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Nintendo is not praised enough.



Poster won't be named


I have been enjoying Spider Man 2 but it is more of a DLC than Tears if the Kingdom is. I remember the accusations that TOTK is glorified DLC because it reuses the same map so what is Spider Man 2 then....I see the opposite being true.
SP2 is also getting called a dlc quite often.


Maybe if you're a pirate and run your Switch games on a high-end PC. Not so much if you gotta deal with shitty controllers that need repair every 6 months and ungodly load times for those ungodly Breath of the Wild textures. Also this is one of the best gaming years ever and outside of exclusives, Switch can't run any of the toprated games. If things like hardware didn't matter, then they might as well just keep making NES games lol.
If those things mattered so much the games wouldn't be selling 10s of millions of copies.
You buy a console for the games. The rest is just a bonus.
The Switch controllers do suck though.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
I have been enjoying Spider Man 2 but it is more of a DLC than Tears if the Kingdom is. I remember the accusations that TOTK is glorified DLC because it reuses the same map so what is Spider Man 2 then....I see the opposite being true.
This was an incredibly dumb take with TOTK and it's still an incredibly dumb take with Spidey 2 as well.


Nintendo are great, not taking anything away from them, but you honestly think they don’t get praised enough?

They’re one of the most highly regarded companies in the industry, pretty much everything they put out gets rave reviews.

Not sure what you want…


I have a Nintendo Switch, i play Nintendo games and i found them overrated (at least the ones i've played). But that's just my opinion.

I think even on the aspects they're the most praised for, the games are just not that good.
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Nintendo is the company most pampered by the press and users, its pricing policy, online service, OS, hardware, Metroid prime 4, etc... would be a reason for continuous hate in the case of others.


Gold Member
This was an incredibly dumb take with TOTK and it's still an incredibly dumb take with Spidey 2 as well.
It would have been dumb fifteen years ago, when games had a typical run time of 12-15 hours and what was shipped on the disc was what you got. These days, big open-world games run for 50+ hours in most cases, and post-launch patches that add ongoing improvements and extra modes like NG+.

When you're spending that amount of time with a game it's much easier to reach a point of satiety - both for the gamer, who will feel the repetition, and the developer, who can explore the game's mechanics to exhaustion. This means that sequels have to be far more distinct to avoid feeling like expansion content. This is made worse by the post-launch updates, which can often address faults in the base game that would have been historically addressed in a sequel.

Besides, in both TOTK and SM2 you're revisiting the same location, with the same characters, only under a new scenario - would Skyrim have felt the same set in an expanded reworked version of Cyrodil?
Gaf is not going to do that OP… Don’t waste your time… or go and read the old Switch prediction thread and have some fun.


Is Nintendo great? Yes. Are they underappreciated? No, not really.

Unless you expect all competing XB/PS fanboys to suddenly love them too which is unrealistic.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
It's kind of a fad to hate on them (^) and other legends. It's fine on forums, fanboy wars and all, but when (indie?) game devs do it, dude, no, you need to go back to school, play their timeless & modern classics, from OoT to ToTK, and you'll definitely be able to make better games, if ever, imbecile.

Of course they have plenty of duds (though less than attributed to them, Wii for example was a great system with plenty great games by them and third parties, had a great attach ratio etc., but some still act like all it had is Just Dance ##), in games and in other ways, all companies do, small or big.
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The only thing I'd criticize them about at (seven?) years into the Switch life cycle I'd have cut 50 bucks off all Switch hardware at this point. It's past time, and this will likely be Switch's last Christmas to shine. Make it count, Nintendo!


Dude nintendo plays it super safe and has left so much of thier great dormant IP left to rot. Thier online everything is terrible. They have alot of rigid bad attitudes/business practices when it comes to how they want thier players to interact wirh thier games and they appeal to the LCD mostly. Business wise they suck in alot of ways and get held up by nostalgia.

They have made some of the best games of all time and can still make them but they are pretty rare, they make at least a couple of solid to good games every year and pick favorites that appeal to thier newer demographic but they dont make as many great titles as they used to. That being said the beginning couple years of a Nintendo consoles life cycle usually contains 1-2 of the best games of the generation since thats when they try the most to get you to bite. 3D Mario, and Zelda are the only 2 games where you consistently get to see them take pride in thier work, that pride is the only thing that keeps me around.
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The opposite of being too lenient on Nintendo is not being too lenient on Sony and Microsoft.

That would be being truly critical of Nintendo and holding them to the same standards as others. So if a game has:

It's visuals critiqued
It's framerate and resolution critiqued
It's voice acting critiqued
It's soundtrack critiqued
And so on

And that is used to form an opinion or score, then all games should be.

For example, I love Zelda. I've not been as much of a fan of the last two mainline ones as I prefer more structure, but aside from that I've been disappointed at how behind the curve it's becoming in many other areas. Nintendo shouldn't get a free pass on that.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Good games... good games! Had Mario Odyssey been from another dev/dist, every single one of those post-launch costumes would've been $4.99 each. Also, "best value" treasure chest with 2 800 coins (300 extra) for only $29.99.
I’d like to think that everything you mention is intentional but I can’t help but wonder if it’s just Nintendo lagging behind the rest as usual (like they used to with paid online) and that they’ll catch up with all these crap practices next-next-gen or something.

That said, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Oh they 100% will.

I also 100% think there is Nintendo bias in the mainstream industry and I think nostalgia plays a big part in that.

Don’t get me wrong. Nintendo has a lot of things to be praised for but they have equal or greater things to complain about. They consistently release top tier games and I don’t think that will ever change but they aren’t perfect.

Nintendo are very stuck in their ways and that has positives and negatives. They also have a fanbase that will literally eat their shit and thank them for it no matter what.

That being said. Their avoidance of certain practices deserves huge praise.
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They definitely deserve praise for games that are complete on physical media. That's huge.

I still get annoyed with the idea that I have to wait to install even disc-based games on my PS5 before playing them. If that's the trade-off between disc+storage versus cartridges, I'd absolutely rather see a world where everyone uses cartridges. Even if textures or assets had to be reduced a bit to compensate, I still think that the much more important thing is having complete games that will run forever even if the system can never reach the internet, and with zero install requirements.


Critics are lenient on Sony and Nintendo because, A, they're big players in the market and naturally critics want to suck up to them, and B, they're old companies that have a big following, among them critics who'll review any game by them with rose-tinted glasses.

The defense i see of Nintendo is that they make great games and thats all that matters. They do make great games but there are tons of other great games in the market that i can get without having to deal with any of nintendo's shit practices. From my experience with their newer games, i can say with 100% certainty that the majority of people who think they're some above all and beyond thing are either nostalgia-blinded fans or people who think all there is to the market besides them is Assassins Creed, Call of Duty and the usual Sony release.
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Scotty W

Gold Member
I agree completely. People just don't get that they are smart and have very talented teams.
Where Sony and MS spend millions $$$ on graphics Nintendo did genius move by quitting the race and make sure that it was easy to develop platform (because it's basically 1-2 gens below 'competition' and all tools are ready)
From a Miyamoto interview:

It’s now the magnanimity of the game developers themselves which will determine whether the games we all play are generous and lenient or clinical and severe.

And if the technology does end up progressing to that level, then developers won’t be able to make something unless it’s perfect, will they?

You mean the actual nuances of a game depend on the personality of each creator?

Miyamoto: That’s right. Just by changing the director in a game, a great deal will end up coming out differently. If you really do try to create some “ultimate” realistic thing, no matter how much time and memory/space you have, it eventually won’t be enough. Then you’ll have to decide where to draw the line on different things, and that’s where you can see a director’s personality come through.


Gold Member
This thread quickly show some weird hatred Nintendo has, like WTF? They make amazing games, what else matter?

Hardware? Those claiming so are playing on consoles so what hardware are they praising? Hell, it's coming back to last gen consoles which got outdated even quicker than current gen ones lol

Nintendo makes amazing games, not all of them are for me but can't deny the genius of their gameplay design even in those. Some other core oriented franchises are also amazing yet get no attention from so called "core gamers" like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade and Metroid.

There's like some kind a of hatred towards Nintendo for things that are not justified like pricing or controller quality, the later should be aimed at every single controller seller since all of them have lowered quality by quite a lot.

Everything regarding SSBU management has been shit though, like online being so bad it's absurd (other Nintendo games aren't this bad at all) and latest tournament rules bs.

What about them? The same juvenile platformer game sold for the five hundred times...?
Seems like "juvenile" is the key word here, isn't it, big boy?

- shit 10 year old hardware for premium price
- very low first party output counting on full priced re-releases of last gen games to fill their quotas
- shit online

They do release some 10/10 gens every now and then... ill give then that ... but doing competent bug free games with 10 year old tech is pretty easy ..... especially when you take 06 years between games on their premium franchises
I get it, Nintendo is not for you therefore "their games suck"

They've been willfully selling broken controllers for 6 years now, fuck them.
All 3 have, I have a joycon and, XSX controller and a PC controller with drift, that shit never happened before.

Yeah, those zero-effort ports like Skyward Sword that cost more than the original games from 15 years back and multiplayer games like Switch Sports and Mario Strikers that have less than 3 hours worth of content, lol.

They are doing lots of trash too if you look beyond the standout titles.
Well, that's how I like my re-releases, no "improvements" besides resolution and frame rate, I HATED what they did to WWHD because it ruined graphics in exterior areas

Maybe if you're a pirate and run your Switch games on a high-end PC. Not so much if you gotta deal with shitty controllers that need repair every 6 months and ungodly load times for those ungodly Breath of the Wild textures. Also this is one of the best gaming years ever and outside of exclusives, Switch can't run any of the toprated games. If things like hardware didn't matter, then they might as well just keep making NES games lol.
Top rated games are Nintendo games to, I play everything else on PC. And saying BOTW has loading times issues, wtf. Are you sure you played it? I've seen PS4/Xbone games with WAAAAAAAY worse streaming and loading implementations on PC, so I wouldn't imagine how they'd do on consoles...

There's more to this industry than Activision/Ubi/EA and Nintendo. Companies like Capcom, FROM, Sega, etc. still deliver very polished day1 games with great gameplay.

While Nintendo has more than enough anti-consumer practices going on, that they deserve all the shit they get. Not like they need to care anyway with their current profits. Makes it all the more weird to go all white knight for them, despite all the red flags beyond their occasional above average game. I'd get it if you're an investor. Otherwise, you kinda forget what side you're on, man.
We get it, you really hate Nintendo being popular lol


Hard disagree. They’re incredibly good at making software and they’re constantly recognized for it. They get more than their fair share of praise.
You cant really blame them for getting there fair share of praise though, if mario was owned by sony or MS theres no way wed never get a game like wonder but its just just nintendo that get there fair share of praises, elden ring took the dark souls formula and made it work in a open game, god of war reboot did nothing new but reinvent the game to the point it wasnt alll hack n slash and got praised for, only difference is most game developers dont do this except for Nintendo
This is a joke, right? NINTENDO? Jesus Christ, they get nothing but praise (both deserved and a whole lot not) and passes, even though they been a greedy disgusting company for DECADES. They are one of the most exploitative companies with CONSTANT passes from people and media.

I'm only saying this due to the mind blowing stupidness of this thread, otherwise enjoy what you want, it's hard enough to find joy in gaming as it is.

Some things Nintendo do :
Release 2 copies of the same Pokemon game with like 8 different Pokemon, that are got by trading anyway, knowing they can be exploitative to the children, collectors, and parents. This started in what, the 90s? Then release, sometimes, a third SUPER version with everything in it, for full price of course, like a year later.

They stop allowing third parties / partners to sell digital codes of their games (at least here), while also rarely going on an actually good sale. They also having the cheek to offer a 2 for 1 ticket that "saves" you £20 IF you buy a second game at £40. They are greedy like other companies but gets ignored, but if they don't, the anger lasts like 2 weeks and forgotten.

Release over priced underpowered hardware with stupid gimmicks since the Wii that really feels like the console was made for a Zelda n Mario then shovelware. Oh, I forgot, they release the same hardware but themed too, over and over.

Charge for services online and offer roms from , I think they just hit the N64, for a stupid price and a pathetic online service. They can't even make voice chat straight forward.

Remasters out the ass, but other companies get shit on for it, plus Nintendo have charged MORE for the remaster over the original, which was already too expensive. They also release the same game over multiple systems, one of the worst being Mario Kart 8, even has "DLC" now , old track dlc. Or the trick of releasing Zelda at the very end of 1 system and then the start of the next, gotta get those double dippers.

Treating their fans like lepers with covid, controlling everything and punishing everyone even when it absolutely benefits Nintendo to let it go ahead, but they are power hungry egomaniacs apparently.

There is of course more but sure. Has Nintendo done good? Of course they have, I've had so much joy on the earlier consoles I'll remember forever. Do they / have they got praise for it? Absolutely and a good number of times far too much of it. They are however just as rotten as other companies , worse is some regards.
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You cant really blame them for getting there fair share of praise though, if mario was owned by sony or MS theres no way wed never get a game like wonder but its just just nintendo that get there fair share of praises, elden ring took the dark souls formula and made it work in a open game, god of war reboot did nothing new but reinvent the game to the point it wasnt alll hack n slash and got praised for, only difference is most game developers dont do this except for Nintendo

I’m not blaming them, I’m stating that they already receive tons of praise already. Hence why I don’t really see the point of the OP’s thread.

Nintendo makes amazing games. The vast majority of people already recognize that as obvious. Don’t understand why OP is necessary. That’s my two cents.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I have seen quite a few threads claiming that critics go too easy on Nintendo and don't review their games to the same standard as its competitors.
I think the opposite is true. I think we are too lenient on Microsoft and Sony. I have been playing the Series X and the PS5 solely for the last couple of months but I have just gone out and purchased Mario Wonder and it was like a slap to the face. Not does the game look really good, not just good for a switch game but good period. Not only that, but you can go and buy the game physically and without a single update and any installation you can just get straight to playing the the game in about 2 minutes on mobile hardware from 2015. When was the last you could do that. You could play this game in 30 years and it will be just as great as it doesn't need an update. One day we will be stuck with the Launch code of Forbidden West with all the bugs and the really bad performance mode.
I have been enjoying Spider Man 2 but it is more of a DLC than Tears if the Kingdom is. I remember the accusations that TOTK is glorified DLC because it reuses the same map so what is Spider Man 2 then....I see the opposite being true.
If anything critics go too easy on Sony/Microsoft or are paid off. Anytime Nintendo comes out with a game a lot of people who don't play Nintendo games anyway put on their "Nintendo is doomed mask" and are sure that Nintendo will go bankrupt by next week.

Pretty funny since Sony/Microsoft like to copy what Nintendo does and it just doesn't have the same effect.

I look forward to reading topic reruns each week of Nintendo doomed after the success of Zelda/Mario, Super Mario Movie, Super Mario Theme Park.

I swear some people think that Nintendo needs to be packing high end hardware otherwise they are trash yet game devs just can't seem to keep up with Nintendo's dynamic gameplay experiences with devices 2x-3x more powerful.

And are completely bewildered how much they can compress the file size of their games and also seemingly achieve the impossible like with TotK with everyone saying "This shouldn't work. But it did."


Nah, I think Nintendo continues to get more praise than the other factions, lol. I mean, out of all of them, they remain the ones with the most memorable characters, most 1st party titles (and bangers), etc.

I think it's just impressive that after all of this time, they continue to have this seal of approval that stays true.
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I have seen quite a few threads claiming that critics go too easy on Nintendo and don't review their games to the same standard as its competitors.
I think the opposite is true. I think we are too lenient on Microsoft and Sony. I have been playing the Series X and the PS5 solely for the last couple of months but I have just gone out and purchased Mario Wonder and it was like a slap to the face. Not does the game look really good, not just good for a switch game but good period. Not only that, but you can go and buy the game physically and without a single update and any installation you can just get straight to playing the the game in about 2 minutes on mobile hardware from 2015. When was the last you could do that. You could play this game in 30 years and it will be just as great as it doesn't need an update. One day we will be stuck with the Launch code of Forbidden West with all the bugs and the really bad performance mode.
I have been enjoying Spider Man 2 but it is more of a DLC than Tears if the Kingdom is. I remember the accusations that TOTK is glorified DLC because it reuses the same map so what is Spider Man 2 then....I see the opposite being true.
Just no…TotK is a literal asset flip that took 6 years to make…If Spider-Man 2 is ‘more of a dlc’ then what the fuck is Mario Wonder? It reuses assets etc from the last 2D Mario, so dont try to gaslight.
And critics are too easy, BotW for instance has some of the most egregiously bad open world mechanics, such as the over 900 Korok seed collectathon, the god knows how many reused shrines etc, the awful weapon degredation that is Dark Souls 2 level bad and something Zelda fans love to gaslight everyone into believing is actually fun and balanced when it actually just ruins the flow of gameplay, but no 10/10 game apparently. And then theres the story, yet ANOTHER rehash of the same old boring Master Sword/Ganon nonsense. But no 10/10.
Im sorry but anybody who disagrees is a moron, Nintendo always gets inflated scores because the base gameplay is ostensibly ‘good’ but Im sorry letting Mario change into a elephant now doesnt suddenly make the new game this perfect, revolutionary game. That low level of change, iteration, that safe entry to any other developer would be a 7/10.
I’ll clarify that games dont need to make sweeping changes and being fun ‘IS’ enough, but dont pretend like Nintendo is this consistently iterating entity throwing out perfection each time, they aren’t.


Pretty sure Nintendo is praised well enough despite some shortcomings. I praise them quite often for their criativity, differents approachs in gaming and determination to not be political and not bow to certain people ideas.
At this point game area would be doomed without them. Because other companies have being using games as weapons and other purposes for quite sometime.
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then list what nintendo does good?
Hardware? ( lul )
Online ? ( Lul x2 )
Community? ( Lul x3 )
Being a nice company? ( omega lul 3000 )
Making the best games in the business. They focus on gameplay over everything else. You know- these are the reasons WHY we PLAY GAMES FOR! I got Spiderman 2 and Mario Wonder same day last week on Friday. I've yet to touch Spiderman 2 cause Wonder is so fucking good. It is an actual video game that you play without having to go through a 2nd rate story to slog through.


Im sorry but anybody who disagrees is a moron, Nintendo always gets inflated scores because the base gameplay is ostensibly ‘good’ but Im sorry letting Mario change into a elephant now doesnt suddenly make the new game this perfect, revolutionary game. That low level of change, iteration, that safe entry to any other developer would be a 7/10.
Jesus fucking christ! If that is all you think Nintendo did in Wonder to make the game as brilliant and innovative as it is, you really need to look a little harder. Fucking hell, some fanboys are crazy!


Their games are often amazing. But just as often they're cheap and meaningless. And they're not immune to copy-and-paste cash grabs (Pokemon in particular). And everything else is awful. The hardware is weak, the online is a joke, and the prices are absurd sometimes.

But they're magical! Nothing feels like a premier Nintendo title.

They get the exact right amount of praise and criticism.
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