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Monster Hunter XX coming to Switch


Any chance this come to the west this year?, I'm trying really hard to convince myself to buy a switch with my first salary :), but it will probably be a Zelda, Mario Kart and Mario machine for a whole year.

At E3 Capcom will finally bring monster hunter to the modern era.

So MH5 exclusive to PC?
People port begging in consoles shouldn't really talk about how X console limits a game when you consider the CPU of the "modern" consoles.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
This is GREAT news. Knew it was going to happen... But man Switch is really turning into the system I hope it would. Xenoblade 2 and Monster Hunter, just perfect.
It's a handheld system that can be displayed on the TV, let's not play dumb.

It's a handheld system that can be displayed on the TV that also has a version of Monster Hunter XX coming to it.

It's also a console that can be played as a handheld that also has a version of Monster Hunter XX coming to it.
I can't wait for all these PS4 MH5 beggers to eat crow once E3 has come and gone.

Trying to pass something off as real that doesn't exist is amusing.


that puzzling face
Heya, just gonna drop this here for visibility:

Hey y'all.

1) Leave the "Monster Hunter for PS4" speculation out of this thread. Gets folks riled up.

2) Calm down.

3) We frown upon port-begging. Speculation about a completely different game isn't quite port-begging, but it is annoying, hence the first message.

4) You don't want gaming mods to go hard as hell on port-begging, especially in regards to the Switch. Relax. If you have a problem, point it towards a mod. Even if I don't handle gaming side, I can pass it to another mod who will.

To reiterate two points:

Port begging is when X product is on Y, and people go "please bring it to Z"
Speculation is when there is no hard information available, regardless of the precedent w.r.t. a franchise, i.e. historically on handhelds, etc.

As MHWilliams said, keep "MH on PS4" out of this thread anyway. If someone wants to, go make a "The Past, Present and Future of Monster Hunter" thread if you want to because I do think it's an interesting discussion to have, just not in a thread where people may want to discuss potential features/upgrades on a particular platform for a particular title that's already been announced.
It would only make sense for Capcom to bring MH to consoles/PC to help it grow in the West, but I don't expect it to match the sales that 3DS or a portable system (Switch) can achieve in Japan. In other words, I can't see a PS4 exclusive happening, the West wouldn't make up for the lost sales in Japan, imo (obviously). Multiplat makes sense.

The Switch might be interesting for Capcom though since it gives them a "part" home console that the West seems to be embracing. So, who knows.


Woah, how did I miss this announcement? Cool for MH fans. I hope the game looks good. MH is perfect for the Switch. Play on the tv, take on the go, online multiplayer and local multiplayer. Seems like a good move by Capcom.


Wooooo! Can't wait for this. Hoping voice-chat is somehow in the game... loved having it on mh3u.

Gonna be nice playing the same game on the road and at home on the TV :D ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Junior Member
It would only make sense for Capcom to bring MH to consoles/PC to help it grow in the West, but I don't expect it to match the sales that 3DS or a portable system (Switch) can achieve in Japan. In other words, I can't see a PS4 exclusive happening, the West wouldn't make up for the lost sales in Japan, imo (obviously). Multiplat makes sense.

The Switch might be interesting for Capcom though since it gives them a "part" home console that the West seems to be embracing. So, who knows.
Don't think this genre would do well on PC don't see the audience for it


I own a Switch and a PS4 and honestly I would much rather have MH5 on Switch.

MH is a series that thrives on a portable. I will gladly take portability over "modern" graphics.


I'm hoping they've learned their lesson from MH3U's microscopic text and included something more readable this time around.


But Nintendo markets it as a home console.
Do you honestly believe Capcom was talking about the Switch in that article? It's obvious they weren't. The Monster Hunter series originated on Sony consoles and they actually have an equal amount of releases with 11 games on Sony and Nintendo platforms. I don't care too much either way but I feel some of you would freak out if the series made an appearance on the PlayStation 4.
Why gross? The series has been stuck with ps2 visual for long enough. Tri HD was okay but again suffered from being a HD port of a game built for a tiny screen. Like fuck the text size, the weird loading between areas. Etc

At E3 Capcom will finally bring monster hunter to the modern era. On PS4 that is. And might finally increase the audience for the series in the west that is.

Is EhoaVash an insider? Otherwise surely this shit warrants a temp ban.


MHX is my favourite. It's the fastest, most fun entry in the series IMO. My only gripe with the game is that it's on 3DS. I can't stand 3DS hardware for MH.

MHXX on Switch will be a lot better by default.
Yep, so this is exciting.
Had tons of fun with MH GAF parties on Wii U in my 200+ hours of playtime, but I just can't play them on 3DS without my hand hurting after 15 mins.
Good thing is that I already own a Pro Controller, hopefully they won't make a MH themed one or I will have to buy it x)


A Monster Hunter on Switch was a given, and I'm definitely hyped for this, but I still had that bit of hope that Capcom would actually announce MH5 already!
Either way this will sell like water and more games will come, no doubt.


OK. On Topic.

I have not played a HM game since the first on on the 3DS (TriG). Never really got into it. Seemed very hard to control and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing.

Would this game be a good one to jump back into the series with? I hear it is faster. But should I just wait for the next numbered one?
Ouch. Wonder why it missed the mark by so much. Was it more to do with people waiting for a potential Switch version, series fatigue, or if it's not a good version of the game?

fatigue most likely. Most people werent expecting them to do a G rank version of Generations since it was an anniversary game(especially since I recall them denying it would even happen when Gen got released there)

Its been stuck on 3DS for a while people are waiting for the next big leap for the series


Woah, how did I miss this announcement? Cool for MH fans. I hope the game looks good. MH is perfect for the Switch. Play on the tv, take on the go, online multiplayer and local multiplayer. Seems like a good move by Capcom.

It literally popped up an hour or so ago. It caught everyone off guard at how it was suddenly announced out of the blue with no subtle hints that we actually would see a Switch version of MHXX and more likely to see MH5 instead. Still, like you said: This works perfectly in Capcom's favor since it gives them the ability to take full advantage of what the Switch is capable of and to allow this to be an actual thing.

And who knows if we might see something related to E3 in a few weeks too! :D


In regards to the game graphics, I speculate that it will looks similar to the Wii U version. The 3DS wasn't actually bad. It is just 3DS screen so shit that it makes MH looks even shittier than how it actually should.
Do you honestly believe Capcom was talking about the Switch in that article? It's obvious they weren't. The Monster Hunter series originated on Sony consoles and they are actually equal in releases with 11 games on Sony and Nintendo gaming systems.
You mean the consoles that almost ended the franchise in the west due to horrible sales, before Nintendo marketed it to relevance with Tri?
I do think visually it will be upgraded. 3Us versions came out at the same time and was a shoddy port at best with the textures and input lag. This is a version releasing after the initial release for a new system. They aren't just going to advertise it as that 3DS game port in the west. It'll look nicer I bet.
There it fucking is!

Was really interested in trying the Monster Hunter games on 3DS, but never managed to get around to them. XX is the updated version of Generations, right?
Do you honestly believe Capcom was talking about the Switch in that article? It's obvious they weren't. The Monster Hunter series originated on Sony consoles and they actually have an equal amount of releases with 11 games on Sony and Nintendo platforms. I don't care too much either way but I feel some of you would freak out if the series made an appearance on the PlayStation 4.

It would be a terrible business decision and further prove Capcom are idiots if that's what you mean.


Ouch. Wonder why it missed the mark by so much. Was it more to do with people waiting for a potential Switch version, series fatigue, or if it's not a good version of the game?
People got tired of playing it in 240p with awful controls and wanted to play it on the Switch.


Pretty sure they leaked the Nintendo Jan Press Conference.

Wasn't that less of a leak of the conference and more peaking behind the curtain at the European press event for the Switch? They only got the titles of what was present there correct, with no mention of the titles that were at the conference, like Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade 2.


Me earlier today: "I don't think we'll get a MH Switch announcement before TGS"

Damn, I'm glad I was totally wrong. Now to wait for more news on Saturday!
also on E3? Capcom pls

I'll also need to start looking for a Switch, I guess.


Not even mod warning can stop this platform shit flinging. I wouldn't post any shit ever again in MH threads outsides the OTs I think. This is just too much.
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