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Multiple reports of joycon connectivity issues in Switch previews

Saw this video suggesting a possible cause of this:


Basic Summary:

- This issue can reliably be triggered by covering the Joy-Con with your hand

Possible explanation:

- Humans are mostly water
- Water absorbs radio waves
- Bluetooth is based on radio waves
- Nintendo is likely using a weak Bluetooth signal to boost battery life.

Depending on how this is set up, they may or may not be able to boost the power of the bluetooth signal via a firmware update.


My guess is left controllers using class 3, right controllers using class 2.

or - since the right houses RFID circuitry for amiibo purposes and has the IR camera that might require increased "bandwidth" - the right simply has a better positioned / 'stronger' BT radio.

Seeing how you're not gripping the joycons as tightly when they're in the grip, i'd at least hope that might alleviate the issue, if it's - for gen 1 of joycons - a systemic issue.


or - since the right houses RFID circuitry for amiibo purposes and has the IR camera that might require increased "bandwidth" - the right simply has a better positioned / 'stronger' BT radio.

Seeing how you're not gripping the joycons as tightly when they're in the grip, i'd at least hope that might alleviate the issue, if it's - for gen 1 of joycons - a systemic issue.

To be fair it could also just be that the right joycon is also class 3 (yey more battery power) or both joycons are really paired back class 2 to eek out as much battery life as possible and the discrepancy in performance between left and right is that the right joycon has more PCB involved, thus more physical mass to be used as bluetooth antenna.

Hopefully its class 2 in low power mode, and that they had the sense to allow the joycons to be updated via firmware (like xbox one controllers), if not then it looks like a difficult path for early adopters.

If the joycons do not have the ability to be updated via firmware, then the only fix for this is new hardware.


i don't understand you "pre-order canceled" folks, btw. Just take / send the thing back if this issue occurs to you during your first days of gaming, citing this - by now - well documented issue.

Also, this is such a curious thing, seeing how i felt Nintendo was kinda on point with their 'wireless peripheral' game, in previous generations.

I had far more 360 controller disconnects than i had with my Wiimote, and even my Wii U Gamepad was able to run 'remote play' through a wall in our apartment that has otherwise shown to be detrimental to any kind of wireless connection.


Seema like you're just more likely to notice it because it's the primary control stick in single player games.

Yeah, this is exactly what folks are saying - it's the same for both Joy-Cons, but the left one is way more noticeable since you're constantly using it to move Link around.


Saw this video suggesting a possible cause of this:


Basic Summary:

- This issue can reliably be triggered by covering the Joy-Con with your hand

Possible explanation:

- Humans are mostly water
- Water absorbs radio waves
- Bluetooth is based on radio waves
- Nintendo is likely using a weak Bluetooth signal to boost battery life.

Depending on how this is set up, they may or may not be able to boost the power of the bluetooth signal via a firmware update.

Blue tooth and Wifi are 2.4 Ghz, neither go through water or your body as they are weak below -10 dbm..

If you stand infront of your Router do you get no signal - of course not ! Waves diffuse around the room. DS4 uses bluetooth.

The issue here is the weak signal not strong enough for many for normal couch play if you have a large living room.

Nintendo has gone too weak on the signal for bluetooth it appears. Its hardware and voltage settings - dmb levels. Can software rase this in the controller ? Who knows...


Have other media outlets tested the issue? I really want to know if distance alone causes the signal issue or if its covering the joycon itself that causes the issue.


I had hands on in London and experienced no issues. The joycon was a delight to play with plus it was really responsive on par or better than touch!

But were you far away? I'm tempted to ask if I can test the range near the end of the Today's Event I'm going to.

I know they'll refuse, but might aswell ask. It will define whether I get another set of Joy-Cons or not.


Did you watch the GameXplain video? He tests both under equal circumstances and the left is indeed worse.

I'm not certain about that.

He really should have covered the right Joy-Con side with the SL and SR buttons using his left hand. I was thinking that the antenna is on the side with the SL/SR buttons of the Joy-Con because we saw the signal strength was greatly affected when he covered the SL/SR side properly on the left Joy-Con but he didn't in the right Joy-Con.


I'm not certain about that.

He really should have covered the right Joy-Con side with the SL and SR buttons using his left hand. I was thinking that the antenna is on the side with the SL/SR buttons of the Joy-Con because we saw the signal strength was greatly affected when he covered the SL/SR side properly on the left Joy-Con but he didn't in the right Joy-Con.

Seriously? Nothing like this should be happening at all. I can take my bluetooth controllers to the fucking moon and still play games on my consoles.

I do wonder how many people will experience this because how the hell did they not find this in testing?

With any luck it's a hardware issue and Nintendo need to recall them,


I don't think I'll come across this issue. My TV is right on my desk in my room to even when it's docked or not I'll likely won't have the issue and besides if it's really bad I can use it's warranty.
Seriously? Nothing like this should be happening at all. I can take my bluetooth controllers to the fucking moon and still play games on my consoles.

I do wonder how many people will experience this because how the hell did they not find this in testing?

With any luck it's a hardware issue and Nintendo need to recall them,
Surely with any luck it's a software thing and it's fixed with a patch on day one? Why would you want a recall? That seems like a terrible result.


But were you far away? I'm tempted to ask if I can test the range near the end of the Today's Event I'm going to.

I know they'll refuse, but might aswell ask. It will define whether I get another set of Joy-Cons or not.

That's a good idea - it might be easier to test with something like Arms where you're already stood a fair distance back from the TV, unless the problem doesn't manifest as clearly with motion controls or something.


That's really nice to read. I hope Nintendo puts out a statement today.

I really hope "resolved" doesn't just mean Nintendo instructing people to hold the controllers differently.

I find it so weird that Nintendo seemingly didn't catch such an obvious problem in QA testing.

This whole launch seems so rushed, no VC or online at launch, comparatively few games.
Hopefully it's something they can fix easily. Personally this isn't something that would ever effect me but it's still yet another disappointing mistake from Nintendo.


Sounds good but I need more than "one of my sources at Nintendo." We need an official statement from Nintendo considering the frequency of the issue.

Frankly? We don't. The system launches in one week. If there's a day one patch that also solves this issue, then case closed.


Frankly? We don't. The system launches in one week. If there's a day one patch that also solves this issue, then case closed.

Maybe you don't but I do and I think consumers deserve an answer to whether or not the Switch functions as advertised. We shouldn't have to wait day 1 to find out for ourselves if this is a major issue or not. The product should work as intended and demonstrated, period. So Nintendo should absolutely say "we are aware of the issue and will address it with a day 1 patch" now if that is the case.


Frankly? We don't. The system launches in one week. If there's a day one patch that also solves this issue, then case closed.

Well... I'd quite like an explanation from Nintendo as to what the problem actually is instead of having a whole week of panic and concern about it. If it's a erroneous bug that Nintendo's aware of and will fix in time for launch, I see no reason for them not to reassure people.
They don't really need to release a statement about how their hardware is acting up a week out. They only need to make sure it doesn't happen after launch, because that's when a statement would need to be made. As it is, the system is sold out for the month of March regardless, so they really don't need to do anything.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
1, 2 Switch can't be played without being meters away from the console. So Nintendo would have noticed such a thing.

No french journalist has experienced this issue from the dozen preview I read.

So I wonder if it's a bad lot? Journalists from all countries should try the GameExplain test.


He's the local fool, nevermind him.

Haha, so someone who's completely sick and tired of a manufacturer putting out sub-par, anti-consumer devices and rushing a new console to market is a fool now? There is almost nothing conceivably good about the Switch and what it's offering at this point in time.


Haha, so someone who's completely sick and tired of a manufacturer putting out sub-par, anti-consumer devices and rushing a new console to market is a fool now? There is almost nothing conceivably good about the Switch and what it's offering at this point in time.
Well he's calling you a fool because you think it being a hardware issue is the best case scenario. But yeah you can just ignore that to spout your disdain for Nintendo because it is such a new and insightful post from you.


This is really dampening my excitement for the console. Might actually be a good thing that my order a Amazon was delayed as it gives me more time to see how bad the problem is come launch.


This is really dampening my excitement for the console. Might actually be a good thing that my order a Amazon was delayed as it gives me more time to see how bad the problem is come launch.

Because Nintendo will never fix it. Never.

Jizz, guys (not a typo).

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Surely with any luck it's a software thing and it's fixed with a patch on day one? Why would you want a recall? That seems like a terrible result.

the guy's full time job is shitposting in Nintendo Switch threads - it's pretty hilarious once you get the shtick
Always confused how stuff like this never crops up during testing/shows, but alas, fancy new hardware, somethings always bound to go wrong

Hopefully its a simple fix


Always confused how stuff like this never crops up during testing/shows, but alas, fancy new hardware, somethings always bound to go wrong

Hopefully its a simple fix

also the early wii u gamepads had this hard and giantbomb used to complain about it all the time
until i swapped out the wifi chip in the gamepad with an aftermarket part my range went from like 10 ft when i got it to 5 ft to 1 ft over time, and then back up to 10-20 ft after i replaced the part

not saying the joycons connect via wifi 5ghz or bluetooth just that nintendo misses this stuff


...hate me...
Haha, so someone who's completely sick and tired of a manufacturer putting out sub-par, anti-consumer devices and rushing a new console to market is a fool now? There is almost nothing conceivably good about the Switch and what it's offering at this point in time.
My suggestion is that you buy something else instead of shitting up threads.


Question, has anyone seen any reports from outside of the US that say things like this?

I wonder if there is some wifi standard widely used in the US that Nintendo missed during their testing in Japan which could interfere with the signal.
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