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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition


we are just strengthening your heart for the struggles ahead, you must endure until this game reaches full maturity
I'm seeing alot of people wishing for 60fps and some for weather effects....

which one do you guys wish for more if you could only have one?

weather, because (solid) 60 fps is not going to happen. they should go for rock-solid 30 fps and make the game as pretty and feature rich as possible.


every time i see this thread up i come here thinking there are new info /pics.

stahp playin with ma heart :(

I think you would see such news in a new thread. ;-) I don't expect anything further to be shown until close to launch/soon after at the earliest personally, although I hope I'm wrong about that. The thinking might be just to go dark now until post-launch when we stop thinking about launch games and start looking towards the games of 2014...


I think you would see such news in a new thread. ;-) I don't expect anything further to be shown until close to launch/soon after at the earliest personally, although I hope I'm wrong about that. The thinking might be just to go dark now until post-launch when we stop thinking about launch games and start looking towards the games of 2014...

I don't know. This is their comment on Facebook :)

At this stage the game is running at 1080p@30fps, which at face value really defies how fluid it feels and how stunning it looks. We'll be recording another direct feed video for you soon, to show you an update on the outstanding 1080p graphics and racing, because the authentic and dynamic lighting system has come a long way since you saw it last.


Rushy is baaaaaaaaaaack! :D

Paul Rustchynsky ‏@Rushy33 1m
After a hectic week it's time to go back to work tomorrow & catch-up with everything that is #DRIVECLUB

Also, I just got quoted on twitter. Gaf! Hold me! I'm shaking!

Traton Rasoon ‏@trat0rn 19 Oct
@yosp @DRIVECLUB @Rushy33 You should read this post from a wise gaf-member. :)

Paul Rustchynsky ‏@Rushy33 5m
@trat0rn Don't worry I read the thread religiously.
10:40 AM - 20 Oct 13 · Details


I'm seeing alot of people wishing for 60fps and some for weather effects....

which one do you guys wish for more if you could only have one?

Id rather have incredible visuals/effects/weather than give any of them up for 60fps.

I want to see how pretty they can make it.


Rushy is baaaaaaaaaaack! :D

Also, I just got quoted on twitter. Gaf! Hold me! I'm shaking!

You've got quoted by Shu?

Well done man! Well done!


Alright guys! The other thread is far too crowded to make this comment. Now that the band aid has been ripped off, and the tears have been shed, it is time to look ahead. Following are the things I request Evo to do to sustain interest and make this delay a blessing in disguise:

1) Release the video that you promised ages ago. The game is delayed, not cancelled. Hope the same goes for the video.

2) Figure out if you can get weather effects in by launch and announce it within the next month. It would go a long way in hyping people up for 2014.

3) If you are any closer to reaching 60 fps, confirm it as achievable by launch. This is a nice-to-have, in my opinion, but it would be very nice indeed!

4) Start a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly blog on game features. Need a regular drip feed of info. GG has been very successful at doing this.
This x10!

Lack of information has been this game's biggest challenge in generating hype, which we now know was downto a tight deadline, and getting the game ready for launch.

Now the delay is out in the open, time to get back on track with regular information, car lists, track lists, realistic expectations with regards to weather, 60fps and such.


You wise man. ;)

Ahhh... It was you wasn't it? Thanks a lot! Appreciate it! :D

EDIT: Thanks to all for supporting this. I took a gamble by bumping up an inactive thread, instead of posting on the live one and catching every naysayer's attention. I doubt every request will be fulfilled, but I don't think that was the goal to begin with. Every constructive comment has a subliminal effect on people's thought process and related decisions. If that ever translates to something tangible, only time can tell.


They said it's running at that now and they are looking into seeing if they can push it to 60fps right? I might have missed some info along the way if they had already clarified
At this stage the game is running at 1080p@30fps, which at face value really defies how fluid it feels and how stunning it looks. We'll be recording another direct feed video for you soon, to show you an update on the outstanding 1080p graphics and racing, because the authentic and dynamic lighting system has come a long way since you saw it last.
We appreciate that it's disappointing news, but PS4 has a lot to offer in the coming months and even more in 2014, not least of all #DRIVECLUB early in the new year.
There are many things that need to be confirmed before we can be more specific than “early 2014”. We will of course keep you updated and you can look forward to seeing more gameplay and information as development continues.

Yeah they are going to wait until they are sure this time.
What gives with the focus on "social" and "lively" aspects of the game that they are going to bring in the 2014 version? Was that the real reason behind the delay? Some server issue, MP problem, something like that? Both Sony and Evolution have hinted at such.


What gives with the focus on "social" and "lively" aspects of the game that they are going to bring in the 2014 version? Was that the real reason behind the delay? Some server issue, MP problem, something like that? Both Sony and Evolution have hinted at such.
2 insiders on gaf said they delayed the game because they did not want to launch the game with cut content.


Cut content as in the PS+ version being limited? Or they didn't have enough time to finish tracks, cars, and features?
No not the PS plus version the retail version.

They did not mention what content or anything like that,I see if I can fine the quotes.

The decision to delay wasn't taken lightly. The game could have shipped but the team just wasn't happy with how stripped down it would have to be. Its a big reason they haven't committed to any of the specific game modes and features and have only spoken in very vague terms. Multiple cars have been in the game for a while and we were going to get a video of it a couple weeks ago but when the decision was made to delay they saw no point in it. Thats the gist of what I was told.
Nope. Delay aint related to visual problems but scope of community play and handling.

So, from what I'd heard (other thread got closed before I can add an update), Evo were going to have to cut content to make the deadline but they didn't want that.

It's been in FPQA a while now which suggests for the most part, it's feature complete. Defo sounds like a polish issue to me, so more time in the oven is a good thing.

Incidentally there are no issues with KZ:SF that I've heard of.
Alright guys! The other thread is far too crowded to make this comment. Now that the band aid has been ripped off, and the tears have been shed, it is time to look ahead. Following are the things I request Evo to do to sustain interest and make this delay a blessing in disguise:

1) Release the video that you promised ages ago. The game is delayed, not cancelled. Hope the same goes for the video.

2) Figure out if you can get weather effects in by launch and announce it within the next month. It would go a long way in hyping people up for 2014.

3) If you are any closer to reaching 60 fps, confirm it as achievable by launch. This is a nice-to-have, in my opinion, but it would be very nice indeed!

4) Start a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly blog on game features. Need a regular drip feed of info. GG has been very successful at doing this.

One thing I would like to add and I understand it might be difficult to achieve but a demo would be nice. Especially if you can get it out to the PS4 kiosks that are popping up everywhere. :)


One thing I would like to add and I understand it might be difficult to achieve but a demo would be nice. Especially if you can get it out to the PS4 kiosks that are popping up everywhere. :)

That would be nice. Although, I wonder what the logistics would be to get a new demo out on kiosks that have already been setup.

General question not necessarily about Driveclub: Are those kiosks connected to the internet?


Rushy said:
Paul Rustchynsky ‏@Rushy33 5m
@trat0rn Don't worry I read the thread religiously.
10:40 AM - 20 Oct 13 · Details

That's a good job, because we're all expecting the second coming early next year...



I'll be chasing up things over the next few days and will try to provide you guys with an update, as I know you're all dying for new media. No promises though of course right now.

Hope all is well with the family fella, looking forward to seeing more of DC when you can show us.


I'll be chasing up things over the next few days and will try to provide you guys with an update, as I know you're all dying for new media. No promises though of course right now.

Two questions:
1. Is 60fps still on the table?
2. If yes - is it more likely now that the game was delayed?


Judging from the comment they made on Facebook regarding the frame-rate, I'm thinking it will stay at 30, but then I'm often wrong, so maybe that's a good sign. ;)
The delay could be a great thing but I think what they need to do is spend some time explaining the game options/modes in some vidocs.

I know it is a social driving game but how many cars can race at once?

Can I challenge head to heads online (live not ghost race)

Can I choose the time of day/track/weather

Is there an offline mode

Is there a spectator mode

And most importantly what are the main areas they are working on from the delay I.e. what caused the delay, be honest with us and it cuts the crap from trolls/shrills or just plain old haters (AA solutions/fps/ more dynamics?)

Good luck guys I am sure the game will be better for the delay, don't feel too bad as you created enough storm and eye candy to shake the ground of forza and we all have enough games to see us through till new year!!
The delay could be a great thing but I think what they need to do is spend some time explaining the game options/modes in some vidocs.

I know it is a social driving game but how many cars can race at once?

Can I challenge head to heads online (live not ghost race)

Can I choose the time of day/track/weather

Is there an offline mode

Is there a spectator mode

And most importantly what are the main areas they are working on from the delay I.e. what caused the delay, be honest with us and it cuts the crap from trolls/shrills or just plain old haters.

Good luck guys I am sure the game will be better for the delay, don't feel too bad we all have enough games to see us through till new year!!
12 cars at once.

Yes any time of day. Weather was previously not making launch, this may change now.

If by offline you mean single player then yes you can play alone.


I'm fine with it being 30fps, but only if they buff it up to the announce trailer quality. I want the nice, cinematic bells and whistles. I want the subtle DOF in cockpit view directing your focus and making things look way more real. i want "head" camera movements, both reactive to external forces (sudden acceleration and breaking, as well as impacts) as well as more scripted (looking into corners slightly). I'd even sacrifice rear view mirror clarity, so we see the rear seats/spoiler/roll cage of your own car. Make the internal windshield refections real time too, with hands and all.

I just want something as mindblowingly amazing looking as that initial reveal. Screw weather, screw 60fps...if it looked as good as that playing, i wouldn't care about those things. If those things are not achievable though and it can only look as good as it currently looks. Then i expect 60fps at least.
12 cars at once.

Yes any time of day. Weather was previously not making launch, this may change now.

If by offline you mean single player then yes you can play alone.

Whoo superb!!! Weather is a Massove a-card and kudos to you that is great.

With your last video showing superb IQ and lighting add in weather (if possible) then this could be a real crowning glory with such dynamic weather looking and brilliant and affecting the handling.. Oh I cannot wait.

Get a video out after Xmas showing this and the gaf will go bonkers!!

Thanks for the super fast reply!!
I'm fine with it being 30fps, but only if they buff it up to the announce trailer quality. I want the nice, cinematic bells and whistles. I want the subtle DOF in cockpit view directing your focus and making things look way more real. i want "head" camera movements, both reactive to external forces (sudden acceleration and breaking, as well as impacts) as well as more scripted (looking into corners slightly). I'd even sacrifice rear view mirror clarity, so we see the rear seats/spoiler/roll cage of your own car. Make the internal windshield refections real time too, with hands and all.

I just want something as mindblowingly amazing looking as that initial reveal. Screw weather, screw 60fps...if it looked as good as that playing, i wouldn't care about those things. If those things are not achievable though and it can only look as good as it currently looks. Then i expect 60fps at least.
What?? You the only guy buying the game, if you want a static racer at 60 fps buy forza 5 or for more detail gt6.

"I expect 60 at least" arrogant much?


I'll be chasing up things over the next few days and will try to provide you guys with an update, as I know you're all dying for new media. No promises though of course right now.

Awesome! Take your time, dear sir. You just confirmed that you will not go dark on us. That's good news! A certain bird from Pakistan had me worried. ;)

Hope the mother and child are doing well. Thanks for responding! :)


"I expect 60 at least" arrogant much?

Or just higher standards?

The way i see it, DC looks about the same as forza. Yes, it has a day/night cycle. But then it's paint shaders aren't as good, and it doesn't have real time internal reflections. So, for me, they're about equal visually. If DC doesn't improve visually from where it's at the last time we saw it. I expect a console that is faster (ps4) to at least be able to match forza's framerate, i'd take better graphics over 60fps. But at the very least, if nothing changes in the visual department, i expect it to match forza performance wise. What excuse is there for it not to? It was getting off light due to being a launch title...but now it's not, surely gamer expectations are allowed to change with the shifting release date?


What I really want to see if they include weather effects is something that rivals PGR4s thunderstorms.
It's a crappy off-screen low res video, but I can't find any better. :-/

In all the years of playing racing games, nothing has ever come close to that when it comes to atmosphere.
Especially when you combined it with a cone challenge so that the flickering of the cone lights contrasted with the gloomy atmosphere and lowered visibility that the rain brings.
Then the lightning strikes as well. OMG so good.

And to top it all of, there was this incredible moment when the rain stopped and the sun started coming through the clouds again after a bit.
If done in any other fashion it could have looked unrealistic and very cheesy, yet Bizarre absolutely nailed it.


I have watched the video in the op.

I find it disappointing, the first thing you see is the bad aliasing on the audi rear window surround, and while they acknowledge this in the comments as something to be fixed, frankly why release a video of such poor quality in the first place.

I have a PS3 with a lot of graphically amazing games, I do not need a PS4 for this.

Please try harder.


Or just higher standards?

The way i see it, DC looks about the same as forza. Yes, it has a day/night cycle. But then it's paint shaders aren't as good, and it doesn't have real time internal reflections. So, for me, they're about equal visually.

Sorry, but I can't agree with this at all.
I love Forza 3 and 4, but especially Horizon.
That being said, while Forza 5 looks very clean and has incredible IQ, the whole thing looks extremely sterile, from the track itself to the surroundings.
The world looks pretty barren and dead.

It's quite the opposite in Driveclub for me.
There's tons of detail, and is much, much more dense.
The feel of the world is very different as well as it actually looks like it's a living, breathing environment.

That being said, we haven't seen much from either game so far, so other tracks might change that for all I know.
But from what I've seen they don't look anywhere similar.
And it's only natural since F5 runs at 60fps. 60fps is nice and all, but it can eat into the overall look. 30fps can be done right as quite a few racers have shown before. Heck, Horizon and PGR are perfect examples of this as the framerate didn't take anything away from those games.


I'll be chasing up things over the next few days and will try to provide you guys with an update, as I know you're all dying for new media. No promises though of course right now.

Thanks mate and congrats... Hope you had enough free time to enjoy your little one those first couple of days which are so special. I know I did these past two weeks with my newborn girl. Such a blessing.
I'll be chasing up things over the next few days and will try to provide you guys with an update, as I know you're all dying for new media. No promises though of course right now.

We don't need new media every week. It takes time to polish a build up for public eyes. But feature and engine updates would be great. =]

And congrats big guy. =]
We don't need new media every week. It takes time to polish a build up for public eyes. But feature and engine updates would be great. =]

And congrats big guy. =]

Agreed. I'm more interested in status updates on weather and framerate then builds. Both would be great obviously.


Hey rushy just wanted to say thank you and your awesome team for delaying the game. I know it must have sucked but I really appreciate that you are doing right by your fans! Really looking forward to it and congrats on to your wife and child!
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