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Ori and the Blind Forest |OT| A Soft Heart for the Hard Core

Glad we could make you happy :) Microsoft coined you as the 'Robin Hood' of Ori. I thought it was a super nice gesture to create that 'feels' thread where you sent copies of Ori to other Neogaf members that couldn't afford it, so I hope you enjoy that little gift from us and Microsoft :)

More than anything else gaming-related in decades. That goes for the game AND the gift. Thank you guys once again, sincerely. My wife laughed so hard at me acting like a little kid when I opened them. ;)

Now if only I can get a mod to tag me 'Robin Hood of Ori'. Then all my life goals would be complete!

I also want to thank the other GAF members that donated codes for that giveaway once again. You know who you are, and I appreciate all of your help in spreading this game as much as possible.

If any GAF members see this and can't afford to, but still want to play Ori, keep an eye out here and on twitch.tv/korbekgaming (no ads, no monetization) because I'm going to be doing some more Ori giveaways in the coming weeks in honor of this gift to keep spreading this gem!

gimme a steam sale on this already ;_;

Man if you never spend another $20 on anything else in gaming, spend it on this. That's the cost of a night at the movies, and you will not regret it. If you do, I'll refund you your $20.
Saw the OST was added to Steam and bought it. A bit sad it's MP3 only, I was hoping for it to be FLAC.

If the mp3's are coded in at least a 320kbit/s bitrate you would most definitely have a real hard time distinguishing between those and FLAC, even if you have expensive equipment.
Giveaway stream #3 is starting in a little over 30 minutes at 9am Central, 3pm London time.

I realize this is early for folks in the states, but the first two were in the evening here so this one is more for the European folks, although anyone can enter.

Edit: Sorry, wrong thread. Meant to post this in the giveaway one.
E3 round the corner, who is ready for an Ori 2 announcement?!?!

Let me dream

See I dunno I sorta have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, another Ori would be great. On the other hand, it's going to be really hard to recapture the magic of the first.

Super Mario peaked at Mario 3 for me. While all the others were great, none truly captured the magic that was the 3rd. Mario 64 was revolutionary of course, but more technologically than 'magic'-wise (highly technical term, watch out!). None of them ever surpassed Super Mario Bros 3 on my nostalgia-o-meter.

That's not to say Moon couldn't make another Ori as good as, or better than, this one. Just that it would be a monumental task. At any rate, I wouldn't want it announced so soon (not that I think that's even a possibility). Better to let this one have its time to shine before announcing another.

What I WOULD love to see at E3 is an announcement of Moon Studios' NEXT project, rather than a sequel to Ori. Although even that is pretty far out of the realm of realistic probability, I think. I mean they just barely wrapped up their 4-year project, followed by some hard work prepping a patch to iron out the bugs. That doesn't exactly leave a lot of time to launch another idea far enough to show anything at E3 this year. Maybe in 2016. ;)

"From the team that brought you the beloved and critically acclaimed Ori and the Blind Forest, Moon Studios is proud to announce their latest project, a unique perspective on ....." Yeah, I'd get hype for that.

I also hope they stay small and nimble. I was talking about this on stream the other day, but I think one of the biggest problems with studios these days is how large they get. When you have a team of 10 or 20 folks working on a game and one of them has an idea, they can bring it up to the others and the team can iterate on that and try things out. But when you get these crazy-big groups of 100 or 200+ people working on a game that isn't going to happen so much. One might have a great idea, but when the leads have heard a dozen other great ideas that day from one of hundreds of people working on the game, they don't have time for that. Smaller studios give greater opportunity for stuff like that, which is part of why I personally think Ori turned out so spectacularly.
Anyone able to get the PC version working with DSR? The additional resolutions showed up in the menu but selecting them doesn't work. I'm on Windows 8.1, GTX970 and newest driver.


I played and finished this over the weekend.

Really amazing even with the rage inducing lava area.

Loved the story, visuals, music and difficulty.


Wow. I started the game yesterday, and I just finished the Water tree... Good lord. The final part! That was insanely awesome! That music!
If you haven't played Ori yet, it's on a daily Steam sale for -40% today. I doubt it'll be available for that price any time soon in the future, so today is a good day to get Ori! :)
Ori is the best selling game on STEAM atm, makes us super happy :)

Since I got asked quite a lot: The 40% discount only applies today and we probably won't be able to do a bigger discount until the end of the year. So, yes, now is the best time to buy Ori if you haven't bought it yet. It's also a great time to gift it to people you love! ;)
Jeez people, if you don't buy this at $12 you're absolutely bloody crazy, and there's no hope for you. Skip the starbucks stop for a day or two and get this game!


Neo Member
I hope everyone buys it! this game was the most fun I had with a videogame in a long time. it really is a classic with amazing visuals and sound.


Bought this in the steam sale and am about halfway through. So far it's very hit and miss, some really good platforming and skills that allow it to just flow,then there's all these instant kill scenarios and some parts feel trial and error, you see a bit more of the area each time and get further. That's what I'm not a fan of. Good game so far but I probably went in with too high an expectation.
The steam sale temptation was too much, even though in my heart I knew I wouldn't be able to run the game well I still had to try.
I have at least enjoyed the hour and a half I've put into it but yeah, I was pretty much right, pushing through it in this lesser state will do the game no favours. Actually I'm kind of surprised it was somewhat playable for me and me old craptop every now and then but yeah the issues ultimately have mounted up, even so no regrets, as I said I had to know!

So with that in mind does that phantom 360 version still exist or was it taken out the back of Moon Studios and silently shot? because I'll double dip when the time comes if it lives.

Well at least I can listen to the OST I also nabbed, except I don't want to spoil myself so it will sit there taunting me alongside the game.


Completed it in 11 hours, that's pretty much a perfect length and it felt it, no section dragged so that was good.

Maybe I just suck at the game but I never expected it to be so 'super meat boyish', certainly a unique take on this type of game, at least for me.

There were parts I hated (kind of like meat boy where you're like 'fuck this game, one more attempt and I'm going to bed', and you're still playing an hour later) and parts I loved. Overall well worth the money and I enjoyed it alot.

Really nice story too.

My hand hurts though :(


Love this game, currently on my fourth playthrough.
1st - normal
2nd - speed run (2 1/2hrs)
3rd - no deaths
4th - no abilities (hardest run through so far)


Ok, i finally bought this game on sale.

Jesus fuck.

I didn't make it out of the
before this game decked me across the face. That is some
Up bullshit
right there.

and then, I got to the
Water vein escape


I'm being this utterly
demolished and thrilled at the same time
, from a platformer, in 2015.

This game is a near masterclass in many aspects of game design thus far.


Guys, I bought this game 3 days ago.

I just finished it.

Is it normal to be crying 20 minutes later? Should I consult a physician?


This game is absolutely, without a doubt, a top tier video game. Music, game design, difficulty, story, controls... just incredible. I'm absolutely floored by what the devs managed to achieve here. The absolute satisfaction of clearing the escape sequences while listening to one of the most pure hype songs in recent vg ost memory, my god!

this game
Greatest (non-NES/SNES) Metroidvania game of all time. 'tis that simple.

Damn straight, preach it!

I have 3 steam copies to gift. First 3 to quote me with steam ID can have them.

It makes me happy to see people still spreading the feels with this game. Good on you man. I'm still struggling to get the game to the final winner from the giveaway here as there are issues with his steam ID but I'm trying. Other than that the giveaway was a success with 7 copies given away, his still pending, and one or two more "in the bag" to give away randomly soon.

Ok, i finally bought this game on sale.

This game is a near masterclass in many aspects of game design thus far.

I'm very glad that the sale finally got you to pull the trigger!

Guys, I bought this game 3 days ago.

I just finished it.

Is it normal to be crying 20 minutes later? Should I consult a physician?


This game is absolutely, without a doubt, a top tier video game. Music, game design, difficulty, story, controls... just incredible. I'm absolutely floored by what the devs managed to achieve here. The absolute satisfaction of clearing the escape sequences while listening to one of the most pure hype songs in recent vg ost memory, my god!

Hehehe, with this game it's normal, and somewhat expected. Glad you liked it!!
Love to see that people are still being blown away by this amazing game.

Also, Thomas, have MS approached you about any sort of hololens Ori integration yet? Because it would be awesome to have little Ori as a pet or something. Or to have him be able to use your home to platform on.

Oh, and I still want my plushie!!!
Love to see that people are still being blown away by this amazing game.

Also, Thomas, have MS approached you about any sort of hololens Ori integration yet? Because it would be awesome to have little Ori as a pet or something. Or to have him be able to use your home to platform on.

Oh, and I still want my plushie!!!

Holy shit man. I have ZERO interest in hololens. But if the somehow figured out a way for it to scan your room so that it would register the tables and stuff as objects with collision detection or whatever so that Ori could platform anywhere? I'd be all over that.

But yeah that's pie-in-the-sky stuff. I just really don't think we're there yet. That minecraft video they're touting isn't integrating the real world into the game environment in the sense that you're referring to or that I would be interested in. It's augmented reality essentially, in that it's just showing you an image of the game superimposed on your surroundings, but the game environment isn't incorporating the surroundings in any sort of meaningful way. Yet.


I really hope MS uses this IP well

From what I've seen and from what Thomas has said post-release regarding sales, it seems Ori has done pretty well for itself. We know that this IP has a lot of potential. And I'm sure Phil and the guys over at MS feel the same way. It would be crazy for MS to waste this IP and even crazier if they don't support Moon Studios for any other ideas for new IPs they might have in the future. In my opinion, MS have struck gold with these guys.

Here's to the future! :D


I generally only buy games at Steam sales, I don't play them.

But this was really something special.
(Also, good to know I still "got it" when it comes to Metroidvanias :p)

Regarding the story,
by the end I really had more sympathy for Kuro than anyone else. It's pretty impressive how some developers fail to make their villains menacing yet sympathetic with lines and lines of dialog, and they managed to do it with an Owl.
I just picked this up during the Steam sale and holy crap, I haven't been this impressed with a game in a long time.

I just completed the first water sequence and literally died probably 100 times trying it while shouting expletives after each death and it was still amazing. I switched to a PS3 controller half way through which made it so much better, and I didn't realize pressing the direction you want to bash in makes the arrow point in that direction. Once I figured that out it was much easier.

Can't wait to see what the rest of the game is like if the beginning is this good.


I'm about to enter the Forlorn Ruins.

I don't think any game is perfect, but like Elder Geek said in his review a while back, there's not much bad to talk about in Ori. Like... Maybe the pacing in that Misty Woods was a bit annoying? The wall climb seemed unnecessary since you can already jump on walls. Other than that I'm fully enjoying this game. It's not perfect but boy is it up there.


Got this from the Steam sale. 100% map completion, 7:51:06, rank 4304, 327 deaths :D

What an utterly brilliant game. Amazing artstyle, fitting music, great level design and controls. I really loved the traversal/platforming progression as you gained new abilities. As a Metroidvania, this did not disappoint ay all. This stands shoulder to shoulder with Metroid and Castlevania (which I love) - and in some ways, even exceed (the perfect controls for one). The only thing missing compared to those game is amazing bosses, but the escape scenes were cool.

A must-play for any Metroidvania fan.


Picked this up during the Steam sale, took me about six hours to clear at 99% completion. I couldn't find the last health power-up, but I found all the energy power-ups and maxed out the ability tree.

It was a good Metroid-like game. It felt like a grab bag of Metroid-ish design and 2D platforming with some clear inspiration from Super Meat Boy and Donkey Kong Country, but with fun twists. Taking the magnet platforming bits from Order of Ecclessia and turning that into "every enemy and large projectile in the game has a platforming purpose" is probably the most inspired design decision in the entire game, I really had fun with that ability.

If I had to make some criticisms, I'd say that the game did a poor job of setting up "reminders" of how to use certain abilities before the long "run away" sections. The first Owl chase sequence has a part where you need to fall through a thin floor and I completely forgot you could do this since it's so rarely used, it would have helped if you had to do that earlier in the chase sequence during a "safe" part. Also while I think the game is beautiful, some parts (particularly the escape sequences) are a little too visually noisy, so it becomes harder to concentrate on the action as a result.

Overall though, really good stuff.


From what I've seen and from what Thomas has said post-release regarding sales, it seems Ori has done pretty well for itself. We know that this IP has a lot of potential. And I'm sure Phil and the guys over at MS feel the same way. It would be crazy for MS to waste this IP and even crazier if they don't support Moon Studios for any other ideas for new IPs they might have in the future. In my opinion, MS have struck gold with these guys.

Here's to the future! :D

Agreed. Ori is fantastic. So glad it is doing so well. Look forward to their next game (either this IP or a new one)
So good to read the comments from all the people that hadn't played Ori yet :)

The Steam Sale was a huge success for us, so thank you all for the support!


Going to repeat what I said earlier in this thread, but the three "escape" sequences in the game are basically the best three "boss fights" I've played in years.

They're the perfect examples of well-crafted boss fights - they take every element the game previously trained you to deal with, amps things up to an insane degree, adds a ton of spectacle around it visually with epic music and visual effects, increases the difficulty without getting frustrating, and makes it easy / quick to recovery from failure.


I bought the game in the Steam sales, and I'm loving it so far. The art is really amazing and the platforming feels almost perfect. I didn't expect it to be so hard, but I love a good challenge so I'm OK with that. My hands really hurt after the water escape tho :p

I'm not sure if this game needs a sequel. I hope Moon Studios makes a fresh new game, just as good as Ori.
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