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[NX Gamer] The Best Graphics/Technology of 2020 - The end of an Era.

I am going to pick you as your are clearly immature with your choice of words. You have no idea on my experience or background but I have been a Programmer for over 25 years, I have written by own basic games, rendering work, Animation and much more.

My field I work in is commercial so I have a HUGE amount of experience understanding a target, designing the solution, creating, testing, re-working, deploying and supporting in the real world on massive teams across the globe and multi-discipline. Writing the code, triaging, managing and even architecting and delivering workstreams I am very comfortable with my applied and real knowledge of how all this works and have the scars to prove it.

What does any of this mean then, nothing. My opinion is based on fact but you are happy to disagree as is anyone, just like they can with you. The basis of how this all works though is discussion and then knowledge and experience enables the points to be detailed and explained/argued. Discourse is good, healthy, vital even, hurling insults or silly comments based on little to no knowledge only highlights the lack of any content or meaning aside "hmm feelings".

So let's take this and use it as the basis for a discussion on the list and contents.

I will start by explaining WHAT the list first and foremost is, Technical/Artistic/Graphical elements COMBINED.

Then I weight these up based on the amount of each of these they have and how difficult, exhaustive, expensive, creative and or impressive they are.

So for Flight Sim (I see this is one that angered people) as I said on a sheer graphical front it is exceptional, which I think I did a good job of detailing in the video so I will not repeat, HOWEVER, on a sheer engine implementation and game content POV (which this list is recall) it cuts many corners to achieve that and can feel like an Alpha at points, some examples:-

- No modelling of crashes or any real interaction of the planes.
- Limited human and detailed objects aside exquisite assets, lighting, clouds etc.
- No real gameplay over take-off, gear, landing.
- It does not have to deal with any AI, animation rigging, path finding, branching elements, collision even for the most part.

Based on the above it has a light level of content outside the exceptional GEO-Mapped data and stunning graphics, Ray Tracing may be a nice addition or having a Red Arrows demo section or fighter Pilot mode etc etc. From it scored higher than most on the GRAPHICAL element but lower on the others, hence fell behind the other 3.

Why did TLOU2 win (remember this list is about the technical aspects NOT how anyone may "feel" about the game/story or such), well from the same elements it does the most with arguably the least, so it scored higher on those levels. As a sum of its constituent parts it scored higher, IN MY OPINION, based on all these areas than anything else I played this year.
- Graphics are incredible and consistent which is a HUGE amount of effort and work.
- Lighting is sublime with excellent improvements over previous games as in GI bounces, Ambient Occlusion, Foliage density, Material Quality
- Character models are industry leading and portray so much life and nuance both in and out of gameplay
- Animation is top tier with so much weight, grace, dynamism and punch that really improves your enjoyment and IMPACT of the gameplay.
- AI and gameplay is varied, realistic and above all else fun.

Combine all these and it has so many high points that even though it scores lower in some that others, it blew me away time and time again on what was in the game and how much is in the game. But it also did this on a 2011 level piece of hardware in 2020 and it can fool many at times it is not possible. Smoke, mirrors, cheats, tricks aside (which games are all based on) the level of technical achievement and excellence on display here is simply the best of what I have seen/played.

I mention the game-play as the technical elements ADD and ENHANCE that as these are all parts of the list where as STORY is not, games never had stories and for THIS list they are ignored aside the conversation on the games aims (i.e. GoT romanticised art design for Samurai/Tsushima island).

So based on my opinion I am more than happy, welcome any discussion on what you think deserved the best place and the 'REASONS' why it did, argue your point, pull apart mine, brings some data, facts not silly insults and pathetic lemming mentality as we see so often. Do not appeal to authority, believe your mind and tell us why your 'Opinion' is better?
You really didn’t have to come here and add this further texture to justify your list. But I still applaud your patience in taking the time to do so.

I agree with your list and reasoning completely, and even if I didn’t i’d still respect your position base do on your knowledge and very clear and consistent reasoning (which is much bette than what some outlets offer).

Honestly, the goons that troll because your perspective doesn’t align with their personal platform biases are just haters. They don’t deserve for you to dignify their vitriol with a response.

The rest of us more sane posters appreciate both your platform and your perspective, whether we always agree with your opinions or not. Keep doing you, man. You’re the best in the game at what you do and many of us here recognise it.

Sun Blaze

So Naughty Dog should have used Ray Tracing on PS4.. got it.
When did I ever say that? You're telling me "Look at this lighting" as if I was supposed to be impressed by it. I'm not, and the fact that it runs on a PS4 changes nothing. Now are you asking me to be impressed by what it does based on the platform? because that's entirely different than being impressed by what it does in the grand scheme of things, and all things considered, its lighting isn't impressive. By PS4 standards, sure, it's excellent but this isn't limited to PS4, is it? Else you wouldn't have people put it above Demon's Souls or Miles Morales.
The funny thing is that to achieve that kind of GI a form of RT may actually be implemented.

As for the screens looking like shit, maybe these would look less shitty to your eyes even being 100% In-Game just as the previous ones..
Some look good, others not so much. Don't know if that base or PS4 Pro, but these look aliased as hell. Understandable if they're 1080p, hence my comment about them looking like shit on a 3440x1440 ultrawide monitor. They do look very clean on a tiny phone screen though.
I've always said RDR2 is the most impressive game ever made so you're preaching to the choir here. But on a visual perspective TLOUII is obviously better on quite alot of things.
Animations and character models. Which can be easily explained by the fact RDR2 is 10x the size with 10x the amount of characters.
Maybe you should play the game instead of relying on screenshots then. And if you did, you should probably look beyond whatever parameters you're using and start contextualizing things, because lots of elements make this an impressive looking videogame even regardless of the platform it runs on. Just a very few examples, like the way the environment always react to the player:
It's a good looking game, but the lunacy of it "looking next-gen" and beating Demon's Souls needs to stop. Just because it does good things on garbage hardware doesn't mean we have to start acting stupid and pretend it beats Demon's Souls graphically. Once again sure, it wins in animations and character models for very obvious reasons, that don't have a whole lot to do with the hardware.
All of this with those characters models, those animations, those AI systems in place all blended together running flawlessly on a fucking 1.84TF system.. but it's not impressive, because you said so.
Once again, the hardware it runs on is irrelevant. We're talking about best. It could run on a SNES or a Quantum Computer from the year 3000, this changes nothing to what's being the best. We're not talking about most efficient.


No. So sorry (but at this point expected) to see them always so crazy for sony stuff they are setting themself to be seen as biased most of the time .... Technically flight sim should be 2 in the list
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always chasing the next thrill
TLOU2 is an amazing achievement indeed. But why do you need to be such a console warrior. Jeez.
Not really tbh i just think its a bit sad i can’t push my 3080 atm.

and gfx wise 2077 was to be IT
But that game turned out to be a shitfest.
Of broken mechanics and unfinished trash mechanics.

makes me annoyed looking at how good TLOU2 is
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When did I ever say that? You're telling me "Look at this lighting" as if I was supposed to be impressed by it. I'm not, and the fact that it runs on a PS4 changes nothing. Now are you asking me to be impressed by what it does based on the platform? because that's entirely different than being impressed by what it does in the grand scheme of things, and all things considered, its lighting isn't impressive. By PS4 standards, sure, it's excellent but this isn't limited to PS4, is it? Else you wouldn't have people put it above Demon's Souls or Miles Morales.
Okay, which other games (real games, not tech demos) can you list with a comparable dynamic GI then?

Some look good, others not so much. Don't know if that base or PS4 Pro, but these look aliased as hell. Understandable if they're 1080p, hence my comment about them looking like shit on a 3440x1440 ultrawide monitor. They do look very clean on a tiny phone screen though.
What the hell dude.. i play on a 50'' from 3.2 ft and there's no aliasing whatsoever in this game, hell there's no aliasing whatsoever in Naught Dog games since they implemented their form of TAA on base PS4 with Uncharted 4.

Animations and character models. Which can be easily explained by the fact RDR2 is 10x the size with 10x the amount of characters.
Yeah, let's ignore textures, let's ignore dynamic GI, let's ignore capsule AO, let's ignore grass and vegetation quality and on and on.. and i said already RDR2 to me is the most impressive game ever so not sure what are you trying to accomplish here. But okay, i get it, you're not impressed. Not sure i'll ever be able to recover from this, but i'll do my best to move on.

Sun Blaze

Okay, which other games (real games, not tech demos) can you list with a comparable dynamic GI then?

What the hell dude.. i play on a 50'' from 3.2 ft and there's no aliasing whatsoever in this game, hell there's no aliasing whatsoever in Naught Dog games since they implemented their form of TAA on base PS4 with Uncharted 4.

Yeah, let's ignore textures, let's ignore dynamic GI, let's ignore capsule AO, let's ignore grass and vegetation quality and on and on.. and i said already RDR2 to me is the most impressive game ever so not sure what are you trying to accomplish here. But okay, i get it, you're not impressed. Not sure i'll ever be able to recover from this, but i'll do my best to move on.
Anti-aliasing mitigates aliasing, it doesn't magically make it go away.

I'm standing 1.5-2ft away from a 34" monitor.
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b e a u t i f u l LIST...

I have played all of these.

I am glad Gear of War 5 is mentioned. It is extremely beautiful and one of the best games on Xbox ...

I am glad its not a dick waving list of dual 3090s vs weak consoles...


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Why can't the guy just have his own opinion? Y'all are mad because you give his opinion so much value & want it to match yours.

If he had a 3090 I'm sure he'd have been more impressed with CP2077 but I don't mind - it's still an easy #1 in my book. I would never in a million years put console games with fov of 35 like GoT on any graphical list because to me that makes them unplayable but so what - everyone should judge for themselves. 🤷‍♂️

He is absolutely entitled to his opinion. I have nothing against this guy and he doesn't have to like what I like or agree with my opinions. In my opinion he is quite obviously biased towards PlayStation and Sony 1st party games games and you what, that's OK.

What's not OK is the same people that went ballistic and raged for page after page at DF spouting their usual DF conspiracy theories, calling them MS shills, and babbling on about the "Xbox Discord" and other stupidity because DF didn't immediately make a video about a video someone else made of a PS5 teardown have the fucking nerve to pretend there isn't any kind of bias or fanboyism with this list.

I'm thankful NXGamer is one of the few industry people that is still a member of GAF and that he regularly contributes here. Fortunately for him his bias will likely save him from being driven from this site unlike others that have exhibited WrongThink.
Wasn't it rumored this group was plotting to sabotage the PS5's reveal or something like that? lmao

No nothing like that. Just a coordination on twitter to spread negative rumors around on the console. Like the overheating ones, broken multiplats, downclocks to 5TFs, broken BC those types of things. And it was always the same group of individuals that were spreading it around and eventually it leaked into gaf.

If Sonys reveal did anyone was that it sabotaged all the FUD once the consoles released. It's why we really haven't seen a lot of FUD spreading from those individuals. They know that Cerny beat them so they are hiding at the moment.
I am really excited to see what MS Flight Sim 2020 looks like on XsX. It's a stunning beautiful game. Drop dead gorgeous. It is pretty demanding on PC, if the console version is even close it will be a true next gen showcase on XsX. The gorgeous Gears 5 HIvebusters DLC gave us that little taste, that appetizer, of things to come on Xbox. Gears 6 using Unreal Engine 5 will be a banger.

He is absolutely entitled to his opinion. I have nothing against this guy and he doesn't have to like what I like or agree with my opinions. In my opinion he is quite obviously biased towards PlayStation and Sony 1st party games games and you what, that's OK.

What's not OK is the same people that went ballistic and raged for page after page at DF spouting their usual DF conspiracy theories, calling them MS shills, and babbling on about the "Xbox Discord" and other stupidity because DF didn't immediately make a video about a video someone else made of a PS5 teardown have the fucking nerve to pretend there isn't any kind of bias or fanboyism with this list.

I'm thankful NXGamer is one of the few industry people that is still a member of GAF and that he regularly contributes here. Fortunately for him his bias will likely save him from being driven from this site unlike others that have exhibited WrongThink.

I did chuckle a little bit at the "finally, a BIAS FREE list!" replies. I mean, everyone has bias. NX has bias, DF has bias, I have bias, we hall have bias. DF does great work, NX does great work. Someone having a list that I agree with doesn't mean that person doesn't have bias, it just means we like the same things, right? *shrugs*
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I am really excited to see what MS Flight Sim 2020 looks like on XsX. It's a stunning beautiful game. Drop dead gorgeous. It is pretty demanding on PC, if the console version is even close it will be a true next gen showcase on XsX. The gorgeous Gears 5 HIvebusters DLC gave us that little taste, that appetizer, of things to come on Xbox. Gears 6 using Unreal Engine 5 will be a banger.
FS2020 is absolutely astounding, it is the Crysis of this gen. Nothing is vaguely in the same class. I love my Series X but I do think FS2020 is likely going to be downgraded and dumbed down somewhat even for the Series X. Hopefully it will still look glorious.

I just finished Hivebusters last night and it is the best looking thing I've seen on console so far for this gen. Gears 6 on Unreal 5 will most likely make our eyes bleed. With talented devs the Unreal Engine really produces some amazing graphics. I'm beginning to believe Hellblade 2 on Unreal 5 can actually look as good as the teaser trailer we've seen.
He is absolutely entitled to his opinion. I have nothing against this guy and he doesn't have to like what I like or agree with my opinions. In my opinion he is quite obviously biased towards PlayStation and Sony 1st party games games and you what, that's OK.

What's not OK is the same people that went ballistic and raged for page after page at DF spouting their usual DF conspiracy theories, calling them MS shills, and babbling on about the "Xbox Discord" and other stupidity because DF didn't immediately make a video about a video someone else made of a PS5 teardown have the fucking nerve to pretend there isn't any kind of bias or fanboyism with this list.

I'm thankful NXGamer is one of the few industry people that is still a member of GAF and that he regularly contributes here. Fortunately for him his bias will likely save him from being driven from this site unlike others that have exhibited WrongThink.
4 of the most graphically and tech impressive games this year are from Sony first party/owned IP's. Kinda obvious there is a bigger statistical probability for a Sony game to get the top pick and mentions than all others combined. So much so that GamingBolt, a different outlet, also had those same Sony games making the list, and actually winning Top pick as well, with a different Sony top pick. More like DF is the odd man out with their bullshit logic that doesn't stand rational scrutiny. You could bring the laundry list out - like the founder being a MS man, and the underlings knowing full well what to do to please the boss..... how they push Nvidia merch etc... on top of their silly little personal biases.Now, I can't fault certain folk for falling in line cause at the end of the day everyone's gotta put food on the table and pay for a roof. I understand that but that's about it sympathy wise for the folks working under Leadbetter. I myself kept away from that DF thread cause it's just an opinion piece....and why ruin the fun of some starving folk who needed the much needed validation from DF after an awful year content wise. If these folks don't get some imaginary Ws it stands to reason you gotta start worrying about some snapping hard. It's when DF pull their obvious shenanigans and agenda's on what they try to pass as "objective" analysis that criticism must rightlyfully be brought forward.

NXGamer is definitely not gonna get driven out... and definitely not because some folk don't wish it, despite claiming they don't. We all know deep down the bias calls are meant for one thing and one thing only - discrediting of character - which is meant to lessen embrace and appeal amongst a clan (s) - a dog whistle - inviting dogpiling amongst those from the same clan. People can read between the lines - no one's stupid. Shit is clear as day. Unfortunately for these folks taking L's is their specialty.... some folks just love the losing teams. Shit's wack. Born to be L machines. 2021 is gonna be just as bitter to them as 2020. You know they know the L's are coming but they just can't help but line up to rack em up - at this point, mental stability is undoubtedly a question.
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Some advice.
Saying stuff like this while really meaning it, makes it double hard to take whatever else you say seriously.

Well I didn't fully understand the Road to PS5 reveal either. But once the system came out alot of what Cerny said made sense to me.

Anyways your acting like nothing happened when the reality was much different. I know I didn't imagine all those crazy rumors that were being spread by those people.

The only people that I really don't take seriously were the ones who believed in that FUD. I always was open to it being true but I knew that it could have been fabricated.

I'm just curious what what your point of view on that FUD?

I mean the typical stuff that people like the Blue Guy and Dealer were spreading around. Just curious as to where you think it came from.
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Sun Blaze

4 of the most graphically and tech impressive games this year are from Sony first party/owned IP's. Kinda obvious there is a bigger statistical probability for a Sony game to get the top pick and mentions than all others combined. So much so that GamingBolt, a different outlet, also had those same Sony games making the list, and actually winning Top pick as well, with a different Sony spot pick. More like DF is the odd man out with their bullshit logic that doesn't stand rational scrutiny. You could bring the laundry list out - like the founder being a MS man, and the underlings knowing full well what to do please the boss.... how they push Nvidia merch etc... on top of their silly little personal biases etc... I myself kept away from that DF thread cause at the end of the day it's just opinion piece........and why ruin the fun of some starving folk who needed the much needed validation from DF after an awful year content wise. If these folks don't get some imaginary W you gotta start to worry about some snapping hard. It's when DF pull their obvious shenanigans and agenda's on what they try to pass as "objective" analysis that criticism must rightlyfully be brought forward.

NXGamer is definitely not gonna get driven out... and definitely not because some folk don't wish it, despite claiming they don't. We all know deep down, the bias calls are meant for one thing and one thing only - discrediting of character - which is meant to lessen embrace and appeal amongst a clan (s) - a dog whistle. People can read between the lines - no one's stupid. Shit is clear as day. Unfortunately for these folks taking L's is their specialty.... some folks just love the losing teams. Shit's wack. Born to be L machines. 2021 is gonna be just as bitter to them as 2020. You know they know the L's are coming but they just can't help but line up to rack em up - at this point, mental stability is undoubtedly a question.
The irony of this post is almost palpable.


Well I didn't fully understand the Road to PS5 reveal either. But once the system came out alot of what Cerny said made sense to me.

Anyways your acting like nothing happened when the reality was much different. I know I didn't imagine all those crazy rumors that were being spread by those people.

The only people that I really don't take seriously were the ones who believed in that FUD. I always was open to it being true but I knew that it could have been fabricated.
I wasn't really refering to the rumors........ sorry, but if you can't even realize the problem with how you wrote that phrase, it'll be triple hard
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I wasn't really refering to the rumors........ sorry, but if you can't even realize the problem with how you wrote that phrase, it'll be triple hard

It was merely a figure of speech. When Road to PS5 happened Mark explained the hardware. There were individuals who disputed his claims and said that it wouldn't work it. It was essentially his word against theirs. Once the systems came out it turns out he was right and they were wrong. Since that day I haven't really seen the typical circulation of FUD from those individuals. My guess is that they really can't fabricate information since the systems are out. Hence why I said they went into hiding.

Hopefully that explains why I think that a bit better.


Some advice.
Saying stuff like this while really meaning it, makes it double hard to take whatever else you say seriously.
Your simping for those people, or denying they existed in the first place, only makes hard to take whatever else you say seriously.

FS2020 is absolutely astounding, it is the Crysis of this gen.

I just finished Hivebusters last night and it is the best looking thing I've seen on console so far for this gen.
On certain consoles surely is. And yes, Hellblade 2 on UE5, and probably every other game using that engine, will definitely look bananas.

Not only that. They keep posting tons and tons of pictures that make using NeoGaf from the smartphone a pain.

Those guys need to take a L.
yep. if you have to post more than 2 pics to prove a point, you have already failed. what a terrible post that was. have some self restraint ffs.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
A game in a ten year old shitty AMD Jaguar has the best tech in 2020? What a shitty decade for gaming graphics...
Final Fantasy 7 looks absolutely amazing. As close to CGi as I have seen a game look.


AC Valhalla looks stunning as well. The foliage on PS5 is the best foliage i have ever seen. Even better than Ghost. It's just so thick and lush. It almost feels out of place because the trees dont look that great lol.


I'm really hoping that FF7 gets an upgrade for the PS5. I'm seriously considering picking it up in the near future.

FFXV wasn't really my thing but FFVII looks like I might actually enjoy it.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
AC Valhalla looks stunning as well. The foliage on PS5 is the best foliage i have ever seen. Even better than Ghost. It's just so thick and lush. It almost feels out of place because the trees dont look that great lol.

That little clip of Valhalla is the best I've seen so far, really beautiful. I haven't gotten to the game yet, but I hope it looks that good when I do.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
That little clip of Valhalla is the best I've seen so far, really beautiful. I haven't gotten to the game yet, but I hope it looks that good when I do.
the game does a fantastic job rendering vistas. the foliage is great too. but it falls short in close up detail and trees compared to other open world games. Still, the overall package is very pretty.


Vick Vick At least edit your post and put some spoiler tags. Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it was for me to delete your pictures from my replies one by one on mobile because I didn't want them in the quote?
You deleting them made no sense in the first place, since quoted posts wouldn't have showed them regardless.

Next time avoid saying what i posted looked like shit and maybe you'll avoid hundreds of other pictures meant as slaps on your face.

yes you. please go back and put your pics in a quote. its impossible to read through that page right now.

Fine.. done.
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I personally like supporting evidence. Words can be twisted and played around with - a playground for a good troll. If you got a shitty mobile phone it's indeed a problem tho...
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It was merely a figure of speech. When Road to PS5 happened Mark explained the hardware. There were individuals who disputed his claims and said that it wouldn't work it. It was essentially his word against theirs. Once the systems came out it turns out he was right and they were wrong. Since that day I haven't really seen the typical circulation of FUD from those individuals. My guess is that they really can't fabricate information since the systems are out. Hence why I said they went into hiding.

Hopefully that explains why I think that a bit better.
oh well, I suppose its fine with leaving it at figure of speech

Your simping for those people, or denying they existed in the first place, only makes hard to take whatever else you say seriously.
I see you still haven't updated your interpretation skills, should i recommend a third party software?


Final Fantasy 7 looks absolutely amazing. As close to CGi as I have seen a game look.


AC Valhalla looks stunning as well. The foliage on PS5 is the best foliage i have ever seen. Even better than Ghost. It's just so thick and lush. It almost feels out of place because the trees dont look that great lol.

Ff7 looks real great at times but it's pretty inconsistent. Some of the textures were bad as well as a solid amount of cut scenes were pre rendered. But no doubt the character models are amazing


I see you still haven't updated your interpretation skills, should i recommend a third party software?
The guy exposed a serious plague which made this Forum a literal cesspool for months.. and that was your take on the matter. What else should i think?


Gold Member
mmm not sure about demons before flight simulator or doom even being on that list (i mean it looks and run great but imo it doens't look THAT great, some enemy models are even more detailed in doom 2016. i think it's in the same ballpark of gears5, but even lower)

both df and nx have their gimmick choice, minecraft for rtx and teardown for the voxel destruction system, but let's be honest, in term of pure graphic in a contest like this they both look like utter shit. (and i like teardown)
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Gold Member
Ff7 looks real great at times but it's pretty inconsistent. Some of the textures were bad as well as a solid amount of cut scenes were pre rendered. But no doubt the character models are amazing
Yeah, the game is wildly inconsistent and doesn't deserve a place in that list, tsushima is inconsistent too, but the lows on tsushima are not ps1-2 level like in ff7rerape.

If we talk japan, i'm actually extremely impressed by yakuza 7, some faces\acting\material rendering are top tier platinum class, also probably the best non-rtx puddle reflections i ever saw in a game, and yakuza is a AA tier game at best.

imagine these guys with ND\rockstar money\time\manpower
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
mmm not sure about demons before flight simulator or doom even being on that list (i mean it looks and run great but imo it doens't look THAT great, some enemy models are even more detailed in doom 2016)

both df and nx have their gimmick choice, minecraft for rtx and teardown for the voxel destruction system, but let's be honest, in term of pure graphic in a contest like this they both look like utter shit.
Totally agree with you on the gimmick choices on both lists. Tech may be amazing but they do both look like shit.


The guy exposed a serious plague which made this Forum a literal cesspool for months.. and that was your take on the matter. What else should i think?
Are you suggesting this or any gaming forum still isn't a cesspool for anything related to consoles? Or wasn't even before that?
I literally see no difference between now and then in terms of warriors doing their warring, be it random rumors that agree with their narrative, wild speculations, armchair analysis or whatever.
I'm really hoping that FF7 gets an upgrade for the PS5. I'm seriously considering picking it up in the near future.

FFXV wasn't really my thing but FFVII looks like I might actually enjoy it.

I own FF7:R but haven't played it yet as I am waiting for a PS5 patch to drop for it. I could be wrong, but I thought I read that this is pretty certain even if not officially confirmed.

Sun Blaze

I disagree with Minecraft and Teardown looking like shit. I think the devs went for a very specific and particular style and worked it brilliantly.

Minecraft as far as I know is the only path-traced game with Quake RTX, and Teardown has some of the most advanced physics on the market, something that is severely lacking in modern games.

I honestly don't have a problem with either choices, and wish more exposure was given to games exploring important aspects of tech that are revolutionary and forward thinking, rather than just the regular eye-candy shit we're used to that is ultimately meaningless to the gameplay.
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Gold Member
I disagree with Minecraft and Teardown looking like shit. I think the devs went for a very specific and particular style and worked it brilliantly.

Minecraft as far as I know is the only path-traced game with Quake RTX, and Teardown has some of the most advanced physics on the market, something that is severely lacking in modern games.

I honestly don't have a problem with either choices, and wish more exposure was given to games exploring important aspects of tech that are revolutionary and forward thinking, rather than just the regular eye-candy shit we're used to that is ultimately meaningless to the gameplay.
I don't have a problem neither, but we can all admit that it's a gimmick choice, nothing bad about it, they are still graphical features...


7. Teardown (1:05)
6. DOOM Eternal (3:58)
5. Ghost of Tsushima (5:40)
4. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (8:48)
3. Demon's Souls (10:54)
2. Spider-Man: Miles Morales (14:11)
1. The Last of Us: Part 2 (16:44)

LMAO, this guy try hard to be DF but is clearly Sony-biased, confirmed with this video. First place a game that doesn't cast shadows and which has almost all prebacked? No chance.
oh well, I suppose its fine with leaving it at figure of speech

I apologize for that. I know it's my fault for not being more elaborate with that sentence. After reading it a few times I know how it can come off as a mentally retarded console warring statement. I should have been more clear and I'm sorry for that.

Anyways thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it.
I own FF7:R but haven't played it yet as I am waiting for a PS5 patch to drop for it. I could be wrong, but I thought I read that this is pretty certain even if not officially confirmed.

All that I've seen is a more solid framerate for FF7. I haven't really seen anything about a PS5 style patch for it yet. However if I do find it cheap I will pick it up without even waiting for the patch to arrive.

I know an upgrade can happen but nobody had promised one yet.


Final Fantasy 7 looks absolutely amazing. As close to CGi as I have seen a game look.


AC Valhalla looks stunning as well. The foliage on PS5 is the best foliage i have ever seen. Even better than Ghost. It's just so thick and lush. It almost feels out of place because the trees dont look that great lol.

ff7r looks amazing but only during cutscenes, outside of it it's bellow avarage looking game, valhalla agree on ps5 surpisngly good looking game and it sharp enough on it 60fps dymamic resolution mode, good resolution scaling
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I literally see no difference between now and then in terms of warriors doing their warring
I do. Sure, some are still here doing their things, from both sides, but at least now reality and facts can provide
background to discussions without the risk of being laughed at for actually understanding tech.

they both look like utter shit.
but they do both look like shit.
Are you guys actually insane?

Looked for about an hour but can't find the one which impressed me the most atm. But still, plenty of good stuff in that playlist.

LMAO, this guy try hard to be DF but is clearly Sony-biased, confirmed with this video. First place a game that doesn't cast shadows and which has almost all prebacked? No chance.
I've read all kinds of things said about TLoUII in this Forum, but this has to be stupidest thing ever said about the game.
And it deeply saddens me to say this to someone with that nick and avatar.

You may want to take a look at previous pages.. or here (timestamped):

But even outside of ambient shadows, every single object hit by the flashlight cast shadows.

ff7r looks amazing but only during cutscenes, outside of it it's bellow avarage looking game
Only played the Demo, but the game looked absolutely stellar in gameplay. I know it's not always consistent, but what i played left me really impressed.
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Never heard of NXGamer, but just looking at the list, the accusations of them being a Sony fanboi have some merit IMO. It's exactly the kind of list I'd expect from the stereotypical Playstation warrior. Exclusives on top. They could have been more subtle about it, but by putting CP77 in the honorable mentions when it's far more impressive than TLOU2 tech wise, they instantly lose all credibility. TLOU2 looks like an old gen game, a pretty one, but decidedly last gen. CP77 maxed out on PC is the first game that looks "next gen" to me.


Gold Member
I am going to pick you as your are clearly immature with your choice of words. You have no idea on my experience or background but I have been a Programmer for over 25 years, I have written by own basic games, rendering work, Animation and much more.

My field I work in is commercial so I have a HUGE amount of experience understanding a target, designing the solution, creating, testing, re-working, deploying and supporting in the real world on massive teams across the globe and multi-discipline. Writing the code, triaging, managing and even architecting and delivering workstreams I am very comfortable with my applied and real knowledge of how all this works and have the scars to prove it.

What does any of this mean then, nothing. My opinion is based on fact but you are happy to disagree as is anyone, just like they can with you. The basis of how this all works though is discussion and then knowledge and experience enables the points to be detailed and explained/argued. Discourse is good, healthy, vital even, hurling insults or silly comments based on little to no knowledge only highlights the lack of any content or meaning aside "hmm feelings".

So let's take this and use it as the basis for a discussion on the list and contents.

I will start by explaining WHAT the list first and foremost is, Technical/Artistic/Graphical elements COMBINED.

Then I weight these up based on the amount of each of these they have and how difficult, exhaustive, expensive, creative and or impressive they are.

So for Flight Sim (I see this is one that angered people) as I said on a sheer graphical front it is exceptional, which I think I did a good job of detailing in the video so I will not repeat, HOWEVER, on a sheer engine implementation and game content POV (which this list is recall) it cuts many corners to achieve that and can feel like an Alpha at points, some examples:-

- No modelling of crashes or any real interaction of the planes.
- Limited human and detailed objects aside exquisite assets, lighting, clouds etc.
- No real gameplay over take-off, gear, landing.
- It does not have to deal with any AI, animation rigging, path finding, branching elements, collision even for the most part.

Based on the above it has a light level of content outside the exceptional GEO-Mapped data and stunning graphics, Ray Tracing may be a nice addition or having a Red Arrows demo section or fighter Pilot mode etc etc. From it scored higher than most on the GRAPHICAL element but lower on the others, hence fell behind the other 3.

Why did TLOU2 win (remember this list is about the technical aspects NOT how anyone may "feel" about the game/story or such), well from the same elements it does the most with arguably the least, so it scored higher on those levels. As a sum of its constituent parts it scored higher, IN MY OPINION, based on all these areas than anything else I played this year.
- Graphics are incredible and consistent which is a HUGE amount of effort and work.
- Lighting is sublime with excellent improvements over previous games as in GI bounces, Ambient Occlusion, Foliage density, Material Quality
- Character models are industry leading and portray so much life and nuance both in and out of gameplay
- Animation is top tier with so much weight, grace, dynamism and punch that really improves your enjoyment and IMPACT of the gameplay.
- AI and gameplay is varied, realistic and above all else fun.

Combine all these and it has so many high points that even though it scores lower in some that others, it blew me away time and time again on what was in the game and how much is in the game. But it also did this on a 2011 level piece of hardware in 2020 and it can fool many at times it is not possible. Smoke, mirrors, cheats, tricks aside (which games are all based on) the level of technical achievement and excellence on display here is simply the best of what I have seen/played.

I mention the game-play as the technical elements ADD and ENHANCE that as these are all parts of the list where as STORY is not, games never had stories and for THIS list they are ignored aside the conversation on the games aims (i.e. GoT romanticised art design for Samurai/Tsushima island).

So based on my opinion I am more than happy, welcome any discussion on what you think deserved the best place and the 'REASONS' why it did, argue your point, pull apart mine, brings some data, facts not silly insults and pathetic lemming mentality as we see so often. Do not appeal to authority, believe your mind and tell us why your 'Opinion' is better?

From what I've seen from you over the years you are without question a Sony guy catering the Sony fans - And that's fine, why not, there's much to admire in Sonyland. Some of us just think it's kinda cute that you keep denying your bias (I'm a biased engineer too btw) by sweeping it under layers and layers of straight faces like above.
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