they went 3D they went ultra cartoony and comic book-y and it always looked sort of goofy to me. I know War Gods was a disaster but it's 2014 I would love to see them try to recreate digitized, realistic visuals with current 3D technology. Obviously this is top of the line movie FX but I'd love to see them shoot for something like this for the next MK/Injustice engine both in terms of look and style:



Wouldn't surprise me if MK10 came out this holiday season, they've been working on it for a while, and the shared engine tech between them and Rocksteady has likely given them a good grounding.
I play the first one every night & tolerate it (over a thousand matches online on PS4 alone), but please for the love of God fix the damn hit boxes for the sequel. I would also like to see the real (kid) Damien Wayne, Darkseid, & Gorilla Grodd (prodding him in the background was a tease).


The thread title still hasn't been changed? That's a lot of misinformed people if this turns out to be a false.

Is NetherRealm big enough to work on 2 fighting games?

At 150-200 employees, probably not considering they develop one AAA game pretty quickly in a two year cycle, while also working on mobile spin offs and multiple dlc and patches for their previously released game so working on another AAA game (also taking into account it's their first next gen game) at the same time is unlikely I think. They've said in the past they want to alternate between MK and injustice.

MK10 was accidentally confirmed last year though, and recently with the VA leak too so for them to be into full production on an injustice sequel is unlikely.

Maybe they've changed their usual routine and expanded, IDK, I just want MK10 already!
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