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NYT Op-Ed: Only Mass Demarcation Can Save America

Yup, there are plenty of people who are living off the accomplishments of their parents and don't contribute to society. They're solution? Deport the new immigrants who are actually contributing to society to make themselves look better.


These nonimmigrant millennials buying avocado toast instead of movie tickets because Rotten Tomatoes told them not too.
Makes absolutely no sense but I couldn't resist.

Fakeout articles probably do more harm than good in the world of 'read the title and maybe the first sentence'


This is a ridiculous solution. If you want to fix things, you don't deport all us lazy, ignorant Americans; just don't let us vote. Let's see a Donald Trump figure get elected when the voting body is exclusively immigrants.

Don't let us become presidents either


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This is a ridiculous solution. If you want to fix things, you don't deport all us lazy, ignorant Americans; just don't let us vote. Let's see a Donald Trump figure get elected when the voting body is exclusively immigrants.

We'd get a Chavez-esque dumbass instead.


Acceptable clickbait, now that is something I haven't heard in a while. I think the article is great, and the title definitely will have people clicking. But will it get them reading is the question?

It isn't even clickbait in a meaningful sense. The title holds true to the spirit of the article: in order to reframe the discussion surrounding immigration, it taps into usual anti-immigrant logic, but applies it to the other side instead. And it turns out that doing so was a worthwhile endeavor, because the article turned out well. It takes a rhetorical weapon that is typically aimed at vulnerable groups, and turns it against the group in power to great effect.

The idea of mass deportation is inhumane, counterproductive, and illogical. If it's going to be in circulation, then there's no reason that we shouldn't entertain the possibility for the people who take their place in this society for granted.
I'll start the GoFundMe for the mass deportation and creation of the artificial island we can dump them on. The island can be called Realmerica.
I think articles like this do a great job of deconstructing the bullshit narrative we get fed about immigrants vs non-immigrants, and helps us really get to the root of why some people want immigrants out of the U.S.

Doesnt really tell us who these non-immigrants are though.
Time to give the land back to the indigenous people.

By this articles logics, new immigration quota should be given to countris that has best immigration educational performance, which I don't have problem with.
What's sad is this was one of the major lessons of the Western Roman Empire - successfully incorporate migrating peoples, use their cultural innovations to reinvigorate and better your society, and reap the benefits of curbing cultural stagnation and renewing your society's vision of itself via new citizens imbibing and trying to embody your values.
Kudos to OP for putting "NYT Op-Ed" in title instead of "NYT: Only Mass Deportation Can Save America," as many others do. Thank you.

people should be smart enough to take a second to figure that out regardless, but you're right that practically nobody does and so they need help.

We should probably start giving primers about how newspapers/editorial/op-ed primers in the front of news threads.

This op ed is three months.

And I've heard this argument all my life.

Bret Stephens isn't shit because he's a conservative, he's shit because he's a bad columnist. I have yet to see an interesting or fresh take on events from him.


Can we send em to the middle of Australia?

Australia would only do an exchange of equal numbers of assholes, due to the population difference this wouldn't work. What you should do is find places that are going to get wrecked by climate change and take their population and replace it with your unwanted people. It's a win win.
people should be smart enough to take a second to figure that out regardless, but you're right that practically nobody does and so they need help.

We should probably start giving primers about how newspapers/editorial/op-ed primers in the front of news threads.


I've been on a personal crusade about this...... for months




It drives me fucking insane and there's probably something wrong with me given how much it bothers me. In almost every thread where it happens I go on a long rant.
This op ed is three months.

And I've heard this argument all my life.

Bret Stephens isn't shit because he's a conservative, he's shit because he's a bad columnist. I have yet to see an interesting or fresh take on events from him.

What does it matter to you when it was written? Secondly, you've heard the argument that Americans should be deported from America all your life? Remarkable. Where did you grow up?
I'm all for deporting conservatives. We should kick them out of our cities and make a containment zone in the rust belt. Fuckers can start their own shit country from their own shitty suburbs whence they came.


Sobering look at those who have a crusade against innocent, blameless people.

Unlikely to cause self-reflection though
I've been on a personal crusade about this...... for months




It drives me fucking insane and there's probably something wrong with me given how much it bothers me. In almost every thread where it happens I go on a long rant.

shouts out then. You and I are comrades in this fight for GAF newspaper awareness.


"people on the right might take it out of context" is a horrible argument and you should just quit if that's your argument

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Shipping the hardcore Trump supporters and white nationalists off to their own little island out in the middle of nowhere and replacing them with immigrants is something I would be OK with.
I say we make them into Soylent Green. Two birds with one stone and all that.

I know what the journalist is going for, but belief in God (or Gods, or whatever) shouldn't be part of this discussion either way.
He is probably speaking to the idea of how much the GOP bows down to evangelicals and yet the immigrants that are coming in are generally more devoutly christian then the ones already here.

IE He is saying in effect "if you weren't so anti-immigrant and racist, many of these immigrants might have voted for you'
Is he, though?

Here are some choice quotes from this Bret Stephens. Spoiler alert: he's a conservative Christian who hates Muslims and Arabs, denies climate change, denies institutional racism (because Obama exists lol you see?), dismisses the campus sexual assault epidemic (because there continue to be female students you see), says BLM is the "big lie of America", defends colonialism, dismisses torture... I could go on:

Institutionalized racism is an imaginary enemy. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the same college administrators who have made a religion of diversity are really the second coming of Strom Thurmond. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that twice electing a black president is evidence of our racial incorrigibility.
The Black Lives Matter movement, ignited by the small fable of Michael Brown’s innocence, has metastasized into the big lie of America, land of the irredeemably racist. [...] The myth of victimization survives only as long as the myth’s propagator believes he’s at no risk of becoming a genuine victim.

The campus-rape epidemic—in which one in five female college students is said to be the victim of sexual assault—is an imaginary enemy. [...] The real question is: If modern campuses were really zones of mass predation—Congo on the quad—why would intelligent young women even think of attending a coeducational school? They do because there is no epidemic.

Europe is dying because it has become morally incompetent. It isn’t that Europe stands for nothing. It’s that it stands for shallow things, shallowly. Europeans believe in human rights, tolerance, openness, peace, progress, the environment, pleasure. These beliefs are all very nice, but they are also secondary.

What Europeans no longer believe in are the things from which their beliefs spring: Judaism and Christianity; liberalism and the Enlightenment; martial pride and capability; capitalism and wealth.

It means, also, that some new version of colonialism may be the best thing that could happen to at least some countries in the postcolonial world.

Consider the case of global warming, another system of doomsaying prophecy and faith in things unseen.

As with religion, it is presided over by a caste of spectacularly unattractive people pretending to an obscure form of knowledge that promises to make the seas retreat and the winds abate. As with religion, it comes with an elaborate list of virtues, vices and indulgences. As with religion, its claims are often non-falsifiable, hence the convenience of the term “climate change” when thermometers don’t oblige the expected trend lines. As with religion, it is harsh toward skeptics, heretics and other “deniers.”

The semantic trick in the phrase “climate change”—allowing every climate anomaly to serve as further proof of the overall theory. The hysteria generated by an imperceptible temperature rise of 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880—as if the trend is bound to continue forever, or is not a product of natural variation, or cannot be mitigated except by drastic policy interventions. The hyping of flimsy studies—melting Himalayan glaciers; vanishing polar ice—to press the political point. The job security and air of self-importance this provides the tens of thousands of people—EPA bureaucrats, wind-turbine manufacturers, litigious climate scientists, NGO gnomes—whose livelihoods depend on a climate crisis. The belief that even if the crisis isn’t quite what it’s cracked up to be, it does us all good to be more mindful about the environment.

More at the link. Guy's quite the piece of work. His little satire about racists is cute, but it loses much of its impact when coming from someone who'd probably happily deport Muslims and, despite hating Trump, still embodies the shitty, retrograde values of the GOP.


Nice bait and switch which will be handwaved as fake news if you ever try to convince a Trump supporter (really sad that the nickname "Trumpet" hasn't caught on) of the facts in the article. People seem to forget pretty easily how young America is as a country and how it was founded in the first place.

The American dream used to be what fuelled your country and made it great. Now the entitlement of a large portion of your population is what is going to cause your economy to stagnate and other countries to take over as the super power.




Is he, though?

Here are some choice quotes from this Bret Stephens. Spoiler alert: he's a conservative Christi an who hates Muslims and Arabs, denies climate change, denies institutional racism (because Obama exists lol you see?), dismisses the campus sexual assault epidemic (because there continue to be female students you see), says BLM is the "big lie of America", defends colonialism, dismisses torture... I could go on:

More at the link. Guy's quite the piece of work. His little satire about racists is cute, but it loses much of its impact when coming from someone who'd probably happily deport Muslims and, despite hating Trump, still embodies the shitty, retrograde values of the GOP.
Holy shit, this is the same guy? What a stupid piece of shit. I actually enjoyed the article in the OP but reading this, he is one of the Ines that ought to be deported.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
Now this is a first class satire right here. Absolutely delicious.

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