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Middle-earth: Shadow of War Endgame Revealed


Why does he wear the mask!?

Middle-earth: Shadow of War has an endgame mission type called Shadow Wars.

Effectively a mini campaign, it takes place after the game's story is concluded and players have conquered all of Mordor. In the Shadow Wars, Sauron's army launches a counter assault against Talion, attacking different regions and attempting to take back those hard-won fortresses. These assaults are split into various stages, with more regions coming under attack from progressively harder enemies in each stage.

In terms of the actual gameplay, Shadow Wars basically takes the fortress assaults that form such a large part of Shadow of War and swaps the sides, asking you to hold various capture points until all the attacking warchiefs have been killed or otherwise conquered. If you succeed, the fortress will remain yours. Fail, however, and it will revert back to Sauron's control. You'll need to retake it in order to advance to the next stage and, what's more, you may need to mount a rescue mission to save the orc follower you installed in the fortress as Overlord.

Once the Shadow Wars have been concluded, players will get to see the game's true ending, which supposedly ties the events of Shadow of War directly into Lord of the Rings. Will we get to see the Fellowship of the Ring embark on their quest? Time will tell.

Either way, Shadow Wars looks fairly substantial and is clearly aimed at addressing the criticism Shadow of Mordor received for having a weak endgame. If you want to see some Shadow Wars gameplay in action, have a look at the video below.

Sounds cool, but

Once the Shadow Wars have been concluded, players will get to see the game's true ending, which supposedly ties the events of Shadow of War directly into Lord of the Rings. Will we get to see the Fellowship of the Ring embark on their quest? Time will tell.



Once the Shadow Wars have been concluded, players will get to see the game's true ending, which supposedly ties the events of Shadow of War directly into Lord of the Rings. Will we get to see the Fellowship of the Ring embark on their quest? Time will tell.

This sounds awful and great at the same time.
So this is where the loot boxes will come in, right? Hunting for your perfect defenses, or making the 'perfect deck' of orcs.

Would be insanely naive to not think that the end game will have needs and requirements that can be fed and bypassed with cash over time.


Were totally gonna find out how the Sauron from the three books / movies isnt actually the real Sauron but a Talion corrupted by the ring or some shit


The ๖ۜBronx;246105214 said:
So this is where the loot boxes will come in, right? Hunting for your perfect defenses, or making the 'perfect deck' of orcs.

Would be insanely naive to not think that the end game will have needs and requirements that can be fed and bypassed with cash over time.


"Want to be King of the defense leader boards? Pick up a Deluxe Orc Chest for only $4.99, 11 chests for 49.99 or the BEST VALUE 25 CHESTS ONLY $99.99 GUARANTEED MYTHICAL XP BOOST AND SAURON DEFENDER. Compete with your friends to see who's the best!"


Hard to not be cynical about this, but I hope I'm wrong.
The ๖ۜBronx;246105214 said:
So this is where the loot boxes will come in, right? Hunting for your perfect defenses, or making the 'perfect deck' of orcs.

Would be insanely naive to not think that the end game will have needs and requirements that can be fed and bypassed with cash over time.

Yeah this is what it sounds like. Buy some loot boxes to defeat everything to see the true ending.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
IMO this sounds terrible. Literally every new piece of info we get about this game makes me want it less.

Not Drake

Sounds interesting to me. I hope monetization won't make it a pain to play because that would be just tragic as Shadow of War sounds like a huge upgrade over the first game with loads of content.
I bet the ending reveals the reason you couldn't just fly an eagle straight to mordor was because he had not rolled a good enough loot box and couldn't get a legendary.
Dance on the graves of your enemies--and the grave of J.R.R Tolkien, to see the true ending to Shadow of War. Play as the incredibly lethal Tom Bombadil!


IMO this sounds terrible. Literally every new piece of info we get about this game makes me want it less.

yeah, it's really disappointing. I was really hyped when I saw the gameplay reveal as it looked really cool, but it's amazing how unappealing the game is to me now :/
I'm hoping they go dumb and explain the spider turning into a woman is actually teachable and tailon learns how to turn into a giant eagle. We will learn the eagles had their own battles and have a secret ending where it's revealed once they won their war, they became available to help around the time they appear in the book. Tailon was the eagle that saved frodo.
So nice of them to essentially spoil the game to talk about the end game.

Not that the spoil is anything twisty and quite obvious that the game is going to end with you taking over Mordor, or something... Still, way to lay it out like that.
Sounds good to me, except for trying to tie it into LotR. At this point just embrace the fan fiction absurdity and do your own thing. You can't have sexy Shelob and a second ring and all this and still act like you're remaining faithful to the books.
Talion goes on the quest himself, flies and drops the ring into the lava, then turns to the camera and says..."That wasn't so hard was it." <pixar smirk>, roll credits.

Have him use those stupid flying owl things so people bitching about The Hobbit get rekt too

I actually like that.

This franchise is non canon as fuck anyway so just go bonkers with it like with The Force Unleashed pulling Luke to the dark side.

Or Han killing Chewie or Leia using lightsabers or Star Wars being good


The &#3670;&#1756;Bronx;246105214 said:
So this is where the loot boxes will come in, right? Hunting for your perfect defenses, or making the 'perfect deck' of orcs.

Would be insanely naive to not think that the end game will have needs and requirements that can be fed and bypassed with cash over time.

Something tells me I won't need loot boxes to beat a single player game but then again I'm not as jaded as some of you.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Something tells me I won't need loot boxes to beat a single player game but then again I'm not as jaded as some of you.

You won't need them, obviously.

Still shit they've been added to a SINGLE PLAYER game, multiplayer is bad enough
Something tells me I won't need loot boxes to beat a single player game but then again I'm not as jaded as some of you.
Introducing microtransactions of the nature they are inherently needs to introduce or exacerbate some element of tedium and strike a balance around it with the aim to incentivise a purchase.

It's not about being able to beat the game it's the fact that it would have been preferable to not have the game balanced with them in mind.


Gold Member
I dont know, I think it sounds fun. I assume that we will lose at the end not matter what and that it will simply get more and more difficult until we are completely overwhelmed.

It could be fun if done right.


Once the Shadow Wars have been concluded, players will get to see the game's true ending

I hope the true ending involves using the One Ring to nuke Sauron. I can think of nothing truer to Tolkien's vision.

Also, Tom Bombadil should make an appearance, but as a kind of zombie fish monster.


I own 20 PS4 games and Shadow of Mordor is the one game I own that has a clear ending that I could just not finish.

I was so ready for the game to end after I cleared everything on the map and then I went all the way south for what I was sure was gonna be the final mission. I was never so disappointed to be presented with more content. The tedium just became too much. I don't even know how the game ends because I just didn't care anymore.
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