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Nintendo apologizes for Pokemon performance issues and are working on "improvements"

I didn't say they own any part of GameFreak. But they do own a third of the company that owns the license, which means they definitely also have a say over how that license is used in games.

Again, why would Nintendo issue this apology and a promise to improve the performance of the game if it's an equivalent situation to any 3rd party game?

"We take the feedback from players seriously and are working on improvements to the games."

This is a statement by Nintendo. They wouldn't make such a statement about a 3rd party game, because it wouldn't be up to them to fix the game (just like it wasn't up to Sony to fix CP2077 - the reason they temporarily removed it from sale was because CDPR were sending a ton of refund demands their way).

It's not the same situation (it's also not the same as a typical 1st party game, but yeah).

Gamefreaks Masuda stated during the release of Sword/Shield that Nintendo is not involved in development and doesn't set deadlines for them. Gamefreak funds and develops their games by themselves, while Creatures handles modelling and TPC handles the translations. If TPC wants the game on other platforms then they can do it, Nintendo only owns a minority stake in the IP
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Cyberpunk is as much a "Sony" game as Pokémon is a "Nintendo" game.
Neither Company is owned by the Console Owner and just publishes its games on them.
Just because GameFreak exclusively releases its games on Nintendo consoles, doesn't mean Nintendo has any say in the game development.
Nintendo has as much say about Pokémon as Sony had about Cyberpunk. Their only fault is allowing those products to be sold on the store they control.
Besides creating pressure on the dev to fix the game, they either can take it off the store or leave it.

CDPR is independent of Sony/MS and GameFreak is also independent of Nintendo.
you might want to look at who published Pokemon Scarlet/Violet vs. who published Cyberpunk


If they improve the performance to an acceptable level, I will likely get it. I wanted to get Arceus, but from what I remember, it also had technical issues?

This looks like a more traditional game, which makes me more interested.
What happened to not releasing games until they are done, Miyamoto?! You have brought shame upon your ancestors as well as all future generations of Miyamotos.

He will be kicked out of Japan for this.

I don't know I am an expert on Japanese culture, you are, but this is the last straw that broke the Kitsunes back. Japanese people will not let this go and Pokemon will be doomed or however the rest of this meme went I don't remember. I think I got the first sentence right.


He will be kicked out of Japan for this.

I don't know I am an expert on Japanese culture, you are, but this is the last straw that broke the Kitsunes back. Japanese people will not let this go and Pokemon will be doomed or however the rest of this meme went I don't remember. I think I got the first sentence right.

At least you tried. Here, have a star ⭐
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What happened to not releasing games until they are done, Miyamoto?! You have brought shame upon your ancestors as well as all future generations of Miyamotos.
Miyamoto doesn't work for Game Freak or the Pokémon Company.

He also isn't the one who said the comment you are referencing.
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Gold Member
Cyberpunk is as much a "Sony" game as Pokémon is a "Nintendo" game.
Neither Company is owned by the Console Owner and just publishes its games on them.
Just because GameFreak exclusively releases its games on Nintendo consoles, doesn't mean Nintendo has any say in the game development.
Nintendo has as much say about Pokémon as Sony had about Cyberpunk. Their only fault is allowing those products to be sold on the store they control.
Besides creating pressure on the dev to fix the game, they either can take it off the store or leave it.

CDPR is independent of Sony/MS and GameFreak is also independent of Nintendo.
Jesus, you didn't think twice before posting, did you?


°Temp. member
Interesting. Is this as huge as nvidia unlaunching the rtx 4080 12gb?
I look forward to seeing how much they actually fix. They may actually (eventually) earn my purchase if they are for real about this.
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I can already imagine the boardroom with miyamoto.

Miyamoto: 🧐

Students: We apologize to you Miyamoto San🧎‍♂️, we released the game in conditions not worthy of a Japanese🥺... Onegai... Don't scold us🙇‍♂️🙇🙇‍♀️.

Miyamoto: What are you talking about🤔? , Pokémon Violet-Scarlet is one of the best-selling video games in Nintendo's history🤓.

Students: 🙇‍♀️🙇🙇‍♂️We promise to do our best in..... WHAT???😧

Miyamoto: You do not know??? What people like is a video game full of Bugs and glitches, that attracts young people and makes them laugh... The key is fun and laughter. You hit the target. 😛

Students: 😧 Shinjirarenai
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The Pokémon IP is owned by The Pokémon Company, which is a joint venture between GameFreak, Creatures and Nintendo. They definitely have a say in the development of Scarlet and Violet, unlike Sony with Cyberpunk.

I am glad to see you didn't read my follow up post.

The Pokémon company is only there for licensing. Game Freak are the sole developers of the games and Nintendo has no share in them so they also have no say on the development of those games.

There is a difference between being able to say how the franchise is marketed and the pr, and having a say in the development of said games.


The Pokémon IP is owned by The Pokémon Company, which is a joint venture between GameFreak, Creatures and Nintendo. They definitely have a say in the development of Scarlet and Violet, unlike Sony with Cyberpunk.

Gamefreak has the development rights for Pokemon games. Nintendo only has the exclusivity part of the deal.


Nintendo, GameFreak and Creatures Inc. own "The Pokémon Company", which is responsible for licensing and marketing "Pokémon". Nintendo owns nothing of GameFreak.
GameFreak owns all rights to development of the games. So again, no, Nintendo cannot express any pressure on the development of Pokémon games since they have no share or say on GameFreak, the developers of said games.
While Nintendo can veto Pokémon games releasing on other platforms (since "The Pokémon Company" is responsible for licensing, and they have a say in this), they have no control over the actual development and content that goes into Pokémon games.

So, when it comes to the games, Sony had to say as much about the content and state of CyberPunk as Nintendo has to say about the content and state of Pokémon games.
So, after all, it is the same situation as in the Storeowners (Sony/Nintendo) can ask the Developer (CDPR/GF) to fix their games and/or throw the games out of the store.
The end.
Nintendo is the publisher of Pokémon and development is overseen by key people in Nintendo EPD (just like Kirby, Fire Emblem, Mario Golf, Astral Chain etc.) It's a first party game.

Cyberpunk on the other hand is a third party game, Sony is not the publisher.


Gold Member
I am glad to see you didn't read my follow up post.

The Pokémon company is only there for licensing. Game Freak are the sole developers of the games and Nintendo has no share in them so they also have no say on the development of those games.

There is a difference between being able to say how the franchise is marketed and the pr, and having a say in the development of said games.
Gamefreak has the development rights for Pokemon games. Nintendo only has the exclusivity part of the deal.
Well, fair enough. I accept my concession.
admins GIF


Gold Member
So is Dark Souls a Sony franchise?

They own something like 14% of FromSoft right? And From does NOT actually own Dark Souls. It's a bit unclear if it's owned jointly by them and Bamco or if Bamco fully owns the IP the way Sony owns DeS and BB (in any case Bamco holds the copyright), but either way Sony's influence over it would be rather small given their small share. And Sony is not the publisher of Dark Souls. Nintendo is the publisher of Pokemon games.


Ready or not they dont even care, they know that pokemon fans ll eat any shit that they release, just look at the numbers.

For Nintenso GF is their best company, they make huge profits doing mediocre games at best.
A playing a good game with a shaky frame rate is eating shit? I guess Shadow of the Colossus was shit too then.


Same reason Sony had to pull cyberpunk after they greenlighted the release. 🤷‍♂️

Sometimes things slip between the cracks.
Sony closed down a very competant studio (evolution) due to a botchy relase (drive club). They wouldnt let something like cyberpunk or pokemon slip between the cracks


Sony closed down a very competant studio (evolution) due to a botchy relase (drive club). They wouldnt let something like cyberpunk or pokemon slip between the cracks
Drive Club didn't sell 20m+ like Cyberpunk or Pokemon does. Sony still let the game be released in such a state.
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One of the green rats
Sony closed down a very competant studio (evolution) due to a botchy relase (drive club). They wouldnt let something like cyberpunk or pokemon slip between the cracks
But it actually happened 😂 Sony actually pulled cyberpunk from the store for poor performance.

RaZoR No1

Sorry Fireplace GIF by South Park

Nintendo right now...

Dont release it in a buggy state at all and improve QC?
They should have enough money for QC for Pokemon..

It is like MS would allow 343 to release Halo in a bad state...
Nobody should do that to one of their best / biggest franchises
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It's true.
I was in a open world battle, finished it, closed, patched, and it immediately runs noticably smoother where I stopped; kinda wild.
Nintendolife is claiming otherwise, surprisingly mixed opinions on this. But I did notice some areas on my game aren't as dire as they used to be.


By all accounts, performance is noticeably improved by the new patch. It's a shame they didn't just delay the game for a few weeks to roll this in.


Gold Member
But it actually happened 😂 Sony actually pulled cyberpunk from the store for poor performance.
No, Sony pulled the game in retaliation for CDPR throwing them under the bus and asking people to ask for a refund, which highlighted how incredibly anti-consumer Sony’s refund policies are. There were quite a few articles published on the subject around Dec 2020.

Microsoft is much more lenient with it, they never pulled the game and promptly refunded everyone that requested it.


Gamefreaks Masuda stated during the release of Sword/Shield that Nintendo is not involved in development and doesn't set deadlines for them. Gamefreak funds and develops their games by themselves, while Creatures handles modelling and TPC handles the translations. If TPC wants the game on other platforms then they can do it, Nintendo only owns a minority stake in the IP

The Pokemon Company cannot put Pokémon games anywhere they want, The Pokémon company was formed to handle the IP which is owned 3 way between Nintendo Creatures and gamefreak

However Nintendo also owns between 30-60% of creatures Inc so In theory Nintendo are majority shareholders, they also “OWN” solely The Pokémon Name and they would never in a million years sanction any video game with the name Pokemon as the title on a competitors system.

The reason nintendo are issuing this statement is because everybody knows off the record there literally the daddy they make the rules of the game and the Pokemon company operate in a weird vacuum where they think there in control but daddy’s calling and he’s sending some monolith guys down to “Oversee” things I reckon.

Edit: Also for any little smart Alec’s that are going to mention The Pokemon company’s mobile ventures it’s a completely different animal Nintendo understands mobile gaming a lot better these days it’s doesn't affect there bottom line nor are they competing directly with mobile if anything it generates brilliant revenue for them and it’s free real estate basically.
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The reason nintendo are issuing this statement is because everybody knows off the record there literally the daddy they make the rules of the game and the Pokemon company operate in a weird vacuum where they think there in control but daddy’s calling and he’s sending some monolith guys down to “Oversee” things I reckon.

Find that hard to believe. Again, Nintendo has the exclusivity part of the deal, they have not the say about the development of the game. Pretty sure if was up to them, they would most likely put some biggies to help and possibly delay the game, as they have show in the past they are willing to delay the game in favor of polishment.

The reason they issue that statement is most likely the reason most people commonly attribute Pokemon with Nintendo, and as a result the blame is shifting from GF to them. Since they don't want to be blamed for what is not their fault(and for good reason), I would guess they are either putting some pressure or helping them in the process.
With Game Freak and TPC, they've literally never cared about games being ready or not, they must launch before Thanksgiving. And as the games have become bigger and more demanding and have bigger teams, they've started to fall behind, and with Scarlet/ Violet it's very clear they don't give enough development time for their games. They treat their development timelines like they're still making games for DS and 3DS. "We must release a new game every two years", regardless of HD development and open-world game design requiring much larger teams and a lot more time to create. They really need to reevaluate their development pipeline and stop acting like it's 2010. No way they needed to release Arceus and Scarlet/Violet within ten months. Scarlet/Violet easily could've been held til Spring.
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I was planning to get this to play during Christmas but they lost me after seeing all the issues displayed. I do hope they fix the issues.
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