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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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did you punks eat lead for dinner rather than steak and broccoli?

The analogies and the comparison literally hurt my brain. i actually felt a slight pain reading such posts. You're free to shit on SasuSaku as the pairing is wrong for a shitload of reasons but this is just... pathetic.

just what i needed. already seen a shit post in that believable wrestling thread. didnt need to see more here


How about you address these points if you want to argue about the manga and cut the bullshit analogies to real life because they clearly do not hold...and you have the nerve to call us disgusting when you guys are making a joke of an actual severe abuse case for what exactly......because your ship was proven to be irrelevant.

Just think about that for a second.

You actually think this is about NS? Please take your head out of your ass. "Lulz you salty!" NO ONE mentioned NS. That's what your argument is boiling down to. You're simply happy that your ship happened regardless of the terrible circumstances and implications that got them there just so you can just endlessly do a victory dance because who the fuck knows why.

1)Ninjas, fictional Shonen manga ninjas, in an economy where people try and kill each other for a living. And where peoples goals often involve trying to kill eachother. A fictional exaggerated world. Where the in world logic justifies someone trying to kill someone else.

2) I'm not defending anything, I personally wouldn't give a shit if sasuke fucked a tree. I'm saying the situations aren't compatible. Because of my personal experience with that horrible situation.

3) lastly, if you call my situation whining again.... I don't wanna get banned. I don't want to say mean things,

Shit, Garra you done fucked up. Oh wait, this is ninja world. You can totally try to murder people on a rampage and be friends the next day , because this is shonen jump ninja world.

And normal world rules Don't apply. And you applying them means you have already fucked up.

This whole "It's fiction!" argument is bullshit. As if that removes any piece of writing from criticism. It doesn't matter if it's about magical fairy tails or something as hyper realistic as Saving Private Ryan. There are certain standards, that you simply don't violate. This is one of them. The guy she loved after all was repeatedly trying to kill her. Then on that, almost left her to die more than once. This isn't a situation people normally would be giddy over, despite certain inevitabilities of the story. That's why you had two mass exoduses with the pairing.

Because, as Kishi failed to realize, there are lines that can't be crossed which break the threshold of the concepts he wished to touch upon. I would think the previously mentioned events would be of such to most people. In which case, it should be no surprise that they would not be supportive of it be it occurring in reality or depicted in fiction.

And just so you know, I view Sasuke and Naruto's relationship the same way. These two shouldn't even be comrades anymore, let alone friends, let alone best friends (gag). Their relationship has no true substance (not that any of them do, but that's besides the point).


Fictional or not, we're comparing situations. Things that gave happened in reality are far worse then what have happened in the world of naruto.

I don't care anymore about shipping that ship has sailed, but Sasuke was close to ending sakura a couple times, he would have straight up gutted her.
Instead let us appreciate Konoha's #1 family




They have skyscrapers and computers now.... it is a time of peace so lol


This whole "It's fiction!" argument is bullshit. As if that removes any piece of writing from criticism. It doesn't matter if it's about magical fairy tails or something as hyper realistic as Saving Private Ryan. There are certain standards, that you simply don't violate. This is one of them. The guy she loved after all was repeatedly trying to kill her. Then on that, almost left her to die more than once. This isn't a situation people normally would be giddy over, despite certain inevitabilities of the story. That's why you had two mass exoduses with the pairing.


Oh so there is no point even having this conversation then because you are ignoring the world justification of attempted murder not having the same mental effects to someone who has been soilder since chidhood raised in a war economy and has been threatened by people who were once friends and vice versa like garra and instead suggesting that it is exactly like real life where murder is abhorrent.

Ok cool, you don't want to have a conversation.

I don't give a shit about shipping or whatever, I just think as a victim of abuse comparing sasuke to abuser is not only unreasonable is quite insulting .

But again you have already stated that you do not care about the setting of the story.

I understand your sentiment there are some lines that do get crossed with me, Not a of black butler or SAO for a multitude of reasons. But.. uh wooo, lets get started on that. But then again those things aren't explained in the main story at all, unlike attempted murder which is like explained like two seconds into naruto.

So good bye
Fictional or not, we're comparing situations. Things that gave happened in reality are far worse then what have happened in the world of naruto.

I don't care anymore about shipping that ship has sailed, but Sasuke was close to ending sakura a couple times, he would have straight up gutted her.

In kage summit arc, both of Sasuke's attacks on Sakura were stopped by Kakashi and Naruto. They exist in the story to make way for Kakashi and Naruto's heroic appearance. Cheap storytelling.

I'm not sure if it's sexism so much as rapid disregard for Sakura as a character. She's more a device used to make other characters look cool.


Again, like what could they say. None of the characters have had any of the character development any of the main dudes had to argue any of the shit he said. Even a character that barely knew sasuke like garra just kind of was on some " all shades of gray I understand how you feel but I don't agree with you type shit" None of the people there could have said anything. They would have looked like ants yelling at a dog.

Just like

KIba: Who the hell are...


I don't think that's fair, Neon Genesis brings this point up, where just because you haven't walked in someones shoes doesn't mean you can't comment on their life. Misato does this at the EoE.

(So what I haven't lived your life that doesn't give you the excuse to do X) In that context it's give up, but it is also framed to be used in a lot of ways.


Also, what the fuck happened to this thread?

I don't think it's fair to compare Sasuke to an actual abuser, mostly due to the part where he legit was trying to kill (EVERYONE) that got in his way. He wasn't trying to target Sakura or break her down, he wanted her gone most of the time.

I don't really like the Sauce and I don't think what he's been through is an excuse for the things he did, but at the same time I'm not going to put him that low. He is a psychotic asshole to me, but not an abuser.

And like Village said, he was willing to take out anyone who got in his way. It was as simple as that, he didn't specifically target Sakura, hell he wondered why Sakura even liked him.

Most of the time Sakura was the one that started Contact with him, he didn't target her, he flat out tried to ignore her existence most of the time, and the world is important to the subject. If you haven't noticed, a lot of Naruto's friends have tried or to kill him at one point or at least wound him greatly. This is still a battle series,


I don't think that's fair, Neon Genesis brings this point up, where just because you haven't walked in someones shoes doesn't mean you can't comment on their life. Misato does this at the EoE.

(So what I haven't lived your life that doesn't give you the excuse to do X) In that context it's give up, but it is also framed to be used in a lot of ways.

Oh I understand what you are saying and agree in many contexts, my joke was meant to be 4th wall breaking sillyness.
but is Sasuke going to let that happen lol

Japan really loves their Sasusaku


I'm convinced that it's the the real reason that SasuSaku happened. I personally don't believe for a second that Kishimoto planed it from the beginning. I believe that like any other manage writer is was influenced by the fandom.

Case in point, Itachi uchiha. I don't believe for a moment that Kishimoto actually originally planed to have him as some sort of tragic hero. I firmly believe that the direction Itachi's story took was directly influenced by his huge fandom.
I'm convinced that it's the the real reason that SasuSaku happened. I personally don't believe for a second that Kishimoto planed it from the beginning. I believe that like any other manage writer is was influenced by the fandom.

Case in point, Itachi uchiha. I don't believe for a moment that Kishimoto actually originally planed to have him as some sort of tragic hero. I firmly believe that the direction Itachi's story took was directly influenced by his huge fandom.

Itachi should've stayed a psychopath.


I fucking said it.
That would have been boring, but the "He's a magical goddamn perfect beautiful tragic hero" went too far. Something less simplistic than "Danzo threatened Sasuke," but not as contrived as "a coup would have destroyed the village."

"I killed everyone because I felt like it" is like some Hunter x Hunter shit.
That would have been boring, but the "He's a magical goddamn perfect beautiful tragic hero" went too far. Something less simplistic than "Danzo threatened Sasuke," but not as contrived as "a coup would have destroyed the village."

"I killed everyone because I felt like it" is like some Hunter x Hunter shit.

Considering that every other villain in this series is just a tragic "hero", who needed a pep talk from Naruto it'd have been refreshing.
The fact Itachi committed genocide just makes any attempt at making him a tragic hero very tortured and convoluted.

I think him just killing the clan to test himself or whatever would have been cartoonishly evil, also.


I disagree one because it gives sasuke something to sit on, two it kind of in away validates sasuke's entire vengeance quest as plot point.

Itachi: Actually the village is dicks, bleh * dies*

I'm convinced that it's the the real reason that SasuSaku happened. I personally don't believe for a second that Kishimoto planed it from the beginning. I believe that like any other manage writer is was influenced by the fandom.

Case in point, Itachi uchiha. I don't believe for a moment that Kishimoto actually originally planed to have him as some sort of tragic hero. I firmly believe that the direction Itachi's story took was directly influenced by his huge fandom.

Your beliefs are unnecessary. I mean if Itachi was not a tragic hero and just a murderer,

1) that would not fit his character at all
2) Shippuuden would of have ended years ago

It is true all manga that editors to do have some input, for instance Kishi never imagined the series running for this long however the definitely planned things out.

In 2006 he said he had the ending planned out and an editor couple of weeks ago said his ending was pretty much the exact ending he was shown 8 years ago. It may sound weird but sometimes its easier to work backwards and having the end gives you a set circumstance to write towards.
That would have been boring, but the "He's a magical goddamn perfect beautiful tragic hero" went too far. Something less simplistic than "Danzo threatened Sasuke," but not as contrived as "a coup would have destroyed the village."

"I killed everyone because I felt like it" is like some Hunter x Hunter shit.

Because what happened is completely illogical. We are asked to believe that Itachi killed every man woman and child in the Uchiha compound in one night. Also that he did it to save Sasuke and to stop a coup.

So Itachi murdered old people and infants in their cribs then went on to torture Sasuke not once, but twice all as some undercover mission to actually save him? Horse shit. I think Kishimoto meant him to be Sasuke's ultimate enemy but changed his mind due to Itachi's huge popularity. Hell, having Sasuke learn from Itachi's decent into madness on his quest for power as story device. And use that as a way to turn Sasuke from shitty path would have been a lot better then what we got.

Naruto as a story if full of holes you can drive a truck through. the lest of which being the ending relationships.
see thats why I question why the third is not considered as a criminal.....he ordered the murder of dozens of innocent children and women for what exactly.....could he not just have killed the leaders of the coup or the powerful members or even better try negotiating.
And then there is Fugaku and Mikoto just accepting their deaths.

"I'm proud of you..."

GTFO Here. You're proud that your son is slaughtering the entire family?!!!
see thats why I question why the third is not considered as a criminal.....he ordered the murder of dozens of innocent children and women for what exactly.....could he not just have killed the leaders of the coup or the powerful members or even better try negotiating.

The third didn't order the Uchiha massacre, that was Danzo. The third was still trying to negotiate with the Uchiha and find a peaceful solution up until Danzo made Itachi killed them all. But Danzo is a notorious asshole.

Given the situation I'm not sure what the Third could have done. For that fact I'm still not sure why the Uchiha wanted to revolt in the first place. It seems like every Hokage bent over backwards to appease the Uchiha but those fuckers were never happy.

The First accepted the Uchiha refugees into and intergrated them into the village. He ever wanted Madara to be Hokage.

Despite his dislike of Madara and distrust of the Uchiha from the war, the Second tried to appease them by giving them an important role on in the village. He put them in charge of village security and made them the police force.

But for some reason They wanted to revolt even knowing that they would have started a war that would have destroyed the Village.

Fucking Uchihas ruin everything man.
Is Frog-Fu still at home, bawling his eyes out?
I doubt he is bawling the guy is tough.... but it kinda sucks for him knowing that all his pairing never had a chance... it never actually progressed... he accidentally interpreted somethings wrong.. and that the Anime/marketing teams were the ones pushing his pairing was some marketing ploy compared to the one he accused doing so before

basically all the things he said NaruHina was instead was actually NaruSaku
Wash my sins away!

the movie can do that lol


Edit: Also about the Itachi thing (plus Tobi helped him out)

The 3rd and Danzou are the real enemies.... Itachi was stupid to listen to them but the real blame goes to them for ordering it
Yes I know it was Danzou's plan and the man is the reason for a lot of fucked up things in the story but the 3rd is a big idiot for allowing him to do it and always forgiving him....

If anyone wants to consider a Uchiha a tragic hero then it would be Shisui Uchiha


A lot of anger could have been avoided if the Second just got over Madara and let him be the second Hokage.

What's sad about it, is that Madara ended up being absolutely right with the Uchiha never being able to move past their stigma and they ended up being killed because of it.
A lot of anger could have been avoided if the Second just got over Madara and let him be the second Hokage.

What's sad about it, is that Madara ended up being absolutely right with the Uchiha never being able to move past their stigma and they ended up being killed because of it.

Madara was just as bad as Danzo if not worse. The second was right about him. Madara was a complete nutso wack-job. Everything bad in the Naruto universe can be traced back to 4 people. Black Zetso, Madara, Danzo and Onichimaru.
Okay some Movie Story Board Stuff

Some Character stuff was uploaded but some of it was already old pics from that huge leak out
This have some new expressions though

  • Kakashi face close up + kage hat cloak
  • Kiba Here

  • Some Hinata expressions/movements here

  • Here are some spoiler scenes


This one HERE is likely after
a battle scene... seeing as Hinata is missing and Naruto clothes are ripped


This thread is done. It's all circular and some of you guys can't seem to discuss anything without actually addressing points and not insulting each other.

No new thread for a little bit until everyone can learn to play nice.


You can start a new Naruto thread but I will be watching. If you folks can't keep it civil and actually discuss by addressing points then I will close it again.
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