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Miniature Gaming-Age (WH40k, Warmachine, Etc.)

Congrats Android!

And I agree, the boards probably pushed those two to their spots - and with a good reason, they look great. Especially the winner.

But that being said, your army looks great and with a more intricate board I am sure you could have won.

edit, eh. top of the page. Everyone should jump one page pack and check Android's awesome army on parade.


Just a quick reminder for everyone that there are two weeks left in this months challenge:

NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #1: Robe and Wizard Hat

- Single model
- Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Psyker, if it flings spells or fizzles other peoples brains we want to see them.
- Include a brief description of your approach to painting and what you think of the model.

The choices for the November group build are:

- BFG (Single model with a heavy weapon, ranged or close combat)
- Yes, Sergeant! (Single squad leader model)
- One Shot, One Kill (Single sniper model)
- 50 Shades Of (Monochrome challenge)

Be sure to include your vote for next months challenge as well with your submission, both via PM. If you haven't participated before but would like to you're free to vote anyway.


My almost finished Imperial Knight, just need to add decals. I magnetized the weapons to allow easy swapping of them.

Just a quick reminder for everyone that there are two weeks left in this months challenge:

Be sure to include your vote for next months challenge as well with your submission, both via PM. If you haven't participated before but would like to you're free to vote anyway.

I got to ladies I could submit to the challenge, but I can't make up my mind!
What's the easiest miniature game to get into cost and rule wise? Lol , looking for a gateway drug!

If you're into Space Marines and stuff, maybe check some of the Games Workshop boxed games?

For example Kill Team has rules and miniatures for two player skirmish battles for 50€.

There are a lot of options really, and different manufacturers. What kind of setting would you prefer?


I got to ladies I could submit to the challenge, but I can't make up my mind!

Tough decision I bet but maybe in the future I'll open it up to multiple entries.

What's the easiest miniature game to get into cost and rule wise? Lol , looking for a gateway drug!

Age of Sigmar is four pages of rules but the models aren't very cheap. I think you may be looking for a skirmish game as they are usually low model count but the rules vary from simple to complex. Try narrowing down your theme first and see where that takes you.
What's the easiest miniature game to get into cost and rule wise? Lol , looking for a gateway drug!

The less expensive games are generally less popular, with that said I feel Warma/Hordes has a much lower entry price level and a pretty active following if you want a good game with cool figures.

However, if you are like me and generally obsessed with Spess Mahreens, Betrayal at Calth boxed set is a great value as a startup point for 40K and 30K, it also offers a great variety in the models you get (tacticals, terminators, a contemptor dreadnought and two characters).

Shit, just go buy a box of Betrayal at Calth. It's not cheap, but it's roughly about 40% savings from SRP all said.


Brace yourselves...


All aboard the hype train
destination disappointment please GW get it right

I'm going to guess that it's a temporary reissue like the IG models the other week :-(

Edit: that is a perfect gif. Let's hope I don't have to follow it up in a few days with the stretcher one...

All aboard the hype train
destination disappointment please GW get it right

I'm going to guess that it's a temporary reissue like the IG models the other week :-(

Edit: that is a perfect gif. Let's hope I don't have to follow it up in a few days with the stretcher one...

I know this might be the first time I get let down by GW, but ALL ABOARD THE SISTER TRAIN!

They did say plastic Sisters of Battle on that video, so I am not thinking metal reissues.

I have faith!


If you're into Space Marines and stuff, maybe check some of the Games Workshop boxed games?

For example Kill Team has rules and miniatures for two player skirmish battles for 50€.

There are a lot of options really, and different manufacturers. What kind of setting would you prefer?

Age of Sigmar is four pages of rules but the models aren't very cheap. I think you may be looking for a skirmish game as they are usually low model count but the rules vary from simple to complex. Try narrowing down your theme first and see where that takes you.

I like these ideas but I am concerned about the population that would be into these things

The less expensive games are generally less popular, with that said I feel Warma/Hordes has a much lower entry price level and a pretty active following if you want a good game with cool figures.

However, if you are like me and generally obsessed with Spess Mahreens, Betrayal at Calth boxed set is a great value as a startup point for 40K and 30K, it also offers a great variety in the models you get (tacticals, terminators, a contemptor dreadnought and two characters).

Shit, just go buy a box of Betrayal at Calth. It's not cheap, but it's roughly about 40% savings from SRP all said.
this actually sounds very intriguing. is there anything that I should know about it? seems like a 2 player kind of game... looks freaking awesome with the figures
I like these ideas but I am concerned about the population that would be into these things

Where do you live? GW stuff is usually pretty popular when it comes to miniature gaming, but of course place you live in matters. Do you know a gaming store in your area you could visit and ask around for other players, and what they are into?

this actually sounds very intriguing. is there anything that I should know about it? seems like a 2 player kind of game... looks freaking awesome with the figures

Those GW boxed sets are usually a set game with their own rules for the stuff inside the box, and you can use the miniatures for 30k / 40k (the Space Marines setting(s) ) or Age of Sigmar (the fantasy setting), depending on the setting of the board game ofc.
NeoGAF Wargaming Community Group Build #1: Robe and Wizard Hat

- Single model
- Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Psyker, if it flings spells or fizzles other peoples brains we want to see them.
- Include a brief description of your approach to painting and what you think of the model.

The choices for the November group build are:

- BFG (Single model with a heavy weapon, ranged or close combat)
- Yes, Sergeant! (Single squad leader model)
- One Shot, One Kill (Single sniper model)
- 50 Shades Of (Monochrome challenge)

Done my entry!

What's a good wash to use for human skin (light to pale)? The one I'm using is a little to red.

I like Reikland Fleshshade, personally. If it's too red, try it over a base of Rakarth Flesh instead of a fleshtone perhaps, and use a couple of thinned layers of it.

Failing that, Agrax Earthshade might do the trick.

For this necromancer I used Rakarth Flesh and Druchii Violet shade, a bit of Carroburg Crimson to redden his face up a bit so it wasn't so cold, then highlighted again with Rakarth Flesh followed by Palid Wych Flesh.


Unconfirmed Member
I like Reikland Fleshshade, personally. If it's too red, try it over a base of Rakarth Flesh instead of a fleshtone perhaps, and use a couple of thinned layers of it.

Failing that, Agrax Earthshade might do the trick.

For this necromancer I used Rakarth Flesh and Druchii Violet shade, a bit of Carroburg Crimson to redden his face up a bit so it wasn't so cold, then highlighted again with Rakarth Flesh followed by Palid Wych Flesh.

Cool, thanks. Part of it is I probably didn't put it on thin enough. Still in the learning process.


Where do you live? GW stuff is usually pretty popular when it comes to miniature gaming, but of course place you live in matters. Do you know a gaming store in your area you could visit and ask around for other players, and what they are into?

Those GW boxed sets are usually a set game with their own rules for the stuff inside the box, and you can use the miniatures for 30k / 40k (the Space Marines setting(s) ) or Age of Sigmar (the fantasy setting), depending on the setting of the board game ofc.

so I went to the store to see if they had betrayal at calth and they did not but the guy told me that he could have one of the guys on friday let me demo the game with him and another person. However the guy actually recommended that I play deadzone rather than warhammer 40k because it is much easier to get into in every way. Any thoughts on deadzone itself?
I go to three seperate local hobby stores, and I've never seen anyone play Deadzone. In fact, only one of the shops even stocks Mantic stuff and it's pretty much dead in the water as far as I can tell. In my area, it's really 40k or AoS, or Malifaux.
so I went to the store to see if they had betrayal at calth and they did not but the guy told me that he could have one of the guys on friday let me demo the game with him and another person. However the guy actually recommended that I play deadzone rather than warhammer 40k because it is much easier to get into in every way. Any thoughts on deadzone itself?

Deadzone? Dropzone maybe?


I go to three seperate local hobby stores, and I've never seen anyone play Deadzone. In fact, only one of the shops even stocks Mantic stuff and it's pretty much dead in the water as far as I can tell. In my area, it's really 40k or AoS, or Malifaux.
I mean the guy on the front desk told me that tuesday nights that there are a few people that come in for deadzone. He said it was the easiest and the people are the most friendly but the biggest following is apparently with warmachine in that gamestore here in tampa from what he told me. 40k has a good following on their night
Deadzone? Dropzone maybe?

yep deadzone
I mean the guy on the front desk told me that tuesday nights that there are a few people that come in for deadzone. He said it was the easiest and the people are the most friendly but the biggest following is apparently with warmachine in that gamestore here in tampa from what he told me. 40k has a good following on their night

Looks like you have options then. I'd say go watch and maybe play a demo game of each of those games and then pick one to start with.

Also I suggest looking at the different factions and their miniatures for those games. Finding miniatures you think are so cool you want to paint them is pretty important if you ask me.


I played a game of Kill Team with a friend who has been putting together a heavily customized ork army. I'm talking warbugggy made from a VW Beetle scale kit and so on. It was his first game of 40k and we took in slow and went through the rules. Was great fun. I'm kinda liking Kill Team a lot.
Always go check out the game nights that stores tell you about. Have had so many store owners tell me about their big game nights, or how certain days are for a specific game. When I get there no one shows or it will be like 2 guys who are the same ones who play weekly and no one else. Always scope out the community for yourself before investing in any game.
Welp, looks like I'm headed to my first 40k tournament.

1000 pts. CAD only beginner tournament. No entry, no prices. It's the first in the new store that started selling GW stuff here.


Moved to a new area and finally getting enough free time to get back into 40k. Haven't played since 5th edition? I think, so looking forward to getting back into it. Picked up Kill Team this past weekend for the mini rule book and to introduce my wife to the game at a much smaller level. Have a painted Black Templar army that i'll probably use to learn with but had the start of a Tau army before I had to stop playing that i'm going to be painting up. There's actually a GW store here in this area so planning on swinging by there this weekend to probably pick up a codex or two. Got a Devilfish started up, i'll be sure to post pictures when done.

EDIT: So I went to a local GW store and the guy was really helpful. He was saying that next Saturday there would be something available and since i'm doing Tau I would want to swing by the store, I recall him saying re-release and good value. Any idea on what he's talking about? I check out BoLS and reddit and haven't seen anything mentioned except possibly new/better get started boxes but that sounded like later in the year. Nevermind, I think it's Planetary Onslaught book.


Looks like you have options then. I'd say go watch and maybe play a demo game of each of those games and then pick one to start with.

Also I suggest looking at the different factions and their miniatures for those games. Finding miniatures you think are so cool you want to paint them is pretty important if you ask me.


I played a game of Kill Team with a friend who has been putting together a heavily customized ork army. I'm talking warbugggy made from a VW Beetle scale kit and so on. It was his first game of 40k and we took in slow and went through the rules. Was great fun. I'm kinda liking Kill Team a lot.

So I got to play a demo game last night and we did a 2v2 500 points per person. Now of course most of the game is still foreign to me but it started to make more sense over time.

I was imperial fists and my ally was red scorpions. We played against eldar and grey knights.
We ended up winning but that was probably because of the fact I had this tech marine on some massive cannon thing and I had 2 direct hits which wiped out 9 eldar units right on my second move in the attack phase. All in all it was a lot of fun! I can see myself playing this more
So I got to play a demo game last night and we did a 2v2 500 points per person. Now of course most of the game is still foreign to me but it started to make more sense over time.

I was imperial fists and my ally was red scorpions. We played against eldar and grey knights.
We ended up winning but that was probably because of the fact I had this tech marine on some massive cannon thing and I had 2 direct hits which wiped out 9 eldar units right on my second move in the attack phase. All in all it was a lot of fun! I can see myself playing this more

Cool! Are you going to demo the other games too? Still have the chance before you commit.

That being said, I love 40k myself and agree, it's a lot of fun and GW has great miniatures. Space Marines are just so iconic.

I still need to make a few finishing touches to this months challenge. Better get to it!

Edit. picture time!

First, a warm up:


Tried channeling some Ciri / Sia, along with colours that fit my Circle army she is with.

And, for the painting challenge:

Circle Orboros Druid Wilder

I really like the miniature and wanted to paint one for my army. I am using resin bases for my Hordes miniatures. She normally comes with a slotted base so I had to get creative. It's a good thing the green stuff footholds I had to make were easy to mask as vegetation. The base is supposed to present a forest by night, and her colour scheme follows the deep blues and red hues of my army.

For the next challenge I vote monochrome even if it might actually be very challenging!


My second Imperial Knight. I went with a scheme I saw that I really liked and I have to say that the white and silver paints I have (Game Color) are a freaking nightmare to work with. I'm still playing with those areas to get them looking how I'd like.

I went nuts with the magnetizing. The right arm weapons can be switched between Gatling cannon, flamethrower, and cannon. The left arm fist is magnetized for easy posing. The missile launcher on top can be switched from small to large missiles, and the whole missile unit can be swapped out for a cannon. Finally, the small shield and machine gun on the shoulders can be swapped out for the larger machine gun or two guns and no shield.

Can I get a little head please?

Disaster struck when I was moving my hobby/painting supplies from upstairs to down. I lost my Slaughterpriest head. It was not glued on yet, so it was loose and now it is gone forever. I am hoping a Gaffer can help me out. Does anyone have an extra head from either a Slaughterpriest they do not intend on painting or maybe one left over if you did a conversion on the model? I do not have a suitable replacement because I do not collect fantasy and it's killing me having everything complete except the head! There's no way I'm paying $40 for a new model just for the missing head.

Please help if you can. I'm located in Michigan.


Well hell, if there are more Grombrindal codes lying around I could use one too.

I'm in my regular shallow with my mini hobby again having bought shitload of sigmarines but now looking at other games and minis...
I don't have a priest head but I'm guessing any angry bald man head would do so someone with a Space Marine or even better Chaos collection could help you out. I'll look at my bitz box and see if I have anything tonight.


Fuck me, I was working on a submission for this month's challenge and I am just not satisfied with my progress (Ulthwe Farseer). I won't finish it by tomorrow and probably will not go back to it unless I start an Eldar army. This might be the fourth ever model I've straight up given up on out of frustration with my own lacking skills.

We've got great entries for this month though, and a clear winner for next month's challenge. I'll definitely take part in that one since I'm pretty stoked about the theme.


Looks like you have options then. I'd say go watch and maybe play a demo game of each of those games and then pick one to start with.

Also I suggest looking at the different factions and their miniatures for those games. Finding miniatures you think are so cool you want to paint them is pretty important if you ask me.


I played a game of Kill Team with a friend who has been putting together a heavily customized ork army. I'm talking warbugggy made from a VW Beetle scale kit and so on. It was his first game of 40k and we took in slow and went through the rules. Was great fun. I'm kinda liking Kill Team a lot.
I am thinking tau so far. Though the lucky stick has an appeal lol. I am interested in trying a skirmish game. The whole 2v2 500 points per person took like 2 hours to complete! That is a lot of time for one game lol

Always go check out the game nights that stores tell you about. Have had so many store owners tell me about their big game nights, or how certain days are for a specific game. When I get there no one shows or it will be like 2 guys who are the same ones who play weekly and no one else. Always scope out the community for yourself before investing in any game.
I found out that there is an actual warhammer store close enough to where I live. People tell me that the place is usually packed but the prices are expensive and people there aren't as friendly community wise. However if you know the stuff then it's pretty open. I guess just not as noob friendly.
I found out that there is an actual warhammer store close enough to where I live. People tell me that the place is usually packed but the prices are expensive and people there aren't as friendly community wise. However if you know the stuff then it's pretty open. I guess just not as noob friendly.

Could be a competitive environment. Warhammer Stores often are a major hosting ground for the tournament scene players, and frankly these can be the not so friendly player groups.

I tend to find more open gaming stores that don't have alot of tournament style play, to foster better communities.
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