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Liam Robertson (of Unseen64 fame): "NX is not aiming to compete on a power level"

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Junior Member
So it's official:


Guy likes to play games with his tweets just as much as anything else, and his non-specificity regarding this "information" makes it even worse.

EDIT: And he likes being wrong with his industry sources, as well. Yeah, let's pack this up, folks.
You realize that was a joke tweet, right?


I don't exactly understand what you're trying to say here, but that tweet is obviously a joke. Unless I misunderstand you, take a look at that abbreviation again.

Obviously a joke = playing games.

Combined with "Fallout 4 apparently being cross-gen", enjoying toying with people (even if in obvious ways) and the fact that he can't even identify what type of hardware it is? There's nothing to base anything off of there; it's a nothingburger. Plain and simple.


Did he just make his twitter private?

Funnily enough he's more likely than not continuing reading this thread :p

Fella accused GAF as a whole of trying to stir drama out of anything, spreading lies, what have you. I think he should chill, most people in this thread are taking his word as Gospel, it's like he's focusing on the detractors only.


If the NX is a portable (which I just don't see happening), it would probably have a Pokemon game at launch. I'll concede that. But I really don't see it being a portable.

May I ask why you think It wouldn't be a handheld? I do think there will be a home console part but I fully expect a handheld to be there.


Like with the Wii and Wii U, Nintendo likely does not see Xbox/PlayStation as their "main competitors" in that specific market and (unless they're insane, which they might be) accept they probably won't get these games.

Whether or not this direction works remains to be seen. Whether or not it's a smart mindset, or even true, is another debate entirely. But folk really need to suck it up and accept that the video game market isn't one dimensional. Nintendo most likely have no intention of competing with Microsoft and Sony any more than Apple and Samsung do with their mobile and tablet devices.

To be honest, unless one of the other two decided to drop out of the running, I don't honestly see a point in Nintendo competing at a hardware level. There's no need for them to do so. I think their strategy is the best that they could hope for. That's just one man's opinion, though.
I actually am surprised by this. I thought Iwata would learn his lesson after the Wii and Wii U but clearly not. Just because the Gamecube didnt light the world on fire didnt mean that Nintendo should abandon cutting edge graphics. It's what defined the NES, SNES and n64 eras. Shame Shame Iwata


Junior Member
The PS4 will be 3 years old when the NX is out and it won't be as powerful as a PS4...

This has to pretty much confirm its going to be a handheld type hybrid home console for sure.
As I said earlier, we already know that the NX isn't a hybrid.

By making the console version of the NX not far above the Wii U, they can sell it at a ridiculously low price to where it's an impulse buy. People mainly buy Nintendo console for Nintendo games. Nintendo knows this, third parties know this , & (as much as some of us want to deny it) we know this. Might as well price it like one.


Obviously an handheld won't compete with a PS4...

It's probably something like:

-Lurk around linkedin, dev job postings, GAF, reddit, any other site with possible information or rumors.
-Repackage as his own rumor or information.

That's part of what he does, yeah. As far as I know, he has contacts in the industry though. But his "big" current rumors seem to always be second-hand.


I see.

So was PS2 the strongest console? PS1?

PS1 and PS2 both had awesome third party support while still being fairly powerful, even if they weren't the strongest. Nintendo's last two consoles have been so weak hardware wise that third parties just don't bother.


It's probably something like:

-Lurk around linkedin, dev job postings, GAF, reddit, any other site with possible information or rumors.
-Repackage as his own rumor or information.

If you actually did the minimum amount of research and browsed through his tweets, you'd know two things:

1. He does leak stuff that turns out to be true, also stuff that was true but got cancelled
2. People in the know (like ex-Nintendo devs, for example) are eager to talk to him, at least more so than to you or me

It's sad how easily people here discredit other people's work just to post something smirky.

EDIT: Also obviously Fallout 4 couldn't have ever been considered a cross-gen game because it looks so good, amirite


I think Nintendo at this point is trying to make a new generation of 3rd party. It could work but I also think they need to be much more aggressive if they want it to be a success.



The Wii U sales are abysmal. Why would they want to emulate anything close to that Disaster?

Maybe someone already addressed this, but basically it would one, be a handheld that day one has an in place stellar catalog. Two, it would bridge both of Nintendo's markets together which we know is a stated goal. And just because the Wii U is doing poorly, that doesn't by necessity indicate that a portable addition to that ecosystem would. I mean I am no fan of the Wii U at all, but I would love to play say the next Zelda during class breaks and then chill at home on my TV and finish off where I was. Sure Nintendo would really need to revamp their online service and add a cloud based save system to make this work, but I think its an idea with merit.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Wii was a once in a lifetime fluke.

And the GameCube struggled against Sony. And PCs offer a successful hardware/software ecosystem that transcends the entire concept of console hardware generations. And mobile devices, phones and tablets, continue to sell well. And dedicated portable gaming devices still exist. And companies are now experimenting with streaming services.

You want Nintendo to run the same race as Sony and Microsoft. That's fine. But they're not and arguably don't have to in order to be successful, of which is impossible to predict without knowing the specifics. That's the point.


thanks for the laugh
i don't think anyone saw nintendo going for state of the art innards, but the PS4 spec in 2016 is far, far from that. by then it'll be roughly on the same point on the tech curve as the wii was in 2006. to treat that as some dizzy moonshot target seems mental.

the conclusion to be drawn from this is that if the wii/wii-u represent a half step away from the tech arms race, the NX will be a full leap. likely to be a supercharged android TV box rather than a low powered games console.


I doubt this guy has any legit info, but it's not exactly a difficult guess to make.

Nintendo isn't going to suddenly change strategy and join the performance arms-race. I look at games like Mario Kart 8 and Yoshi's Wooly World and on a graphical level they impress me more than anything that's out for PS4 and Xbone so far. Diminishing returns is a fact and Nintendo can't afford a console that is much more expensive and requires a substantial increase in manpower and man-hours in order to utilize to the fullest.


I doubt this guy has any legit info, but it's not exactly a difficult guess to make.

He's right either way until he specifies the form factor(s) of the NX.

Nintendo releases a cheap box: See guys I was right!
Nintendo releases a SKU of the NX that is a powerful home console: I was talking about the portable, not that one!


May I ask why you think It wouldn't be a handheld? I do think there will be a home console part but I fully expect a handheld to be there.

-Developer saying that the next Metroid Prime should be on NX imply its a home console
-Wii U sales are far worse than 3DS sales
-While 2016's lineup looks dire for both the 3DS and Wii U, the Wii U has had most of its games announced much further in advance than the 3DS has, making its 2016 lineup turning around seem far more likely than the Wii U's turning around
-The NX looks to be launching in fall 2016. The Wii and Wii U launched in fall 2016, whilst handhelds have launched in the spring fairly often
-Their big goal is creating a more unified ecosystem. The other's replacement won't be far behind. But I don't see them launching both their portable and their home console at the exact same time, and personally, I think the home console will come first


I don't think that the 'low-power + low-price + gimmick' formula is something that is destined to fail.

It's just that Wii U was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that Nintendo hasn't justified until today' and 3DS was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that lost all meaning not even a year later'.

The question that interests me the most right now is what is their gimmick they try to keep a secret at every cost?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Obviously an handheld won't compete with a PS4...

That's part of what he does, yeah. As far as I know, he has contacts in the industry though. But his "big" current rumors seem to always be second-hand.

Which means there can be incorrect details. At E3, he knew about Hyrule Warriors 3DS, but he said it would've been announced on the Friday before E3 (...which didn't make much sense, since both NWC and DE were imminent). In fact, it was announced during the Digital Event. Probably, he heard about some NX details, but he doesn't know what is NX, if it's a handheld or a home console. Which is lol, because...of course a handheld isn't PS4-power levels (if it's a handheld), but still.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I don't think that the 'low-power + low-price + gimmick' formula is something that is destined to fail.

It's just that Wii U was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that Nintendo hasn't justified until today' and 3DS was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that lost all meaning not even a year later'.

The question that interests me the most right now is what is their gimmick they try to keep a secret at every cost?

I'm not convinced there is a gimmick. But if there is a gimmick... I don't expect another wiz-bang new controller idea.


I don't think that the 'low-power + low-price + gimmick' formula is something that is destined to fail.

It's just that Wii U was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that Nintendo hasn't justified until today' and 3DS was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that lost all meaning not even a year later'.


Wii U was a combination of bad decisions.
I mean, did anyone really expect Nintendo to go the power route? They can make gangbusters off of a simpler, intuitive gimmick or opening into a whole new market.

Can't wait to find out what it actually is.


I actually am surprised by this. I thought Iwata would learn his lesson after the Wii and Wii U but clearly not. Just because the Gamecube didnt light the world on fire didnt mean that Nintendo should abandon cutting edge graphics. It's what defined the NES, SNES and n64 eras. Shame Shame Iwata

Mark III was more powerful than NES, failed
Mega Drive/Genesis was more powerful than SNES, failed
N64 was more powerful than PSX, failed
GameCube was more powerful than PS2, failed

There is nothing to "learn" here. I can't think of a single video game console (or a handheld one) that was more powerful than its competitors and still sold more units. Wii U is actually the first time this happens.


The Pokemon, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and Monster Hunter teams have all had games come out within the last year. If it's a portable, it'd have another launch as bad as the 3DS did.

I don't know what can be done about a Nintendo system's launch day lineup. Their strength is to release one high quality title per month and 2-3 big games per year.

Maybe a launch day 3D Mario from EAD Tokyo can make a difference this time, but it's still only one game so it doesn't solve the fundamental issue.


He's right either way until he specifies the form factor(s) of the NX.

Nintendo releases a cheap box: See guys I was right!
Nintendo releases a SKU of the NX that is a powerful home console: I was talking about the portable, not that one!

Yep. It's basically the easiest bet to make in the whole world when "NX" doesn't refer to a singular hardware configuration. But I'm sure that this tweet is going to gain a lot of mileage in discussions moving forward for no reason, because people want to prove their opinion on what NX is was right prematurely.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
We will never know. If they were on par with PS4 and Xbox One? The gaming industry has changed a lot since the Gamecube.

There is part of me that wishes they tried this once.

It's like... "we can't compete on hardware, we have to do things our way".... but then, they often fail with that strategy!

What if they did compete with a competitive x86 box? Maybe more success....? Who knows.


He's right either way until he specifies the form factor(s) of the NX.

Nintendo releases a cheap box: See guys I was right!
Nintendo releases a SKU of the NX that is a powerful home console: I was talking about the portable, not that one!

Which means there can be incorrect details. At E3, he knew about Hyrule Warriors 3DS, but he said it would've been announced on the Friday before E3 (...which didn't make much sense, since both NWC and DE were imminent). In fact, it was announced during the Digital Event. Probably, he heard about some NX details, but he doesn't know what is NX, if it's a handheld or a home console. Which is lol, because...of course a handheld isn't PS4-power levels (if it's a handheld), but still.

The guy can be great on twitter, just as he can have some serious communication problems.


-Developer saying that the next Metroid Prime should be on NX imply its a home console
-Wii U sales are far worse than 3DS sales
-While 2016's lineup looks dire for both the 3DS and Wii U, the Wii U has had most of its games announced much further in advance than the 3DS has, making its 2016 lineup turning around seem far more likely than the Wii U's turning around
-The NX looks to be launching in fall 2016. The Wii and Wii U launched in fall 2016, whilst handhelds have launched in the spring fairly often
-Their big goal is creating a more unified ecosystem. The other's replacement won't be far behind. But I don't see them launching both their portable and their home console at the exact same time, and personally, I think the home console will come first

I get your reasons. I dont think a handheld will stop Metroid Prime being made if it's around Vita level. Even then I expect a handheld before the console.
I don't think that the 'low-power + low-price + gimmick' formula is something that is destined to fail.

It's just that Wii U was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that Nintendo hasn't justified until today' and 3DS was 'low-power + high-price + shitty gimmick that lost all meaning not even a year later'.

The question that interests me the most right now is what is their gimmick they try to keep a secret at every cost?

I get the feeling that there is no gimmick this time around, at least not in the way the Wii or Wii U had it. If NX is a platform that works across multiple devices, they will need a control scheme that is as standardized as possible.

Then again, this is Nintendo and I am just looking at all the shit that works on a Wii U, so...
Mark III was more powerful than NES, failed
Mega Drive/Genesis was more powerful than SNES, failed
N64 was more powerful than PSX, failed
GameCube was more powerful than PS2, failed

There is nothing to "learn" here. I can't think of a single video game console (or a handheld one) that was more powerful than its competitors and still sold more units. Wii U is actually the first time this happens.

Mega Drive didn't fail in any sense of the imagination. And Snes was more powerful. The MD only had a better CPU.


I'm not convinced there is a gimmick. But if there is a gimmick... I don't expect another wiz-bang new controller idea.

You sure?

I feel like the way Iwata talks recently suggests that there might be indeed a gimmick; something that he takes as a reason to not talk about NX for now.

And I'm terrified they will build their whole pitch around it yet again.
Nintendo has already show they don't care much about the power race and the ever-increasing expensive development costs to produce top-level graphics. I wouldn't be surprised. However I don't take the tweet in OP seriously, even if he does have insider info it's such a broad statement that it's really just that... hm.


There is part of me that wishes they tried this once.

It's like... "we can't compete on hardware, we have to do things our way".... but then, they often fail with that strategy!

What if they did compete with a competitive x86 box? Maybe more success....? Who knows.

True. Part of us know they never will but part of us want just to see them try in this current market.


Junior Member
Mark III was more powerful than NES, failed
Mega Drive/Genesis was more powerful than SNES, failed
N64 was more powerful than PSX, failed
GameCube was more powerful than PS2, failed

There is nothing to "learn" here. I can't think of a single video game console (or a handheld one) that was more powerful than its competitors and still sold more units. Wii U is actually the first time this happens.
If I recall correctly, the SNES was more powerful.
Mark III was more powerful than NES, failed
Mega Drive/Genesis was more powerful than SNES, failed
N64 was more powerful than PSX, failed
GameCube was more powerful than PS2, failed

There is nothing to "learn" here. I can't think of a single video game console (or a handheld one) that was more powerful than its competitors and still sold more units. Wii U is actually the first time this happens.

What kind of logic I'm supposed to see here? Also the Mega Drive didn't "fail" against the SNES - the sales are pretty close with SEGA having the edge in North America.

The only thing you can see is that the console with the third party support sells the most and that are right now the powerful PS4 and Xbox One.


Mark III was more powerful than NES, failed
Mega Drive/Genesis was more powerful than SNES, failed
N64 was more powerful than PSX, failed
GameCube was more powerful than PS2, failed

There is nothing to "learn" here. I can't think of a single video game console (or a handheld one) that was more powerful than its competitors and still sold more units. Wii U is actually the first time this happens.

This is a myth, all those consoles were largely in the same ball park power wise, they also launched at different times etc and failed way more then because they were more powerful.


It's kind of a shame. It would've been great to see them be at least on par with Sony and Microsoft in terms of power.

Looks like those days are over. ._.
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