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Outer Worlds impressions from media event in Australia


This is some ridiculous logic. Do you not go grocery shopping because some people get to shop for free with food stamps? Do you not drive a car because Oprah gave cars away one time? Do you not go to work and make money because others have won the lottery? Do you not wipe your ass because others have support workers that do it for them?

-People with food stamps are on low income.
-I havent won a competition so buy my own car.
-I am fully abled so can wipe my own ass so no support workers.

Whats the difference between an X Box gamer and a PS4 gamer exactly?

Sure it's such an unreasonable stance of mine to object to paying 50 pounds for a game that is out on a 1 dollar subscription service on the same day for only certain people based purely on the console they play on. 😂

I understand the business changes that have led to this unfortunate situation but not let's go out of our way to justify this been fine and dandy in everyone's eyes.

Gamepass is amazing for X Box owners but in situations like this it does leave consumers of the other formats with a hard choice to make, based on how much they want to play the game in question.
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-People with food stamps are on low income.
-I havent won a competition so buy my own car.
-I am fully abled so can wipe my own ass so no support workers.

Whats the difference between an X Box gamer and a PS4 gamer exactly?

Sure it's such an unreasonable stance of mine to object to paying 50 pounds for a game that is out on a 1 dollar subscription service on the same day for only certain people based purely on the console they play on. 😂

I understand the business changes that have led to this unfortunate situation but not let's go out of our way to justify this been fine and dandy in everyone's eyes.

Gamepass is amazing for X Box owners but in situations like this it does leave consumers of the other formats with a hard choice to make, based on how much they want to play the game in question.

it isn't hard at all.

I am not buying a one dollar game for $79 cdn, period. I'll wait till it is one dollar on whatever I platform I have or (most likely) forget about it two weeks after release and never play it.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Whats the difference between an X Box gamer and a PS4 gamer exactly?

Microsoft, maker of Xbox owns the company that developed this game. Microsoft also owns GP and makes games from companies they own available to to Xbox & PC GP owners at launch. It's a benefit of owning their product. Again they don't offer the same benefits to their competition, i.e. Sony, that would be kind of stupid woudn't it?

I understand the business changes that have led to this unfortunate situation but not let's go out of our way to justify this been fine and dandy in everyone's eyes.

If you only have a PS4 or a Switch you were ALWAYS going to have to pay $60 at launch for this game, it's not like they raised the price. Anyone that owns an Xbox and doesn't have GamePass will also have to pay $60, doubt there too many xbox owners paying full price though.

This is hardly an unfortunate situation, it is a very fortunate situation for those of us that own an Xbox or gaming PC and subscribe to GamePass. You're just jealous that you can't get the same deal as Xbox owners. Since I'm not going to buy a PS 5 for 1 game I'm jealous, Guerilla Games won't make Horizon ZD2 for the Xbox but that's life, learn to live with it .


Why in the world should they give a discount to Microsoft's competition? Day 1 on GamePass is a benefit of owning an Xbox, those benefits do not apply to Microsoft's competition. This reminds of when Sony fans were crying about Ninja Theory (another Microsoft company) not making Hellblade VR for the PS4.

Hey I want to play Horizon ZD2 on my Xbox Scarlett when it comes out and it's not fair that a Sony company doesn't make it available to Xbox owners too. :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

Again be happy you get to play it at all.

Edit - for typos

That's where we disagree I dont think "be happy you get to play it at all" justifies paying many times more for it.

If Sony did release Horizon Zero Dawn 2 and charged X Box users more I'd disagree with that as well (unless that version had extra work done on it etc).

I just believe in treating everyone as close to equally as possible. The price discrepancy is huge. Yes its not like for like in terms of ownership but the difference in price in not minor.
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That's where we disagree I dont think "be happy you get to play it at all" justifies paying many times more for it.

If Sony did release Horizon Zero Dawn 2 and charged X Box users more I'd disagree with that as well (unless that version had extra work done on it etc).

I just believe in treating everyone as close to equally as possible. The price discrepancy is huge. Yes its not like for like in terms or ownership but the difference in price in not minor.
But Gamepas is an Xbox subscription service, it has nothing to do with Playstation so why should it effect the price of the game on PS4?.
Its like me going to a store, seeing the complete box set of Game of Thrones for $100 and saying to the cashier 'the whole of GOT is on Netflix so i'm not going to give you $100, i'm going to give you $5'.
It wouldnt make sense.


Microsoft, maker of Xbox owns the company that developed this game. Microsoft also owns GP and makes games from companies they own available to to Xbox & PC GP owners at launch. It's a benefit of owning their product. Again they don't offer the same benefits to their competition, i.e. Sony, that would be kind of stupid woudn't it?

If you only have a PS4 or a Switch you were ALWAYS going to have to pay $60 at launch for this game, it's not like they raised the price. Anyone that owns an Xbox and doesn't have GamePass will also have to pay $60, doubt there too many xbox owners paying full price though.

This is hardly an unfortunate situation, it is a very fortunate situation for those of us that own an Xbox or gaming PC and subscribe to GamePass. You're just jealous that you can't get the same deal as Xbox owners. Since I'm not going to buy a PS 5 for 1 game I'm jealous, Guerilla Games won't make Horizon ZD2 for the Xbox but that's life, learn to live with it .

Yeah I'm jealous because I want closer pricing to consider the fact its day one on gamepass... your just coming off like a Microsft fanboy. The fact is they are releasing on multiple consoles and are charging one group many more times what they are asking the other group.

End of the day we just have to make a vote with our wallets. It's unfortunate because no company is in the wrong (given the acquisition) but its not really a pro consumer price for users of rival systems (by a considerable margin).

It's like a movie comes out and in one country everyone can see it for a dollar and the other its 60 dollars. Yes you can move country (buy another console) but its not really practical and is a perceived slight for the fans in the country that are been charged 60 times more for *almost* exactly the same product.


But Gamepas is an Xbox subscription service, it has nothing to do with Playstation so why should it effect the price of the game on PS4?.
Its like me going to a store, seeing the complete box set of Game of Thrones for $100 and saying to the cashier 'the whole of GOT is on Netflix so i'm not going to give you $100, i'm going to give you $5'.
It wouldnt make sense.

Difference with that example is anyone can sign up to Netflix. That option isn't locked out for half the fans of Game of Thrones.

If a gamepass subscription service was available for the Ps4 (or a cheaper price to compensate for the lack of) I think it would be more understandable.


Difference with that example is anyone can sign up to Netflix. That option isn't locked out for half the fans of Game of Thrones.

If a gamepass subscription service was available for the Ps4 (or a cheaper price to compensate for the lack of) I think it would be more understandable.
And anyone can sign up to Gamepass, you just need an Xbox or PC, if you havent got one then its tough cheese.
Subscription services have to have some kid of lure to pull you in, or no one would ever subscribe to them.


Someone is working with some special kind of logic here 😂🤦‍♂️

Yeah I suppose it's hard to grasp pricing disparity talk as long as it dosnt effect ones self.

And anyone can sign up to Gamepass, you just need an Xbox or PC, if you havent got one then its tough cheese.
Subscription services have to have some kid of lure to pull you in, or no one would ever subscribe to them.

Anyone can't just sign up to gamepass the barrier to entry is high (hundreds of pounds for either a x box or gaming pc).

Even if you fall on the other side of the fence and are fine with paying so much more, I don't see why you can't appreciate other people might have issue with it.

Is it that hard to emphasize with a consumer been concerned that a company is letting some people play their new game for virtually nothing and with others its asking them to pay full retail on day 1 of release with no other option.

Even if you disagree I don't see how you can't not understand that viewpoint. If it's as clear cut as you say PS4 sales wont be effected and will be inline with any other multi format release, so we shall see :)
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Gold Member
I just believe in treating everyone as close to equally as possible. The price discrepancy is huge. Yes its not like for like in terms or ownership but the difference in price in not minor.

You're seeing the situation selfishly. You're not seeing it rationally. Get out of yourself and look at the bigger picture. Microsoft spent a ton of money to buy Obsidian. Why did they do that? Because they wanted to put their games on Gamepass. Do you know how much money we're talking about? Not just the company purchase, but sacrificing all the income that would've come from full retail sales of the game. That's all sunk costs for MS.

Now you're expecting MS to give Sony, their main competitor, a leg up, by discounting the game on PS4. Just so you can feel "treated equally."

You should really stop seeing it in such a self-centered way. MS isn't being mean to you. They're doing exactly what they should be doing, given the amount of money they spent. You expect them to sacrifice even more, just so you can feel "treated equally"? Gimme a break.

But this is all a smokescreen. I don't think it's about "being treated equally," which makes it sound like an ethical issue or something. I think you're just acting out of spite. You're resentful that your Xbox friends are getting it cheaper than you are, and so you're peeved.

My suggestion: Get over it. :) If it's not worth $60 to you, then wait a couple months and get it at a reduced price. Don't miss out on a good game because of a petty grievance. You're not hurting anyone but yourself.

p.s. I'm saying this as someone who owns only a PS4 and will happily pay full price for this game.
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You're seeing the situation selfishly. You're not seeing it rationally. Get out of yourself and look at the bigger picture. Microsoft spent a ton of money to buy Obsidian. Why did they do that? Because they wanted to put their games on Gamepass. Do you know how much money we're talking about? Not just the company purchase, but sacrificing all the income that would've come from full retail sales of the game. That's all sunk costs for MS.

Now you're expecting MS to give Sony, their main competitor, a leg up, by discounting the game on PS4. Just so you can feel "treated equally."

You should really stop seeing it in such a self-centered way. MS isn't being "mean" to you. They're doing exactly what they should be doing, given the amount of money they spent. You expect them to sacrifice even more, just so you can feel "treated equally"? Gimme a break.

But this is all smokescreen, I think. I don't think it's about "being treated equally," which makes it sound like an ethical issue or something. I think you're just acting out of spite. You're resentful that your Xbox friends are getting it cheaper than you are, and so you're peeved.

My suggestion: Get over it. :) If it's not worth $60 to you, then wait a couple months and get it at a reduced price. Don't lose out on a good game because of a petty grievance.

I still think it could of been half price on ps4 and it still would of pushed sales Microsoft's way and the developer would still have made a substantial amount more money over a gamepass download. I'm coming at it mainly from an Obsidion fans perspective, they are all fans of their games regardless of who owns them.

I'm certainly not acting out of spite, I'm no where near invested enough for that and I'm not that type of gamer... I just think a discussion on this new delivery model is needed, after all it's very new and were in untested waters.

As for your last point I agree I'll wait till it comes down to a price point I feel isn't offensively high relative to other services.


Hey bro, your entitlement is showing

I could say the same to you about been a corporate apologist..

I'm just advocating a pricing model that treats everyone a bit better than 1 dollar vs 60, especially when the choice of 1 dollar (or 10 at full price) isn't open to everyone. Each unit sold is still money in Microsoft's jar.


Gold Member
I still think it could of been half price on ps4 and it still would of pushed sales Microsoft's way and the developer would still have made a substantial amount more money over a gamepass download.

You're still asking MS to take a financial hit and to grant benefits to their competition -- after sinking tens of millions into the acquisition and then sacrificing millions more by putting the game on GP -- so you can feel better. It makes zero sense from a business perspective.

I'm coming at it mainly from an Obsidion fans perspective, they are all fans of their games regardless of who owns them.

Well, MS is in charge of pricing, not Obsidian. (edit: er, nm, MS isn't the publisher.)

As for your last point I agree I'll wait till it comes down to a price point I feel isn't offensively high relative to other services.

Good. And don't be so easily offended and aggrieved. People are way too thin-skinned lately. Don't be one of those guys. This isn't about you. It's about MS's business strategy.
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You're still asking MS to take a financial hit and to grant benefits to their competition -- after sinking tens of millions into the acquisition and then sacrificing millions more by putting the game on GP -- so you can feel better. It makes zero sense from a business perspective.

Well, MS is in charge of pricing, not Obsidian.

Good. And don't be so easily offended and aggrieved. People are way too thin-skinned lately. Don't be one of those guys.

Well a higher price dosnt always mean more profit. Lower price points encourage more unit sales. I think the industry at large should continue experimenting with pricing.

Oh I'm not aggrieved or angry. I have a passing interest in this game, if it had been higher I'd of paid the asking price, despite my misgivings. I just think it could be detrimental to the wider audience outside of GAF, that been said many might not even know it's on Gamepass day 1 to begin with so who knows. The sales data as with Gears will be interesting. It's unlikely this situation of a multi format been day 1 on game pass will become a common occurrence, at least I hope not unless the price difference isn't so disparate next time.
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Gold Member
Well, you used the word "offensively," so I assumed you were offended.

Having the game on GP will hurt sales figures, that's for sure. The game will probably look like a flop, based on sales rankings.
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The ironic thing is, and someone correct me if i'm wrong, but its not even Microsoft publishing this game, its some other company as Microsoft bought Obsidian after the publishing rights for this game was already done. So its actually down to the publisher, not Microsoft, as to how expensive this is on PS4.


I can't see myself taking this game seriously if I get it. Something seems off about it. This is one of those games where I would just try to fuck everything up. How OP can I get mixed with trying to break the game at every turn.


Well, you used the word "offensively," so I assumed you were offended.

Having the game on GP will hurt sales figures, that's for sure. The game will probably look like a flop, based on sales rankings.

Well I just meant it raised an eyebrow how much one set of users could get the game to another. I'm not furious or physically angry or anything lol. Ultimately it's their game they can charge what they want and people as always will vote with their wallets.

Yeah it's going to be hard to quantify success as it's hard to know how many gamepass subscriptions were because of just this game, and how many were retained and the monetary value of all that vs a traditional release.


Gold Member
The ironic thing is, and someone correct me if i'm wrong, but its not even Microsoft publishing this game, its some other company as Microsoft bought Obsidian after the publishing rights for this game was already done. So its actually down to the publisher, not Microsoft, as to how expensive this is on PS4.

Yeah, that's right, forgot about that. It's actually some other publisher, not MS. So forget my arguments about MS.

It would still be true of the publisher, though. They wouldn't discount a game (which they've invested heavily in) just so "one side" of the console wars could feel better. They don't give a shit how people feel; they just want money.
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Yeah, that's right, forgot about that. It's actually some other publisher, not MS. So forget my arguments about MS.

It would still be true of the publisher, though. They wouldn't discount a game (which they've invested heavily in) just so "one side" of the console wars could feel better. They don't give a shit how people feel; they just want money.

Yeah there isn't a hard science to it but high unit sales of a lower priced sku can make just as much if not more than a few sales of a higher priced sku.

Perhaps future pricing will be determined by these early dual delivery system releases.
I could say the same to you about been a corporate apologist..

I'm just advocating a pricing model that treats everyone a bit better than 1 dollar vs 60, especially when the choice of 1 dollar (or 10 at full price) isn't open to everyone. Each unit sold is still money in Microsoft's jar.

Dude, everything you are saying is the embodiment of entitlement.

"This game is on Gamepass which costs $1 a month but I don't have an Xbox or a PC to play it on for one dollar so I feel the game should also be $1 on PS4 or I'm not buying it THANK YOU VERY MUCH"

Nothing I have said makes me a "corporate apologist". You might want to understand what that term means before you chuck it around and make yourself look even more foolish.


Dude, everything you are saying is the embodiment of entitlement.

"This game is on Gamepass which costs $1 a month but I don't have an Xbox or a PC to play it on for one dollar so I feel the game should also be $1 on PS4 or I'm not buying it THANK YOU VERY MUCH"

Nothing I have said makes me a "corporate apologist". You might want to understand what that term means before you chuck it around and make yourself look even more foolish.

Where have a said the game should be one dollar on the ps4? I said the price disparity shouldn't be so huge. You just seem to be going to huge lengths to justify a company's pricing model, and not letting anyone else have a different take on it. Your the one getting personal and emotional. God forbid someone have a different opinion to your own.
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Where have a said the game should be one dollar on the ps4? I said the price disparity shouldn't be so huge. You just seem to be going to huge lengths to justify a company's pricing model, and not letting anyone else have a different take on it. Your the one getting personal and emotional. God forbid someone have a different opinion to your own.



Hostile_18 Hostile_18

I'm trying to be open minded and be fair to consider your stance, but I really don't understand the logic. And I'm usually that guy that will at least give someone credit for a silly idea, simply because it's a different way of thinking.

Not in this case.


Hostile_18 Hostile_18

I'm trying to be open minded and be fair to consider your stance, but I really don't understand the logic. And I'm usually that guy that will at least give someone credit for a silly idea, simply because it's a different way of thinking.

Not in this case.

X-Box gamer = 1 dollar to play this game day 1. Alternatively a choice to pay full price and "own" it.

Ps4 gamer = 60 dollars to "own" it on day 1 only.

Come on guys it's not that hard to understand.

Clearly I'm out voted on this one but it's how I feel at least. Each to their own and glad everyone will make the decision which makes sense to them. No point arguing about it.


I don't have any faith on this game TBH, while I acknowlegde that Fallout New Vegas according to the fan base has the best story, its not uncommon that they will recommend you to install a trunkload of mods to fix the badly aged graphics and gameplay.

It kinda feels that Obsidian was realizing they were on the verge of bankruptcy or the studio being given to Take Two as a collateral if X stuff happened (cancellation or delays). But I hope to be wrong on OW.

Yeah, Microsoft should've just asked Private Division not to release a PS4 version at all 🤷‍♀️

Don't give the idea, because according to some people out there (not even necessarily here LOL) they should have not even released their stuff for Windows.
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Gold Member
Yeah there isn't a hard science to it but high unit sales of a lower priced sku can make just as much if not more than a few sales of a higher priced sku.

Well, that's not how the publisher saw it, I guess. They want to release at $60. I can't blame them. That would be the standard price for a 40-hour game. If it were a 10-hour game, maybe $30 would've made sense, but I think $60 for a 40-hour game is reasonable. The publisher probably banked on that from the start.

I'm guessing that MS paid the publisher whatever the publisher would've made off Xbox sales (since the publisher would no longer be getting those, just PS4 sales). So one way to look at this is, MS bought the game (paid the $60 charge) for Xbox owners, and they're giving it to them "free." Naturally, MS didn't do that for PS4 owners, so we have to do it ourselves.
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You can just wait until xCloud gets fully rolled out and play it on whatever device supports it. Hostile_18 Hostile_18

But I agree with everyone else, it just sounds like you’re disappointed/angry that you can’t play this game cheap like those who are subscribe to Gamepass on PC/Xbox. Maybe you should look into buying an Xbox One S or X for Gamepass. The S is pretty cheap these days with its bundles and probably even more if you can get a refurbish one.

Gamepass is one of the perks of having a PC or Xbox.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Hostile_18 Hostile_18
1. That would be fangirl as you could have guessed from me calling myself cat lady here on GAF
2. At this point either you have some kind of mental or learning disability and fail to grasp how faulty the logic is that you are exhibiting as myself and many others have patiently tried to explain it to you and I don't want to keep brow beating you if that's the case.
3. You're simply TROLLING and I don't want to get sucked into the troll and catch a ban over something so stupid
4. So I'm OUT - happy gaming to you whatever you decide to do about Outer Worlds


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
What the hell is going on in this thread? The game costs the same to buy across all platforms. I don't see how Game Pass makes it somehow cheaper on Xbox. You aren't buying the game, nor do you own the game with that service. Why are we trying two compare to completely different things? That's like saying you aren't going to pay full price for a game because it happens to be available in a Red Box for $5.
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Xaero Gravity

What the hell is going on in this thread? The game costs the same to buy across all platforms. I don't see how Game Pass makes it somehow cheaper on Xbox. You aren't buying the game, nor do you own the game with that service. Why are we trying two compare to completely different things? That's like saying you aren't going to pay full price for a game because it happens to be available in a Red Box for $5.
You can't discuss anything on this forum anymore without it turning into some kind of argument.
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  • LOL
Reactions: Isa
You can't discuss anything on this forum anymore without it turning into some kind of argument.

But aren't discussions just more polite forms of arguments?



X-Box gamer = 1 dollar to play this game day 1. Alternatively a choice to pay full price and "own" it.

Ps4 gamer = 60 dollars to "own" it on day 1 only.

Come on guys it's not that hard to understand.

Clearly I'm out voted on this one but it's how I feel at least. Each to their own and glad everyone will make the decision which makes sense to them. No point arguing about it.



Hostile_18 Hostile_18
1. That would be fangirl as you could have guessed from me calling myself cat lady here on GAF
2. At this point either you have some kind of mental or learning disability and fail to grasp how faulty the logic is that you are exhibiting as myself and many others have patiently tried to explain it to you and I don't want to keep brow beating you if that's the case.
3. You're simply TROLLING and I don't want to get sucked into the troll and catch a ban over something so stupid
4. So I'm OUT - happy gaming to you whatever you decide to do about Outer Worlds

I've explained my feeling and reasoning why more thoroughly then anyone should have to without insulting anyone it's a shame you can't do the same or just accept people feel differently than you do.

My position is I don't want to pay full price for something that is been offered to other people very cheaply. You can dress it up anyway you want but both ways let you experience and enjoy the game for vastly different amounts of money.

It's not a right or wrong situation. The value of money and it's worth is subjective to the user.

This forum seems super aggressive this week, its disappointing.
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I'll never understand people who whine about having to pay more for a game on one system or another or exclusives.
There is a solution that is really easy but people are too cheap., you buy the consoles you don't yet have . You will miss no great games, you get the best pricing on all your games, you get the luxury of picking the best supported or best performing option.

Madness really, they'll come and whine instead, bloody gaming peons. Get a new hobby
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  • LOL
Reactions: Isa


I'll never understand people who whine about having to pay more for a game on one system or another or exclusives.
There is a solution that is really easy but people are too cheap., you buy the consoles you don't yet have . You will miss no great games, you get the best pricing on all your games, you get the luxury of picking the best supported or best performing option.

Madness really, they'll come and whine instead, bloody gaming peons. Get a new hobby

This is exactly the same game released at the same time on different formats. It's the difference between paying a fraction of the entry cost on one console.

It's fairly unique situation given the Obsidian accusition, even EA access which use to be MS exclusive only use to have a small discount for new games didnt it?


Unconfirmed Member
If MS was a dick they would just cancel the game for the PS4. They OWN Obsidian. JFC.
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