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Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death - GOW for $15 (XBLA, Steam)


So I saw a couple of videos on this game, but it was the Super Best Friends video that got me to buy it.


So, its basically a God of War style downloadable game, about Marlow Briggs, an African American firefighter who, while visiting his Archeologist girlfriends dig, get stabbed by an ancient Incan version of the scyth from Dante's Inferno, on the order of Heng Low(?), a chinese business man, but comes back to life thanks to a talking incan mask that looks like it came straight out of Crash Bandcoot, and gets Incan powers in order to rescue his girlfriend.

I'm only about two hours in, but its pretty good. The combat is pretty good, it's basically GOW's combat system, and to me it feels about as good. While graphicly its not great, from an aesthical view it's actually really pretty. Think Uncharted mixed with Enslaved. The best thing about the game is its pacing, which is ridiculous, especially at the start (see the above video to see what I mean).

It's certainly not the greatest character action game around, but for about $15 I feel its well worth it.

Here's the launch trailer.



The best thing about the game is its pacing

Nah, it's clearly this: http://store.steampowered.com/app/249680/

A new breed of WARRIOR returns, committed to destroying the enemies of FREEDOM
When ONE angry man, has a world to protect - There is only ONE future – HIS OWN

No-nonsense hero Marlow never shied away from danger or trouble. But now he faces his ULTIMATE challenge. After crash-landing in Central America, he has an industrial evil to defeat whilst bound to an ancient Mayan Death Mask who’s had no-one to talk to for 2000 years. Another day at the office only this time Marlow is PUSHED TO THE LIMIT , his sweetheart has been abducted, the bad guys are making up their own rules and only one man can judge them – and EXECUTE THE SENTENCE .

Fearlessly fighting through Mayan temples and towering valleys, monstrous machinery, nothing, but nothing, will stand in the way of this bad ass warrior, his girl and the crushing of all opposition.

They told him to go to HELL, he was DEAD ready.

With cliffhanger over the top action and cinematic gameplay, Marlow Briggs takes inspiration from the best of blockbuster films, comic book heroes, and action games with its focus on relentless high-octane combat, exotic and danger filled environments and epic set pieces.

• Fight the enemies of FREEDOM with stacks of awesome combos and magic abilities,
• Single handedly destroy HUNDREDS of enemies
• Deploy MIGHTY weapons of destruction
• Leap out of HUGE EXPLOSIONS in slow motion
• Reveal the DEADLY secrets of the Mayans
• Save the ENTIRE planet


I watched TotalBiscuit's video on this and it looked surprisingly not terrible. Perhaps worth a look later down the line.


Subete no aware
The GB QL made this game look somewhat interesting. Of course, there are just too many games to play right now. But as a GOW clone, it looks better than a lot of the full priced imitators.


It seems like a pretty good game, but how does it compare to other relatively recent character action games?


It seems like a pretty good game, but how does it compare to other relatively recent character action games?

Its very much a budget game, so it can't really stand up to stuff like W101 or MGR from a production value standpoint, but its only $15 so if your looking for a fun little action game it'll serve nicely. Combat system is ripped directly from GOW, including multiple weapons and magic system, and its almost as good. Its 30 fps on 360, and I heard from TB's video that it can get up to 120 fps on pc.

Here is TB's impressions.



Huh, was ready to come in moaning following previous discussion (I think) that it was a Xbone game. Obviously I haven't followed it that closely.

But, I'm happy to say, it looked very good aside from a teeny bit of janky-ness with regards to Marlow himself. Loved the environments for a start. Will watch the whole thing a bit later.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
saw the super best friends play this yesterday, it sold me on the game, and am gonna buy it on steam


I tried the trial on the 360 and was quite surprised as well,it was pretty good...I died 3 times at that on rails fight against that big machine though and couldn't figure the last part of the fight...but yeah,might grab this at some point for sure.
I tried the trial on the 360 and was quite surprised as well,it was pretty good...I died 3 times at that on rails fight against that big machine though and couldn't figure the last part of the fight...but yeah,might grab this at some point for sure.

Shoot the hydraulics. Once you've successfully done that, the claw will grab you and you have to shoot the hydraulics yet again. Once that's done, a cut-scene should trigger.

Speaking of cut-scenes, is this the only game that has an achievement for skipping all of them?
Bought it yesterday. Great game. So good that it took me away from GTA V for some time.
Do i need to say more ?

To be honest - right now it's one of the best XBLA realeses this year. Definetely worth checking and buying.
looks like fun. will pick up when i got the time. Too many character action games take themselves too seriously when the whole genre is nonsense when ya think about it.


Just completed it, it's a shame they released this at the same time as GTA5, it won't get as much attention as it deserves. Great game for the price, there's something that just feels refreshingly honest about it as a package.
Just completed it, it's a shame they released this at the same time as GTA5, it won't get as much attention as it deserves. Great game for the price, there's something that just feels refreshingly honest about it as a package.

What did you think of the credits?


The best thing about the game is its pacing, which is ridiculous, especially at the start (see the above video to see what I mean).

Yup! Haven't finished it (a whole lot of games right now, tied with not a lot of free time) but I've played about a third of it given my collection of powers and the pacing so far is masterful.

I've talked in some other thread about giving up on Deadpool because the "time to next big joke" started becoming way too large in the second half of the game. A lot of time spent in boring wave fights etc. Marlow ain't got tiiiiiime for the Mickey Mouse bullshit. Beating dudes up gettin boring? Blow it all up, time to do something else. Thats starting to get dull? Fuck it, make it explode and go jump across platforms for a bit. B-tier character action games can easily fall into the trap of being repetitive and tedious, and so far Marlow sidesteps it completely.

Helps that the game is legitimately funny at times too. One of my favorite lines so far:

Buying this the first chance I get. I rarely get the chance to play character action games, and this just looks like a shit-ton of fun. TBF hyping it helped, too.
Certainly unique, didn't make it to the top - so very close. The final boss design is pretty memorable, the general level of design is far better than I'm used to from XBLA titles.

Yeah, it's crazy hard to make it to the top, especially if you're also collecting the blue collectables.

And yeah, I definitely agree that the final boss battle was memorable and pretty great too...as is most of the level design. Gets slightly repetitive though as it goes on though, they use the same walk across ledge with camera pan to huge complex, etc.
A fun and pretty slick budget game. It's self aware, but in a "These things about games are funny" way and not "We are so clever and hip and above this but we are doing it anway" kind of way.

It's funny, from reading the Steam page and watching a couple trailers this game was bringing John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China to my mind. Just seems to have that same feeling of taking it just serious enough that it's not an outright parody but still freely having fun with it. And then I start to play it and guess what? The actor who played that movie's big bad, Lo Pan, is the voice actor for this game's villain. Pretty neat.


I played the demo and had a lot of fun with it. That death mask is pretty funny.
Truth be told if I had money id like to but I'm broke and saving for PS4 :(


When "RULES OF NATURE" came I quickly put it in my wishlist. This is so bought...

Still hoping they'll do a full playthrough. I was worried that once the hype dies it would be bland, but it seems like the game is self aware enough to keep being intentionally funny all the time (I was worried it was unintentional and could just be bad later on).

The QTE part near the end, they went nuts, if only Matt didn't miss it the first time lol

Man, those guys are great, I've been watching most of their stuff (except for games I still didn't play) ever since I found out about them through Shovel Knight's Kickstarter and they so best


Sketchbook Picasso
For any who care, Death Mask is totally Steve Blum. Had to smile with that realization. It's always fun to hear him in something where he's not Spike or Orochimaru-like...



this looks like a much more successful God of War clone than something like Garshasp.
The demo was actually enjoyable.

As someone who adores God of War, its nice to see the Xbox finally get something that at least is starting to be an alternative to it.


Neo Member
For any who care, Death Mask is totally Steve Blum. Had to smile with that realization. It's always fun to hear him in something where he's not Spike or Orochimaru-like...

That's so weird. I'd have never thought he'd be in such a random thing like this. I wonder how much he got payed for his role. I like to think he took one look at the script and was like, "I'm all over this shit I don't even care about the pay!"

The Zaibatsu did seriously hype me up for the game. Might shell out the 15 but more than likely wait till it's on sale.


That's so weird. I'd have never thought he'd be in such a random thing like this. I wonder how much he got payed for his role. I like to think he took one look at the script and was like, "I'm all over this shit I don't even care about the pay!"

There are like 5 or 6 high quality voice actors who will do fucking WHATEVER and are therefore in EVERYTHING. Steve Blum is one of them.


And here comes my review.

I actually appreciated the game. Yes, it is very, VERY derivative, yet, the nails the action well and propose a very varied gameplay.

Excellent value for your money.


And here comes my review.

I actually appreciated the game. Yes, it is very, VERY derivative, yet, the nails the action well and propose a very varied gameplay.

Excellent value for your money.

Picked it up for 3,5 euro during a Steam sale, which I got entirely by selling free trading cards from other games. :)
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