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Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Thread: Joy-Conference

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While I wouldn't go as far to say it was as bad as the Xbone reveal the Switch is still a hard pass for me, at least for the first year or two.

Biggest problem was the pricing of everything. The console cost too much, the games cost too much (seriously $50 for 12 Switch, $40 for Street Fighter, $60 for Arms, $60 for a Mario Kart port??), the controllers cost too much, the online service fee. If the Wii U had done PS2 numbers I can see where the arrogance to overprice things this much comes from, but Nintendo is in desperate of a recovery and they pull this shit?

Then you have the battery life. At 2.5 hrs for hardware intensive games (the games I'm going to be looking to play) the thing is basically useless as a handheld to me.

Then you have that godawful launch lineup. Seriously, their one heavy hitter is a cross-gen game? No thanks Nintendo, I'll stick with the Wii U version of Zelda. While it's great to see games like the new SMT revealed, when's it coming out, 2019?

Geez, what an underwhelming showing.


Mad hyped for that Count Balls action son /s

Seriously, overall, it's actually quite appealing but I'm going to have to pass on $300 when the only game at launch I'll want to play is Zelda. If it was $250 maybe.

I'll just wait until it's $200 with a bunch of games. Or a miracle happens and an Animal Crossing or Metroid comes out sooner, I wouldn't be able to help myself if that were the case.
Now, perhaps it isn't a good sign that I'm comparing Switch to a handheld that bombed horribly, but I don't remember anyone complaining about the Vita's price back when it launched.
You need to check your memory then. Both it and the crazy expensive memory got shit on both on the Internet and the market.

The Giant

Expecting a few more announcements during Treehouse Live.

Also expecting a direct next month with more details with eshop, vc etc.
it's actually bizarre to me that mario kart 8 goes without a trailer and gets shoved into a rushed sizzle reel at the end. i get that it's a port with changes, but it's the wii u's best-seller and one of nintendo's most prolific franchises.

i feel like the switch had a lot of software that could have fleshed out the conference better, but they focused an agonizing amount of time on two games and four presenters while they dumped all of the other stuff they're doing at the end of the show.
Like I said before; how could they fit all of that that plus Suda51 and Yakuza guy in one presentation? Some things had to go and a finished trailer for a best selling WiiU remixed port obviously had to go! You can't have it all, you know?


Kinda disappointed now. Was so looking forward to the Switch but the poor battery life and lack of games has put me off. I'm not dropping ~£310 just for Zelda and only getting 3 hours battery life with it. For that price I could get a PS4 with 4 games.

I will wait for them to bring more games. I was looking forward to Mario but Odyssey looks horrible :/ gonna need another mario and Pokemon before I seriously consider it.


I just checked the Amazon Italy pre-order page and they are asking for 330 Euro. At 300 without a game it's hard enough of a pill to swallow, at 330 no fucking way. I had the money ready but I'll put it towards something else instead.
Did I read that right?


Yeah, that's literally the only thing that bothers me. I'm looking at this as a new handheld more than a new console, so I'm impressed with the visuals. We live in a world where Skyrim and the new open world Zelda is possible on a Game Boy! Imagine how great Pokemon will be =D

But that battery life...

Regarding the $300 price tag, I'm expecting a drop to $250 for Fall 2017 to remain competitive. The $300 tag is for early adopters. I get the feeling $250 + Mario is their weapon of choice for Christmas this year, with Pokemon being the hardware seller for 2018.
The fact that you have to preface it with "By GAF standards" kind of proves my point.

There are people in here reasonably voicing why they're not impressed, but a huge chunk of this thread is just negative drive by troll bullshit. Which is definitely GAF being GAF.

Well, people in general are miserable cunts on the internet.

Then gamers seem to be even more miserable. I guess unhappy people are drawn to a hobby like gaming.

Buttttt, Nintendo is asking for negative reactions to be fair. They just dont get it.


Switch seems to be Nintendo's answer to the decreasing birthrate in Japan. "Let's play more stupid casual shit together". Not so great for all the hardcore gamers who just want a god damn powerful Nintendo console for the living room. No wonder that the majority of GAF don't like it ;)


This is part of an Onion fake video, right? Holy shit.


Please help me with my bad english
Ultimately, my biggest issue is the price ($400 CDN). This platform will never succeed with such a high cost on entry. I'm not expecting much success from the Switch in it's first year in the market.


If the conference was just Mario, Zelda and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, without being framed by a new console, it would have been absolutely killer.

The games look so good, but the hardware, the price, the online... Jesus...
There needs to be a thread on just the pricing alone.

The console price is the least concerning. The cost of the joy controllers, the pro controller, the dock... Everything costs too much.

They fucked up again. What happened to the days of making 4 player play affordable?


Pretty excited about the Switch, hope to hear more from 3rd parties now that Nintendo had their event. I was expecting the 29,880 yen price. Bit surprised they didn't make it a bit cheaper for the US though. Of consoles here in Japan it is pretty competitively priced considering how many more features it has over the XB1 and PS4.

Going to see if I can't make my way down to Big Site to try it this weekend. Waiting until the 21st until I can pre-order is going to be tough though.

There needs to be a thread on just the pricing alone.

The console price is the least concerning. The cost of the joy controllers, the pro controller, the dock... Everything costs too much.

They fucked up again. What happened to the days of making 4 player play affordable?

Adjusted for inflation, the price isn't that different to a N64, plus you get a screen and an extra controller.


I went into the conference with tempered expectations, and was pretty disappointed. Before the conference began, I was about 90% sure I was going to buy the Switch at launch, but now I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother.

I'll probably end up getting Zelda on my Wii U and just taking a wait and see approach to the Switch. Maybe the presentations they have tomorrow will convince me otherwise, but at this point I kind of doubt it...


El Capitan Todd

I was wrong about them being conservative about software. They showed games in different development status and gave a good idea of what expect in the mid term

I was right about every other concern

Home console support only
No japanese portable classic brands
No merge of portable and home first party teams and brands
Too many wiiu games and thin lineup in general
No Mario at launch

No pokemon
No animal crossing
No fire emblem
no monster hunter
No level5

Thin thing is DOA in japan and consequently dead in terms of mid/Long term third parties

The console clearly confirm Nintendo issues and will struggle at retail

Hopefully now I will not be attacked anymore with many more seeing the issues I anticipated (and I am sad I was right)
Yeah, that's literally the only thing that bothers me. I'm looking at this as a new handheld more than a new console, so I'm impressed with the visuals. We live in a world where Skyrim and the new open world Zelda is possible on a Game Boy! Imagine how great Pokemon will be =D

But that battery life...

Regarding the $300 price tag, I'm expecting a drop to $250 for Fall 2017 to remain competitive. The $300 tag is for early adopters. I get the feeling $250 + Mario is their weapon of choice for Christmas this year, with Pokemon being the hardware seller for 2018.

depending on how it sells. but it will drop eventually
Mad hyped for that Count Balls action son /s

Seriously, overall, it's actually quite appealing but I'm going to have to pass on $300 when the only game at launch I'll want to play is Zelda. If it was $250 maybe.

I'll just wait until it's $200 with a bunch of games. Or a miracle happens and an Animal Crossing or Metroid comes out sooner, I wouldn't be able to help myself if that were the case.

dont expect to get it at launch. same happened even with WiiU. i think for Switch the first holiday is going to be key

There needs to be a thread on just the pricing alone.

The console price is the least concerning. The cost of the joy controllers, the pro controller, the dock... Everything costs too much.

They fucked up again. What happened to the days of making 4 player play affordable?

you get two controllers out of the box though


nods at old men
Dude. I was so ready to preorder the hell out of this thing.
It just needed to be an average presentation with some decent launch title details.

Aside from Zelda which looked fantastic (and I can play on my Wii U), it looks dismal.
Such a weak lineup and the cool future 3rd party games are all just starting development or still in concept stages (Suda61, Nagoshi).

Then you have paid online, you have a $70 Pro controller and $90 additional dock (cause i wanted an extra for another room)...

Man. Just not going to get this now when it will collect dust for months after I beat Zelda.
See you next year, or maybe after the 2017 price drop. This thing is another Wii U.

I cant believe I'm not preordering. That was honestly unthinkable just a few hours ago.

This is so depressing.

I know how you feel.
Save for one genuine surprise (Mario Odyssey), the re-appearance/release date of Zelda for those that are interested in that, and the actual presentation itself (save for the stupid Sega cameo aside). The Switch conference (as well as the new contents of press information) was absolutely disappointing to me. Dare I even say atrocious, with the fact that they killed free online play on consoles. Even going in with low expectations, I still wanted to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt that they might do something competent for once and give me a reason to root for this platform. Instead I feel Nintendo still managed to even under-deliver below that threshold.

Startling lack of first-party titles coming during the game's launch period, and the few games that are coming are mostly games that look like they could be (or in some cases are) ports from existing Wii U software, rather than genuinely new material. Even though this is a platform that supposedly has all of Nintendo's developers on board and not being split up like they were with the 3DS and Wii U. Considering the large amount of people telling those that were skeptical that they would actually get their stuff together and avoid such instances this time around...um, vindication much for the naysayers much?

Third-party titles seemed to mostly amount to "announcement of announcements"--very few projects were actually shown to have anything tangible projects in development outside of concept art or video teasers (at least in terms of Western devs). The appearance of the Sega and EA reps only to talk about having/planning games in development while actually showing nothing concrete would be outright obnoxious if it wasn't also so laughable. Though given how Nintendo hardware has been held back compared to MS and Sony's consoles, it's not too much of a shock, so I can't really blame them. I will say it doesn't really paint a positive picture of what support the Switch will be have from after its first year.

A high price point for both the system itself and its accessories that, when directly compared with those of the competition, demand a much higher value proposition that what they actually offer. When you have in the current market $250 PS4 and Xbox One bundles that come with pack-in games and a already-developed ecosystem of a library of games and online infrastructure, one would think Nintendo would had tried pricing them on-par with or below the competition with a new platform starting from scratch. It is especially odd high price points / costly hardware were both significant factors as to why the 3DS struggled until the fall price cut and why the Wii U struggled for virtually its entire life, to the point that it ended up being sold at a loss--that of which Nintendo actually is on record for having wanting to avoid with the Switch. But I don't they will.

Online play locked behind a paying subscription. This was, to me, the absolute worst thing to come out of the conference and cost them a lot of the remaining respect I had for them. Bad enough that they were the last champion of free online console multiplayer, but in light of how their online infrastructure has always lagged behind what people usually expect from modern services like XBL, PS Plus, and Steam (which is free, no less!), I'd argue it's outright disgusting they're having the gall to charge for it. Especially considering that by their own admission, the service won't even be complete (paid service doesn't start until fall, and when it does it will only be available in NA) or the features listed so far sound incredibly barebones (the vaguespeak about possibly needing a smartphone app to use the service's features? And only having one free NES or SNES game for one month?)

I really don't see this platform even doing modest numbers in the long term. It might do better than the Wii U LTD numbers; but aside from that not saying much, I also wouldn't be surprised if it cratered even harder than that did. And if it did, I wouldn't blame audiences for doing so. Really feels that Nintendo has no intention of responding to longstanding complaints, fan feedback, or even basic communication in a way that doesn't ascribe to (ham-fisted) lip service. That's not to say they don't make good games--in spite of everything I've criticized about the Switch so far, I think Mario Odyssey looks incredible and Zelda BOTW still looks great, and in other circumstances, I would had been happy to pick up a Switch just for the former title alone.

But in light of everything else above, I feel Nintendo is approaching Sega levels of tone deafness / arrogance. And speaking as someone who has observed (and in the case of Sonic, has put up with) a lot of the crap that has spewed from that company at their lowest ebbs, while also having grew up with Nintendo consoles/games since the N64, that's saying a lot. On my questioning views of the company as of late, I'm really saddened to say the Switch has sealed the deal for me in the worst of ways.


They might as well choosen to release the Switch later this year if this is all they had to show, waited for more third party dev to jump in to be ready for it. Interested in SMT and Xeno but those games are years away.


The Birthday Skeleton
I really don't understand what was the reasoning behind blocking the developers from announcing Switch games until today?

So we can see some people standing on stage and talking about Nintendo and the middle name of their kid? Not even showing a small teaser or something? This is beyond my comprehension.

We still haven't seen that NBA 2k and only a couple of seconds from Ubisoft.
Another thing baffling to me was how many announcements were super vague even though that's exactly why Nintendo chose to have a software reveal this close to the console launch.

Everything is pointing to Nintendo rushing this thing to market. They gave themselves and other developers pretty much as much time as they could possibly give and software is STILL not coming together for the launch window.
I only caught the first part before work, catching up now... and what the fuck???? At tfirst I was like ok.... this thing might actually sell. Home/portable, mario, zelda, etc...

But catching up now I'm seeing some bullshit focus on "4d rumble" or "HD rumble", causing controller prices to be higher, and a bunch of motion control shit? Come on Nintendo, I thought we had moved past this motion control nonsense?!

I mean am I interpreting it wrong? I dont have the english translation, but the rock em sock em robots punching thing, the counting balls, the tennis... they all came off like selling motion controls. Someone please tell me I am wrong.


Complete and utter fuck up. Bravo. I'll leave my Nintendo fanboy membership card at the desk.

PS: How about that lineup, huh, Emily? More impressive than WiiU's lifetime lineup. ROFL.


Gold Member
Yeah, I mean Vita launched with a $250 SKU and a $300 SKU. PS4 launched at $400, and Xbox One launched at $500.

Even if you think of it as just a handheld the Switch costs only $50 more for a far more capable system that comes with a lot more stuff, and Vita required you to buy a separate memory card in order to save games ($20 for the cheapest memory card, so Vita essentially cost $270 at launch).

Now, perhaps it isn't a good sign that I'm comparing Switch to a handheld that bombed horribly, but I don't remember anyone complaining about the Vita's price back when it launched.

Vita tech was great back in 2012. Switch not so much. But that's the least of it's worries. The complaints about the switch isn't limited to it's price but also about other stuff such as its accessories, online paywall, launch games etc.


Another thing baffling to me was how many announcements were super vague even though that's exactly why Nintendo chose to have a software reveal this close to the console launch.

Everything is pointing to Nintendo rushing this thing to market. They gave themselves and other developers pretty much as much time as they could possibly give and software is STILL not coming together for the launch window.

It's weird. The Wii U basically got nothing and for the better part of 2 years everything was delayed and shifted. Their only saving grace is that at E3 they go hard but they will probably fuck that up too.


Neo Member
If it worked like that, consumer electronics would be free in a matter of generations.

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Historically speaking, systems that launch late in generational cycles (original Xbox), are overpriced (PS4), or send out mixed marketing signals/commit PR disasters (Xbox One) prior to--or at--launch generally struggle to match the sales of competing manufacturers. Coupled with a lukewarm reception to Nintendo's preceding system, I wouldn't be optimistic about the Switch's future at this stage given its thin launch lineup, steep peripheral fee, and questionable functionality (2.5hr low est. battery life; tired gimmick control schemes).


I'm a Nintendo kid. The conference was OK, paid online is hot trash for Nintendo and the price seems shit.

Made me want to put the money to a PC and re evaluate down the line.

However, no subscription for online and I'm probably day 1.

FFS Nintendo


I guess I see where you guys are coming from with the price. But the software looked amazing.

I mean we are got Mario, Zelda, Xenoblade, Splatoon, and that whacky ass Arms game. I thought it was solid.

The joy cons seem like heaven though ;_;


Some thoughts on the Switch...

The good:
- The concept is still hot!
- You get a handheld AND a home console for 300$
- Mario looks great, first Mario in years that got me hyped. Love me some open world!
- Zelda is the goty
- Bomber f*cking MAN!! Can't wait to play this with 8 players (if they can afford the controllers ..)
- Strongest gaming tablet on the market. The shield tablet costs 199 without a controller and you pay a lot more for an iPad ..
- Joycon ideas are great, imagine playing Skyrim with realistic bow and arrow movements or sword play!
- Joycon allows Wii backwards compatibility
- I don't think we've yet seen all games and abilities of the Switch
- I am setsuna handheld version in the west :D

The bad:
- Pricetag is def. too damn high, waiting till the typical Nintendo drop
- I'll need two, for me and my son ...
- Battery life, as expected, is really low. Maybe the next iteration will fix this ..
- 32gb ..
- payed online multiplayer .. well, not using that at all on my ps4, so there's that. But still .. welcome to 2017
- Launch lineup is dry as the N64 and GBA lineup was. They even copied the GBA lineup by releasing Mario Kart later on


Junior Member

I was wrong about them being conservative about software. They showed games in different development status and gave a good idea of what expect in the mid term

I was right about every other concern

Home console support only
No japanese portable classic brands
No merge of portable and home first party teams and brands
Too many wiiu games and thin lineup in general
No Mario at launch

No pokemon
No animal crossing
No fire emblem
no monster hunter
No level5

Thin thing is DOA in japan and consequently dead in terms of mid/Long term third parties

The console clearly confirm Nintendo issues and will struggle at retail

Hopefully now I will not be attacked anymore with many more seeing the issues I anticipated (and I am sad I was right)
  • While the launch line-up is disappointing aside from Zelda, having both Zelda & Mario on Day 1 would have eaten into one another's sales.
  • The Pokémon Company likely wanted to save Stars for its own Direct later, like what happened with Sun/Moon.
I guess I see where you guys are coming from with the price. But the software looked amazing.

I mean we are got Mario, Zelda, Xenoblade, Splatoon, and that whacky ass Arms game. I thought it was solid.

The joy cons seem like heaven though ;_;

We got them all way too far apart. This thing needed to have something more than Zelda, then mario kart two months later.
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