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JJ Abrams opens up about why he decided to direct IX and his strategy for IX!!!! MUST SEE (Rian Johnson info inside)

There has to be a happy middle ground between Lucas meticulously controling every detail of the film, and no involvement from Lucas at all, because we've experienced both, and it's shit.

That happy middle ground gave us ESB.

It's sad how we couldn't get back to that balance, of Lucas as the general mastermind but collaborating with people who could shape his vision into something stellar.

resorting to a second Death Star, in the same trilogy, is just slumming it. (He also claims Anakin blowing up that droid control station in PM is another echo of the Death star)..

The second Death Star never bothered me, it looked cool to see it under construction and flying around inside of it instead of on the surface was cool, it was different enough that it's acceptable.

The focus at the end of Jedi isn't the Death Star anyway but Luke's confrontation with Vader and the Emperor, the second Death Star was just for added flavor.

However the bigger Death Star in TFA was bullshit.

As for the Ewoks, yeah, I really wish it was Luca's original idea of Wookies, that would have been perfect, but it just wasn't feasible at the time technology wise to have so many Wookies onscreen at once, so I can forgive the Ewoks, they are pretty cute and they at least don't talk, unlike Jar Jar.

Plus the scene of C3PO telling them the story of their adventure is a great moment.

Jedi is the weakest of the original trilogy but it's not a bad movie at all, I've always had a soft spot for it.


Unconfirmed Member
[AnQUOTE="Sorcerer, post: 253986419, member: 106651"]Daisy RIdley read Trevorrow’s script and was in tears. I can’t help what a mistake Kennedy made by letting him go,[/QUOTE]

And Mark Hamill said was excited Bout where Trevorrow was going. Fuck Rian Johnson, and fuck Disney.


I updated my IX title crawl!!

"Episode IX: The Skywalker Legacy"


Short summary of the crawl: -Kira Ren, Snoke's secret apprentice, is unaware of her real name, Kira Skywalker.
-As Snoke's #1 spy, she invents a fake identity: Rey the scavenger from Jakku, to gain the trust of the Resistance. Only Luke is strong and wise enough to sense darkness in Kira, so he refuses to train her and pretends he gave up on the Jedi in order to get Kira to expose herself as a Dark Sider. After creating a communication bridge to the Jedi Temple for Snoke,

-Kira leaves the planet and then Snoke poses as fake ghost Yoda and convinces Luke to commit suicide via exhaustion. Snoke then has a contingency plan to have Kylo Ren kill Kira Ren, as Snoke senses too much of her father's heart in her. But the plan fails as Kylo backstabs Snoke as a response to discovering he was being used as a pawn in the grand plan.

-With her master Snoke dead, Kira has nowhere to go, so she returns to the resistance pretending to be Rey from Jakku again. But without Snoke's dark side influence, Kira is being pulled to her natural light side and bonding with the very people she was meant to spy on

-Snoke failed to convert Kira completely into the Dark Side by not having her murder innocent people.

-Now Kira fears the return of her former comrades, the Knights of Ren who have rallied behind Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.

-Kira will confess her true identity to Finn, who will feel betrayed. She will have to regain his trust, and perhaps make a sacrifice to regain it.

EDIT: Great breakdown of this situation here
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bets on a deathstar made out of a black hole? or a deathstar the size of a solar system? god please dont be another deathstar.


Unconfirmed Member
I want a death star powered by porgs on hamster wheels.
And it can target ships in hyperspace.
And it has a force field that disrupts force ghosts. So they can't rain down lightning on those poor little enslaved porgs.

Jon Neu

TLJ was a great film on its own



Can someone help me understand why I hate the following line?

"We are the spark, that will light the fire on the First Order"

I just really hate that line. I don't know why, but I think it sounds dull and pretentious. It also sounds more like something Poe should be saying in Episode VII, not 2/3 into the trilogy.

I also just hate the word spark now thanks to TLJ fans overusing the word and parroting each other defending the movie by saying the resistance has beome the "spark".

ugh...but I already disliked that line by Poe when I first saw the trailers. It just rubbed me the wrong way and I don't know why.


I was interested when Colin Trevorrow was attached, but since he abandoned ship I have no drive to see it and I feel bad for anyone who has to follow after The Last Jedi. J.J. can put on a brave face, but I have doubts he can course correct since VIII ended with nothing going for it.
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since VIII ended with nothing going for it.

I think this is what amazes me about the movie the most, it is supposed to be the middle of a trilogy, or even if we grant that it was written in isolation; that there was no collaboration between the writers and directors involved in both films, it still boggles my mind that there aren't more things to care about going into the next movie.

So you'll have a showdown or something with Rey and Kilo, but other than that, what is even set up for me to care about going into the finale? Rose and Finn? Uh, Phasma? All my legacy characters are gone, so the newbies are going to have to prop this up, and they're looking pretty weak to me.

I'm wracking my brain right now to think of the open plot threads, and I'm drawing a blank, aside from the vague FO vs. insanely small band of rebels, and Kylo vs Rey.

Going into RotJ, it felt like I had a lot to look forward to seeing resolved - Luke's training, Luke getting the runback on his father, what will happen to Han, Lando?, concluding the Empire vs. Rebels conflict, and you just had a well rounded cast of characters that all seemed to be doing something meaningful.


I think this is what amazes me about the movie the most, it is supposed to be the middle of a trilogy, or even if we grant that it was written in isolation; that there was no collaboration between the writers and directors involved in both films, it still boggles my mind that there aren't more things to care about going into the next movie.

So you'll have a showdown or something with Rey and Kilo, but other than that, what is even set up for me to care about going into the finale? Rose and Finn? Uh, Phasma? All my legacy characters are gone, so the newbies are going to have to prop this up, and they're looking pretty weak to me.

I'm wracking my brain right now to think of the open plot threads, and I'm drawing a blank, aside from the vague FO vs. insanely small band of rebels, and Kylo vs Rey.

Going into RotJ, it felt like I had a lot to look forward to seeing resolved - Luke's training, Luke getting the runback on his father, what will happen to Han, Lando?, concluding the Empire vs. Rebels conflict, and you just had a well rounded cast of characters that all seemed to be doing something meaningful.

Preach it. I already saw Rey best Kylo in combat more times than to care for their next showdown. And character wise Rey is a blank slate who comes from nothing and is just naturally gifted cause the story says she is. So, there's no struggle or turmoil for me to care about on her journey. Finn already bested Phasma in a battle that seemed to last a minute and if she's still miraculously alive I can't imagine the outcome will change in the next one.

Now, not all the legacy characters are dead. They still plan to keep Carrie Fisher around by using footage that never even made the deleted scenes track on the blurays for episodes VII and VIII. So, that's something I guess. Also, expect Luke force ghost, and Lando shenanigans.

Kylo Ren is such an inept character that it's a wonder he's going to be the main threat since 'nobody Snoke' is out of the picture.

Really, this whole thing is a mess. I get that the studio wanted to craft this story as they were developing it similar to the original trilogy, but those older films were the starting point to a larger universe. The more you expand on it the more carefully you need to proceed to make it fit. So they really should have stuck to an outline of sorts instead of going the Resident Evil movie route and making up shit as you go along.

I really liked Finn's character in The Force Awakens as this new, original take on a Stormtrooper with a heart of gold. But he felt so sidelined in The Last Jedi, and now I fear he's just a joke character to tag alongside new love interest Rose Tico.

If Disney really wants to subvert some expectations they should end it with Kylo Ren turning to the light side and Rey turning to the darkside. I doubt they would because I don't see Disney taking a risk like that with their female protagonist. She has to be a talented, positive influence with no relatable flaws to her character.
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I think Rian Johnson's trilogy has potential. I think GoT's duo trilogy has potential . Mainly because they can do whatever the hell they want. I think these guys are talented. TLJ was not that good in hindsight though, but I blame Kathleen Kennedy not having the vision that someone like Kevin Feige does. While Feige lets Coogler, Waititi, etc do their own thing he has an overall vision on how the story should progress (that is, if Waititi wanted to kill Banner or Coogler wanted to kill Okoye or make Okoye T'Challa's love interest, Feige would have blocked it).

Kennedy had no fucking clue what the sequel trilogy was going to look like. That's why it's a mess now. I am hoping JJ can right this ship and make the theories and exciteness for the inevitable Episode X in a decade or whatever. From Iger's comments yesterday it seems like they have learned some lessons.


Why is this trilogy called the end to the Skywalker saga? There's very little to do with Skywalker.

TFA was literally all about the search for Luke. I think JJ probably had the idea to use him more, but then RJ was given a job and the rest is herstory.


Rodent Whores
Can someone help me understand why I hate the following line?

"We are the spark, that will light the fire on the First Order"

I just really hate that line. I don't know why, but I think it sounds dull and pretentious. It also sounds more like something Poe should be saying in Episode VII, not 2/3 into the trilogy.

I also just hate the word spark now thanks to TLJ fans overusing the word and parroting each other defending the movie by saying the resistance has beome the "spark".

ugh...but I already disliked that line by Poe when I first saw the trailers. It just rubbed me the wrong way and I don't know why.
I don't like the line because I think it's stupid how the First Order is so strong and the Resistance is so weak in the first place. It was a very lazy way to reboot the state of the universe so they can tell the same story again.


Can someone help me understand why I hate the following line?

"We are the spark, that will light the fire on the First Order"

I just really hate that line. I don't know why, but I think it sounds dull and pretentious. It also sounds more like something Poe should be saying in Episode VII, not 2/3 into the trilogy.

I also just hate the word spark now thanks to TLJ fans overusing the word and parroting each other defending the movie by saying the resistance has beome the "spark".

ugh...but I already disliked that line by Poe when I first saw the trailers. It just rubbed me the wrong way and I don't know why.
It's because the phrase is needlessly long, contrived, redundant, hard to follow and ultimately meaningless. Strangely enough, that description is also apt for the movie itself. No one will give two shits about that line after this set of movies is thankfully swept into the dustbin of history, and thank goodness for that.

Whatever happened to "May The Force Be With You"? Short, sweet, memorable, endlessly quotable and applicable in a variety of situations.
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RT score, cinema score, home video sales revenue, pretty much every objective metric besides loud internet minority shows that TLJ was a good film. Sorry you didn’t like it.

I was about to say something about TFA, but then I read better. TLJ? You're in bloody denial. The drop from TFA was massive and it happened rapidly after a huge opening which shows it's because the movie was trash, the backlash hurt Solo, Bob Iger realized what happened and decided to slow down with SW movies, and they also went full damage mode with Episode IX (and did even worse since they further wrecked stuff bringing back Palpatine). As for reviews they're not worth s***, the reason they liked it is because Johnson basically retconned the OT out of existence.
I like how JJ gives a middle finger to Rian by not making a brand new, but putting back together a smashed Kylo helmet :D "Nope, that thing is staying!"


Nothing on this earth will get me to give Disney another red cent to see a Star Wars movie. I saw the new trailer and everything about it looks terrible as shit. ... nothing has changed.

Jon Neu

RT score, cinema score, home video sales revenue, pretty much every objective metric besides loud internet minority shows that TLJ was a good film. Sorry you didn’t like it.

The movie is so good even Disney is embarassed of it and wants to make the third movie as like TLJ never existed.


I was interested when Colin Trevorrow was attached, but since he abandoned ship I have no drive to see it and I feel bad for anyone who has to follow after The Last Jedi. J.J. can put on a brave face, but I have doubts he can course correct since VIII ended with nothing going for it.
Why on earth would you be interested by Trevorrow being attached? The man is mediocrity personified.


I feel bad for JJ, he's now having to write Star Wars in a universe where it's canonical that you can blow up basically anything just by sending a single ship into it at hyperspeed, doesn't have its main character and has lost a large chunk of it's fans.


I feel bad for JJ, he's now having to write Star Wars in a universe where it's canonical that you can blow up basically anything just by sending a single ship into it at hyperspeed, doesn't have its main character and has lost a large chunk of it's fans.

He set the house on fire in the first place.


"We are the spark, that will light the fire on the First Order"

I just really hate that line. I don't know why, but I think it sounds dull and pretentious. It also sounds more like something Poe should be saying in Episode VII, not 2/3 into the trilogy.

otm. i feel the same way. it is also jingoistic in a way the Rebellion never really was. they gave a few pep talks before battles here and there but aside from "May the Force be with you" they were never talking about sparks or destroying what you hate etc. nowadays they are much more ideological. more militaristic. the Resistance is far more extreme than the Rebellion. they are a more fascist military organization, with zealots guarding the escape hatches, and kamikaze suicidal commanders.

the old movies were anti-war movies, these are just war movies. JJ and RJ, the people making Solo, all the films about people dying for a cause, the Resistance, when the original films were more about disparate elements coming together. the Rebellion being more come-and-go as you please. Han Solo, a smuggler, sent off with crates of money, heading off before critical the Death Star run. yet Finn is accuse of running away, because he wants to continue helping people that blew up the Death Star x10. people have to prove themselves, they have to pass some kind of test, they have to be good enough to be in the Resistance. the way people talk about Finn is frankly disturbing. he helped blow up the new Death Star. he fought alongside the other main hero against the only villain in the trilogy. why is he suspect?

the Resistance is no better or worse than the Empire, we apply neoliberal post imperial realism to it all. Kirshner when writing ESB reflected on how the Rebellion will not kill, they will not take lives to achieve their ends, they are better than the cold, dehumanized Empire. this was Luke's choice, this is throughout the film. TLJ glorifies death & valorizes sacrifice repeatedly, to a degree far more disturbing than any series film before.

JJ will do what he always does, film a competently shot thing that is shallow and kind of ugly but passable. it will make billions of dollars cos this is the biggest brand of all time marketing the biggest franchise of all time, accountants have pre-ordained it. IMO the cinematography in this looks very boring and colorless, very prestige tv. i miss the og series and prequels more fantastical comic pulp style presentation.
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VII was a remake disguised as a sequel, but it was serviceable and introduced some interesting characters and lore that VIII just completely shat on.

A remake that not only invalidated the previous films but cynically reused all of the familiar iconography for marketing purposes. There were a myriad number of ways to go with a new Star Wars Trilogy, and rebooting the Empire wholesale from the ground up was undoubtedly the most unimaginative and uninspired one. I think people were just so eager for the return of Star Wars then tend to let that whole aspect slip by them.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I think this is what amazes me about the movie the most, it is supposed to be the middle of a trilogy, or even if we grant that it was written in isolation; that there was no collaboration between the writers and directors involved in both films, it still boggles my mind that there aren't more things to care about going into the next movie.

So you'll have a showdown or something with Rey and Kilo, but other than that, what is even set up for me to care about going into the finale? Rose and Finn? Uh, Phasma? All my legacy characters are gone, so the newbies are going to have to prop this up, and they're looking pretty weak to me.

I'm wracking my brain right now to think of the open plot threads, and I'm drawing a blank, aside from the vague FO vs. insanely small band of rebels, and Kylo vs Rey.

Going into RotJ, it felt like I had a lot to look forward to seeing resolved - Luke's training, Luke getting the runback on his father, what will happen to Han, Lando?, concluding the Empire vs. Rebels conflict, and you just had a well rounded cast of characters that all seemed to be doing something meaningful.
Broom kid is the only loose thread really lol.

He must be really fucking great with that broom after all those years training.


Why on earth would you be interested by Trevorrow being attached? The man is mediocrity personified.

I liked 'Safety Not Guaranteed' and 'Jurassic World', the latter of which jump started the Jurassic Park franchise and my desire for a new Dino Crisis game. I doubt his Star Wars film could have been as bad as The Last Jedi, but now we'll never know.


otm. i feel the same way. it is also jingoistic in a way the Rebellion never really was. they gave a few pep talks before battles here and there but aside from "May the Force be with you" they were never talking about sparks or destroying what you hate etc. nowadays they are much more ideological. more militaristic. the Resistance is far more extreme than the Rebellion. they are a more fascist military organization, with zealots guarding the escape hatches, and kamikaze suicidal commanders.

the old movies were anti-war movies, these are just war movies. JJ and RJ, the people making Solo, all the films about people dying for a cause, the Resistance, when the original films were more about disparate elements coming together. the Rebellion being more come-and-go as you please. Han Solo, a smuggler, sent off with crates of money, heading off before critical the Death Star run. yet Finn is accuse of running away, because he wants to continue helping people that blew up the Death Star x10. people have to prove themselves, they have to pass some kind of test, they have to be good enough to be in the Resistance. the way people talk about Finn is frankly disturbing. he helped blow up the new Death Star. he fought alongside the other main hero against the only villain in the trilogy. why is he suspect?

the Resistance is no better or worse than the Empire, we apply neoliberal post imperial realism to it all. Kirshner when writing ESB reflected on how the Rebellion will not kill, they will not take lives to achieve their ends, they are better than the cold, dehumanized Empire. this was Luke's choice, this is throughout the film. TLJ glorifies death & valorizes sacrifice repeatedly, to a degree far more disturbing than any series film before.

JJ will do what he always does, film a competently shot thing that is shallow and kind of ugly but passable. it will make billions of dollars cos this is the biggest brand of all time marketing the biggest franchise of all time, accountants have pre-ordained it. IMO the cinematography in this looks very boring and colorless, very prestige tv. i miss the og series and prequels more fantastical comic pulp style presentation.

Yeah the Resistance is super authoritarian. And when fans keep defending Holdo it makes me wonder if they have ever experienced having a job and having a bad boss before. Holdo is like the quintessential bad manager who doesn't tell her subordinates anything (not just Poe, she doesn't tell nearly the entire Resistance her so called plan). And especially in the military "keeping your subordinates informed" is one of the main priorities...even if they fucked up before.

I don't remember where...but I saw a comparison about how the OT rebellion was much less auhoritarian like:

"You're a good pilot Solo. I hate to lose you"

"Thank you general"

vs Finn being tazed. And it's not like Finn has ever pledged any kind of loyalty to the resistance.
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I liked 'Safety Not Guaranteed' and 'Jurassic World', the latter of which jump started the Jurassic Park franchise and my desire for a new Dino Crisis game. I doubt his Star Wars film could have been as bad as The Last Jedi, but now we'll never know.
Look at how Trevorrow treated the T-Rex in Jurassic World.

That gives you an idea of how he would have treated the legacy characters like Luke.

Even though I think Jurassic World is meh....I get the feeling that the person who made it loves Jurassic Park and is doing his best to make something for hardcore JP fans to enjoy.

And Colin Trevorrow handled criticism of his movie with class.

Also the way he was fired was just cold. The cast were disappointed, especially Mark Hamill given this twitter exchange:


The moment JJ and LF and Disney went to Mark Hamill and begged him to come back, promising they wouldn't betray his character again.
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This is 100% Kathleen Kennedy's fault. I cant image how dumb you have to be to allow TLJ to even pass scripting phase as it was, let alone launch this franchies without pre planning a trilogy arch.

That should have been the VERY first thing ever done. They could have had trap doors for all the original trilogy characters that could potentially pass during filming (like what happen to Carrie).

Even more baffling was that Rian Johnson wrote the script for TLJ before production on TFA was complete.

As unsatisfying as TFA was in the overall scheme of things, it felt like Star Wars and set up some plot and story points that could have been great to unfold throughout the trilogy. When you have Johnson coming in and nuking most of that potential, it really scuttles the trilogy as a whole. TFA was meh, TLJ was awful, the whole thing is a disconnected mess, and I'm not sure anyone could salvage it at this point. The best I'm hoping for is that IX is a good standalone movie. If it sucks, it'll just be one part of a terrible trilogy. If it's good, it'll be one good movie out of a terrible trilogy.


This is why the shit Dave Filoni and the animation team is way better at telling a story in this universe. They plan a story arch and actually follow through. This lack of planning seems very irresponsible.

I liked TLJ but considering what needs to happen I'm not too confident. I don't think another change in direction to more standard stuff is going to help.

I think the best thing that could happen would be a continuation fo the "rebellion" defeat. And then an ending that expands the universe and an intro to new characters from Rebels like Sabine, Ashoka and Ezra. They have been off helping the rest of the outer galaxy to unite and resist the dark side. All the while training youngsters in the Jedi ways. To then setup a war between the First Order with Rey and Kylo vs the former.

Would Ashoka and Ezra even be alive by this point? As much of this stuff as I've watched, I'm not 100% clear on how much time has passed between each section. Seems like Rebels was long enough back that the main characters would be dead or close to it by the current trilogy.

On the subject of the outer galaxy and the First Order, based completely on what we've seen in the two movies so far, why would anyone have been doing that? As far as we know, The First Order was a really small group comprised of the remaining fragments of the fallen Empire isolated to one giant base near the center of the Star Wars galaxy. Until they lit up the solar system with the weapon around which that base was constructed, they were basically a non-factor. And, for that matter - and again, based only on what we've seen in the movies - , they still wouldn't appear to be much of a threat. Most of their remaining fleet (which wasn't that impressive to begin with) has been wiped out and they have no apparent base of operations or power structure. At this point, they're basically the galactic equivalent of the bully kid in A Christmas Story.


Unconfirmed Member
Look at how Trevorrow treated the T-Rex in Jurassic World.

That gives you an idea of how he would have treated the legacy characters like Luke.

Even though I think Jurassic World is meh....I get the feeling that the person who made it loves Jurassic Park and is doing his best to make something for hardcore JP fans to enjoy.

And Colin Trevorrow handled criticism of his movie with class.

Also the way he was fired was just cold. The cast were disappointed, especially Mark Hamill given this twitter exchange:


The moment JJ and LF and Disney went to Mark Hamill and begged him to come back, promising they wouldn't betray his character again.

I've seen this tweet a few times but I'm unsure of the intent behind it. Is the implication that the battle and Luke's projection were put in last minute and that originally he was going to survive into IX? And that Colin basically found out through a letter and later quit?

I loved Jurassic World and Fallen Kingdom and I'd have loved to see Trevorrow's take on IX. I think he had respect for the source material, and while his dialogue may be a bit heavy handed I do feel the scripts were conceptually sound and the in-world 'rules' were taken very seriously. I'd rather watch either of his Jurassic movies than TLJ any day.


Would Ashoka and Ezra even be alive by this point? As much of this stuff as I've watched, I'm not 100% clear on how much time has passed between each section. Seems like Rebels was long enough back that the main characters would be dead or close to it by the current trilogy.

On the subject of the outer galaxy and the First Order, based completely on what we've seen in the two movies so far, why would anyone have been doing that? As far as we know, The First Order was a really small group comprised of the remaining fragments of the fallen Empire isolated to one giant base near the center of the Star Wars galaxy. Until they lit up the solar system with the weapon around which that base was constructed, they were basically a non-factor. And, for that matter - and again, based only on what we've seen in the movies - , they still wouldn't appear to be much of a threat. Most of their remaining fleet (which wasn't that impressive to begin with) has been wiped out and they have no apparent base of operations or power structure. At this point, they're basically the galactic equivalent of the bully kid in A Christmas Story.

Revels went up to the original trilogy. Right after the battle of Endor Sabine left Lothal with Ashoka.

Yeah maybe not Ashoka but Ezra and Sabine would be alive. Older but alive. They would be around Luke’s age I think. Also Ezra Syndulla would definitely be around.
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The movie is so good even Disney is embarassed of it and wants to make the third movie as like TLJ never existed.
Do you really expect to be taken seriously with comments like that? You’re completely detached from reality.
It really wasn't a good movie. I am really glad JJ is going to fix that mess.
To you. Every objective aggregate measure we have says it’s a good movie. Disney gave him his own trilogy. The movie was hugely profitable. Nothing besides internet posts by random people says otherwise.

I feel bad for JJ, he's now having to write Star Wars in a universe where it's canonical that you can blow up basically anything just by sending a single ship into it at hyperspeed, doesn't have its main character and has lost a large chunk of it's fans.
These posts are so funny. Please I hope all of you post when IX gets rave reviews just like TLJ and does big numbers just like TLJ. Star Wars hasn’t gone away if that was the case home sales of TLJ would have been bad and they were great.
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That they didn't have an outline or game plan for the general direction of all three films from the very beginning is mind boggling. What the hell have they been doing...

Eh, it is Star Wars, we can make any shit we want, the peasants will still cough up the $$$$, la-la-la.


Chris Terrio sucks, and JJ Abrams is a hack. TLJ had a ton of stupid bullshit but at least it was someone's unique take on the series.

I would have much rather seen Trevorow's Episode IX.
Nothing besides internet posts by random people says otherwise.

It was the immediate reaction I and every other person who saw the movie on opening night had. Even during the movie I was rolling my eyes and laughing at the plot holes. The number of significant characters deaths without mention was comical. The movie was so incredibly bad. And what does Rian do? Blame it on Russian trolls. Ooooookay, buddy.


It was the immediate reaction I and every other person who saw the movie on opening night had. Even during the movie I was rolling my eyes and laughing at the plot holes. The number of significant characters deaths without mention was comical. The movie was so incredibly bad. And what does Rian do? Blame it on Russian trolls. Ooooookay, buddy.
Let's not forgot the part where anyone that dared to criticize his beloved masterpiece is instantly labeled as a toxic manbaby.

The guy has proven time and again that he is a round headed, arrogant, pompous little twit, who has used every single opportunity to insult, belittle and aggravate his critics in the public sphere. He has unironically stated via interview that he made zero mistakes with TLJ, and regrets nothing, implying that it was a perfect movie. What a petty, sad excuse of a man.
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It was the immediate reaction I and every other person who saw the movie on opening night had. Even during the movie I was rolling my eyes and laughing at the plot holes. The number of significant characters deaths without mention was comical. The movie was so incredibly bad. And what does Rian do? Blame it on Russian trolls. Ooooookay, buddy.
I like how you sidestep all empirical evidence and go right to just your personal opinion. Strong argument you have there.
Says the man that defends the quality of TLJ with movie revenue, without even realizing that TLJ is the main reason why Solo bombed so hard.
So solo having no Jedi or force of any kind in it as well as it being not a great movie and lower reviewed than TLJ had nothing to do with it right? Not to mention the story line was completely inconsequential. By your logic 9 will do even worse right? I’ll wait for your public post of how wrong you were in December. 9 will be just as big as TLJ if not bigger.
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Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
I've seen this tweet a few times but I'm unsure of the intent behind it. Is the implication that the battle and Luke's projection were put in last minute and that originally he was going to survive into IX? And that Colin basically found out through a letter and later quit?
It's all figurative. The implication is that sequels shouldn't ignore what made previous movies beloved, that the "mentor figure" (Luke) deserved an epic fight sequence for the fans, and that, as a director, (Colin) had to explain to others (probably RJ or KK) why his direction (for the third movie) was going in a different way.

It pretty much translates to: "I completely disagree with how Luke was written in TLJ and I wanted him alive for EPIX to do him justice".
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RT score, cinema score, home video sales revenue, pretty much every objective metric besides loud internet minority shows that TLJ was a good film. Sorry you didn’t like it.
To you. Every objective aggregate measure we have says it’s a good movie. Disney gave him his own trilogy. The movie was hugely profitable. Nothing besides internet posts by random people says otherwise.
The sales paled in comparison to TFA, and it damaged the brand so badly the excellent solo film tanked at the box office, this one might too due to the bad reception of the TLJ.

It went out of its way to put Poe as an incompetent mansplainer, while the virtuous purple haired general was given glory, and it did travesty to the lore with kamikaze hyperspeed and leia mary poppins
I’ll wait for your public post of how wrong you were in December. 9 will be just as big as TLJ if not bigger.
certainly not in china.
Baizuo political agenda killed that market. The U.S. the demonizing of white males, and political leftist policies will also likely affect it.

They butchered the middle chapter, killed the main bad guy, introduced inconsistent elements like hyperspeed kamikaze, killed the entire rebellion minus one ship, killed luke.

What is there to watch? What threads did they leave? Kylo mindlessly hunting Rei and a few stragglers?

PS Have you seen the drop in toy sales and merchandise? The many dust collecting unsold toys? How they are now bringing original trilogy toys and comics back in line, refocusing on original trilogy think even in park attractions, to have something that actually appeals to star wars fan.
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