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Jim Ryan will go unsung for his contributions in keeping Playstation as a platform competitive


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Nah. People always assume it's Ryan's fault when it actually isn't. For example, people blamed Ryan for stuff like greenlightning TLOU1 Remake when it was actually our beloved Shawn Layden who did that.

Most people just love to shit on Ryan because he isn't as relatable as Phil Spencer or Shawn Layden.

Jim Ryan is the reason Playstation doesn't talk to us anymore. Shawn Layden, Andrew House, and Jack Trenton loved their Playstation fan base. Jim Ryan......doesn't hate us, he just doesn't care either way what we think at all! As long as we spend money, that's the only thing he seems to care about.
You don't understand what I'm saying.... Back then everyone knew that GTA type games, racing games etc. were where the money's at, yet not everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

What I think is the big change today compared to 10+ years ago is that publishers put a huge bulk of their budget on tentpole titles with which they try to generate as much profit as possible with just this one or those handful games, whereas pubs in the old days used to spread the budget to many more titles and then accumulate the profit piece by piece.

Hence for me what is done today is the absolute definition of a business with only money generation in mind and nothing else. Of course everyone wanted to make money in the PS2 days as well but not to a degree like we see today.

This is because the market is so much bigger and everything is so much more expensive. Rockstar released 3 GTA games on one console back then, they sold 5-10 million copies for the year (or however much), today GTA5 with GTA online has sold around 165 million copies and GTAO generates over a billion dollars a year in MTX alone.

Theres such a huge difference between the traditional game sales and the GAAS sales that you can’t be one of the 3 major gaming platforms and not want piece of that pie. There is no big gaming company or publisher that is not looking at mobile/service game sector right now, it would be stupid not to
Jim Ryan is the reason Playstation doesn't talk to us anymore. Shawn Layden, Andrew House, and Jack Trenton loved their Playstation fan base. Jim Ryan......doesn't hate us, he just doesn't care either way what we think at all! As long as we spend money, that's the only thing he seems to care about.
So in other words, Ryan runs the Playstation business the way that Nintendo's done things for years?

I don't see the issue, personally. I guess it's just down to personal taste. It's a business, and if they release something I want to play, I will pay money and buy it. If not, then I will not. I've never cared much about the need to interact on a personal level with fans. But I get that some people do, it's just not my thing. For me, it's all about the content, all about the games.
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Are you joking? LOL

What are you doing, conflating graphics/ aesthetics style with poor quality of gameplay?
I'm not conflating anything I know that that game is a low budget game that doesn't warrant the £20 price tag though. Best looking game this year? No way in hell but who am I to judge your opinion.
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Gold Member
Jim Ryan is the reason Playstation doesn't talk to us anymore. Shawn Layden, Andrew House, and Jack Trenton loved their Playstation fan base. Jim Ryan......doesn't hate us, he just doesn't care either way what we think at all! As long as we spend money, that's the only thing he seems to care about.
All true and the PC $$$ is what he is after and why not
Jim Ryan is the reason Playstation doesn't talk to us anymore

What else would you like to talk to them about?


Theres been some form of ‘sony news’ almost every day. Today was the big Evo side event show with the fighting game announcements. Tomorrow will be something else.

I feel like Microsoft has been far more quiet than playstation this year. Unless you’re specifically talking about social media interactions. Even then, most playstation peopel are on twitter, they just dont interact that much cause social media is toxic as fuck. Hermen is on there, Shu is on there, Cory, Greg Rice, Druckmann, etc.

Jim Ryan doesn’t know how to use a computer
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I'm not conflating anything I know that that game is a low budget game that doesn't warrant the £20 price tag though. Best looking game this year? No way in hell but who am I to judge your opinion.
It's not like this argument hasn't been like debated over and over for years. I feel like people have settled this already, that price point doesn't = quality. It's not like this completely new territory. How do you know it's automatically not worth the money it will be priced at? And what assumptions are you making to determine that? I'm genuinely curious to know. Like, do you not play games that aren't $60 AAA?
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It's not like this argument hasn't been like debated over and over for years. I feel like people have settled this already, that price point doesn't = quality. It's not like this completely new territory. How do you know it's automatically not worth the money it will be priced at? And what assumptions are you making to determine that?
Then you are replying to the wrong person. I wasn't the one who said any rougelite is not worth a certain price when referring to Returnal but if you are asking me objectively a game like Pentiment looks like a flash game with no voice acting or real animation work. Doesn't exactly need a big budget. I'm sure it will be "fun" for you or whatever though.
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Then you are replying to the wrong person. I wasn't the one who said any rougelite is not worth a certain price when referring to Returnal but if you are asking me objectively a game like Pentiment looks like a flash game with no voice acting or real animation work. Doesn't exactly need a big budget. I'm sure it will be "fun" for you or whatever though.
Yeah, I was genuinely curious what your objective opinion was. It always catches me by surprise when I see blanket comments made about how something is "not worth a certain amount of money based on *fill in the blank* reasons". I guess if there's a game that doesn't catch my eye, or look like something I'd want to buy, I just move on. Because obviously not every game being made will appeal to every person who plays video games. I don't know, to me I just think it's a strange argument to make.

When you say flash game, I assume you mean the art style? Not every game has to have voice acting, not every game needs high production value animation. It just depends on the game, right?

Wind Waker's not a worse game because the art style changed from the N64 games going in a realistic direction, vs going toward a more expressive, cartoon-ish style because it takes place on an ocean. It's just different.

For what it's worth the game doesn't appeal to me either, I'm just caught by surprise by your visceral judgement of it.
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Jim deserves at least half of the smoke he gets.🤷‍♂️. I've never been a fan. Made it clear of what I don't like in regards to how the ship is being ran with him and Hermen.
😂….. odd you say this but the truth is the brand have never been more successful at no point its his history. Its literally because of Jim and Herman.
😂….. odd you say this but the truth is the brand have never been more successful at no point its his history. Its literally because of Jim and Herman.
I don't entirely agree. Layden was the one who said "Fewer, bigger, better". The direction of the business has continued to go down that road. Ryan's been around for a long time, they are just executing on trends and doing what they need to do. I agree that PS is doing well and they are making the decisions they need to make to continue growing and doubling down on what drives people to buy PS consoles. Expanding into PC seems like a no-brainer, and also takes some pressure off of having to release a higher-spec machine mid-gen, if they still can't catch demand with the base models.
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Jim Ryan is the reason Playstation doesn't talk to us anymore. Shawn Layden, Andrew House, and Jack Trenton loved their Playstation fan base. Jim Ryan......doesn't hate us, he just doesn't care either way what we think at all! As long as we spend money, that's the only thing he seems to care about.
Its simple, you not spending your money unless you happy or see value in what you buy. Jim is not the brand, and he dont want to be placed in front of it.
Take phill away from Xbox and you will have a hard time recognizing the brand without him. He is literally xbox, and that fucking sucks.
I can give 2 shits about ceo’s and executives at mega corp number 2059. All i want is their product.
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OP I kind of get where you're coming from and you're right, any company that wants to last has to be able to adapt to a changing market.

However I think there are some genuine questions insofar as what parts of the market are changing and what rate are they changing at, if certain responses are the right ones or being overdone, and if the companies making the shifts are making sure to keep bolstering what makes them unique in the space, playing to their core/root strengths.

The big changes from Sony the past few years have been to push PC ports, grow their subscription service, and rapidly increase their live-service GaaS output targets. They also seem to be ever-more comfortable with doing remakes. The question is if some of these options are the best call for maximizing profit and easing production budgetary costs, while retaining optimal brand identity and focusing on their strengths. As much as a generally agree with quite a lot of Sony's strategy of late, there are some things they could have done differently.

PC: IMO, I think this strategy should've been 3-pronged as the following.

1: Focus on porting prior series releases to PC within a year of new entries to release on console, and never before then. That way you maximize draw to the console for both hardware and software sales and get PC gamers interested in buying the console where you have full vertical integration and highest profit margins off 1P software sales as well as 30% cut from 3P software and DLC/MTX sales.​
2: Keep Day 1 PC releases to ONLY the live-service GaaS titles. Those type of games aren't strongly associated with PS's brand image in terms of 1P, there is less kickback (from the hardcore/core console fanbase) and less confusion (among them & mainstream) by just sticking to those games for Day 1. Plus, if cross-platform play is a feature, you don't want the audience on one platform feeling like they're secondary to the other, as skill level on one could be huge and then that may reduce MTX spending and investment from players on the other platform.​
3: Any new graphical/performance improvements or new content for the game as it's ported to PC (within a year of a new sequel's launch on the console) should be provided for the console version either for free or for a very small fee, but preferably the former.​

Subscription Service: I think not putting their big AAA marquee games into PS+ is ultimately a sound idea considering the potential revenue & profit losses for said games in upfront sales. However, Sony have to be very careful about the rate in which they add PS5 games into the service else they may condition people who WOULD'VE bought the game Day 1 or for sale, to instead wait for it to drop into PS+.

It's especially imperative they avoid that type of expectation happening with their own 1P titles, so they may have to change a few things. Namely, they may have to pare back the number of free games offered per month to PS+ users or start doing it as one PS1 game, one PS2 game, one PS4 version of a game etc. per month and maybe throw a PS5 game in there once every few months. Currently PS+ Premium is using access to PS1/2/3/PSP games as one of its biggest selling points...that might have to change for the long-term but only in the context where even regular PS+ members can be given PS1/2/3/PSP games for free a given month.

To make up for that, I think there IS room for certain mid-tier 1P/3P-style collaborative efforts (that essentially are based on 1P IPs, for example) to launch into the service Day 1, and maybe a little bit later the game's made available for sale digitally. They'd have to make sure the budgets of these games are ones where such a strategy can be afforded, but the opportunity is definitely there, and leveraging their catalog of classic IP would be a strong way of bolstering such especially considering these may be the sort of games that would not do super-strong numbers with a wide physical release. They could even do limited physical print runs for some of these games after a bit of time digitally exclusive to the service.

Live Service Games: I still kind of think the target of 10 games by end of FY2025 is a...bit much. Unless they are including games like MLB The Show in that mix, or games from competed or planned acquisitions, in which case the number seems a lot more reasonable. I still think they maybe should try focusing on just a couple of live-service games to start with, see how those go, and then go further if the potential is there.

Also one of those should definitely be Everquest or something like it unless, again, there's a future acquisition that basically gives them that type of game upfront.


Gold Member
Jim has made strategic investments to where the industry is shifting. Bungie. housemarque, Bluepoint, nixxes.. all good incremental buys some adding capabilities not in-house already. PS Plus restructure was necessary and done well and now makes the competition’s offering seem unintuitive. Embracing PC will pay off once the release window between it and PS5 for titles shortens. If any of these GaaS bets strikes lightening that will help find their whole business line. Thing is Sony used to be happy leaving multiplayer and GaaS to third parties but the environment has changed with an emboldened MS and their acquisition warchest. He doesn’t need to be relatable, just keep making smart long term decisions to help PS thrive. Better he let Hurst, Cerny, and key studio leads be the public face for their respective areas.


That's like saying mobile games are the future. There's still plenty of room for real, quality games, even while trash like F2P, GAAS, and mobile trash that lives off of whales thrives.
F2P GaaS games brings in the same amount of money as the biggest AAA "quality games" (whatever that means) every month - month after month.

Sure, there will always be single player games - but that's not where the majority of earnings are coming from - not even close.

The "battlefield" among publishers are in the F2P area - should be pretty obvious by now.
F2P GaaS games brings in the same amount of money as the biggest AAA "quality games" (whatever that
When they hit, yes. But for every Fortnite, there are 100 failed attempts. Some of these are such costly misses they could put smaller developers under.


When they hit, yes. But for every Fortnite, there are 100 failed attempts. Some of these are such costly misses they could put smaller developers under.
Must be worth the effort/price, since everyone chase the next big hit. That analogy can be put towards single player games as well.
The big changes from Sony the past few years have been to push PC ports, grow their subscription service, and rapidly increase their live-service GaaS output targets. They also seem to be ever-more comfortable with doing remakes.

I agree with mostly everything else you said but i would change a couple things regarding this point. It’s not really just ‘PC Ports’ its multi-platform development in general. MLB going to multiple platforms, Bungie still being able to publish on multiple platforms, acquisition of Nixxes, new displays and pc hardware, pc firmware, cross-play, mobile games in development, VR, etc.

Sony isn’t simply porting games to PC they are establishing a wider perimeter of influence of their big IP. It’s not even just gaming but television, anime, movies…It’s a push to expand their reach beyond a limited console base. Thats what Jim Ryan meant when he said he wanted 100 million people playing sony games, they need to lower the barrier for entry in general, its the only way they are going to be able to shatter the glass ceiling surrounding console sales. You cannot tie all your revenue behind a 500 dollar paywall.

Also, the other part about remakes. While TLOU part 1 is getting a lot of attention, this initiative started with Shawn Layden years ago on the PS4. Medieval, Shadow of the Colossus, Ratchet & Clank, and then all the countless remasters on top of that.
Must be worth the effort/price, since everyone chase the next big hit. That analogy can be put towards single player games as well.
No, not everyone. Plenty of developers are making single player games. There is room for all types of games and that's not going to change. Just assuming everything will be a F2P GAAS, is just ignorant.

The thing is, the people that play primarily GAAS games only play one or s couple for long periods of times. There simply isn't as much room for these to be successful. Where as single-player gamers play many games every year.
When they hit, yes. But for every Fortnite, there are 100 failed attempts. Some of these are such costly misses they could put smaller developers under.

One successful service game makes up for 10 failed games, easily.

Like at best you make a successful single player game on the scale of Elden Ring, that sells a whopping 12 million copies the first month, and goes on to sell 20 million copies this year.

Elden Ring took 4 years to make. The next Elden Ring won’t see the light of day until 2026 at best. In the mean time they are selling reduced priced copies of elden ring to the same audience, and each month they make less and less money on it until its peanuts. It’s like the exact opposite with a succcesful service game.

GTAO makes one billion dollars a year, and its been making that for years, on top of selling actual copies of games. Thats one game. They don’t have to be stressed about releasing new games every 2-3 years because GTA online is keeping the lights on.

There is absolutely no reason why Sony with all its talent and resources can’t produce something that bring in a constant flow of income in perpetuity while maintaining the quality of its library of single player games.
There is absolutely no reason why Sony with all its talent and resources can’t produce something that bring in a constant flow of income in perpetuity while maintaining the quality of its library of single player games.
I'm not saying otherwise. In fact, that's exactly what I'm saying.

My comment was toward 8BiTw0LF 8BiTw0LF who said F2P GAAS is the future for gaming as a whole. I'm saying both will continue to exist and both can be successful.


My comment was toward 8BiTw0LF 8BiTw0LF who said F2P GAAS is the future for gaming as a whole. I'm saying both will continue to exist and both can be successful.
Never said as a whole. But they are the biggest part of the future and they're not going away. Every major publisher want's their own cash cow, that can bring steady income every day. Single player games will always have an audience and the succesful ones will make a shit ton of cash - not megaton of cash like succesful F2P, but it'll be enough to make publishers happy.

If you want my take on the future of gaming as a whole, it's subscription-based services like GamePass and PS+.
Its sad to think the Game Awards rising in popularity will be one of the things that keep publishers releasing single player games in the near future. Not just the TGA but game awards in general are usually rewarded to mostly single player experiences, outside of Overwatch.

When we start seeing service games nominated more often is when you should start to worry
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As much as I don't want to admit it from a business perspective he is doing a good job. If you appeal only to hardcore gamers you do run the risk of becoming another Sega.

This is implying that Sega was appealing to (then) hardcore gamers. They were appealing to Arcade and graphic aficionados. All the hard core complex guys were on computer or PS/Xbox.

XBOX has been given away gaming since 2017. They added third party and are giving it away. It doesn't get cheaper than free.
If you are talking about Gamepass than Sony has been giving away games since what, 2010? 2011?

And in neither case is it "free" lol.

Yeah doing great for Japan i see, the region where playstation was once a stronghold & now it's a laughing stock to the point that most gamestores no longer even bother putting what little PS4/5 stuff there is on the shelves.

In Japan there's actually an open for another console competitor, that's how bad it is for home consoles from all reports.

that people can finish in 10-20 hours and then put back on their shelf forever. But while they were benefitting from that investment during the PS4 era, the industry changed. Games like Fortnite, PUBG, Roblox, Rocket League, and Minecraft took over. Games that people can play continually with a never-ending stream of new content.

Some of the best selling games are still those games that you can beat in 10-20 hours in the last 5 years, one of which being an orange bandicoots remake collection. Which outside of Mario is the best selling Platform game in, eh what, 10 years?


Nah, he fucking sucks. Sony's communication has been absolutely ass since he took over and they're increasingly anti-consumer.

MS had their best years at the start of Mattrick's reign. Let's just hope this guy's shitty, arrogant attitude doesn't eventually rot its way into the games.
Its sad to think the Game Awards rising in popularity will be one of the things that keep publishers releasing single player games in the near future. Not just the TGA but game awards in general are usually rewarded to mostly single player experiences, outside of Overwatch.

When we start seeing service games nominated more often is when you should start to worry
OK buddy 👌


Some of the best selling games are still those games that you can beat in 10-20 hours in the last 5 years, one of which being an orange bandicoots remake collection. Which outside of Mario is the best selling Platform game in, eh what, 10 years?
ManaByte ManaByte compared traditional AAA games to F2P GaaS games?

There's no doubt Fortnite still is the biggest cash cow in gaming:

2018: $5.4 billion
2019: $3.7 billion (the year Apex Legends came out)
2020: $5.1 billion
2021: $5.8 billion
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He’s that Pepsi guy who took over Apple, it’s always the same shit with these companies who find success by placing decision on content guys and then replace them with marketing guys.

Marketing guys don’t understand content, all they understand is spending four hours a day in bs meetings with each other and then make shit decisions.


Neo Member
yeah, staying competitive and continuing to release first-party games on PC, but when all the major PS exclusives will be on PC, the choice of platform will be there for gamers and it'll be hard for PlayStation to still say "the best place to play"

look what happened with COD, in 3 years Microsoft will be free to make the franchise exclusive on Xbox and PC, and again after Edler's Scrolls, the PlayStation Console option is getting weaker and weaker.

nice job SIE.
One of the key details from Sony’s quarterly financial report today – which also confirmed that the PS5 has shipped 21.7 million consoles – is that PS5 and PS4 owners are playing less than they were a year ago. The manufacturer noted that total gameplay time is down a sizeable 15 per cent year-over-year for the three month period ending 30th June, 2022.

“this is a much lower level of engagement than we anticipated in our previous forecast”.


Thanks Jim.
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Because of Jim Ryan? 🤦‍♂️

Not just him, but the policies and general direction PlayStation has chosen to go in such as abandoning their Japanese traditional roots, traditional studios such as SCEJ, and more. Jim Ryan, in his actions, does not respect PlayStation's history so why should I? By proxy, Sony giving PlayStation to America has changed the focus of the platform from a delicate, unique balance of western and Japanese titles. It's why PlayStation has always been on top by virtue of the eclectic assortment of titles they provided. Both Parappa (Japanese) and Siphon Filter (western) were PlayStation titles. The diversity of their studio alignment alotted the PS brand to be as mainstream (Uncharted) or as experimental (Flower) as they wanted. This change in priorities to chase after western eyeballs in particular and American dollars specifically at the expense of PS' diverse portfolio goes against PS tradition. PlayStation always invested in properties that were experimental just as much as they invested in what could be popular. It's why they were always my favorite platform. Even their mainstream investments like Final Fantasy VII (original) were massive risks. A full fledged marketing campaign for a turn-based RPG in 1997? On consoles? Outside of Japan? Modern Sony, at Jim Ryan's charge, is only invested in creating Hollywood-esque romps at the expense of the PlayStation branded experimentalism which tied with their mainstream pursuits was their bread and butter. Sony published games like Rule of Rose, Journey, Flower, ICO, Demon's Souls, Tokyo Jungle, Gravity Rush as well as games like Uncharted, Killzone, Gran Turismo. Jim Ryan at his own admission has been a part of that shift given his remarks about Backwards Compatibility being useless and the mere notion that playing old games is pointless. A man like that leading the PS brand does a lot of damage undoing the values that PlayStation has had since its inception and deserves scorn and not a reward. I will not purchase a PS5 until they reverse course and respect their roots.

But sure, label me an Xbox fanboy. I'll play on Series X and Nintendo Switch instead. Fuck Jim Ryan.
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ManaByte ManaByte compared traditional AAA games to F2P GaaS games?

There's no doubt Fortnite still is the biggest cash cow in gaming:

2018: $5.4 billion
2019: $3.7 billion (the year Apex Legends came out)
2020: $5.1 billion
2021: $5.8 billion

Very few GaaS are a third of Fornites level this is a disingenuous argument.

Most GaaS games so far don't even seem to reach 10 million active users. Excluding mobile of course.
Not just him, but the policies and general direction PlayStation has chosen to go in such as abandoning their Japanese traditional roots,
You mean the thing they were doing since the PS2 first-party wise and the PS3 for everything else?

One could argue that based on Sony's actions on the PS1 thy never really had japanese roots first-party wse at all and it was mostly third-party.


You mean the thing they were doing since the PS2 first-party wise and the PS3 for everything else?

One could argue that based on Sony's actions on the PS1 thy never really had japanese roots first-party wse at all and it was mostly third-party.

I don't think you read my post, considered my point, or even have any knowledge about the vast amount of games I listed and what generations they come from but okay.


Looking from the outside in, i think he's probably doing a good job. And the decisions he's making will keep Playstation making big money going forward.
I honestly think the reason why a lot of Sony fans dont like him is because he's making decisions that fanboys have trolled Xbox for over recent years, making games for PC, a large GAAS focus, going in hard with subscription services, etc. Plus i feel a lot of Sony fans simply love that Playstation was always known for these mega budget single player games,but the problem with them is simply how much they cost to make, and how many millions (literally) of copies you need to sell just to break even.
It certainly will be a balancing act going forward, for Xbox too, to try and please all variety of gamers.


He’s been fantastic at cultivating the first party studios, the game increase from $70 to $130 is complete BS though. It might work in the US where it’s only a $10 increase but increasing to almost double is ludicrous.
I don't think you read my post, considered my point, or even have any knowledge about the vast amount of games I listed and what generations they come from but okay.

Your whole post revolved around your first line which was false. Instead of addressing that if you disagree you basically made a drive by.

By proxy, Sony giving PlayStation to America has changed the focus of the platform
This would be an example.

Jim Ryan became CEO of SIE in 2019, somehow you missed they were doing this since the PS2, and even started the launching in japan late thing with the PS4. Pretending Jim Ryan is the one who started "focusing on America" is nonsense.


If anything, he's LTTP and is playing the catch-up game with the rest of the industry.

PS3 was already far behind the transition to the internet-based market, with MP games taking over, DLCs beconing a thing, patching games on the fly, and so on, they never really did a good job on any of that during entire PS3 gen.

PS4 on the other hand relied solely on the low price tag, which granted them large userbases of 3rd party titles, which then carried further console sales, PS+ subs, DLC/MTX cash, and so on. But from Sony themselves there was pretty much nothing except those handful SP-only games.

And now no one is giving them the generation on a plate, they have to earn it. They are supply constraint, their games can be played on PC, 3rd part games can be played on PC or XB, sales of the sequels of their PS4 smash hits indicate that those games aren't as much of a system sellers, their cross-play policy actually goes againt OP arguments, their refund policy is just bad, 70$ price tag on everything, no regional pricing, the list goes on.

I'm personally really interested to see how much the players' good will and brand royalty will carry the PS5, because from my perspective Ryan is turning PS5 into an arrogant, hermetic environment a'la Apple while everyone else wants to open up as much as possible, be available on every platform, and allow all those players to play together, this is what F2P/GAAS model is mostly all about, the community, and again, Sony seems to not to understand that, they'll most likely make 70$ MP-only PS5-exclusive games with seasons, MTX, all the ordinary stuff, and wonder why a couple of months later there's no community and the money doesn't flow from thise games... One thong is sure - Bungie will have a ton of work to do to teach Sony and all its 1P studios what it's all about, and persuade Ryan that it's really is about long term strategy rather than the next fiscal quarter.
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