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Mass Effect: Andromeda - Cinematic trailer

He's not in the military. Still i wouldn't want to try to fit that much hair in a helmlet

Yeah I know they say they are explorers and all that nice stuff, but the Ark is being led by a N7 soldier and they are an elite team scouting a foreign galaxy. I mean he has to have been military at some point. Plus as you said, that is a lot of hair for one helmet.
New Main Character is generic as hell.

The rest of the squad look... not compelling.

Even if this game gets good reviews I'm waiting on a sale. This is from someone who loved most of the ME trilogy since Day 1.


Some of you guys are really hard to please, almost to the point where you've already decided you were gonna hate the game before the first trailer showed up.

I think you're on to something here :)

People comparing the new cast to the old cast saying they don't stack up to mordin and garrus etc.. we've barely heard the new cast talk and you compare them to characters that had up to 3 games of writing to them lol. Give them a fighting chance at least.


Neo Member
I can't watch the trailer yet but i've seen the gifs and screenshots.

It is annoying that BroRyder is the focus but as long as Bioware stays true to their word that the marketing is going to be split evely between the two and the upcoming long gameplay trailer is using SisRyder then I am ok with this.

He does look like Nathan Drake but I mean you could always headcanon that he is a descendant of Nathan Drake which would be kind of fun from a roleplaying perspective.

I appreciate Bioware trying to keep the squad diverse and that is a plus for them.

Finally, I cannot tell you the sheer, unadulterated joy that overcame me when I saw that Cora was finally revealed and that she has short hair. I am going to thoroughly enjoy the pathetic and sad brigade of certain gamers, mostly dudes, who are going to be throwing a tantrum that Cora is somehow not feminine enough because she has short hair, as they did with Cassandra in Dragon Age: Inquisition. They had an absolute meltdown on many a forum, spawning countless threads about how ugly she is and how the waifus in Witcher are so much better and more feminine by compare. I'm glad Bioware just didn't give in to their whining and outrage.

*Note: I don't have a problem with people who legitimately don't like Cora for whatever reason I just find the tantrums and outrage toward female romance options who dare to have short hair a really pathetic and sad state of affairs


I just cannot decide if this looks good or not. Pretty disappointed with Ryder (that name...) and only 2 aliens in the squad. ME2 is one of my favourite games ever so I guess we'll just have to see.

do not want

please let their be better love interests
Some of you guys are really hard to please, almost to the point where you've already decided you were gonna hate the game before the first trailer showed up.

I think I might be done trying to engage about Mass Effect on NeoGAF honestly. When the thread is page after page of complaints on the order of "I don't like how the default protagonist looks" (in a game with a character creator) "One of the characters' hair is too short" "Antagonist's background isn't fully explained" (it's a trailer, he has one line of dialogue). Everyone has a right to their opinion but it's just a bummer to be excited about ME around here.


The worst thing about this is how boring it all looks. I once was so invested in the ME universe but this all looks so bland. The bad voice work, the bad script, the side characters look like a revisit from the first but just worse in every single way.


Looking at the new briefing vid, I'd also rather just play the father instead

I think that would have been pretty cool actually, playing as the parent. Could even have had one of the kids as a squad mate.

Gotta say the crew doesn't really look that interesting from a design standpoint. I think they peaked with ME2. Would've been nice if the new races didn't default to english speaking humanoids but having their own languages is probably too much work. Doesn't really feel like something new which is likely why I'm having a hard time getting excited for the game.


Kinda generic trailer, but I'm sold.

The villain reminds me of the villain in Halo 4. Please don't Halo 4 this.

He seems nothing like the Didact, also the Didact is a terrific Villian if you read the forerunner trilogy.

Halo 4 had a great Story, and gave the characters more personality than ever before. It's fault was in the gameplay and multiplayer departments. Which I fell MEA will nail.


Feels in terms of animation, voice acting, facial capture etc they are behind compared to a lot of developers.


looks ok..........will hold the train and maintain speed......or hold the ship I should say

But man.....do Bioware need to invest in facial capture or something. It looks insanely off compared to a ton of games this gen.


The worst thing about this is how boring it all looks. I once was so invested in the ME universe but this all looks so bland. The bad voice work, the bad script, the side characters look like a revisit from the first but just worse in every single way.

I would not say bad, but definitely feel well-worn.
Some of you guys are really hard to please, almost to the point where you've already decided you were gonna hate the game before the first trailer showed up.

Or perhaps some of us are just long time Mass Effect fans who've been left cold on everything released for this game so far, but continue coming back HOPING that one of these videos clicks and gets us excited for ME again.


I liked the trailer.
Continue to dislike the Asari, i hope the airlock works. Apart from that and the obvious Bioware hatred for long hair people the crew seems ok enough to have my interest.


dangerously cheesy

they even have Noun as the antagonist, what will they think of next

I'd laugh so hard if they ever named a main baddie Noun.

"I am... the Noun. Think of the most horrible word, and that is me."

"Hey, I thought of a noun. Hahahaha!"


This looks so....bland? I adore Mass Effect so why am I not more excited? The voice acting and writing seem really poor.
Yeah the character design looks super bland. World art looks pretty stellar though. As long as they give me some sweet alien worlds to explore, I'll be alright.


This feels focus-tested to hell and back because they're deathly afraid of pissing anyone off due to ME3's reception.


Some of you guys are really hard to please, almost to the point where you've already decided you were gonna hate the game before the first trailer showed up.

That's definitely not the case with me. I'm going to buy the game regardless, since I enjoyed the trilogy, and DAI. The characters' personalities just seem lacking compared to the previous games. The trailer also failed to get me excited, unlike the ME2-3 trailers. The Andromeda Initiative's videos are better though.


Still not feeling it. Not sold on the art direction (looks a bit like the new startrek movies) , characters (so far the squad looks like the least interesting one in the franchise) or story

I hope I'm wrong, and there have been great games with bad marketing, but I just don't get a "Mass effect is back!!" Feeling from this.
I know some people hate the term, but it looks kinda uninspired to me.


Yep, pretty cringeworthy writing. Hopefully its not representative of the game itself.

Yeah, but Mass Effect had plenty of dialogue like that, even in stuff we all used to like.

"I will show you true power!"
"We will stop at nothing!"
"You were born to do this!"
"Go to hell!"
"Each of you needs to be willing to die! Anything less and you're already dead!"

I could roll my eyes at plenty of stuff from the series, especially some of those Renegade one-liners from the original ("I have nothing more to you." *pushes out window* "How about "goodbye"?").

I'm not expecting Shakespeare here. I'm expecting a solid, fun, and occasionally well-told sci fi story, on par with the original games (which had their own moments of both gravitas and ridiculous writing).

I know what level my expectations lie at.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Or perhaps some of us are just long time Mass Effect fans who've been left cold on everything released for this game so far, but continue coming back HOPING that one of these videos clicks and gets us excited for ME again.

Sorry if you feel that way, but a lot of long time Mass Effect fans don't feel like that.

That's definitely not the case with me. I'm going to buy the game regardless, since I enjoyed the trilogy, and DAI. The characters' personalities just seem lacking compared to the previous games. The trailer also failed to get me excited, unlike the ME2-3 trailers. The Andromeda Initiative's videos are better though.

How about we wait for longer videos than a 1:30 trailer to judge personalities of multiple characters though?


I think I might be done trying to engage about Mass Effect on NeoGAF honestly. When the thread is page after page of complaints on the order of "I don't like how the default protagonist looks" (in a game with a character creator) "One of the characters' hair is too short" "Antagonist's background isn't fully explained" (it's a trailer, he has one line of dialogue). Everyone has a right to their opinion but it's just a bummer to be excited about ME around here.

Pretty much. After the MEIII fiasco, it's business-as-usual to shit on ME.

Been waiting for this game for so long, can't fucking wait.
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