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President Barack Obama preparing to issue Executive Order on gun control

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Dude Abides

Since you clearly have trouble reading, I'll harryr post the link to the post I was responding to.


Again, next time read the thread, or at least the posts relevant to the people you're quoting. Especially before you make an ass of yourself projecting black helicopter fantasies on other posters.

Some foreigner asking a what if scenario has you all worked up about anti constitution gun grabbers in the bushes? This doesn't have anything to do with your claim that owning a gun is a right conferred by Jesus or whomever. Lay off the talk radio pal.


This post managed to pack in nearly every pro-gun cliche, word-for-word, in one paragraph. It's kind of impressive to see the contents of so many forwarded emails from my dad and his friends distilled into such a pure form.

Yeah I hit the reply button and then stopped myself. I already took on deconstructing one too many bad arguments tonight and this one is too far gone. Frankly I'm not sure it isnt a troll post.
Some foreigner asking a what if scenario has you all worked up about anti constitution gun grabbers in the bushes? This doesn't have anything to do with your claim that owning a gun is a right conferred by Jesus or whomever. Lay off the talk radio pal.

lmao you're such a buffoon.
I'm not worried about it at all. I don't listen to talk radio, and I don't worry about a gun ban because it simply isn't happening. It's about as likely as you making a sensible post in this thread.


People that want to ban ARs don't want it to stop gun crime, but to alter public perception of guns as toys. They are weapons designed to kill shit.

Dude Abides

lmao you're such a buffoon.
I'm not worried about it at all. I don't listen to talk radio, and I don't worry about a gun ban because it simply isn't happening. It's about as likely as you making a sensible post in this thread.

making post after post about how deeply troubling it is that so many people want to ignore the constitution and take your guns sure is an odd way to express your nonchalance. If name calling assuages your fears I'm happy to have helped.


Well this topic has hit the shitter. I see we've come to the insulting each other leg of civil discourse.

And Obama hasn't even made his order yet.
making post after post about how deeply troubling it is that so many people want to ignore the constitution and take your guns sure is an odd way to express your nonchalance. If name calling assuages your fears I'm happy to have helped.

lmao. I don't even own any guns!

I'm not sure how I got so under your skin, but whatever it was, just chill. Be cool.


Well this topic has hit the shitter. I see we've come to the insulting each other leg of civil discourse.

And Obama hasn't even made his order yet.

Well its not surprising because that is literally what started happening in the beginning of the thread. There was a ton of baiting and basically people begging for someone with opposing trains of thoughts to come in and "discuss"


lmao. I don't even own any guns!

I'm not sure how I got so under your skin, but whatever it was, just chill. Be cool.

Are you kidding me lol? You personally insulted him after dancing around calling into question his intelligence prior and now you are acting like you can't possibly imagine what may have gotten under his skin? The icing is then trying to play the moral high ground and telling him to chill out. "Hey now, I know I insulted you and basically called you stupid but its time to calm down and shut up."

This thread has gone comical.
That's fine if you don't want to discuss it any more. You should try just saying that instead of taking umbrage and calling names.

I'm sorry that I got under your skin, and for calling you a buffoon.
Seriously though I shouldn't have said it. I apologize.

That said, I know you won't accept any responsibility for your nonsense posting and constant projection, but again, it's cool. I forgive you.

But let's not pretend you ever for a second wanted to "discuss" anything when you bust out accusations of paranoia, black helicopters, and so on. That's just fucking stupid.

Are you kidding me lol? You personally insulted him after dancing around calling into question his intelligence prior and now you are acting like you can't possibly imagine what may have triggered his follow up? The icing is then trying to play the moral high ground and telling him to chill out.

This thread has gone comical.
Meh, the dude clearly hasn't read the thread, nor my posts, and decided to level black helicopter accusations and make wild assumptions about me like gun ownership. His egregious, nonsensical posting was more amusing than anything. Plus, is "buffoon" really name calling? It's like the most silly thing I could think of saying, considering what he's been posting. As far as getting under his skin, I was wondering what did it considering I hadn't even talked to him before he got all crazy with his strawmen and bullshit projection on me.
It's something, I guess.

There is still no justification for civilians owning guns. Making them harder to obtains, with background checks, and no more gun show loophole is a step in the right direction of reducing gun violence in America.
How does your lax weapon laws help with the dozens of massacres you have each year?

Failure-proof laws simply don't exist. You should be old enough to understand that. But one casual look at national statistics is enough to prove that strict regulation and difficulty of access to weapons if beneficial to reduce gun violence.
You mean hundreds of massacres?


I'm sorry that I got under your skin, and for calling you a buffoon.
Seriously though I shouldn't have said it.

That said, I know you won't accept any responsibility for your nonsense posting and constant projection, but again, it's cool. I forgive you.

Meh, the dude clearly hasn't read the thread, nor my posts, and decided to level black helicopter accusations and make wild assumptions about me like gun ownership. His egregious, nonsensical posting was more amusing than anything.
I have no interest in going back to the start of your all's conversation but you didn't just personally insult him once, you danced around it multiple times. There really isnt a justification for that.

And frankly I wouldn't call assuming you to be a gun owner to be a wild assumption when you are going on about gun rights. Especially not enough to justify name calling. It would be like someone assuming I drive a Prius because I went into threads praising the virtues of owning a Prius and defending them. I don't own a Prius and haven't done that but if I were to do that, it wouldn't be crazy to me if someone assumed I probably owned a Prius. A wild assumption in that situation might be randomly assuming I hate kittens(I don't. How could anyone really?)

Anyways, I probably never should of involved myself in this little fight.


I always read these threads and see the anti gun people calling the gun supporters crazy and all sorts of other things to belittle them. However, I feel stronger that the craziest ones are the anti gun people from many of the stances I see. Just merely an observation. I dont have a gun, and probably will not buy one.
I have no interest in going back to the start of your all's conversation but you didn't just personally insult him once, you danced around it multiple times. That doesnt justify name calling.

You're right, I shouldn't have called him a buffoon, and as such apologized for it. Honestly it's such a silly word that it doesn't even register as "name-calling" to me, but whatever. And if you follow the conversation, he began the insults far earlier by insinuating I was paranoid and that I had "black helicopter fantasies." But if you don't want to go the start of the conversation, I don't figure you really care about getting things straight anyway. Nor should you tbh, it's just a dumb squabble on the internet.

And frankly I wouldn't call assuming you to be a gun owner to be a wild assumption when you are going on about gun rights. Especially not enough to justify name calling. It would be like someone assuming I drive a Prius because I went into threads praising the virtues of owning a Prius and defending them. I don't own a Prius and haven't done that but if I were to do that, it wouldn't be crazy to me if someone assumed I probably owned a Prius. A wild assumption in that situation might be randomly assuming I hate kittens(I don't.).
I wasn't going on about gun rights, though. I was going on about constitutional rights in general.

I wouldn't assume that about you because I try not to make assumptions -- but assuming you have a Prius is also completely harmless, compared to him assuming I am paranoid and have "black helicopter fantasies" as he piles up a little strawman stereotype of me, including owning guns. Who cares about owning a Prius? Anyway, I never went ahead and praised the virtues of guns or that man, they're awesome and I love them or anything. Again, this is projection from a liberal viewpoint that believes that if you think the 2nd amendment right is a right, well, you must LOVE guns then, huh?

Again, I did nothing to warrant that kind of nonsense but he decided it was worth painting me with that brush. It was buffoonery at the very least and I called him on it.


Well, one way to stop these shootouts is to ban gun free zones. Schools should have some mandatory measure of security as well, and I've always felt that.

Why isn't anyone evaluating the brains of the people who committed mass shootings? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. A murderer is going to find ways to kill people without guns and who's to say they wouldn't be able to get a gun with any kind of restriction. If you want to stop gun violence examine the shooters in their entirety and try to understand them, don't violate the constitution.

The media tried ridiculously hard to sway the public on gun control, but thankfully the second amendment is recognizable enough for most people not to fall for it. Whatever Obama does it won't go far.

So pre-crime? Because unless we catch them before they've committed an actual crime (pretty sure that against the Constitution), the NRA is doing everything they can to ensure even the mentally unstable (and even the blind) maintain the right to bare arms.

Go ahead and explain how to get into the brains of these people before they decide to use their legally purchased or otherwise obtained fire arm on a bunch of kids. Because you will have stumbled on the holy grail of crime prevention.

Not sure how that's going to help with kids accidentally shooting themselves or others though, but we'll just ignore all that. Can't have anything negatively effecting guns sales.


I always read these threads and see the anti gun people calling the gun supporters crazy and all sorts of other things to belittle them. However, I feel stronger that the craziest ones are the anti gun people from many of the stances I see. Just merely an observation. I dont have a gun, and probably will not buy one.

I mean GAF is clearly more liberal then conservative, so you are no doubt going to observe mostly liberal opinions on a given political subject. Which opens the door for more opportunities for shit tier posts.
Well, one way to stop these shootouts is to ban gun free zones. Schools should have some mandatory measure of security as well, and I've always felt that.

Why isn't anyone evaluating the brains of the people who committed mass shootings? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. A murderer is going to find ways to kill people without guns and who's to say they wouldn't be able to get a gun with any kind of restriction. If you want to stop gun violence examine the shooters in their entirety and try to understand them, don't violate the constitution.

The media tried ridiculously hard to sway the public on gun control, but thankfully the second amendment is recognizable enough for most people not to fall for it. Whatever Obama does it won't go far.

You can't control mental breakdowns in society. What you can do is close the avenue to obtaining guns.


You're right, I shouldn't have called him a buffoon, and as such apologized for it. Honestly it's such a silly word that it doesn't even register as "name-calling" to me, but whatever. And if you follow the conversation, he began the insults far earlier by insinuating I was paranoid and that I had "black helicopter fantasies." But if you don't want to go the start of the conversation, I don't figure you really care about getting things straight anyway. Nor should you tbh, it's just a dumb squabble on the internet.

I wasn't going on about gun rights, though. I was going on about constitutional rights in general.

I wouldn't assume that about you because I try not to make assumptions -- but assuming you have a Prius is also completely harmless, compared to him assuming I am paranoid and have "black helicopter fantasies" as he piles up a little strawman stereotype of me, including owning guns. Who cares about owning a Prius? Anyway, I never went ahead and praised the virtues of guns or that man, they're awesome and I love them or anything. Again, this is projection from a liberal viewpoint that believes that if you think the 2nd amendment right is a right, well, you must LOVE guns then, huh?

Again, I did nothing to warrant that kind of nonsense but he decided it was worth painting me with that brush. It was buffoonery at the very least and I called him on it.

Since I am already in it I went ahead and read the conversation. Seriously, you are overreacting. You made some blanket assertions about dictatorial powers and the 2nd amendment, he then made a bit of an assumption. You accused him of not reading the thread. Then the pettiness and insults started flying.
Well, one way to stop these shootouts is to ban gun free zones. Schools should have some mandatory measure of security as well, and I've always felt that.

Why isn't anyone evaluating the brains of the people who committed mass shootings? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. A murderer is going to find ways to kill people without guns and who's to say they wouldn't be able to get a gun with any kind of restriction. If you want to stop gun violence examine the shooters in their entirety and try to understand them, don't violate the constitution.

The media tried ridiculously hard to sway the public on gun control, but thankfully the second amendment is recognizable enough for most people not to fall for it. Whatever Obama does it won't go far.
This post is so ridiculously clichéd it has to be Poe's Law right?

You've ever heard that everyone is a law abiding citizen until they're not? You cannot possibly Minority Report your way in life. You cannot predict who's going to grab his legally Walmart-purchased firearm one day and shoot innocents. And no amount of concealed carry would-be Rambos can prevent an asshole from pulling his gun and firing his first bullet at someone.

But you can, however, make the trouble of killing harder by not making these weapons that kill with such easy and efficiency so easy to purchase for any idiot or potential idiot.

Your republican-lead congress even banned to even research the effects of guns on mass shootings in America! How can you look in the mirror and say with a straight face that "no gun free zones, more guns!" is the answer?
Since I am already in it I went ahead and read the conversation. Seriously, you are overreacting. You made some blanket assertions about dictatorial powers and the 2nd amendment, he then made a bit of an assumption. You accused him of not reading the thread. Then the pettiness and insults started flying.

Thanks for your input. Naturally I accused him of not reading the thread because I figured he's a smart guy and wouldn't have spouted such nonsense if he had actually read it. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Also, my assertions were anything but "blanket." I said dictatorial powers in relation to a very specific hypothetical. There was nothing blanket about it.

That said, I probably did overreact overall, but accusations of that nature and the perpetual strawmen and attacks received by anybody who isn't full-hog "guns are the devil!" in these threads on GAF are pretty tiresome tbh.
I'm a gun owner and no one I know with any sense has an issue with closing the gun show loop hole. No one should be able to get a gun without a back ground check. Anyone that feels like they're entitled to own a fire arm without a back ground check is a whack job.

The gun industry is like any other. It exists to make money and it's done so by playing into this outlaw fantasy that the right has swung towards for years. These people think they're keeping guns in case the government ever becomes too powerful but we are way past that. Those people are being used by the NRA and gun lobbyists to make gun manufacturers more money by appealing to the paranoia of people who hate Obama.


People that want to ban ARs don't want it to stop gun crime, but to alter public perception of guns as toys. They are weapons designed to kill shit.


Clinton pushed for it as a toothless compromise so the dems would have something to hang their hat on during the next round of elections after making such a big stink about it. It basically did absolutely nothing in the scheme of things, nor was ever really designed to.


Something needs to happen, look to Australia and how our gun laws have worked out thus far


It's VERY different - the USA has it within their constitution and is part of their history and their freedom and culture (imo); we just had it for the sake of it hence why we just gave them away.

I still think it's far, far too late to try to get rid of them there; the criminals already have a huge amount of them and they're clearly not going to just hand them in. Unlike in Aus where it's literally harder to get a gun (illegally) then it is to get any sort of black-market drug. This of course excludes the Mafia but they've literally bought out our Government (See Amanda Vanstone), and then end up in circulation.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Funny how you know people who are extremely kind and well mannered who completely lose their shit when it comes to guns. I even wonder if they would react the same way if Obama threatened to take away a pet or something lol.
How any people must die before you pro-gun supporters realize your hobby is killing people? How many sandy hooks before you realize your guns are not a fucking toy and are tools of murder?
How any people must die before you pro-gun supporters realize your hobby is killing people? How many sandy hooks before you realize your guns are not a fucking toy and are tools of murder?

It's sad that people would vote against better gun control / banning guns, which would save so many lives each year, just because an old, out dated law says people can own a gun.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It's sad that people would vote against better gun control / banning guns, which would save so many lives each year, just because an old, out dated law says people can own a gun.

"My guns are more important than all these strangers who will lose their son, their mother or their own life in an attack".

Sucks, but that's a good part of America for you.
"My guns are more important than all these strangers who will lose their son, their mother or their own life in an attack".

Sucks, but that's a good part of America for you.

More like "My guns have nothing to do with strangers who unfortunately lost loved ones in attacks by deranged maniacs...while I may be for better vetting of potential gun owners I don't believe my right to own a gun should be infringed."
How any people must die before you pro-gun supporters realize your hobby is killing people? How many sandy hooks before you realize your guns are not a fucking toy and are tools of murder?

Strictly speaking, my hobby isn't killing anyone. Poor enforcement and weak gun policies and protocols are allowing crazy people to have access to weapons, and THEY are killing people.

I'm all for better enforcement of current regulations and new regulations. Let me see some guy buyback programs and better control of the illegal importation and distribution of guns. Close the fucking loopholes.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what realistically one can do.
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