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PSN's version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

My favorite Igavania game. I've done the whole 200.8% more times than I can count.

Getting that .8 was annoying as hell. I had to do the super jump and then morph into the wolf so I can get my "center body" as high up as possible to detect that i was there.


As someone who speedruns sotn, and owns all (english) versions of the game, the PSN SotN that can be played on the ps3 is basically the same as the ps1 disc. The PSP version and XBLA versions are slightly different in many places (better load times, altered or missing audio/dialogue, less lag due to visual effects, etc) and are better for speedrunning.

If you want the vanilla experience, the PSN version is definitely the way to go.

Getting that .8 was annoying as hell. I had to do the super jump and then morph into the wolf so I can get my "center body" as high up as possible to detect that i was there.

Yep. And "library carding" out of the final battle, too

If you hold triangle (Y on xbox controller) the wolf swims up. You don't have to super jump / transform.

Also it's 200.6% for the XBLA achievement. 200.6% was at one point the theoretical maximum for exploration, but it's long been surpassed through heavy use of out-of-bounds glitches. The current maximum is somewhere around 400%


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The Saturn version is graphically inferior to the PSOne version. There's also loading just to bring up the map.
That is so weird, considering the Saturn was superior at doing 2D graphics than the PS1.

I have the PSP Castlevania Chronicles and I played SoTN on it (moreso than Rondo of Blood, actually... despite having the PS1 SotN and having played it often back in the day >_>), but I don't recall the new voices? Maybe I put the voices in Japanese? Or I just have a shit memory. I need to check that out. Sure, the awful voice acting is iconic in how bad it was, but I wouldn't say no to improved voices, y'know. Unless they were still bad but just generic, in which case I'd rather have the lol-voices. If they're actually good, though, then all the better.


For some reason when I play the emulated PS1 version the menus act strange. Occasionally the cursor will move up or down without me touching the pad. The game itself plays fine though once I get out of the menus. Does anyone else have this issue?

Sure, the awful voice acting is iconic in how bad it was, but I wouldn't say no to improved voices, y'know. Unless they were still bad but just generic, in which case I'd rather have the lol-voices. If they're actually good, though, then all the better.

It's not just the voicework, its the actual lines used. Click the links I posted.


Aftershock LA

Me and my wife will still quote "Die, monster, you don't belong in this world, go back to the depths from whence you came!" randomly when playing games.

Castlevania: SOTN is one of the best worst VO jobs I've heard. Even though I've played the game hundreds of times, I still get a chuckle from every line of dialogue. It may very well be the only video game where I know the entire script, line for line, by heart. Lol (although I'm sure that's mostly due to the fact that I've played the game more than any other game I've ever owned, with Chrono Trigger probably coming a very close second).

EDIT: @ Morrigan, the new voices in the PSP version aren't just new, but they are also equally horrible, but not nearly as charming. It's incredibly generic, whereas, with the original, you can tell that the actors thought they were giving an awesome performance (especially Dracula, and the woman who plays Maria and her horrible/hilarious pronunciation of "Richter"; she really wanted to sell that 1800's setting. lol). They also reworded a vast majority of the dialogue, and it's just not fun anymore. Of course, I'm incredibly biased, being as I bought and played it when it released, so it has that sentimental value to it. Just like Silent Hill 1's atrocious voice acting.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
It's too bad the PSP version didn't include the Saturn extras. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.


The game frustrates the hell out of me. I get lost and don't know what to do, so I go everywhere back and forth, accidentally level up so nothing can kill me. Finally get somewhere new, kill everything "Nothing useful here!" and go back to poking every brick in the castle. Uuurgh this game!

"Wolf can swim." Wat?


Outside of the additional area, you can still play as Maria, and you get the two extra familiars that were in that version, I believe.

Maria isn't the same though. She's pretty gimped compared to the Saturn version.

I have all of them, and the 360 version is by far my favorite. The new filter looks great!


"Wolf can swim." Wat?

I played the Saturn version before the PSX version, so I was also shocked when I played the PSX version and learned about the wolf's swim ability. IIRC in the Saturn version, the wolf literally cannot swim, and just gains the fireball motion charge attack.


Hates quality gaming
Saturn Dracula X. Words from an owner.

Positives -
A few new items. I love the hypercolor cloak.
Bat dash lasts until you hit a wall or fully drain mana.
Wallpaper BMP files on the disc that you can use on your PC. Honk if you love naked succubus chest.

Negatives -
Basically everything else.

KCE Nagoya was disbanded for a reason.


Loved it on PS1 and bought it on PSN that summer it was released. It was the PS3's first summer during the whole "PS3 haz no gamez" motto. Last version i bought was the 360 one and loved playing it again getting all the achievements! Holding out hope a new PSN version with trophies would be released, one I could play on PS3 or Vita.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Keep in mind if you do go with Dracula X Chronicles, you won't be able to customize the screen. You'll be stuck playing it on a tiny space in the middle. They add a nice border to make it more visually appealing but I rather buy the original and play it in "Normal" setting.
Eh, I just fired it up because I thought you were right, but nope, it fills the screen top to bottom on my Castlevania X copy, with the borders on the side taking care of the rest. My only real issue is that you can't turn off the bilinear filtering.


Also it's 200.6% for the XBLA achievement. 200.6% was at one point the theoretical maximum for exploration, but it's long been surpassed through heavy use of out-of-bounds glitches. The current maximum is somewhere around 400%

Man, working with those OOB glitches back in the heyday of SotN glitching was tons of fun. I still have some old screenshots of messing around with that on the Saturn version.


Saturn Dracula X. Words from an owner.

Positives -
A few new items. I love the hypercolor cloak.
Bat dash lasts until you hit a wall or fully drain mana.
Wallpaper BMP files on the disc that you can use on your PC. Honk if you love naked succubus chest.

Negatives -
Basically everything else.

KCE Nagoya was disbanded for a reason.

I just can't help but wonder how the original SotN would have turned out if they had put in everything they had planned, instead of letting Nagoya build on the port. There were obviously plans to have an area underneath the castle entrance in the original version, though they may not have involved midget gardeners with giant pairs of shears. And all those weird unused vocal clips, stuff like Alucard's Room, Dark Maria, etc etc. The world may never know what the original could have been.


The Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles PSP version of SOTN has the updated voice work, playable Maria, and an additional familiar, if memory serves.

Hold on, I recall playing this and couldn't select SOTN, you need to play and beat Dracula X first to unlock the game or something?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
IIRC, aren't PSN versions of PSX games just ISO dumps?

Yes. .iso to Sony's eboot.pbp format.

WYSIWYG in regards to PSX titles. What it was in 199X is what it is in 201X.

Hold on, I recall playing this and couldn't select SOTN, you need to play and beat Dracula X first to unlock the game or something?

You could unlock it within stage 2-4, IIRC. It was an item.

Or optionally download a gamesave off GameFAQs and save yourself the hassle of doing that.


WYSIWYG in regards to PSX titles. What it was in 199X is what it is in 201X.

This is actually interesting. I had read somewhere that the reason they didn't include "I Am the Wind" in the XBLA and PSP versions of the game was some sort of copyright/licensing issue. If it's still in this version, I guess that would mean there wasn't an issue since it's not technically a "new" version of the game? I'm not sure how that works, but good to hear nonetheless.


Pretty sure that the XBLA version has FMVs missing because they were butting up against the file size limits when it was released.

Yeah, people tend to forget that XBLA originally had a 50MB file size cap. I think the SOTN port was the first game to exceed the cap, from memory.


If you're playing on an X360 or PS3, the X360 version is better because it has no (noticeable) input lag. Like all PS1 games on the PS3, there is noticeable input lag. Makes all action games, including this one, unplayable for me. I really enjoyed the X360 version.

If you play it on a PSP or Vita, it's fine though. So choose wisely.
Also it's 200.6% for the XBLA achievement. 200.6% was at one point the theoretical maximum for exploration, but it's long been surpassed through heavy use of out-of-bounds glitches. The current maximum is somewhere around 400%


Does that use the White Waterfall glitch? It's not really considered "legit" by glitchers. It just takes foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeer.
Playing this on the Vita is definitely awesome. There is something kind of odd to me about how the game fills the screen though. So basically I always want my games to completely fill the screen with the proper aspect ratio. No problems on the Vita since you can adjust it however you want and also assure it is the correct ratio with the press of a button. However, the menus at the start of the game seem to display at a higher resolution than when I go in game. It's like if I adjust the title screen to fit perfectly than jump into the game proper there's suddenly a bunch of black around the screen.

So obviously I just adjusted it again so that the gameplay is displayed the way I want it. I just wonder why it does that? Was there nothing but black around the sides of the screen on the PS1 version too? Especially since this is a direct rip of the iso.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like Retro should be discussing this, it's one of his favorite games.

But on the subject of the game, if you get the Dracula X Chronicles you get the version best fit for a portable device, it's set up for the PSP, and if you plan on playing it for the Vita or a PSP. But to be honest, any version is good, you can't go wrong with this game. The 360 doesn't suffer from any framerate issues with some of the special effects(the HP Up bonus after a boss fight, transforming into mist, etc) compared to the other versions doing a straight 1:1 emulation of the original PSX version.

I can't tell you how badly I've wanted to play the extras in the Saturn version, one of these days I will import a Saturn and do everything to play it. Plus it has a Maria mode, something also included in the DXC version.

Atleast you won't be getting the Tiger Handheld edition.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This is actually interesting. I had read somewhere that the reason they didn't include "I Am the Wind" in the XBLA and PSP versions of the game was some sort of copyright/licensing issue. If it's still in this version, I guess that would mean there wasn't an issue since it's not technically a "new" version of the game? I'm not sure how that works, but good to hear nonetheless.

Licenses may remove music files or there may be a retranslation (IIRC FF7 got a quickie one) but the gameplay and loading speeds and everything else is generally 1:1 with the disc release back in the 1990's.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Saturn Dracula X. Words from an owner.

Positives -
A few new items. I love the hypercolor cloak.
Bat dash lasts until you hit a wall or fully drain mana.
Wallpaper BMP files on the disc that you can use on your PC. Honk if you love naked succubus chest.

Negatives -
Basically everything else.

KCE Nagoya was disbanded for a reason.

How is adding extra locations a negative though?
As someone who speedruns sotn, and owns all (english) versions of the game, the PSN SotN that can be played on the ps3 is basically the same as the ps1 disc. The PSP version and XBLA versions are slightly different in many places (better load times, altered or missing audio/dialogue, less lag due to visual effects, etc) and are better for speedrunning.

If you want the vanilla experience, the PSN version is definitely the way to go.

XBLA version also has lower audio quality. it was ported by backbone.
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